Foreword / Uvodnik

Tomislav Topolovčan

Poštovane čitateljice i poštovani čitatelji,Međunarodna znanstvena i umjetnička konferencija Učiteljskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu „Suvremene teme u odgoju i obrazovanju“ održana je od 15. do 17. studenoga 2019. godine u Zagrebu, kao središnji događaj obilježavanja stote obljetnice Fakulteta. Bila je to prilika za sagledavanje rezultata stoljetne posvećenosti Fakulteta razvoju interdisciplinarnih obrazovnih znanosti, kao znanstveno utemeljen putokaz za daljnja postignuća i izazove novoga stoljeća.Prepoznata potreba unaprjeđivanja interdisciplinarnog razumijevanja i znanstvenih uvida u svu složenost obrazovanja i s njime povezanim konceptima, urodila je razvojem 12 katedri Učiteljskog fakulteta koje su na konferenciji združeno ili samostalno vodile 10 simpozija. To su: Pedagogija i psihologija: od ispravljanja nedostataka do poticanja osobnih snaga i vrlina, Bioetika i izazovi suvremenog odgoja i obrazovanja, Metodički pristupi odgoju i obrazovanju, P(r)oučavanje hrvatskoga jezika, književnosti, dramske i medijske kulture, Trendovi i izazovi u učenju i p(r)oučavanju stranih jezika, Uloga i mogućnosti informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT) u predškolskom i osnovnoškolskom obrazovanju te obrazovanju učitelja, Novi izazovi u nastavi matematike, Kineziološki trendovi u odgoju i obrazovanju, Istraživanje odnosa likovnih i vizualnih umjetnosti u odgoju i obrazovanju te Perspektive suvremenoga glazbenog odgoja i obrazovanja.Sadržajnosti i kvaliteti Konferencije pridonijeli su brojni aktivni sudionici iz Hrvatske iz svijeta koji su tijekom konferencije predstavili dvjestotinjak radova među kojima je bilo iznimno teško izabrati ograničen broj radova za ovaj specijalni broj Hrvatskog časopisa za odgoj i obrazovanje.Znanstveni radovi objavljeni u ovom radu oslikavaju izuzetnu raznolikost i izazovnost suvremenog odgoja i obrazovanja prepoznatljivu u bogatstvu znanstvenih disciplina iz kojih autori polaze u analizi, problematiziranju i istraživanju tema kojima su posvećeni. Objedinjeni u ovom broju, radovi i njihovi autori ostavljaju trag recentne razine razvoja obrazovnih znanosti i otvaraju prostor za daljnja promišljanja i oblikovanje budućih znanstvenih istraživanja obrazovanja. Gostujuća urednica specijalnog izdanjaDejana Bouillet, Učiteljski fakultet, Sveučilište uZagrebu --- Respected readers,The International Scientific and Art Conference Contemporary Themes in Education of the Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb was held in Zagreb from 15 - 17 November 2019, as the central event of the Faculty’s centennial celebration. It was an opportunity to observe the results of a hundred-year-old dedication of the Faculty to developing interdisciplinary educational sciences, as a scientifically grounded guideline for further achievements and challenges of the new century.The pronounced need for the improvement of interdisciplinary understanding and scientific insights into the overall complexity of education and associated concepts has borne twelve departments of the Faculty of Teacher Education, which jointly or independently hosted ten symposia at the Conference. They are: Pedagogy and Psychology: From Amending Drawbacks to Enhancing Personal Strengths and Virtues; Bioethics and the Challenges of Contemporary Education; Methodical Approaches to Education; Education and Research in the Croatian Language, Drama and Media Culture; Trends and Challenges in FL Education and Research; The Role and Scope of ICT in Preschool and Primary Education and Teacher Education; New Challenges in Mathematics Teaching; Kinesiological Trends in Education; Research of the Relations in Fine and Visual Arts in Education; The Perspectives of Contemporary Music Education.Numerous Croatian and international lecturers have contributed to the content and quality of the Conference by presenting about two hundred works in its course, making it exceptionally hard to choose a limited number of prime works for this special issue of the Croatian Journal of Education.The scientific works published in this issue paint the exceptional diversity and challenges of contemporary education mirrored in the abundance of scientific disciplines from which the authors set out to analyse, problematize and research the themes they are dedicated to. Integrated in this issue, the works and their authors make their mark with the cutting-edge developmental level of educational sciences and open a space for further reflection and design of future scientific research on education. Guest editor of the special issueDejana Bouillet, Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb

