scholarly journals Islamic Education at Mughal Kingdom in India (1526-1857)

2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-138
Sri Suyanta ◽  
Silfia Ikhlas

One of the legacies of Islamic civilization in India was the Mughal dynasty that had encouraged the new revival of the old and almost drowned civilization. With the presence of this dynasty, the glory of India with Hindus civilization reappeared. Recorded in the history of Islam, the dynasty was established in the middle period. After the mid-over, there appeared three great kingdoms to rebuild the progress of Muslims. Among the major kingdoms were royal Mughal. The third crown can already be categorized as a superpower in those days, because the greatness of the kingdom had been able to organize the economic, political as well as military.. Islamic education at this time gained considerable attention. For this purpose, the royal Mughal made the mosque as a place of worship other than as a place of religious learning for the community. The mosque indeed had been provided with scholars who gave various lessons of religious knowledge. In fact, the mosques had also been completed with special rooms for students who wanted to stay for their education. Therefore, almost every mosque developed certain religious sciences with special teachers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-97
Yayuk Purwati ◽  
Aulia Diana Devi

This paper aims to describe the concept of reasoning bayani, irfani and burhani on the learning of Aqidah Akhlak in Islamic education. aqidah akhlak learning innovations in Islamic education in schools to overcome the growth of children. The direction and purpose of Islamic education is to foster students with early integrity and national loyalty, so that it is necessary to multiply its efforts in the field of science. Some aspects of science that need attention include: First, updating the epistemological method of the history of Islamic civilization and learning from the relevant curriculum organization. Second, the epistemological paradigm reform of Bayani's reasoning aims to be Abid al-Jabiri's trilogy of reasoning, namely Bayani reasoning, Irfani reasoning and Burhani reasoning in the learning of Aqidah Akhlak. All three are very linear reasoning that goes hand in hand but still only bayani is made a top priority. And the third circular linking between the three and all reasoning can complement each other. And thirdly in accordance with the value of global issues in the learning materials aqidah Akhlak, as well as the progress of the times and the complexity of the issues faced by mankind, especially the Muslim community, the issue must be acted on locally but globally. This is a response to the progress of modern architecture, so Islamic religious education in the school is very necessary and needs to be considered its existence.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 420
Asfa Widiyanto

This article discusses the conception of science and its significance for the reconstruction of Islamic educat-ion, by analyzing and contextualizing the thoughts of Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Nasr is considered a figure who has compe-tence in history of science and philosophy with special emphasis on Islamic science and philosophy. In the earlier phase of his life, he acquainted himself with the thoughts of prominent thinkers both from East and West, and with the very issue of the encounter between East and West. This position makes the thoughts of Nasr on science having their distinctive character. The first part of this paper investigates the construct and characteristics of Islamic science as well as the hierarchy and the idea of unity in Islamic science. The second part of this paper is dealing with the reformulation of philosophical basis of Islamic education, most specifically in the domain of ontology, epistemology and axiology. The third is dealing with the attempts of reconstructing the system of Islamic education, most notably pertaining to the aim of education, educator, student, means of education, and milieu of education.

Teosofia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-274
Mokhamad Rohma Rozikin

As one of disciplines, Sufism has undergone the stages of scientific development. It is difficult to reach an agreement related to the classification of Sufism schools from the first time it appeared until today. However, by taking the characteristics of each thought into account, Sufism can be classified into several schools, namely Rajā 'wa khauf Sufism, Maḥabbah Sufism, Happy Sufism, Al-Ḥallāj Sufism, Al-Gazzālī Sufism, Philosophical Sufism, and Ibn Taimiyyah Sufism. Sufism that grew in the early days, in the first and second centuries of Hegira, such as Maḥabbah and Rajā' wa khauf Sufism, was in general undisputed because it was still far from the influence of foreign elements and had strong attachments to Al-Qur'an and Sunah. Sufism in the third and fourth centuries of Hijra, although from the scientific side is more established, systematic, and structured, the symptoms of conflict with Fiqh began to grow which reached its peak in the time of Al-Hallāj. Sufism in the fifth century, at the time of Al-Gazzālī, was the most beautiful period in the history of Sufism because Sufism and Fiqh could be integrated. Sufism in the next period began to had another conflict because of the influence of philosophy until the time of Ibn Taimiyyah who wanted to return Sufism to its origin. This paper conducted a literature review on the history of Sufism to capture the schools that have emerged since its inception. In the final section, a critical analysis of the Sufism schools was carried out and it was closed with a few ideas on how to eclectically adapt the results of this critical analysis for the Islamic Education learning.

