Green Open Space Needs Analysis of Carbon Dioxide (Co2) Gas Emissions Absorbtion in Serang City

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.29) ◽  
pp. 917
Anis Masyruroh ◽  
Djoko M Hartono ◽  
Herman Haeruman ◽  
Emir Hadisuganda

An increasing number of population in Serang has resulted in the diversion of vegetated land function to be built area, thus reducing total area of green open space (RTH) of the city. Impact of the land conversion increase will occur on the increasing area of land cover. Land cover thus reduced the vegetation ability to absorb CO2, so that the CO2 generated from activities in the city, such as from energy consumption, livestock and landfill waste cannot be absorbed optimally. The purpose of this study were: 1) to analyze the amount of CO2 emissions from energy use, livestock and garbage activities in 2016-2026; 2) to analyze the CO2 absorption by green space area; 3) to analyze RTH Needs of 2016-2026 to absorb CO2. gas emission. This study was conducted in May 2016 to September 2016. The method used in this research was IPCC calculation for the calculation of emissions from garbage, livestock, and electrical energy. Based on the results of the study showed that in 2016 the Serang city need of green space area was 9844.79 hectares to absorb CO2 gas emissions by 511,051.61 and in 2026  green space area needs of Serang city to absorb CO2 emissions by 18.168 tons was a total area of 1,058,468.16, 76 hectares.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
Rajab Jandipo Kaebansiha ◽  
Laode Muhammad Golok Jaya ◽  
Lukas Kano Mangalla

ABSTRAK Tata guna lahan, jaringan infrastruktur jalan dan pergerakan manusia dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan serta peningkatan sistem tranportasi perkotaan. Aktivitas transportasi yang tinggi akan berdampak pada peningkatkan emisi gas buang di udara seperti CO2, CO, HC, CH4, SO2, NO2 dan partikulat yang dapat memicu pencemaran udara.  Apabila tidak di imbangi dengan penambahan kawasan Ruang Terbuka Hijau maka daya dukung penyerapan emisi CO2 menjadi berkurang.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat emisi CO2 dari konsumsi bahan bakar kendaraan darat serta daya dukung Ruang Terbuka Hijau dalam menyerap emisi CO2 diKota Kendari. Data primer berupa konsumsi bahan bakar berdasakan penyaluran Terminal Bahan Bakar Minyak di kota kendari, sedangkan luasan Ruang Terbuka Hijau mengacu pada RTH yang dikelola oleh Pemerintah Kota Kendari. Analisis yang digunakan dalam menghitung emisi CO2 adalah metode “tier 1” yang dikeluarkan oleh Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2006, sedangkan analisis kemampuan daya serap RTH  menggunakan data luasan pada setiap jenis tutupan lahan.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terjadi peningkatan emisi CO2 yang signifikan akibat konsumsi bahan bakar kendaraan di Kota Kendari sejak tahun 2015 sampai tahun 2018, dimana tingkat emisi tahun 2015 sebesar 265.910,92 ton/tahun, sedangkan tahun 2018 mencapai 326.039,40 ton/tahun.  Luas dan daya dukung Ruang Terbuka Hijau existing tidak mampu menyerap keseluruhan jumlah emisi CO2 yang disebabkan oleh konsumsi bahan bakar kendaraan darat, dimana jumlah emisi yang mampu diserap pada tahun 2018 sebesar 267.884,74 ton dari total emisi 326.039,40 ton sehingga Kota Kendari masih membutuhkan RTH seluas 102,9 hektar. Kata kunci: Emisi CO2, Kendaraan Darat, Ruang Terbuka Hijau ABSTRACT [Study Of Land Transportation Contribution On The Improvement Of CO2 Emissions And Inventory Of Ability Of Green Open Space Absorption In Kendari City]. Land use, road infrastructure networks and human movement can enhance the development and improvement of the transportation system. High transportation activities will increase emissions of CO2, CO, HC, CH4, SO2, NO2 and particulate emissions which can increase air pollution. If it is not balanced with the addition of the Green Open Space area, the carrying capacity of CO2 emissions will be reduced.This study aims to analyze CO2 emissions from land vehicle fuel consumption and carrying capacity of Green Open Space in saving CO2 emissions in Kendari City. Primary data consist of fuel consumption based on the distribution of fuel terminals in the city of Kendari, while the area of the Green Open Space is in accordance with the green space managed by the Kendari City Government. The analysis used in the calculation of CO2 emissions is the "level 1" method issued by the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), while the analysis of the capacity of green space absorption uses area data on each type of land cover.The results of this study indicate a significant increase in CO2 emissions in vehicle fuel consumption in Kendari City from 2015 to 2018, where the level of emissions in 2015 amounted to 265,910.92 tons / year, while in 2018 it reached 326,039.40 tons / year. The extent and carrying capacity of the Green Open Space is unable to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions caused by vehicle fuel consumption, while the amount of emissions that can be absorbed in 2018 is 267,884.74 tons of the total emissions of 326,039.40 tons so that the City of Kendari needs to require green space covering an area of 102.9 hectares. Keywords: CO2 emissions, land transportation, green open space

