Sociocultural Practice of the Ural Teachers in Documentary Sources of Perm Territory Private Archival Funds

2020 ◽  
pp. 74-86
Elena Vladimirovna Protasova ◽  

Regionalization of education and innovative teaching activities are an integral part of economic and historical processes taking place in modern society. A resource to the past experience enables to see possible approaches to the solution of urgent problems of the existing education practice and enrich it with ideas tested on a social and pedagogical level. The regional historical pedagogical heritage as a multifaceted phenomenon can be regarded from different angles. The subject field of the research is the sociocultural experience of Ural teachers, the study of which is based on documentary data of private archival funds, using interrelated and mutually dependent culturological and axiological approaches. The aim of the publication is to reveal the main features of reconstructing the sociocultural teaching practice based on data of Perm Territory private archival funds. Sources of different information value are examined to help analyse pedagogical phenomena and phenomenology of childhood in their interrelation. The author highlights innovative ideas whose potential concerns the development of personality and meets such criteria as the humanistic nature of education and relevance to modern education. The research involves historical retrospective and constructive genetic analyses, as well as methods of studying pedagogical personalism and summarizing valuable pedagogical practice. The result is the development of basic approaches to the study of teachers’ private archival funds, the specification on the regional material of axiological determinants of the Soviet school professional practice, actualization of pedagogical ideas being of interest for improving the competence of a modern teacher in innovation.

Ganna Ralo

About 100 years have passed since the first classes of percussion instruments appeared. In the early days, when professional training intended for percussion performers dated to, teachers faced a large number of problems, in particular, lack of a full set of percussion instruments in the classroom, the availability of instructive, educational, pedagogical and concert repertoire alongside scientific and methodological literature. As a result, the work of the first educators was based, first of all, on their personal pedagogical experience and many years of performing practice. In this regard, the appearance of the first teaching aids was a milestone in the development of professional training in playing percussion instruments. For a century-long period, not so much educational and methodological literature has appeared, which was conditioned by a number of objective and subjective factors. At the same time, each methodological manual has taken its rightful place in the development of teaching methods for playing the percussion instruments. However, time is relentlessly moving forward and, unfortunately, today, they have become less in demand, as they do not always meet the modern requirements and approaches to teaching how to play the percussion instruments. Today, Ukrainian scientists and teachers have free access to a large amount of information. Therefore, they have an opportunity to familiarise themselves with interesting developments of our foreign colleagues. However, in most cases, they cannot be used in domestic pedagogical practice, as they are not adapted to the current realities of the educational system of Ukraine due to various socio-economic and cultural factors. Thus, the issues related to the need to search for the most effective forms, methods, and approaches to teaching how to play the percussion instruments is of particular importance and relevance. The article is devoted to the methods based on the playing form of instructions which are used in schools of aesthetic education and, in particular, at the classes of percussion instruments. The purpose of the work is to present new promising areas in teaching percussion playing, based on the author’s pedagogical practice. These methods were used in the study: analysis, observation, deduction and induction. The following issues are considered in the article: the influence of learners’ age characteristics on the choice of teaching methods, the essence of the group form of training and its importance for activating the pedagogical process, traditional and non-traditional approaches to teaching / learning, as well as the analysis of the methods that are widely used in the author’s teaching practice at the classes of the percussion instruments playing. As a result of the study, some new ideas were proposed related to the training at the initial stage and the ways of their implementation by introducing the methods of collective listening, imitation, “playing with the ball”, “sweet tooth”, etc. into the pedagogical practice.

Shirley Agostinho

<span>Over the last decade there has been considerable research and development work exploring how university teachers can document their teaching practice in such a way as to enable the sharing of ideas. The premise of this research work, referred to in the literature as learning designs, is if pedagogical practice can be documented in some readily understandable form, it can then be easily shared and thus there is the potential for greater uptake of innovative teaching practice. This paper presents findings from a research project that examined how educational designers and teaching academics used a visual learning design representation to document their teaching practice and how this representation supported their design process. Six educational designers, three university teachers, and two PhD students (whose doctorates were focused on learning design) were interviewed and the main finding was that the visual representation served as an aid to design because it provided a summary of pedagogical practice that could be used to effectively communicate and share ideas, and also enable reflection. The paper concludes by suggesting future research directions.</span>

