scholarly journals PENGELOLAAN EKOSISTEM MANGROVE SEBAGAI KAWASAN EKOWISATA DI MAROON MANGROVE EDU PARK (MMEP) SEMARANG, JAWA TENGAH Management Of Mangrove Ecosystem As Ecotourism Area In Maroon Mangrove Edu Park (MMEP) Semarang, Central Java

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-45
Desy Melinda Sari ◽  
Suryanti Suryanti ◽  
Bambang Sulardiono

ABSTRAK Ekosistem mangrove sangat berpotensi dijadikan kawasan ekowisata. Maroon Mangrove Edu Park (MMEP) Semarang  telah  dikembangkan sebagai ekowisata  berbasis  edukasi.  Penelitian  ini dilakukan pada  bulan Mei 2018, dengan tujuan mengetahui kondisi pengelolaan dan potensi daya tarik, persepsi pengunjung, dan mengetahui strategi pengelolaan ekowisata edukatif di MMEP. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara dan observasi untuk melakukan pengamatan terhadap lokasi kawasan,   kegiatan dan pelakunya melalui responden terhadap pengunjung dan pengelola. Teknik pengambilan sampel  pengunjung dengan accidential sampling, untuk pengelola dengan purposive sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan  analisis SWOT. Hasil yang  diperoleh  menunjukan  potensi  daya  tarik  wisata  meliputi :  keragaman  mangrove  yang   terdiri dari Avicennia marina, Rhizopora mucronate, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza dan Ceriops sp, keanekaragaman burung,  fasilitas yang tersedia meliputi  tracking,  gardu  pandang,  gazebo,  aula.  Persepsi  pengunjung  terhadap  fasilitas  dan   aksesbilitas tergolong kurang  baik,  persepsi  terhadap  manfaat  edukasi  tergolong  kurang  baik.  Strategi  pengelolaan   ekosistem  mangrove sebagai ekowisata edukatif meliputi mengoptimalkan program edukasi dengan berkoordinasi  terhadap instansi sekolah untuk melakukan kunjungan lingkungan di MMEP, menguatkan kerjasama dengan pihak   lain untuk pengadaan atraksi wisata serta mengoptimalkan sarana prasarana,  meningkatkan pengetahuan dan  ketrampilan metal dengan melalukan studi banding dan mangajukan kerjasama dengan dinas terkait seperti pengadaan   penyuluhan, Mengoptimalkan ketersediaan  media  informasi  berupa  pengetahuan  mengenai  mangrove,  papan   peringatan  bagi  pengunjung  dan melakukan promosi.ABSTRACT Mangrove  ecosystems  have  the  potential  as  ecotourism  areas.  Maroon  Mangrove  Edu  Park  (MMEP) Semarang has developing as ecotourism based on education. This research occurred during May 2018, the aim is to understand  the  condition  of  management  and  potential  attractiveness,  visitor  perceptions,  and  understand  the educational ecotourism management strategies at MMEP. The research method used was survey method. The data collected by interview and observation on the location, activities and subject by interview to visitors and managers.  The sampling technique for visitors is accidential sampling, and for managers with purposive sampling. The data analyzed by SWOT analysis. The results showed that the potentials of tourist attraction include: mangrove diversityi.e. : Avicennia marina, Rhizopora mucronate, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Ceriops sp, bird diversity, facilities that available are tracking, guardhouse view, gazebo, hall. The visitor perceptions about facilities and accessibility were considered not good, and the perception of the benefits of education was not good enough too. Mangrove ecosystem management strategies as educational ecotourism are optimizing educational programs by coordinatinate with school institutions to visit environmental in MMEP, improving cooperation with other parties to procure tourist attractions  and optimizing infrastructure, increase managers (METAL) knowledge and skills by conducting comparative studies   and promoting  cooperation  with  the  related  official  for  the  provision  of  counseling,  optimizing  the  availability  of information media in the form of knowledge about mangroves, warning boards for visitors and conducts promotions.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-67
Achmad J Ely ◽  
Lolita Tuhumena ◽  
Juanita Sopaheluwakan ◽  
Yvonne Pattinaja

