scholarly journals Rhythm: Types, Hierarchy and Language Diversity

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (7) ◽  
pp. 71-91
Farman Zeynalov

This article deals with the factors which cause the emergence of rhythm, its types, hierarchy and the relation of rhythm to life and the human language diversity. According to Aristotle “all types of rhythm are measured by certain movements”. So all events and processes connected with rhythm are rhythmical in nature. Rhythm is a regular reiteration of identical cases, processes and events within the boundaries of time and space. Rhythm is the form of regular motion. However, rhythm is not the result of motion. It is just the movement itself. All types of rhythm or movement, to our mind, are based on energy the absence of which excludes movements, rhythms, accordingly then life, human language, as well as language diversity. Thus, studying rhythm, its types and systemic hierarchy, to our mind, enables us to reveal the mechanism of transition from inanimate nature to animate one, on the one hand, and creation of the styduing diversity principle of nature, as well as language diversity, on the other hand. The main task of a linguistic scholar, as defined by David Crystal, is great interest. To this linguist “the main task of the linguistic scholar is not to improve the language teaching situation … etc., his task is basically to study and understand the general principles upon which all languages are built. What are the “design features” of human language? What are the differences between languages? How can we describe and classify this? How far are they fundamental? What concepts do we have before we can begin to talk about language at all” (D.Crystal, 1997). Our aim, accordingly, is to make an attempt to study the types of rhythm, its systemic hierarchy and the relation of rhythm to emergence of life and language diversity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Heidi Eskelund Knudsen

This article is an empirical analysis of history teaching as a communicative process. Dialogic history teaching develops as a designed meaning-making process that depends on thorough pedagogical strategies and decisions, and requires cohesion in teacher expectations, introductions and interventions. A micro-dialogic study is presented in this article to document a paradoxical teaching situation where history as subject-related content all but disappeared from a group of students' meaning-making processes because they were preoccupied with figuring out their teacher's intentions. History teaching thus turned into 'just teaching' without the teacher or the students being aware of it. A strong emphasis on history teaching as a communicative process and dialogue as a key pedagogical tool have potential with regard to pedagogical decision-making and strategies on the one hand, and for relationships between students and history as subject-related content on the other. The analysis presented in this article contributes to a growing field of studies on dialogic history teaching, of which the focus on students as an important part of classroom dialogues is central.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. 3-18
Agustinus Wisnu Dewantara

Talking about God can not be separated from the activity of human thought. Activity is the heart of metaphysics. Searching religious authenticity tends to lead to a leap in harsh encounter with other religions. This interfaith encounter harsh posed a dilemma. Why? Because on the one hand religion is the peacemaker, but on the other hand it’s has of encouraging conflict and even violence. Understanding God is not quite done only by understanding the religion dogma, but to understand God rationally it is needed. It is true that humans understand the world according to his own ego, but it is not simultaneously affirm that God is only a projection of the human mind. Humans understand things outside of himself because no awareness of it. On this side of metaphysics finds itself. Analogical approach allows humans to approach and express God metaphysically. Human clearly can not express the reality of the divine in human language, but with the human intellect is able to reflect something about the relationship with God. Analogy allows humans to enter the metaphysical discussion about God. People who are at this point should come to the understanding that God is the Same One More From My mind, The Impossible is defined, the Supreme Mystery, and infinitely far above any human thoughts.

Olexandr Yemelyanov ◽  
Tetyana Petrushka ◽  
Anatolii Havryliak ◽  
Ostap Ivanchyna ◽  

The efficiency of economic activity of enterprises largely depends on the proper management of their assets. Whereas, an important type of assets of enterprises is its operating wealth, which serves the processes of production and marketing of products of economic entities. This is a complex process of circulation of operating assets, during which transformation from one species to another is being carried out. The course of such a process may involve different amounts of demand for current assets for a certain volume of production and sales. In other words, these assets are characterized by a certain level of flexibility and the main task of managing them is to establish their rational value. This value should ensure, on the one hand, the continuity of the production process at the enterprise and the timeliness of receipt of funds from the sale of products, and, on the other hand, the absence of excess inventories and other types of operating assets. The solution of this problem requires the introduction of an effective mechanism for managing its current assets. Considering this, the purpose of this article is to develop theoretical principles for managing operating assets of enterprises. It has been shown that the process of such management should be based on the system, created at the enterprises of information support of this process. Under this system is proposed to understand a set of information arrays and formalized algorithms for its processing, with which it is possible to assess the current state of use of operating assets of the company and develop a set of measures aimed at structuring and optimizing its volume. The basic requirements to designing of system of information maintenance of management of operating assets of the enterprises have been presented. The required information for the management of operating assets has been grouped. The areas grouping of operating assets management of the enterprise depending on the stages of its circulation has been carried out. The model of management of debts receivable of the enterprises has been specified. The use of the developed theoretical principles of operating assets management of enterprises in the practice of their activities increases financial results by streamlining the volume and structure of current assets of economic entities.