2019 ◽  

The city of Surabaya is the big cities with a rapid level of development and population growth. Offsetting the increase in housing and public facilities built for the community, the City of Surabaya government built green open space (RTH) to increase comfort through CO2 absorption and temperature reduction. The study was conducted in Taman Flora, Kebun Bibit Wonorejo and Hutan Kota Balas Klumprik. The collection of temperature and humidity data was carried out at 28points selected sampling purposively. This study found that significant effect of changes in temperature and relative humidity on changes in distance from the center point of the green open space to the outer point of green open space. The temperature has increased by 1-4 degrees and relative humidity has decreased from 2-17% out of green space. Thermal comfort at the inside, edge, and outside of the green open space is in an uncomfortable condition. The results of the questionnaire to 30 RTH visitors found that the conditions in RTH were comfortable. It is necessary to arrange and to add more plants in a green open space reduce temperature reduction and increase relative humidity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Eduardo Hilario Bado Towary ◽  
Roedy Sulistyono ◽  
Sama’ Iradat Tito ◽  
Muh. Agus Ferdian

<pre>Comfort is something that humans need without exception when in a Green Open Space (RTH). Thermal comfort is a thermal condition felt by humans that is influenced by the environment. The existence of green space such as the City Forest of Malabar needs to be measured about it which can define its feasibility. (1) To examine the effect of thermal comfort in the Malabar forest on the community. (2) Analyzing vegetation in the Malabar city forest related to comfort. The results obtained in this study are the Temperature humidity index (THI) of respondents in the Malabar city forest known to average values of 22.42. It can be categorized that the Malabar city forest has a comfortable condition because in the index range 21 to 24. The analysis of the vegetation analysis in the Malabar city forest is concluded for the predominant vegetation sapling level, ie the pole glodokan plant with an important value index of 6.69. Whereas the pole level that dominates is mahogany with an important value index of 6.66. As for the tree level, the dominant vegetation types are plants with an important value index of 127.91</pre>

2017 ◽  
pp. 213

The purpose of this paper is to determine a plan of action structuring public green open space in the City of Mengwi, Knowing efforts to increase the quantity of green space in the City of Mengwi, and know the concept of development and structuring of public green open space in the City of Mengwi. This paper uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological approach. The action plan structuring public green open space in the City of Mengwi action oriented with using this type of local parks, the action attribute applicative green city, square garden action, and action structuring neighborhood parks. Improving the quality of green space through enhancing functionality of existing green space, an increase in the proportion of green space utilization through neighborhood scale park like garden telajakan so that the amount of public open space can grow. The concept of the development of public green space in the City of Mengwi is based on the concept of implementing arrangement with green attributes, use local vegetation and observe the movement of the user system. Maximizing green space telajakan began by supplying bags garden is in the area of commercial and office.