Mangrove forest is a very productive and beneficial ecosystem. Mangrove forest resources in Amahai Village will be increasingly exploited along with the increasing population and economic pressure. The aim of this research is to identify the forms of use by the community in the mangrove area, and to recommend mangrove ecosystem management strategies in Amahai Village. This research was conducted in the mangrove forest area of ​​Amahai Village, Central Maluku Regency from September to November 2018. Sampling was carried out by purposive sampling technique of 36 respondents. The analytical method used is data analysis of descriptive qualitative to identify forms of utilization by the community. SWOT analysis is used to analyze the management strategies of mangrove ecosystem on Amahai Village by identifying internal strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities external threats. The results obtained five forms of utilization carried out in the mangrove area of ​​Amahai Village, those are fishing, collecting sea cucumbers, gleaning shellfish (bameti), tourism (recreation), and research. There are eight management strategies produced, namely 1) implementing government policies to maintain the potential of mangrove ecosystem resources in order to meet community needs and regional income; 2) utilizing the potential of mangrove ecosystem resources for ecotourism activities and support science and technology; 3) revitalization of customary institutions as an effort to manage mangrove ecosystem areas; 4) organizing resource processing activities in the mangrove ecosystem to meet nutritional needs and increase community income; 5) development of mangrove areas with an environmental insight; 6) improving MCS (Monitoring, Controling and Surveillance); 7) improving coordination among stakeholders; and 8) increasing community knowledge and awareness about the function of mangrove ecosystems and the skills of the communities around the mangrove area.   ABSTRAK Hutan mangrove merupakan suatu ekosistem yang sangat produktif dan memberikan manfaat. Sumberdaya hutan mangrove di Negeri Amahai akan semakin tereksploitasi seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk dan desakan ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk-bentuk pemanfaatan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat di kawasan mangrove, serta merekomendasikan strategi pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove di Negeri Amahai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kawasan hutan mangrove Negeri Amahai, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah pada bulan September hingga November 2018. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling terhadap responden sebanyak 36 orang. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis data deskriptif kualitatif untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk-bentuk pemanfaatan yang dilakukan masyarakat. Analisa SWOT digunakan untuk menganalisis strategi pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove Negeri Amahai dengan mengideintifikasi kekuatan dan kelemahan internal serta peluang dan ancaman eksternal. Hasil penelitian diperoleh lima bentuk pemanfaatan yang dilakukan pada kawasan mangrove Negeri Amahai yaitu penangkapan ikan, pengumpulan teripang, bameti, wisata (rekreasi), serta penelitian. Terdapat delapan strategi pengelolaan yang dihasilkan yaitu 1) mengimplementasikan kebijakan pemerintah untuk menjaga potensi sumberdaya ekosistem mangrove guna pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat dan pendapatan daerah; 2) memanfaatkan potensi sumberdaya ekosistem mangrove untuk kegiatan ekowisata serta mendukung ilmu pengetahuan dan terknologi; 3) revitalisasi kelembagaan adat sebagai upaya mengelola kawasan eksoistem mangrove; 4) menyelenggarakan kegiatan pengolahan sumberdaya pada ekosistem mangrove untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi dan meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat; 5) pengembangan kawasan mangrove yang berwawasan lingkungan; 6) peningkatan monitoring, controling and surveilance; 7) meningkatkan koordinasi antar stakeholder; dan 8) meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat tentang fungsi ekosistem mangrove serta keterampilan masyarakat sekitar daerah mangrove   Kata Kunci: Strategi pengelolaan, ekosistem mangrove, SWOT, keberlanjutan, Negeri Amahai

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Yulie Rahayu Fitrianingsih

In recent decades, the utilization of mangrove ecosystem continues to increase, not only in terms of others uses, but also in terms of the utilization of mangrove trees, both traditional and commercial. Encroachment and conversion of mangrove land into farms, residential, industrial, and so on, as well as logging by people for various puposes, rsulting in disturbed mangrove ecosystems and natural habitats damaged. The role and function of mangroves is essential and accompained by increased use of destructive activity is accompanied by a decrease in mangrove area has been properly made efforts to improve the conservation and maintenance of the mangrove ecosystem. One of the efforts to improve the conversation and rehabilitation of mangrove ecosystems through the study of ecotourism.. Several location on the East Coast of Aceh Province have been succesfully rehabilitated, for example, in District of Muara Dua, Lhokseumawe. This study aims to asses the potential and feasibility of mangrove ecosystem for the development of ecotourism as a conservation of natural ecosystems and to plan management strategies in the area of mangrove ecotourism should be developed that is viewed from several aspects (mangrove vegetation, wildlife, facilities and infrastructure, stakeholder participation, institutional and legislation. The method used was a descriptive exploratory method with percentage and SWOT analysis. The results of the study indicated that the mangrove ecosystem in generally more prevalent types of Rhizophora mucronata, R. apiculata and Avicennia marina. Stakeholder participation in the mangrove rehabilitation program consisting of government. Keywords : Mangrove, Rahabilitation, Participation, Ecotourism, Strategy Management.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 169-176
Amida Urfah Khoirun Nisa ◽  
Bambang Sulardiono ◽  
Djoko Suprapto

