scholarly journals Innovative Programmes for Gender Equality in Indian School Education

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-66
Sarabjit Kaur

Background: National Education Policy 2020 aims to eliminate existing disparities in access to education for children from any gender or any under-represented group. After independence, India makes considerable strides in reducing gender gaps in education, but even today the goal of gender parity in school enrolments remains elusive. India provides Universal Elementary Education to all and this commitment has been articulated through Constitution, National Education Policies and other Innovative Programmes. All these initiatives put a strong emphasis on the education of girls and some of the programmes have been started particularly to eliminate gender gaps in school education. Purpose: This paper is an attempt to review the Innovative Programmes started by the Government of India to redress the gender gaps in school education and also to analyze the impact of these programmes on female literacy rates and enrolment rates of girls in elementary education. Before analyzing the innovative programmes and their impact on educational statistics, the paper briefly assesses the status of education in the Constitution of India and also studies the national policy perspective regarding universal elementary education of girls in the country in order to provide a sound background to this study. Methods: The method of document analysis for the review of policy documents and innovative programmes has been utilized and trend analysis method has been applied to study the educational statistics from the year 1950 to 2015. Results: The female literacy rates and enrolment of girls in total enrolments for the classes VI-VIII have registered an increase after the implementation of these programmes. Conclusions: It has been observed that these community-based programmes of the country have received a lot of international recognition for their contribution towards reducing gender gaps in elementary education. So, the experiences of these Innovative Programmes can prove quite beneficial for other countries struggling with gender gaps in school education.

Shalakha Rao ◽  
Shivani Kushwaha

The connection between poverty and women's lack of power over resources and decision-making has now caught the attention of policymakers in government and mainstream development all over the world. Women empowerment issues perceived nationally or locally are being addressed by both state and non-state agencies. Beside the government intervention, NGOs are implementing various types of Women Empowerment Programmes including IG Programmes. Women Empowerment Programmes in India include livelihood support Programme, rehabilitation and job placement for rescued women, safe motherhood Programme and so forth. In spite of involvement of various NGOs in women empowerment through Income Generation and Skill Development Programmes, the status of women is still not satisfactory in India as various official as well as unofficial reports claim and the outcomes against the stated objectives of the NGOs' Women Empowerment Programmes are often questioned. Therefore, the present study is focused in assessing the impact of IG Programmes run by non-government organizations in empowering women. The researcher hypothesizes that IG Programme with its components viz., skill training, resource inputs of loan and equipment help to increase income to the women through independent business or work in the related field; the increased income lessens their dependence on family heads and enables to spend for personal expenses; gives them certain freedoms as individuals; enables them to contribute to family affairs financially, which creates an environment in the family in favor or the women to accept her views and participation in family matters like education, marriage, purchase etc.

Nathaniel O. Ajayi ◽  
Richard O. Awonusika ◽  
Adeniyi S. Ale ◽  
Ayooluwade Ebiwonjumi

The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) now known as Covid-19 was first detected in the city of Wuhan, China in December 2019. The disease rapidly spread to other cities in China and to other parts of the world. The aim of this study is to investigate the contribution which the economic zones and movement of people into the country and from city to city and State to State within the country have on the spread of the disease in Nigeria. Data of the daily update of Covid-19 occurrence in Nigeria as given by the NCDC Covid-19 Situation report were assembled. The data of the first index in each State between February 27 and March 28, 2020 with the status of whether they were from foreign travel or from within the community was compiled. The results show that economic zones and human movement contribute to the early spread of the disease. The initial spatial spread in Nigeria was observed to follow closely behind the test laboratory distribution pattern. This may suggest that samples from the locations far from the laboratories were not obtained, hence the suggestion for early aggressive country-wide-large scale testing to cover almost everyone should be started very early before the spread is everywhere. The test labs should cover the whole country with the tests made free and mandatory to encourage and force people to come out for it and the restriction protocols should strictly be adhered to. The boarders of the country should be closed early to stop further import of the disease from the high risk countries. When the airports are later re-opened, they should not be to the high-risk countries of the disease. There is also a need for a national policy on responding to and managing any future public health crisis such as Covid-19 pandemic before its occurrence. This policy will help the government to know what to start doing quickly when there is any occurrence. Government should also look inward to mobilize the scientists inside the country by providing research grants purposely to combat the pandemic. Such grants will enable our scientists to make their contribution in addition to the ones made by the scientists outside the country.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 16-23
Harnani .