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 95 ◽  
Irmadi Nahib

<p class="JudulABSInd"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p class="abstrak">Salah satu indikator perkembangan fisik wilayah kota dapat diidentifikasi melalui fenomena perubahan tutupan lahan bervegetasi menjadi lahan terbangun. Perubahan lahan tersebut dapat berdampak terhadap penurunan kualitas lingkungan, akibat berkurangnya ruang terbuka hijau. Kota Semarang dengan visi terwujudnya Semarang sebagai kota perdagangan dan jasa yang berbudaya menuju masyarakat sejahtera, merupakan  wilayah yang rentan mengalami perubahan penggunaan lahan yang cenderung kearah lahan terbangun. Penelitian ini mengintegrasikan model <em>Cellular Automata</em> (CA) dan regresi logistik biner untuk memprediksi dinamika lahan terbangun di Kota Semarang. Citra yang digunakan adalah Citra Ikonos 2002, Ikonos 2006 dan <em>Quic</em><em>kbird</em> 2012. Model CA pada penelitian ini digunakan untuk memprediksi sebaran penutup lahan tahun 2022 dan 2032 dengan mempertimbangkan jarak terhadap jalan, jarak terhadap sungai, jarak terhadap lahan terbangun, ketinggian, kepadatan penduduk, <em>evidence likelihood </em>perubahan lahan dan indeks pengembangan kelurahan yang diakomodasi dalam peta sub-model transisi hasil model regresi logistik biner. Hasil penyusunan model ini adalah peta prediksi penutup lahan dengan akurasi 78,21 % validitas model yang dihasilkan dapat dikategorikan “<em>moderate</em>” mengindikasikan bahwa peta yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan. Hasil pemodelan menunjukkan bahwa Kota Semarang pada tahun 2022 terjadi pertambahan luas lahan terbangun rata-rata 284 ha/tahun dan pada tahun 2032 rata-rata 226 ha/tahun.</p><p><strong><em>Kata </em></strong><strong><em>k</em></strong><strong><em>unci</em></strong><em>: </em><em>cellular automata, pemodelan, regresi logistik biner, lahan terbangun</em></p><p class="judulABS"><em><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></em></p><p class="Abstrakeng">One indicator of the physical development of the city can be identified by phenomenon of land expansion, vegetated land cover changes to be built-up area. The land use changes can impact to environmental degradation, due to reduced green open space. Semarang as a city of trade and services cultured toward a prosperous community, a region that is vulnerable to changes in land use tends toward small plots. This research integrates the model of Cellular Automata (CA) and binary logistic regression to predict the dynamics of builtup area in the city of Semarang. The image used is a Ikonos imagery (2002), Ikonos imagery (2006) and Quickbird (2012). Model CA in this research use to predict the distribution of land cover 2022 and 2032 with respect to: distance to roads, the distance to the river, the distance to the built-up area, elevation, population density, evidence likelihood of land use change and development villages index were accommodated in the map sub-model transition binary logistic regression model results. The results of this study are predictive maps of built-up area  with an accuracy of 78,21 % so that the validity of the resulting model can be categorized as "moderate", indicates that the probability map is valid. Modeling results showed that Semarang City in 2022 predicted rate of increase of  built-up area an average 284  ha / year and in 2032 rate of increase of built-up area an average 226 ha / year.</p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: cellular automata, modelling, binary logistic regression, built-up area</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Mebby Suwarna ◽  
G M Saragih ◽  
Soni Pratomo

The purpose of this study is to measure the amount of actual CO2 emissions released by the activity, calculate the amount of CO2 emissions that can be absorbed by green space and determine the amount of green space needs in Telanaipura and Simpang IV Sipin. This research uses qualitative research. The sample of this research is CO2 concentration. The results of CO2 measurements conducted in this study averaged 440,071 ppm on the first day, 436,2791 ppm on the second day, 439,847 ppm on the third day, 420,431 ppm on the fourth day, 439,467 ppm on the fifth day, 435,533 ppm on the second day sixth day and 431,884 ppm on the seventh day. Based on data processing results from Spot 7 Satellite Imagery, the amount of CO2 emissions that can be absorbed by vegetated land cover is 35,621.6 tons / year. Based on the calculation results using BAPPEDA Jambi City the amount of CO2 emissions that can be absorbed by green space is 3,645.6 tons / year. The number of green open space needs in Telanaipura and Simpang IV Sipin sub-districts, Telanaipura sub-district is based on Image Spot 7 data processing and calculations using the green space requirements formula is -62.5 Ha. Where these results mean based on the current situation, still has an excess of 62 hectares of green space. Then based on BAPPEDA Jambi City data the calculation uses the green space requirement formula of -6.4 Ha. Where these results mean based on the current situation, still has an excess of RTH of 6.4 Ha.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Resky Rusnanda ◽  
Nasrullah Ridwan