ABSTRAKKawasan Konservasi Mangrove di Pantai Kertomulyo merupakan salah satu wisata alam di Kota Pati yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai wisata edukasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui potensi daya tarik pengunjung, persepsi, aspirasi, dan partisipasi pengunjung maupun masyarakat dalam pengembangan ekowisata. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Januari 2019. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey dengan menggunakan kuesioner untuk pengunjung maupun masyarakat. Responden terdiri dari 25 masyarakat sekitar, 75 pengunjung, dan 1 ketua umum PORDAKWIS “Trisno Segoro” Desa Kertomulyo. Teknik pengambilan sampel untuk masyarakat dan pengelola ekowisata dengan purposive sampling, sedangkan untuk pengunjung dengan accidental sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis SWOT. Persepsi respoden mengenai daya tarik ekowisata, fasilitas, dan aksesibilitas tergolong baik. Partisipasi responden dalam menjaga lingkungan sekitar tergolong baik karena sebagian besar responden tidak setuju dengan adanya tindakan negatif terhadap kawasan ekowisata. Aspirasi responden yaitu pengoptimalan tentang sarana prasarana di kawasan ekowisata. Strategi pengembangan ekowisata yaitu pengembangan ekowisata dengan konsep pelestarian ekosistem serta melakukan koordinasi dengan Pemerintah Daerah; peningkatan pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar dalam mengoptimalkan fasilitas kawasan ekowisata; menjaga ekosistem mangrove dengan cara mengefektifkan rehabilitasi dan penegakan peraturan perlindungan mangrove; serta meningkatkan fasilitas yang dapat digunakan untuk meminimalkan dampak dari abrasi. ABSTRACTThe Mangrove Conservation Area in the Kertomulyo Beach is one of the natural attractions in Pati which has the potential to be developed as an educational tourism destination. The purpose of this study is to determine the potential of visitor attraction, perceptions, aspirations, and participation of visitors and the community in developing ecotourism. This research was conducted in January 2019. The survey method is used by using a questionnaire for visitors and the community. The respondents consists of 25 surrounding communities, 75 visitors, and 1 the general chairman of PORDAKWIS "Trisno Segoro" Kertomulyo Village. The sampling technique for the community and ecotourism caretaker is purposive sampling, and the sampling technique for visitors is accidental sampling. The data is analyzed using SWOT analysis. The respondents’ perception of the attractiveness of ecotourism, facilities and accessibility is good. The participation of respondents in maintaining the surrounding environment is relatively good because most respondents do not agree with the negative actions towards the ecotourism area. The aspirations of respondents are the optimization of infrastructure in ecotourism areas. The ecotourism development strategy are developing ecotourism with the concept of ecosystem preservation and coordination with the Regional Government, increasing the empowerment of the communities in optimizing ecotourism facilities, safeguarding mangrove ecosystems by doing effective rehabilitation and enforcement of mangrove protection regulations, and improving facilities that can be used to minimize the impact of abrasion.

Mimie Saputri ◽  
Muammar Muammar

Research on the characteristics of Mangrove Crab Habit (Scylla sp) in Silang Cadek Mangrove Ecosystem, Baitussalam Subdistrict, Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province. This study aims to determine the habitat characteristics of Mangrove Crab (Scylla sp) in the Mangrove Ecosystem of Silang Cadek. The research method is survey with purposive sampling technique. The results of the survey are described. The results of the research showed that the water temperature data ranged from 22 s.d 25°C, the pH ranged from 7.5 to 7.7, the water salinity ranged from 30‰ -34‰. Substrate loamy sand, sandy loam, sandy clay loam. There are 4 constituent species of mangrove plants namely Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Rhizopora stylosa, Rhizopora apiculata, Avicennia marina. Macrozoobenthos found were Nerita lineata, Uca crassipes, Terebralia palustris, Terebralia sulcata, Isognomon ephippium, Saccostrea cucculata, Uca demani, Scylla serrata, Scylla olivacea, Scylla paramamosain.

Tamaddun ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-80
Muli Umiaty Noer ◽  
Sri Suci Utami ◽  
Abdollah Abdollah

The research aimed were to find out the correlation between classroom management and student’s interest. This research uses quantitative with survey method that apply correlation technique there are two variable in this research, namely dependent variable and independent variable. The independent variable is classroom management while dependent variable is students interest the population of this research as two classes of ABA UMI year 2016-2017. The samples of this research are 20 respondents taken through purposive sampling technique . in analysis the data of this research, the write used ( Correlation ). The findings of this study shows that there is any significant correlation between classroom management and student’s interest at the second grade of social class ABA UMI. This is proved by the value of the pearson product moment is -025 it means the correlation. And classroom management and student’s interest is weak. And correlation  classroom management has an important role in learning process because if there is in classroom management the student’s will not be interest in learning process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Paulus Toni ◽  
Ratna Herawatiningsih ◽  
Lolyta Sisillia