Nataliia Khanykina ◽  
Dana Sopova ◽  
Oksana Bulvinska

The article analyzes the experience of introducing academic integrity on the example of an intellectual educational game – a debate at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. Such work has become traditional for the University residents on the basis of the educational circle «Educological Discourse» of the Research Laboratory of Educology and the Pedagogical Institute of the University. The purpose of the scientific article is to present the experience of conducting Educological debates on the introduction of academic integrity and their impact on improving the quality of higher education. The theoretical basis of the «Educological Debate» is the scientific direction of integrated research in the field of education – Educology, which is a synergy of such educational sciences as philosophy of education, history of education, educational policy, educational law, education management, economics of education, sociology of education, cultural education. These educational sciences make up the content of educational training, provide an opportunity to analyze and reveal various aspects of academic integrity. The «Educological debates» have polemical nature. The teams are able to demonstrate the main areas of work during the «Educological Debates». The principles, mechanisms of academic integrity introduction which can improve quality of education are resulted. The role of meetings in the format of an intellectual educational game is emphasized. The game serves as an impetus for awareness and desire to continue working on the creation and search for tools and mechanisms for the academic integrity introduction in the academic space. The conclusions of this work on the importance of informing students about the normative and legal, moral and ethical principles of combating plagiarism, teaching students the rules of ethical behavior in the academic environment are made. It is mentioned about the interactive teaching method of debates, which is effective for the development of both professional and general competencies of students. It helps to increase the level of critical thinking and communication skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Ida Katrine Riksaasen Hatlevik ◽  
Kirsti Lyngvær Engelien ◽  
Doris Jorde

For å styrke kvaliteten på praksisopplæringen i lærerutdanningen og fremme FoU-kompetansen i skolene, har Kunnskapsdepartementet (2017) løftet frem etablering av utvidede partnerskap mellom lærerutdanningsinstitusjoner, skoler/barnehager og skole-eiere, som et sentralt strategisk grep. Artikkelen bidrar med ny kunnskap om hvordan utvidede partnerskap kan fremme kvalitetsutvikling av mer enn bare studentenes praksisopplæring. Universitetet i Oslo har ti års erfaring med utvidet partnerskap i form av universitetsskolesamarbeid med utvalgte ungdoms- og videregående skoler. Sam-arbeidet tar utgangspunkt i at universitet og skoler har ulike tilnærminger til læreres profesjonskunnskap. Begge tilnærmingene er essensielle, og til sammen gir de et godt utgangspunkt for å utforme og gjennomføre en god lærerutdanning. Artikkelen gir eksempler fra UiOs universitetsskolesamarbeid. Den analyserer disse i lys av indika-torer på velfungerende partnerskapssamarbeid mellom lærerutdanningsinstitusjon og praksisfelt, kvalitetsarbeid relatert til utvikling og vedlikehold av utdanningstilbud, og god lærerutdanning. Analysen av eksemplene viser for det første at i et velfungerende partnerskap kan universitetsskoler medvirke i kvalitetsarbeid i lærerutdanningen ved å være sentrale bidragsytere i forvaltning av lærerutdanningen, utvikling av studie-program, emner, undervisnings-, vurderings- og praksisformer, og gjennomføring av undervisning på campus så vel som i praksis. For det andre viser eksemplene at tett samarbeid med universitetsskoler om studentenes læring på campus og i skolen kan gjøre utdanningens kunnskapsgrunnlag, undervisning og vurderingsformer mer profesjonsrelevante, og gi studentene gode rollemodeller for profesjonsutøvelse, også på campus. Videre bidrar artikkelen med et teoretisk rammeverk av kvalitetsindikatorer som kan brukes i utforming av nye utvidede partnerskap og til analyse av eksisterende. Nøkkelord: utvidede partnerskap, universitetsskoler, kvalitetsarbeid, relevans, utdanningskvalitet The contribution of university schools to the development of Teacher Education at the University of Oslo AbstractEstablishment of close and committed partnerships between teacher education institutions, a few selected teacher education schools (university schools), and school owners is an important strategy put forth by the Department of Education (2017) to strengthen the quality of practice in teacher education as well as to increase research-based development in schools. In this article, we provide new knowledge of how partnerships with university schools are able to promote quality improvement in various parts of the teacher education program. The University of Oslo has ten years of experience working with university school relationships in which both types of institutions have unique and complementary ways of looking at and working with teacher professionalism in teacher education. The article provides examples from this partnership, analyzing them in light of indicators of: well-functioning partnerships between the teacher education institution and practice schools; quality work related to the development of study programs for teacher education; and good teacher education. The article’s main findings are that in a well-functioning partnership, university schools are able to influence the quality of teacher education programs by contributing to the management of study programs, including courses, teaching, evaluation and practice forms on campus and within school practice. In addition, close connections between school and campus promote professional relevance for teacher education students and provide good role models for understanding the professionalism of becoming a teacher. The article also provides a theoretical framework of quality indicators that may be used in analyzing partnerships between teacher education intuitions and schools. Keywords: close and committed partnerships, teacher education schools, quality work, relevance, educational quality