2008 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-100
Dejan Lalovic

Efficiency of working memory is the concept which connects psychology of memory with different fields of cognitive, differential and applied psychology. In this paper, the history of interest for the assessment of the capacity of short-term memory is presented in brief, as well as the different methods used nowadays to assess the individual differences in the efficiency of working memory. What follows is the consideration of studies that indicate the existence of significant links between the efficiency of working memory and general intelligence, the ability of reasoning, personality variables, as well as some socio-psychological phenomena. Special emphasis is placed on the links between the efficiency of working memory and certain aspects of pedagogical practice: acquiring the skill of reading, learning arithmetic and shedding light on the cause of general failure in learning at school. What is also provided are the suggestions that, in the light of knowledge about the development and limitations of working memory at school age, can be useful for teaching practice.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Anna-Lena Østern ◽  
Renata Svedlin ◽  
Gunnar Engvik

Syftet med denna artikel är att undersöka hur strävanden att professionalisera handledning i lärarutbildning i Norge och Finland genomförts och har resulterat i två olika partnerskapsmodeller. Fokus är i denna artikel på handledning av undervisnings-praktik. Artikeln handlar dels om den historiska framväxten av undervisningspraktik och -handledning av lärarstuderande inom lärarutbildning, dels om två exempel på pågående utvecklingsarbete inom området handledning i lärarstuderandes under-visningspraktik. I en jämförande uppställning lyfter författarna fram avgörande brytningspunkter i utvecklingen av praktik med åtföljande handledning inom lärar-utbildningen i Norge, respektive Finland. Med stöd av ett empiriskt material som synliggör hur idag verksamma handledare resonerar om kännetecken för professionell handledning, för författarna en diskussion om rådande utvecklingslinjer i Norge, med en kontrasterande jämförelse med utvecklingen i Finland. Analyserna är genomförda, dels som historisk analys (baserad på litteratur om ämnet), dels som tematisk narrativ analys av ett empiriskt material om handledning producerat som uppgift under en fortbildning i Norge respektive inom ramen för en samling med övningsskollärare i Finland.Övningsskolan i Finland har genomgått transformation, från att tidvis ha varit hårt kritiserad som konservativ och obenägen till förnyelse, samt för ojämförligt goda resurser, till att i dagsläget ha en styrkt plats som centrum för pedagogisk innovation, forskning och handledning. Den norska universitetsskolan är ung, men har likheter med dagens finska övningsskola rörande pedagogisk innovation, forskning och handledning. I dagens läge kan vi notera att professionaliseringssträvande knutna till handledning av lärarstuderande är dels uppifrån styrda, dels utvecklade inifrån professionen. Nyckelord: professionalisering, handledning, övningsskola, universitetsskola, lärarutbildning Partnership within teacher education in Norway and Finland: historical prerequisites for and practice teachers’ understanding of professional supervision AbstractThe aim of this article is to explore how attempts to professionalise supervision in teacher education in Norway and Finland have been carried out and have resulted in two different partnership models. The focus of this article is on the supervision of future teachers’ teaching practice. The article partly comprises the historical emergence of teaching practice and its supervision. It contains two examples of ongoing developmental work within the field of supervision of future teachers’ teaching practice. In juxtaposition, the authors highlight decisive turning points in the development of practice and supervision in teacher education in Norway and Finland, respectively. Based on empirical material which makes visible how supervisors currently reason around the characteristics of professional supervision, the authors discuss the predominant developmental lines in Norway, with a contrasting comparison with those in Finland. The analyses are carried out partly as historical analyses (based on literature about the subject), and partly as thematic narrative analyses of empirical material about supervision which was produced as a task during a continuous education course in Norway, and respectively in Finland within the frames of a seminar for teachers at a teacher education practice school.The practice school in Finland has undergone a transformation, from a time of being strongly criticised as conservative and not willing to renew itself, as well as of having incomparably rich resources, to the current situation, where it now has a strengthened position as a centre for pedagogical innovation, research and supervision. The Norwegian university school is young but has similarities with the Finnish practice school of today concerning pedagogical innovation, research and supervision. For the time being, we may note that the attempts to professionalise supervision are partly decided from outside, and partly developed from inside the profession. Keywords: professionalisation, supervision, practice school, university school, teacher education