The city of Banda Aceh is the capital of Aceh where people work, from work to school. But the more the population increases, the less green open space in the Banda Aceh region and no longer fulfills its function as supporting the ecological, aesthetic, social, cultural and economic quality of the city. The purpose of this study is to find the composition of the proportion and distribution of green open space, especially in the downtown area of Banda Aceh appropriate to produce a concept penatan green open space in accordance with its function as a support for the ecological quality of the city which is also in accordance with the typology of Banda Aceh.

Michael Ajide Oyinloye ◽  
Julius Olubumi Fasakin

The city of Akure has experienced rapid growth in the past 2 to 3 decades which has led to the expansion of the core urban areas of the city into adjoining rural lands. The paper analyses the urban growth of Akure using medium resolution Landsat imageries. Landsat (MSS), Landsat Thematic Mapping(TM) and Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) images for 1972, 1986 and 2002 respectively were used in a post-classification comparison analysis to map the spatial dynamic of land cover changes and identify the urbanization process in Akure. The land cover statistical results revealed a rapid growth in the built-up area of Akure from 997.2 hectares in 1972 to about 3852.70 hectares in 2002 due to increase in population of Akure within this period. Results of the prediction showed that the built-up area of the city has increased in size from 977.2 hectares in 1972 to 5863.66 hectares in 2022 corresponding to 500% at the rate of 13.1% per annum. Implications of growth include loss of open space, pressure on limited infrastructure, overcrowding, traffic congestion and poor standard of living. The study recommends regular monitoring of urban area, development of small towns around the city area to avoid overcrowding, training of planners and administrators to acquire more knowledge in the use of GIS and remote sensing to enhance efficiency.

I Wayan Nuarsa ◽  
Abd. Rahman As-syakur ◽  
I Gusti Alit Gunadi ◽  
I Made Sukewijaya

Integration of Remote Sensing Technology And Geographic Information Systems for Estimation of CO2 Updake and Emissions in Denpasar City Rapid economic growth in the Denpasar City has an impact on the rate of population growth. This will lead to increasing land requirements for settlements, infrastructure, and other supporting facilities. Meanwhile, the availability of land for green open space (RTH) will decrease. Several studies show that from year to year the area of ??vegetation cover decreases, and the air temperature in Denpasar City is increasing. Therefore, research to calculate CO2 uptake by urban plants and CO2 emissions from various activities in the city of Denpasar is needed to be done. Estimates of CO2 uptake by plants are carried out using remote sensing technology and GIS. Meanwhile, the calculation of CO2 emissions is carried out by an inventory of CO2 pollutant sources from point sources, areas sources, and mobile sources. The output of this study is a distribution map of CO2 absorption and emissions. From the map it can be seen whether the CO2 emissions of Denpasar City are higher than the ability of existing plants to absorb them. The results showed that the ability of plants in Denpasar as a green open space to absorb CO2 was 235,780.63 tCO2/year, while total emissions from pollutant sources were 862,955,856 tCO2/year. The sources of CO2 emissions include from point source 37,649 tons/year, from source area 95,310 tons/year, and from mobile sources at 862,955,856 tons/year. From the movable source the biggest contributor to CO2 emissions is light vehicles, which amounted to 540,355.88 tons/year (62.63%), then followed by motorcycles at 260,187.43 tons/year (30.16%). The amount of CO2 emissions in Denpasar City is 3.66 times greater than the ability of plants to absorb CO2 in 2015 and there is a tendency for this gap to be even greater in the future. To overcome this problem, regulations are needed such as reducing the number of motorized vehicles by increasing public transportation services. The use of vehicles using energy sources other than fuel such as electricity is another alternative to consider. Finally, the increase in the number and quality of green open spaces is a conventional method that needs to be done.

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