Andrea Moro

Understanding the nature and the structure of human language coincides with capturing the constraints which make a conceivable language possible or, equivalently, with discovering whether there can be any impossible languages at all. This book explores these related issues, paralleling the effort of a biologist who attempts at describing the class of impossible animals. In biology, one can appeal for example to physical laws of nature (such as entropy or gravity) but when it comes to language the path becomes intricate and difficult for the physical laws cannot be exploited. In linguistics, in fact, there are two distinct empirical domains to explore: on the one hand, the formal domain of syntax, where different languages are compared trying to understand how much they can differ; on the other, the neurobiological domain, where the flow of information through the complex neural networks and the electric code exploited by neurons is uncovered and measured. By referring to the most advanced experiments in Neurolinguistics the book in fact offers an updated descriptions of modern linguistics and allows the reader to formulate new and surprising questions. Moreover, since syntax - the capacity to generate novel structures (sentences) by recombining a finite set of elements (words) - is the fingerprint of all and only human languages this books ultimately deals with the fundamental questions which characterize the search for our origins.

Lars Albinus

Cognitive science typically insists on procuring causal explanations for psychological activity on a pre-cultural level. In this article it is claimed that the price for doing so may be too high and that it escapes philosophical justification in the first place. A more specific criticism is directed against what thus seems to be an ignorant notion of culture in Religion Explained by Pascal Boyer. Drawing on Ludwig Wittgenstein and Meredith Williams, who is a lucid reader of his work, the psychological attempt to explain feelings and memories on the grounds of innate cognitive capacities is found to be profoundly misleading. The question is how to understand, on the one hand, human language and, on the other, the possible scope of scientific explanation. Arguing for an irreducible level of social reality, this article focuses on the limitations of cognitive science, while also bringing out the aporia caused by an epistemological trap of self-referentiality.

Erik Reenberg Sand

This paper deals with the relation between the pure and the impure in the late Avestan text Vendīdād. It is shown how, in this religion, there is an almost exact correlation between the cosmic dualism between the good creation of Ahura Mazdā and the evil creation of Angra Mainyu and the pure and the impure. The world is thus split up between the good and the pure beings on the one hand and the evil and the impure on the other. Between these stands man, on the one side good by origin, but on the other struck by evil in the form of death, his main task being to fight impurity and evil in order to make possible the renewal of the original good creation. Finally, the Zoroastrian cosmology and pollution concepts are compared with the typologies presented by Mary Douglás, and it is concluded that, in spite of some drawbacks of her theory, the Zoroastrian material seems to point to her "small group" typology.

Галина Марчук

Анотація. Стаття присвячена аналізу особливостей формування соціальної компетентності дітей дошкільного віку. Проблема соціальної компетентності дошкільнят – одна з найактуальніших. Розв’язання її, з одного боку, допоможе здійснити системний, цілісний підхід до розвитку дитини, з другого – співвіднести цей розвиток з життям. Сучасна система освіти та виховання намагається втілити гуманістичні ідеали виховання досконалої людини, вільної особистості, здатної жити і творчо діяти в умовах змінного соціуму. Виховання такої людини виступає на перший план. Загальні підходи до формування соціальної компетентності дитини визначаються принципами гуманізації виховання – олюдненні виховних стосунків, визнанні цінності дитини як особистості, її значущості в суспільстві, заснованої на усвідомленні своїх зв’язків з оточуючими людьми і в цілому – місця у людстві. Такий підхід відповідає загальній меті виховання – формуванню цілісної, гуманної особистості, орієнтованої на відтворення цінностей національної та загальнолюдської культури у творчій життєдіяльності, саморозвиток і моральну саморегуляцію поведінки. З огляду на це особливої значущості набуває проблема становлення соціальної компетентності старших дошкільників. Оскільки на сучасному етапі розвитку освіти мають місце суперечності між процесом формування соціально-активної особистості та умовами її соціалізації, то перш за все доцільно посилити увагу до підготовки майбутніх вихователів. Зосереджена увага автора на необхідності підготовки майбутніх вихователів до успішної реалізації процесу соціалізації особистості дошкільного віку. Розкрито компоненти готовності майбутніх вихователів до формування соціальної компетентності старших дошкільників, виокремлено педагогічні умови для покращення стану готовності майбутніх вихователів до формування соціальної компетентності старших дошкільників. Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of features social competence formation of the preschool age children. The problem of social competence of preschool children is one of the most topical. On the one hand, the solving of it will help to implement a systematic, holistic approach to child development, on the other - will help to correlate this development with life. The modern system of education and upbringing tries to embody the humanistic ideals of the education of a perfect person, a free personality, to be able to live and act creatively in a changing society. The upbringing of such a person is the main task. General approaches to the formation of social competence of the child are determined by the principles of humanization education - the humanization in education relations, the recognizing the value of the child as a person, its importance in society, based on awareness of their relationships with the other people and in general - its place in humanity. This approach corresponds to the general purpose of the education - the formation of a holistic, humane personality, who is focused on the reproduction of the values of the national and universal culture in the creative life, self-development and moral self-regulation of behavior. In this case, the problem of the social competence formation of the older preschoolers becomes especially important. As at the present stage of the development of the education there are the contradictions between the process of the formation of the socially active personality and the conditions of its socialization, so, first of all, it is necessary to pay more attention to the training of the future educators. The author payed more attention to the necessarity to prepare future educators for their successful implementation to the process of the preschool personality's socialization. The components of readiness of future educators for the formation of social competence of senior preschoolers are revealed, pedagogical conditions for improving the state of readiness of future educators for the formation of social competence of senior preschoolers are singled out. It was discloced the components of future educators readiness for the formation of the social competence in the senior preschoolers , it was separated the pedagogical conditions how to improve the readiness of future educators for the formation of social competence in senior preschoolers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-202
Bernardo Ferro