2013 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
Saima Bibi ◽  
Muhammad Saeed

Quality enhancement of teacher education programs has been a debatable issue all over the world. The present study was aimed to assess the quality of teacher education programs being offered in a public sector university in Pakistan. Three programs were randomly selected and prospective teachers studying in the final semester were selected as sample of the study. Prospective teachers studying in last semester of teacher training programs were the respondents. Questionnaire, containing 55 statements divided into six factors, was used as data collection tool. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 20. Descriptive statistics showed that the respondents were more satisfied about the selection criteria, effectiveness of teaching strategies used by teachers, behavior modification practices, appropriateness of courses, timely feedback, and teachers’ content knowledge but they were less satisfied with the statements related to availability of multimedia in the classes, sharing of faculty offices, no distortion of external factors, space to conduct activities, cleanliness and neatness of classrooms, and environment helpful for learning. The results of inferential statistics revealed significant difference in mean score of respondents from different programs on the factors of admission criteria, use of technology, assessment procedure, and quality of paper development and marking. It is recommended in the light of results that the university should allocate special budget to improve the quality of infrastructure. Furthermore, availability of technology and its proper use should be ensured by the university administratio

Pedagogika ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 114 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-153
Birutė Banevičiūtė ◽  
Jolita Kudinovienė

The article analyses arts teacher education in Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, the only university in Lithuania which prepares teachers of four arts subjects – dance, music, theater and visual arts both on bachelor and master’s level. Analyzing this phenomenon input of Arts Education Department of the university is revealed through scientific and pedagogical activities which are closely connected with arts teacher education programmes implemented by the department. Since 1993 when Arts Education Department was founded it went through various changes which led from general university study subject of Arts education towards six arts teacher preparation programmes: dance pedagogy bachelor, theater and film, pedagogy bachelor, dance education, theater education, visual arts education and music education master. Over 500 arts education teachers graduated from Arts Education Department study programmes in the period of 1997–2013.

عبد العزيز برغوث

تتناول الورقة بالدراسة مسألة طبائع العلوم الإسلامية والشرعية، وما يميزها عن غيرها وأثر ذلك على نوعية الأستاذ الجامعي الذي يُدرسها وصفاته وملكاته. وتهدف الورقة إلى بيان هذه الطبائع في تحديد صفات الأستاذ الذي يتعلمها ويُعلمها. ويتبع البحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي وتحليل النصوص. وخلص البحث إلى أن من طبائع هذه العلوم أنها توحيدية المرجعية، وعملية وعلمية ومنهجية ومقصدية، وتدور حول رسالة الاستخلاف في الأرض واعمارها المتوازن. وعليه فإن الأستاذ الذي يتعلمها ويُعلمها ينبغي أن يتصف بصفات منها: الرسالية والإيمان القوي، والقيادة والإمامية العلمية، والعلم والخبرة، والقدوة النموذجية والحكمة والرشد والتزكية والتطهير. ويوصي البحث بضرورة تطوير برامج تأهيلية متخصصة لأستاذ العلوم الإسلامية والشرعية في الجامعات تراعي واقع التعليم المعاصر، ونوعية المتعلمين وطرق التدريس والتعليم المتلائمة وطبائع هذه العلوم والواقع الذي تُدرس فيه. الكلمات المفتاحية: طبائع العلوم الإسلامية، الأستاذ، الصفات، التعليم الجامعي. Abstract This article analyses the importance of understanding the natures of Islamic sciences, and what distinguishes them from others and the impact of this on the attributes and competencies of the university lecturer who teaches them. The aim of the paper is to show the how these natures influence preparation of the lecturers. The article followed the descriptive analytical method and textual analysis.  It concluded that some of the natures of these sciences are: revealed reference, practical, scientific, methodological and purposeful, and revolve around the message of Istikhlaf (vicegerency) and civilisation (umran) on the earth. Accordingly, the teacher who learns and teaches them should have attributes and qualities such as; sense of mission, strong faith, Intellectual leadership, knowledge and experience, exemplary role model, wisdom, guided reasoning, purification and spiritualty. The article recommended the need to develop specialised programs for the lecturers of Islamic and Shari’ah sciences in universities that take into account the realities of contemporary education, the quality of learners, teaching methods and the natures of these sciences.  Keywords: Natures of Islamic Sciences, Lecturer, Attributes, University Teaching.