Forest is an important natural resource for people’s lives, including various fruits that have been used for food and other necessities. This research aimed to analyze Fruit-producing Plant Vegetations that people consume in Tembawang Area Dusun Toho Raba Desa Rasan Ngabang District Landak Regency. This research used survey method. The vegetation was analyzed by using line compartment method and the observation plots were placed according to purposive sampling, one of the most frequently used sampling technique in research. The transects were made of 3 lines with the space of 200 m between the lines; line 1 with a length of 360 m, line 2 with a length of 420 m, line 3 with a length of 460 m; and 62 observation plots.  The total area of observation was 2.48 Ha. There were 46 types of plant pound at all growth levels. 23 types of Fruit-producing Plant found in observation plots were composed of 19 types of seedling stage, 18 types of saplings stage, 18 types of pole stage, and 20 types of tree stage.Keywords : Area of Tembawang, Fruits, Species Diversity, Trees

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Michael Prasetya D, Mulyani

The auditor's inability to detect fraud, is not up to the expectations of financial statement users. Experiences, Training and Supervision Measures are the 3 most important essential components an auditor must have in a fraudulent area..The purpose of this research are to conduct research to prove whether experience, training and supervision actions affect the assessment of fraud.The survey method with questionary used in this reasarch. The object of this research are auditors who worked in one of the big four Accounting Firms in Jakarta. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The result of this research shows that the variable of experience, training and supervision actionhave positive influence to the variable of fraud detection. Keyword: Auditor Experience, Training  , Supervision Action  and Fraud Detection

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 134 ◽  
I Made Jodi Artawan ◽  
I Nyoman Sunarta

The research titled "strategy of subak community in reducing land alternation of ricefields due to tourism (Case Study Subak Umadesa Lodtunduh Village, Ubud)", aims to understand subak strategy in reducing land alternation of ricefields due to tourism in Subak Umadesa, Lodtuduh Village, Ubud, Gianyar-Bali. This research uses SWOT analysis techniques, with data collection techniques of observation, in-depht interviews, literature study, and documentation. Moreover the technique of determining informants using purposive sampling technique, which determines the sample with a certain consideration which is deemed enable to provide the data to the maximum results in accordance with the criteria of the research objectives. The result of this research after conducting interviews and observations based on SWOT analysis matrix is creating agro-ecotourism activities. Forms and types of activities of agro-ecotourism that can be implemend in the territory of Subak Umadesa include: trekking, directly agricultural activities such as plowing, planting, harvesting, interaction with local people directly, etc. Hence the agricultural sector is not being marginalized by the development of activities in tourism sector.

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Paradita Putri Amelia ◽  
Ni Made Oka Karini ◽  
Ni Gusti Ayu Susrami Dewi

This study aimed to determine the marketing activities of pilgrim package tour that have been performed by PT. Dongan Sahuta Tour and Travel, develop strategies and also marketing programs that can be implemented by the company. Data collection by observation, interviews, questionnaires and literature study. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis, analysis of the Likert scale and SWOT analysis approach. The results obtained there are four teen indicators of strengths, weaknesses of tree indicators, four indicators of opportunities and four indicators threats. Marketing strategies that can be implemented by the firm such as 1)create and develop a quality product, 2)provide rebates to customers who have used the services of PT. Dongan Sahuta Tour and Travel several times.The advice given are more active in the promotion by giving rebates, conduct marketing activities as E-commers, expand cooperation with business trips or individuals.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-118
Nurmala Wulandari ◽  
Ni Ketut Mendri ◽  
Eko Suryani

Based on Research (RisKesDa) on years 2013 Yogyakarta Special Region is a province with a prevalence of age ≥ 10 years each day smoking as much as 21.2%. There are many reasons teenagers or children age ≤ 15 years of smoking. The factor that causes the child to smoke are from the environment of smoking parents or peers and from the individual himself. This study was conducted to find out the description of parent's knowledge about cigarettes in parents own children smokers age 10-15 years in the Village Modinan. This research is a descriptive study using survey method. The sample was 38 respondents by using Purposive Sampling technique. Measuring tools using questionnaire. Parent's knowledge level on cigarettes in parents own had 10-15 year old smokers in 38 respondents showed that knowledge level was in good category. Obtained 60.5% of parents at the age of 36-45 years, 63.2% of parents have senior high school, 52.6% of parents work as housewife, and 55.4% of unemployed parrent. Knowledge of cigarettes in parents own have 10-15 year old smokers in Modinan Village mayority in the category of good knowledge.

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