Key representatives of the dialectical tradition, Hegel and Adorno conceived philosophy as a critical tool, directed both at the naive realism of ordinary reason and the more sophisticated realism of modern scientific discourse. For the two authors, philosophy’s main task is to question received ideas and practices and to expose their underlying contradictions, thereby enabling meaningful forms of cultural and political change. But while for Hegel this procedure takes the form of a systematic enquiry, leading from a spurious to a true account of reality, Adorno rejects the idea that reason and reality can be reconciled. On the one hand, he praises Hegel for having developed a truly dialectical form of criticism, set into motion by the immanent unfolding of reality’s intrinsic contradictions. On the other hand, he views Hegel’s emphasis on systematic integration as a form of dogmatism, which must itself be criticized. Instead of a ‘positive’ or ‘closed’ dialectic, fuelled by the expectation of a final overarching synthesis, Adorno calls for a ‘negative’ or ‘open’ dialectic, radically averse to all forms of unification. In doing so, however, he is led to question the very limits of conceptual reason, leaving criticism vulnerable to new forms of attack.

1982 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 995-1007 ◽  
Christopher Haigh

The English Reformation was not a specific event which may be given a precise date; it was a long and complex process. ‘The Reformation’ is a colligatory concept, a historians’ label which relates several lesser changes into an overall movement: it embraces a break from the Roman obedience; an assertion of secular control over the Church; a suppression of Catholic institutions such as monasteries and chantries; a prohibition of Catholic worship; and a protestantization of services, clergy and laity. Though the political decision to introduce each phase of change and the legislative alteration of statutes and canons may be dated easily enough, it is much harder to ascribe responsibility and motive for such measures. Moreover, as the interest of historians has in recent years moved on from such political issues towards the administrative enforcement of new rules and popular acceptance of new ideas, so the identification and explanation of change have become even more difficult: the pace is likely to have varied from area to area, and the criteria by which progress should be measured are far from clear. It is therefore not surprising that there has been much dispute over the causes and chronology of developments in religion, and recent interpretations of the Reformation in England can, with some simplification, be grouped in relation to two matrices. One matrix relates to the motive force behind the progress of Protestantism: at one extreme, it could be suggested that Protestant advance was entirely the result of official coercion, while at the other it could be said that the new religion spread horizontally by conversions among the people. The second matrix relates to the pace of religious change: on the one hand, it could be suggested that Protestantism made real progress at an early date and had become a powerful force by the death of Edward VI, while on the other it could be said that little had been achieved in the first half of the century and the main task of protestantizing the people had to be undertaken in the reign of Elizabeth. These two matrices provide us with four main clusters of interpretations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Pedro Tiago Martins ◽  
Cedric Boeckx

AbstractThe study of the biological foundations of language is sometimes called biolinguistics. This particular term finds its historical origins in the 1950s, and for various reasons it has also gained considerable traction in recent years. While its increasing use apparently signals an equally increasing interest in biology, apart from a few exceptions not much is added to and beyond standard linguistic theorizing by those linguists who use it, resulting in a complex and confusing literature. This state of affairs has led, on the one hand, to the perpetuation of proposals that are hard to relate to the biological literature and, on the other, to ill-placed criticism on the progress and even the very legitimacy of a biologically-informed study of language. By reviewing different ways in which research under the biolinguistics label has been carried out, as well as some common criticisms, we hope to dispel some misconceptions about what constitutes a biolinguistic approach, as well as point out what we contend is real progress in the study of the biological bases and evolution of the human language faculty, to which the term is better and rightly applied.

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