Intizar ◽  
1970 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 161-184
Zulkarnain Yani

This paper describes the interest of reading Islamic education teachers at senior high school in the city of Bogor - West Java. This study was conducted in August - September 2016. The focus of the discussion on the urgency of reading religious literature according to Islamic education Teachers at senior high school in Bogor City and a wide selection of literature that the teachers are interested in. The targets are senior high school of Islamic education teachers that have been certified, both civil servant teachers and non-civil servant teachers. The purpose of this research is to know more deeply about reading interest through the urgency of reading religious literature according to Islamic education teachers at senior high school in Bogor City and a wide selection of literature that interest teachers and used in teaching Islamic Religious Education materials in schools. Based on the results of research, overall, interest in reading owned by Islamic education teachers  in Bogor city is still very good. As many as 94% or 34 Islamic education teachers at senior high school who say the importance of reading religious literature is essential. The variety of literature that is preferred by Islamic education teachers at senior high school in Bogor more on the material Aqidah followed by the material fiqh, morals and history of Islamic civilization

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-170
Erwin Padli

This research is a literature review related to the history of the Qur'an, from history to history and bookkeeping. This study aims to examine the importance of the history of the Qur'an in Islamic education. Apart from being the main source of Muslim diversity, the Qur'an also contains education. In reality, it is not only the contents of the Qur'an that contain education but from the history of decline to the bookkeeping, there are educational values ​​that can be learned and can be applied. For example, the history of the Golden Islamic civilization is not from the Qur'an. The advances that have occurred are supported by a high understanding of the Qur'an. To produce civilization or thoughts that are directed to the benefit of humans. With the Koran breathing, the development of education and even Islamic civilization can reach its peak.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Dwi Masdi Widada

<p><em>The phrase that describes that a science should be pursued even to China. Novel Assalamualaikum Beijing provides an overview of the presence of Islam in the Bamboo Curtain country. Islamic civilization has appeared some time ago in China. The novel is intentionally prove that Islam was, and triumphed in China. Islam not only had triumphed in Europe, especially Andalusia (now Spain). Travelling around the main character of China as a columnist Asma Indonesia provided a glimmer of hope, strength, and love of the teachings of Islam. Islam never lived and interacted with the people of China. Chinese Muslim faces with hoods and eyes sipitnya show relationships and interactions among the Muslims. Islam in China is known as "pure religion of the sky" .In this novel, the reader is also treated to the values </em><em></em><em>of Islamic education, the history of Islam, and the messages of Islam. Building a mosque in China a sign of the existence of Islam. One of the mosques and Muslim villages in China. This shows the triumph of Islam in the past. The value of education and the propagation of Islam seen in self Zhongwen figures. He was fascinated with friends Mus'ab bin Umair handsome and willing to remove the sparkling world for his new love in Islam</em></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Islamic Civilization, Islamic Education Value, China</em>

Dialogia ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 309
Fuad Fitriawan