Water pollution is a thing that can affect the environment, especially on health and hygiene environment around. Sub Keluang Regency Musi Betung South Sumatra known to have oil drilling wells of the Earth where illegal do not fit a common standardization is done, so worried about polluted areas the surroundings. This research aims to study and know the impact of environmental pollution due to the illegal drilling by local people, as well as provide information research results to the Government and the police to cooperate in enforcing laws that have set. To find out which level contamination using a research method that is mapping rivers and wells include deskipsi the physical characteristics, such as water color, flavor, odor, retrieval example of a sample for the analysis of physical-chemical content of the water, and the projection of the level of public health. The result of the physical identification of the water as much as 8 samples were declared contaminated. Sampling see the provisions on physical changes on either the river or the well, the results of the analysis of physical-chemical water, found many chemical compounds which exceed standard pH obtained ranged from 6.25- 8.16 and types of groundwater salt (31-464 mg/L TDS), increase the value of pH and TDS is assumed to be due to saltwater waste results from drilling for petroleum is illegal, and the presence of chemical compounds, either the main or excessive accessories in water then it can affect health, which that is evidenced by the results of the projection of the level of public health from the years 2016 to now that continues to decline. referring to the decision of the Minister of State for the environment number: 115 the year 2003 on guidelines for the determination of the Status of Water quality by the State Minister for the environment using STORET method with a score of 16 (polluted medium).

Epigram ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-66
Costantein Imanuel Sarapil ◽  
Ishak Bawias ◽  
Eunike Irene Kumaseh ◽  
Getruida Nita Mozes ◽  
Ganjar Ndaru Ikhtiagung ◽  

This study aims to determine the marketing margins of demersal fish in Laotongan Village. Laotongan Village, or another name for Tehang Island, is one of the islands in District of Tabukan Selatan, Regency of Sangihe Archipelago. The method used is qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods are methods that look at phenomena from non-material aspects, beyond what they appear to be, with the study of meaning as something holistic. Meanwhile, the quantitative method is a method that looks at the phenomenon from the material aspect, which is visible, the impact study, the factors that affect it as a variable. In general, fisher who catch fish in Laotongan Village use hand line, in the local language it is called Kakintu. Also, the type boat used is pumpboat. The fisher in Laotongan Village are fisher with low income, and most of the fisher have an elementary education level. Marketing margin of Demersal fish is Rp. 15,000., And the efficiency of the portion received by fisher, F = 57%, F> 50%, where the sales of demersal fish are efficient. However, fisher's welfare has not improved. One of the factors is the extravagant fisher's lifestyle. The government can pay attention to the welfare of fisher.

Epigram ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-110
Costantein Imanuel Sarapil ◽  
Ishak Bawias ◽  
Eunike Irene Kumaseh ◽  
Getruida Nita Mozes ◽  
Ganjar Ndaru Ikhtiagung ◽  

This study aims to determine the marketing margins of demersal fish in Laotongan Village. Laotongan Village, or another name for Tehang Island, is one of the islands in District of Tabukan Selatan, Regency of Sangihe Archipelago. The method used is qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods are methods that look at phenomena from non-material aspects, beyond what they appear to be, with the study of meaning as something holistic. Meanwhile, the quantitative method is a method that looks at the phenomenon from the material aspect, which is visible, the impact study, the factors that affect it as a variable. In general, fisher who catch fish in Laotongan Village use hand line, in the local language it is called Kakintu. Also, the type boat used is pumpboat. The fisher in Laotongan Village are fisher with low income, and most of the fisher have an elementary education level. Marketing margin of Demersal fish is Rp. 15,000., And the efficiency of the portion received by fisher, F = 57%, F> 50%, where the sales of demersal fish are efficient. However, fisher's welfare has not improved. One of the factors is the extravagant fisher's lifestyle. The government can pay attention to the welfare of fisher.

Patni Ninghardjanti ◽  
Wiedy Murtini ◽  
Aniek Hindrayani ◽  
Khresna Bayu Sangka

<p><em>The Nawacita program framework, the Government of Indonesia is trying to improve the quality and equity of the national education system by increasing the education sector national budget to 500 trillion rupiah, and appointing the Chief Executive Officers (CEO) of the Gojek Internet Start-up company, in order to boost up the program outcome by using Information Technology (IT) as the main gap bridge in the education sectors. The unequal access to the education level in the formal, informal and non-formal education clusters is emphasizes if the education sectors problems is complex as the development problem. The government trying to tackling that problem by developing the suitable curriculum, and maximization of the use of IT in the education sectors to improve the quality and equity for the education. In this research, the correlation between the rapid development of education sectors and the impact to the national economy is analyzed by using the Solow models which said if the investment of human capital, including to the education sectors is one of the main bridge to achieve the status as advanced nation. This research is concluded if the formal education sector have direct and significant impact to the economic sector, then the informal and non-formal educations sectors act as supporting unit in order to achieve the quality and equity, in order to improve the education access.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-13
Annissa Delfira