Ekaterina Komarova

Введение. Важнейшей задачей современного образования является обеспечение возможностей для личностного и профессионального роста и для осуществления самореализации. Изложены основные подходы к изучению понятия «самореализация». Приводятся результаты анкетирования будущих учителей русского языка. Выявлены представления будущих учителей русского языка в отношении их профессиональной самореализации. Материалы и методы. Исследование было проведено на основе анализа теоретических источников по проблеме самореализации и результатов анкетирования студентов филологического факультета. Авторская анкета состояла из трех вопросов открытого типа и четырех вопросов закрытого типа. Результаты и обсуждение. Проанализированы различные подходы к пониманию названных понятий и обоснована собственная позиция по этому вопросу. По результатам анкетирования установлено, что 15 % студентов третьего курса и 55 % студентов четвертого курса уверены, что профессиональная самореализация подразумевает постоянное совершенствование в выбранной профессии и потребность в совершенствовании. Охарактеризованы потребности, возникающие у будущих учителей русского языка в ходе педагогической практики, которая является ключевым звеном между теоретическим обучением будущих учителей русского языка и их самостоятельной работой в образовательном учреждении. Заключение. Самоактуализация понимается автором как тенденция к самореализации. А самореализация – как процесс развития личности, предполагающий активную содеятельность с другими людьми, приложение собственных усилий. Выявлено, что критической точкой в становлении будущего учителя русского языка является педагогическая практика. До практики основными трудностями у студентов являются неуверенность в себе и нехватка знаний в области методических дисциплин. Это можно скорректировать опытом работы в качестве учителя. После педагогической практики основанными барьерами самореализации для студентов становятся отсутствие свободного времени у учителей русского языка и высокая интенсивность работы. Это заставляет будущих учителей русского языка сомневаться в правильности выбора сферы своей дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности. Поднимается вопрос о психолого-педагогическом сопровождении студентов во время практики.Introduction. The most important task of modern education is to provide opportunities for personal and professional growth and for the implementation of self-realization. The main approaches to the study of the concept of selfrealization are outlined. The results of a survey of future teachers of the Russian language are presented. The ideas of future teachers of the Russian language in relation to their professional self-realization are revealed. Material and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the analysis of theoretical sources on the problem of self-realization and the results of a survey of students of the philological faculty. The author’s questionnaire consisted of 3 open-ended questions and 4 closed-ended questions. Results and discussion. Various approaches to understanding these concepts are analyzed and their own position on this issue is substantiated. According to the results of the survey, it was found that 15% of 3-year students and 55% of 4-year students are sure that professional self-realization implies continuous improvement in the chosen profession and the need for improvement. The needs arising for future teachers of the Russian language during pedagogical practice, which is a key link between the theoretical training of future teachers of the Russian language and their independent work in an educational institution, are characterized. Conclusion. Self-actualization is understood as a tendency to self-realization. And self-realization is a process of personality development, involving active cooperation with other people, the application of one’s own efforts. It is revealed that the pedagogical practice is a critical point in the formation of the future teacher of the Russian language. Before practice, the main difficulties for students are self-doubt and lack of knowledge in the field of methodological disciplines. After teaching practice, the lack of free time among teachers of the Russian language and the high intensity of work become the basic barriers for self-realization for students. This makes future teachers of the Russian language doubt their further professional activities. The question arises of the psychological and pedagogical support of students during practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
pp. 522-536
Mariia M. Tkach ◽  
Olga M. Oleksiuk

The transition period of modern society can be observed in various aspects, particularly in the value-normative one. The study of the Genesis of the formation of personality’s value-based orientations in the current conditions of reforming educational sector in Ukraine and its integration into the European Higher Education Area are becoming prioritized. The research methodology is complex, combining theoretical and empirical methods. Theoretical study of the problem of values in philosophical-historical and psychological-pedagogical discourses creates a methodological basis for expanding the subject field of interdisciplinary branches of scientific knowledge: pedagogical axiology and philosophy of music education. The interdisciplinary context of the conceptual range of these disciplines makes it possible to modernize the value-based orientation in the content of art education. The problem of spiritual and value-based formation of the personality by means of music is actualized, which creates the prerequisites for the formation of a phenomenon of holistic professional worldview of future music teachers. The analysis of structural components of the outlined phenomenon shows that the normative and regulatory basis of professional worldview is a system of value-based orientations of the individual.