Olga Aleksandrowska ◽  
Joanna Gilis-Siek

The aim of the present paper is to explore the value of general pedagogy practice in educating pre-service teachers of English. In the first part of the paper, the discussion begins with a brief overview of some key concepts related to the teaching profession, teacher education and teaching practice. The major functions of teaching practice, with specific focus on general pedagogy practice, are examined in the light of the Regulation by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 17 January 2012 on Educational Standards in Preparation for the Teaching Profession (2012). Furthermore, selected models and concepts of organising teaching practice at different Polish teacher training institutions are outlined. The second part of the paper is devoted to presenting an organisational framework of the general pedagogy practice at the Institute of English and American Studies, Gdańsk University. A proposal of a series of teaching practice tasks is put forward along with suggested content of the portfolio documenting trainees’ field experience. The paper closes with some recommendations for improving the quality of the university practicum programmes.

Hanna V. Sohatska

The paper investigates the competitive conditions of providing business structures with skilled managerial personnel. An emphasis is placed on the university role as a leading player in the contemporary education market. The need for bringing together science, business and the state to enhance the competitive positions of national universities on the basis of the triple helix concept has been grounded. An integrated education ecosystem with the use of modern innovative teaching technologies for improving the quality of practical training and ensuring managerial personnel competitiveness is proposed.

Janika Greenwood ◽  
Elaine Mayo ◽  
Lynne Hārata Te Aika ◽  
Lawrence Walker

The merger of the Christchurch College of Education with the University of Canterbury on January 1, 2007 was the pivotal point of major change for academic staff in the College, and focused a number of areas of contested values. This article is a collection of four narratives of that change, each examining a particular issue. Each of the narratives tells the story of a particular struggle to preserve an aspect of the overall quality of teacher education, and also foreshadows an ongoing philosophical and political engagement in the years that will follow the merger. The weaving of the four narratives seeks to capture a sense of the multiplicity of professional concerns that are experienced by professional educators and that are contested in the process of merger. This article comes from the perspective of academic staff from the former College of Education and in its use of personal voices reflects the lived experience of wrestling with change and sometimes perceived threat. However it has implications for other merged colleges of education, and for teacher education as a whole.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 15 ◽  
Ruksana Osman ◽  
Shirley Booth

This paper makes a case for a new impetus in creating a coherent research basis for childhood education and teacher education in South Africa. We are proposing a three-level – teacher educators, student teachers and practising teachers – research-led approach that integrates teacher education, schooling and early learning. The aim of the approach is to enhance the quality of learning in primary schools through systematic focus on the object of learning, whether in terms of teaching in school or educating entrants to the teaching profession at the university, or teacher educators inquiring into their practice. There are two thrusts involved: on the one hand bringing the focus of teachers, teaching students and teacher educators coherently onto the object of learning and thereby bringing it to the attention of their respective learners, and on the other hand invoking the principles of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) movement, thereby enabling its sustainability. We illustrate our case with two examples from the literature that show clearly how learning in school can be enhanced when teachers are actively studying what and how their learners are learning in connection with their teaching and where the work is disseminated in a scholarly manner.

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