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Anup Bhange ◽  
Shreya Choudhary ◽  
Damini Shrikhande ◽  
Dipali Sharma ◽  
Khusbhoo Jain ◽  

It is felt that Modern Banking has become wholly customer – driven and technology driven. During the last decade, technology has been dramatically transforming the banking activities in India. Driven by challenges on competition, rising customer expectation and shrinking margins, banks have been using technology to reduce cost. Apart from competitive environment, there has been deregulation as to rate of interest, technology intensive delivery channel like Internet Banking, Tele Banking, Mobile banking and Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) etc. have created a multiple choice to user of the bank. The banking business is becoming more and more complex with the changes emanating from the liberalization and globalization. For a new bank, customer creation is important, but an established bank it is the retention is much more efficient and cost effective mechanism. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) would also make Indian bankers realize that the purpose of their business is to create and keep a customer and to view the entire business process as consisting of Highly Integrated effort to discover, create and satisfy customer needs. But it is surprising to note that much of the activities of the banking and financial remain focused on customer creation not retention.

Alicja Domagała ◽  
Marcin Kautsch ◽  
Aleksandra Kulbat ◽  
Kamila Parzonka

Background: Due to the significant staff shortages, emigration of health professionals is one of the key challenges for many healthcare systems. Objective: The aim of this article is to explore the estimated trends and directions of emigration among Polish health professionals. Methods: The emigration phenomenon of Polish health professionals is still under-researched and the number of studies in this field is limited. Thus, the authors have triangulated data using two methods: a data analysis of five national registers maintained by chambers of professionals (doctors, nurses, midwives, physiotherapists, pharmacists, and laboratory diagnosticians), and data analysis from the Regulated Profession Database in The EU Single Market. Results: According to the data from national registers, between 7–9% of practicing doctors and nurses have applied for certificates, which confirm their right to practice their profession in other European countries (most often the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Spain, and Ireland). The relatively high number of such certificates applied for by physiotherapists is also worrying. Emigration among pharmacists and laboratory diagnosticians is rather marginal. Conclusions: Urgent implementation of an effective mechanism for monitoring emigration trends is necessary. Furthermore, it is not possible to retain qualified professionals without systemic improvement of working conditions within the Polish healthcare system.

2022 ◽  
Vol 354 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 8-17
T. V. Sevastianova ◽  
B. V. Usha

The article provides an overview of the global situation related to the problem of antibiotic resistance, the search for rational ways to solve the problem and proposals for the imperative introduction of functional feed additives into the nutritional plan of animals in order to increase the resistance of the animal body and reduce the toxic load on the gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary systems.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Ayman Jarrar

Organizational transformation is a high-risk and difficult activity that all institutions must undertake. The objective of this article is to examine how businesses develop and utilize ACAP to aid with transformation. We examine how realized absorptive capacity in terms of transformation and exploitation capability directly affects organizational change and how process innovation practises act as an effective mechanism for connecting transformation and exploitation capability with organizational change, using a dynamic capability perspective and a’resourcing’ synergy perspective. To differentiate ourselves, we focus on both an evolving organizational structure and an emerging economy context in this research. The findings and discussion that follow on how process innovation strategies might help colleges become more entrepreneurial will interest university administrators and lawmakers.

Давидова Ірина Віталіївна ◽  
Берназ-Лукавецька Олена Михайлівна

The article analyzes extrajudicial instances for resolving sports disputes, identifies their role and advantagesover courts. It is noted that in practice, sports relations cannot exist without disputes, and the latter can take placebetween athletes, on the one hand, and coaches, sports organizations, mediators, etc., on the other hand; betweenathletes (on both sides), or when an individual athlete is not a party to the dispute at all. It is established that the mostcommon disputes today are about objective judging, anti-doping, fair play.As a result of the analysis of literature sources, it was found that in all national federations of Ukraine orassociations (except the Football Federation) such specialized bodies, as a rule, do not exist. The executive bodiesof the federation are empowered to resolve disciplinary disputes, and the powers to review them on appeal arevested in higher governing bodies (for example, congresses, conferences, general meetings). This provokes situationswhere sports disputes are considered by federation leaders who do not have the appropriate legal education, or evenhave a legal education but do not have relevant experience in resolving such disputes, which negatively affects thequality of sports disputes, as often unfair decisions are made or those that contradict the regulations of internationalfederations in certain sports.The work of such an independent international arbitration body as the Court of Arbitration for Sport, which isauthorized to resolve sports or sports-related disputes, is analyzed. These disputes are divided into two groups; GroupI includes commercial disputes arising from contractual relations between professional clubs, between clubs andathletes, sports agents, disputes over the specifics of transfer activities, agreements on the transfer or distributionof television and other media rights, etc., and group II – disciplinary disputes considered by the Court of Arbitrationfor Sport as a court of the first instance or a court of appeal in the case of a dispute between national authorities.It is concluded that to protect the rights and legitimate interests of sports entities, there is an extensivesystem of national and international out-of-court bodies for resolving sports disputes. Despite this, Ukraine has anunderdeveloped system of such bodies, as only the football sphere has an effective mechanism for resolving sportsdisputes at the national level, and therefore there is a significant need to establish a Sports Arbitration Court underthe National Olympic Committee of Ukraine to protect the rights of other sports.