Abstract: This paper examined the history of the development of Islam in Karanggebang Village founded by Kyai Muhammad Hasan. He is a descendant of Kyai Nur Sodiq. Karanggebang Village Ponorogo has its own uniqueness. This village still keep evidences of the history of Islamic civilization since the 18th century. The historical evidences is in the form of the mosque, the tomb, the heirloom, the ancient house, and other artifacts that are the heritage of Islam's history and development. In addition, as a historical heritage of Islamic education is existed in terms of relics of school buildings called PGA (Teacher Religious Education). Research of history and Islamic culture proved that the development of Islam in Java influence the various aspects of life. It is occurred due to the methods applied by the Ulama and Kyai in spreading Islam in the land of Java, especially in the village Karanggebang Jetis district Ponorogo district that appreciate the culture of Java. This kind of method is appropriate to the character of Ponorogo residents who tend to moderate and prioritize the harmony in life. It is in line with the concept of Frans Magnis Suseno who claims that Javanese has a respectful and friendly characteristics. ملخص:تبحث هذه المقالة فى تاريخ تطور الإسلام في قرية كارانج جيبانج التي أسسها أستاذ محمد حسن. وهو سليل أستاذ نور صديق. قرية كارانج جيبانج فى بونوروغو من القرية الأنيقة. هذه القرية توفر الكثير من الأثار التاريخية للحضارة الإسلامية التي لا تزال موجودة حتى اليوم. كان مجيئ الإسلام في قرية كارانج جيبانج قبل القرن 18 ميلاديا. الآثار التاريخية في قرية كارانج جيبانج التي تدل على ذلك هو المسجد، والمقبرة، والتراث، والمنازل القديمة، والآثار الفنية. وبجانب ذلك هناك آثار تاريخية في مجال التربية الإسلامية وهي بناء المدرسة الخاصة للمعلم دين الإسلام. أثبت المؤرخون أن تطور الإسلام في جزيرة جاوة لايؤدي إلى الصراع فى جوانب الحياة الاجتماعية. وهذا لا يفك من الطريقة التي يستخدمها العلماء في نشر الإسلام في جزيرة جاوة، وخاصة في قرية كارانج جيبانج التي تقدم الدعوة اللينة المناسبة لطبيعة السكان كارانج جيبانج الذي يميل إلى التسامح والحياة السليمة. وهذا يناسب بقول فرانس ماغنيس سوسينو إن سكان جزيرة جاوة لين ومفتوح. Abstrak: Tulisan ini akan mengkaji bagaimana sejarah perkembangan Agama Islam di Desa Karanggebang yang didirikan oleh Kiai Muhammad Hasan. Kiai Muhammad Hasan adalah keturunan dari Kiai Nur Sodiq. Desa Karanggebang Ponorogo memiliki keunikan tersendiri. Desa Karanggebang merupakan desa yang di dalamnya masih menyimpan banyak bukti-bukti sejarah peradaban Islam yang masih ada hingga saat ini. Islam di Desa Karanggebang sudah ada sejak sebelum abad 18 M. Bukti–bukti sejarah di Desa Karanggebang yang masih ada hingga detik ini adalah masjid, makam, pusaka, rumah kuno, dan artefak lainnya yang merupakan peninggalan sejarah dan perkembangan Islam di desa Karanggebang. Selain itu sebagai peninggalan sejarah desa ini, perkembangan di bidang pendidikan Islam juga menjadi bukti sejarah perkembangan Islam di Desa Karanggebang, dengan ditandai peninggalan bangunan gedung sekolah bernama PGA (Pendidikan Guru Agama). Penelitian sejarah dan kebudayaan Islam yang telah dilakukan oleh Para ahli membuktikan bahwa perkembangan Islam di tanah Jawa tidak banyak menimbulkan goncangan dalam berbagai segi kehidupan masyarakat. Hal ini tidak lepas dari metode yang digunakan oleh para Ulama dan Kiai dalam menyebarkan agama Islam di tanah Jawa khususnya di desa Karanggebang kecamatan Jetis kabupaten Ponorogo yang bersikap toleran terhadap budaya lama tanah Jawa. Pendekatan semacam ini sangat sesuai dengan watak penduduk Ponorogo yang cenderung moderat serta mengutamakan keselarasan dalam hidupnya. Hal ini sejalan dengan pendapat Frans Magnis Suseno yang menyatakan bahwa Jawa memiliki ciri khas yang lentur dan terbuka. Kata kunci : Perkembangan Islam, Kiai Muhammad Hasan, Karanggebang  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Mahfud Ifendi