         The impact of Covid-19 affects aspects of life, one of which is the education aspect. The government makes policies in the education sector by shifting the face-to-face learning process online. Online learning can be done with e-learning media. The type of e-learning that can be used in the learning process is edmodo. Edmodo is a web, iOS and Android-based learning platform that looks like Facebook and is easy to use for beginners. Edmodo-based e-learning media can be used in the online learning process after meeting the eligibility indicators of validity. The validity results can be obtained based on an assessment of the aspects contained in the validity indicator according to the 2008 Ministry of National Education criteria, namely the aspects of feasibility of content, language, presentation and, graphics. Various study findings regarding validity indicators in previous studies are difficult to accumulate in quantitative form. Researchers used meta-analysis methods to obtain validity results that were easily accumulated and systematic, so researchers used 8 relevant articles. Based on the analysis of the 8 articles, the results show that 4 articles have fulfilled the validity criteria according to the Ministry of National Education (2008), namely the aspects of the feasibility of content, language, presentation, and graphics. Meanwhile, 4 other articles have not used the validity criteria according to the 2008 Ministry of National Education This shows that the 8 articles analyzed, only 4 articles met the valid qualifications according to the 2008 Ministry of National Education criteria.

M. Zharikov

The purpose of this article is to analyze Chinese Yuan and major international reserve currencies on the basis of particular criteria such as a currency’s use in settling cross-border trade and financial transactions. The author estimates the potential of Yuan’s convertibility and its achieving the status of an international reserve currency. The author lays out a background to assess the impact of these probabilities on stable and sustainable economic development in China itself. The conclusion is that the character of Yuan’s internationalization is strikingly different from similar examples of other currencies’ historic paths to an international reserve currency status in that it is closely controlled by the government.

Aleksa Filipovi&#263;

The goal of this research consists in determination of impact of the Progress Party (Norway) and the Danish People's Party upon the policy of their national governments with regards to Russia. The Progress Party used to be member of the Norwegian government coalition from 2013 to 2020, while the Danish People's Party supported the Danish coalition governments from 2015 to 2019. The analysis of the origin, ideologies, political agenda, and policy of the parties give a more accurate explanation on their position towards Russia, as well as defines the level of their political willpower in influencing the government policy thereof. Research methodology is comprised of content analysis used in examination of the official documents of the Progress Party and the Danish People's Party, comparative analysis used in considering political programs of both parties, as well as various election results and other corresponding data. The conclusion is made that both parties have considerable impact upon the state policy of their countries with regards to the Russian Federation. Moreover, both of them demonstrated no political interest in making Russia the key vector in their foreign policy programs. Being neither of Russophile nor Russophobic nature, their presence in the government did not become the reason for deterioration or improvement of relations with Russia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Satrio Ageng Rihardi ◽  
Arnanda Yusliwidaka

ABSTRAKSistem pendidikan sesuai dengan UU Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintah Daerah kebijakan tentang desentralisasi diserahkan pada Pemerintah Daerah masing-masing. Khususnya dalam kebijakan jalur zonasi berpengaruh terhadap mutu penyelenggaraan pendidikan khususnya dalam perolehan jumlah siswa. Contohnya ada satu siswa di SMAN Kota Magelang terpaksa tidak dapat sekolah favorit, selain itu protes dari pihak orang tua murid. Penelitian secara normatif empiris yang dianalisis secara diskriptif kualitatif. Pemerintah wajib melaksanakan perbaikan secara berkesinambungan mengenai sistem nasional pendidikan di era desentralisasi melalui: Evaluasi kesiapan pemerintah daerah dalam sistem zonasi untuk mendata kecukupan sekolah; Pemerataan pendidikan dengan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai; Guru yang memadai untuk setiap zona; Ketersediaan informasi secara online maupun melalui pamflet dan papan pengumuman; Perlunya dipetakan dampak sistem zonasi. Jika memperhatikan hal tersebut, maka pelaksanaan kebijakan desentralisasi pendidikan dapat dikatakan lebih efektif dan efisien untuk dunia pendidikan di masa yang akan datang.Kata Kunci: Kebijakan, Zonasi, PPDB, Desentralisasi  ABSTRACTThe education system is in accordance with Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government. Policies on decentralization are left to the respective Regional Governments. Especially in the zoning policy policies affect the quality of the implementation of education, especially in the acquisition of the number of students. For example, there was one student in Magelang City High School who was forced to not get a favorite school, besides protesting from the parents. Empirical normative research that is analyzed by descriptive qualitative. The government is obliged to carry out continuous improvement of the national education system in the decentralization era through: Evaluation of the readiness of local governments in the zoning system to record the adequacy of schools; Equitable education with adequate facilities and infrastructure; Adequate teachers for each zone; Availability of information online as well as through pamphlets and bulletin boards; The need to map the impact of the zoning system. If you pay attention to this, then the implementation of education decentralization policy can be said to be more effective and efficient for the world of education in the future.Keywords: Policy, Zoning, PPDB, Decentralization

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