2021 ◽  
Vol 152 (6) ◽  
pp. 104-117
Victoria V. Perskaya ◽  

In the present article the authors substantiate the following thesis: in the context of real polycentrism and increased confrontation between the states with liberal system of values and the states that defend real sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs of aid-recipient states through a variety of development assistance tools, exceptionally "soft power" can become an effective mechanism of creating conditions for sustainable development of the world community as a whole. In preparing the study the authors applied the methods of historicism and comparative analysis of approaches to the policy of realizing the "soft power" goals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4(62)) ◽  
Iegor Kartuzov

The object of this research is a quick recap to assess barriers on startups evolution in Ukraine after acquiring an independence 30 years ago and those developed of today. The paper aims to analyze an impact of political, historical and other factors affecting startups evolution and to understand how it decelerates an efficient functioning of technology transfer process nowadays. If one wants to establish a successful and fast-growing business, then you may need to create your own startup. The experience and practice show that it is a rather complicated process, which follows a few factors and conditions that determine its success and/or failure at the end. Being based on previously proposed efforts devoted to succinct analysis of historical, political and other premises jeopardizing transfer in Ukraine, this one is to scrutinize startups as an effective tool for such a transfer. The result of this endeavor makes a solid background for further debates in terms of political science, legal regulations and export control associated with startups and technology transfer. They highlight that startups' and DUs’ status quo implies that a global economy undergoes a number of changes related to demographic trends, technological advances, accelerated innovation and globalization. This study employs qualitative methodology and being under an umbrella of descriptive research design to accord on historical, technical, political, and other implications for startups origin as the effective mechanism for technology transfer and state’s security. This descriptive research portrays a rather accurate profile of present situation around Ukrainian startups. This design offers a profile of described relevant aspects of the problem from author's individual perspective.

R. Ahmadeev ◽  
T. Morozova

The annually developed in the Russian Federation main directions of the budget policy of the state, on the one hand, are aimed at maintaining the necessary level of tax burden on various categories of taxpayers, taking into account industry specifics. On the other hand, the ongoing control over the observance of the minimum values of the fiscal burden. These circumstances provide the necessary monetary resources to the revenue part of budgets of all levels. In addition, the implementation of functions by public institutions at the appropriate level is taken into account. These measures are aimed at ensuring a steady increase in the welfare of citizens. They stimulate the competitiveness of the domestic economy in the medium term. At the same time, the number of field tax audits as of July 01, 2021 decreased by 31% as compared to the same period as of July 01, 2017. The total number of additional accruals revealed by field tax inspections increased 2.5 times, reaching an average of 40.2 million rubles per inspection unit. At the same time, control and enforcement of tax compliance measures are increasing. The introduction of elements of digitalization is now an effective mechanism in the collection of information about the levels of consumption of individuals or households. It also takes into account the amount of capital and the amount of assets, grouped according to individual categories of households. Digitalization allows the transfer of information received from third parties, including the amount of income received, as well as the amount of consumption for the tax period. According to the results of the study, the dependence of digital technologies used by the fiscal authorities, the number of field tax audits and additional tax assessments were identified. In addition, possible areas of improvement of tax control methods in today's digital relationships were identified.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Iryna Parkhomenko ◽  
Kateryna Berezovska

Introduction. The relevance of the study is in the formation of conceptual and terminological apparatus for the functioning of the music industry in Ukraine, the identification of music product producers, determining the specifics of music product and its essence, to develop an effective mechanism for copyright protection of authors and performers (artists) in a crisis of royalty payments formed in Ukraine in 2021. Purpose and methods. The study aims to determine the model of production and consumption of a modern music product given the rapid digitization of such a product in the last decade. The methodological basis of the study is comprehensive, systematic, and historical approaches. Results. A music product is defined in two definitions: first, like a musical composition with lyrics (song) or without lyrics (melody); secondly, “artist” as a music product that is directly involved in creating a track (song), public performance (concert), products with the symbols of their brand (merch) and content for social networks, television, radio, including advertising. Modern manufacturers of the music industry commercialize the artist's brand, his unique story. This strategy ensures rapid monetization of the music project and reduces investment risks. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the research results is to determine the specifics of the functioning of traditional and modern models of modern music product production and consumption. The practical significance of the obtained results is in the use of the concept of “music product” for the development and improvement of legislation in the field of culture, the functioning of the music industry, and the protection of intellectual property rights, including copyright.

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