As we know, Nidhamiyah madrasas have played an important role in the history of Islamic civilization to sustain the pace of development of Islamic education. This article aims to describe the history of the establishment of the Nidhamiyah madrasah as an educational institution and the chaotic establishment of this madrasa because it has rubbed off against political-ideological elements. This type of research is a qualitative research. In accordance with the object of the study of this article, this type of research is included in the category of library research. The result in this article is that the Nidhomiyah madrasa was founded in 447 H / 1055 M under the leadership of Tughril Bek from the Snowq dynasty. However, the main figure in the establishment of this madrasa was its vizier named Nizam al-Mulk. As an educational institution, of course this madrasah is the same as other madrasas in terms of management, educators, students, and learning methods. However, in terms of curriculum, this madrasah is a bit different because it contains Ashariyah theology material which is the main objective to defend the Sunni ideology of the Shia-Mu'tazilah ideology. After all, apart from having a role as an educational institution, this Nidhamiyah madrasah cannot be separated from the realm of the politics-ideology that underlies its birth.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (1-2) ◽  
Abdullah Drury

This article intends to sketch a history of some of the principle ideas, themes and values buttressing New Zealand Muslim thought and Weltanschauung. The argument is predicated upon the hypothesis that in defining religious and spiritual identity one of the most vital aspects to be taken into consideration are the multiple differences in epistemological, methodological and ontological assumptions as we try to comprehend the primary sources of religious knowledge and practice. In the first section of the article, the general heuristic and methodology of describing and demarcating the identities of Muslims, or ways of being a Muslim in New Zealand, in an existential sense, is presented. The second part discusses research that has detected and delineated Muslim identity among New Zealand citizens. The third section attempts to present an elucidation on some of the main topics underpinning the worldview of local Muslims, including the precepts of religio-communal authority, autonomy and agency, and ideas related to the conceptualisation and interpretation Islamic traditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
M. Wahyu Abdi Nugroho

Abstract The Fatimid dynasty was an dynasty founded by Ubaidillah al-Mahdi with an understanding of Shia Ismailiyah. This dynasty reached its peak of glory when the center of government moved to the Cairo. By that time, Cairo had become the center of Muslim intellectual and scientific activity in the Islamic world. This paper aims to describe the intellectual and scientific development of Islam during the Fatimid dynasty. The method is used in this research is descriptive analysis with a historical approach. This method is a process of critically examining and analyzing past records and relics in the form of written text. The results of the literary analysis carried out show that there was a role for educational institutions during the Fatimid dynasty. Among these educational institutions are; Mosques, Dar al-Ilm and Dar al-Hikmah Libraries, and al-Azhar University. Educational institutions during the Fatimid dynasty were Shia Isma'iliyyah schools with a system of formal, informal, and non-formal educational institutions. In general, educational institutions during the Fatimid dynasty had a big role in the educational revolution in the world. However, it also plays a negative role in Islamic civilization which aims to spread the Shia madzhab in Islamic life. Keywords: The Fatimid dynast, history of islamic education   Abstrak Dinasti Fatimiyah yang didirikan oleh Ubaidillah al-Mahdi dengan pemahaman Syiah Isma’iliyyah mencapai puncak kegemilangan ketika pusat pemerintahan berpindah ke kota Kairo. Pada saat itulah, Kairo telah menjadi pusat intelektual muslim dan kegiatan ilmiah dunia Islam. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan perkembangan intelektual dan ilmu pengetahuan agama Islam pada masa Dinasti Fatimiyyah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis – deskriptif dengan pendekatan historis. Metode ini merupakan proses menguji dan menganalisa secara kritis rekaman dan peninggalan masa lampau yang berupa teks tertulis. Hasil dari analisis literer yang dilakukan bahwa adanya peran lembaga-lembaga pendidikan yang terdapat pada masa Dinasti Fatimiyyah. Di antara lembaga-lembaga pendidikan tersebut adalah; Masjid, Pepustakaan Dar al-Ilm dan Dar al-Hikmah, Universitas al-Azhar. Lembaga pendidikan di masa dinasti Fatimiyah bermazhab Syi’ah Isma’iliyyah dengan sistem lembaga pendidikan formal, informal, dan non-formal. Secara umum lembaga pendidikan pada masa dinasti Fatimiyah memiliki andil besar dalam revolusi pendidikan di dunia. Tetapi, juga berperan negatif dalam peradaban Islam yang bertujuan untuk menyebarkan mazhab Syi’ah dalam kehidupan Islam. Kata kunci: Dinasti Fatimiyah, Sejarah Pendidikan Islam

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