2012 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
Robin K. Hill ◽  
Jill W. Fresen ◽  
Fawei Geng

Lecturers in higher education often consider the incorporation of web technologies into their teaching practice. Partially structured and populated course site templates could aid them in getting started with creating and deploying webbased materials and activities to enrich the teaching and learning experience. Discussions among instructional technology support staff and lecturers reveal a paucity of robust specifications for possible course site features that could comprise a template. An attempted mapping from the teaching task as understood by the instructor to the envisaged course website properties proves elusive. We conclude that the idea of an initial state for a course site, embodied in a template, remains useful and should be developed not according to a formula but with careful attention to the context and existing pedagogical practice. Any course template provided for the use of lecturers should be enhanced with supporting instructions and examples of how it may be adapted for their particular purposes.Keywords: course template; learning platform; pedagogical dimensions; course site properties(Published: 17 December 2012)Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2012, 20: 18665 -

2021 ◽  
pp. 95-104
Ruslana Bezuhla

The article analyzes approaches to the study of phenomena and concepts of performativity, discourse and communication, and makes it possible to trace how various types of communication are interconnected in the structure of artistic culture. It has been established that in modern society, performativity, discourse and communication provide a higher level of generalization and prevalence than in previous historical periods, which leads to an expansion of the subject field for the study of these phenomena. The aim of the work is to research and systematize existing theories conceptualizing performativity, communication and discourse in the mode of humanitarian knowledge. This approach will contribute to solving the scientific problem of clarifying the conceptual and categorical apparatus of modern cultural studies and art history. Methodology of work. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were philosophical and general scientific approaches, principles and methods that made it possible to analyze the phenomena of performativity, discourse and communication from different-vector positions: the method of generalization, made it possible to determine the place of performativity, discourse and communication in the worldview paradigm due to the analysis of ambiguous formulations and statements about the phenomena, which were presented in various sources; an interdisciplinary approach ensured the use of the latest theoretical developments in the social sciences and humanities; the sociological approach made it possible to consider the phenomena of performativity, discourse and communication at the macrosocial and microsocial levels.

Jaakko Malmivuo ◽  
Asta Kybartaitė

The advantages of the Internet in education are widely acknowledged by students and teachers all over the world. The authors have developed EVICAB as a free-access portal for e-learning with a full curriculum in biomedical engineering. It may be used as a virtual campus to support classroom lecturing or for distant learning. EVICAB provides educational material in various formats: video lectures to be viewed on a PC, an iPod or a media phone, lecture slides, textbook, exercises. It also offers a system for an Internet examination, which makes it possible for the students to take the examination anywhere in the world, where an educational institution provides proper environment. In this chapter, the authors briefly introduce the technology of the EVICAB portal and discuss in more detail the application of the Internet examination system. Educational technologies for developing teaching and learning via the Internet are widely available and user friendly.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 43-50
Jagat Krishna Pokharel

This article reflects about the effective and concrete learning of mathematics with the help of self-devised innovative activities, worksheets, project experiments and teaching aids. The present research shows if maximum participation of students is ensured -either in the mathematics laboratory activities or class room interactive questioning sessions like that of quiz- is really joyful learning of the subject. `Learning by doing` is very effective methodology in teaching learning process as the experience gained meticulously (Krockover, 1997). It remains permanently fixed in the minds of the children. Thus, innovative teaching aids and projects of mathematic laboratory plays a vital role in the conceptualization process. Some researchers emphasize on the children`s experience of school education that must be linked with the life outside the school. It brings joyful experience in the learning. Keeping this in mind, several opportunities are provided to students to construct their systematic knowledge by engaging them in activities, experiment, field visits, discussion with peers and teachers, group works, brainstorming sessions, collecting information from different sources, inquiring, listening, thinking and so on. The students are encouraged and allowed to share and explain their ideas and ask, pose and frame questions. Appropriate innovative tools and techniques are applied depending on the situation and requirement.

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