scholarly journals Analytical Space Theories and Gyula Hajnóczi’s Spatiology

János Krähling

Gyula Hajnóczi’s scientific career is characterized by the intertwined cultivation of ancient architectural history of the Antiquity, architectural theory, and the preservation of monuments of the Antique world. From the late 1960s onwards, the need to develop a new theory of architecture became more and more pronounced in his researches, which was completed in the 1980s with the creation of the analytical space theory called Spatiology. This paper aims to analyse his complex analytical research methodology in the international research context. Hajnóczi’s research method of analysing the architectural space includes also the socially and psychologically determined factors of spatial perception. According to his analytical theory, the constructive-initiative medium can initiate spatial relations called vallum and inter-vallum, and by referring their quantitative survey, the definition of spatial qualities can be interpreted in relation to building, man and space in a wholistic approach. Architectural creation is theoretically approached in this duality, from the point of view of quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Hajnóczi’s work is little known internationally, however, by comparing and analysing it with the researches of his contemporaries, it can play an important role in the international research context. It is considered as one of the relevant theoretical architectural achievements in Hungary in the second half of the 20th century.Hajnóczi Gyula tudományos pályáját az ókori építészettörténet, az építészetelmélet és az antikvitás műemlékvédelmének egymásba fonódó művelése jellemzi. Az 1960-as évek végétől egyre markánsabban jelenik meg egy új építészetelmélet kidolgozásának igénye, amely az 1980-as években a Spaciológiaként elnevezett analitikus térelmélet megalkotásával vált teljessé.A cikk célja ennek az építészeti térre vonatkozó komplex analitikai kutatási módszertannak elemzése a nemzetközi kutatások tükrében. Hajnóczi építészeti térelméleti kutatási módszere magában foglalja a térészlelés társadalmilag és pszichológiailag meghatározott tényezőit is. Analitikai elmélete szerint a konstruktív-iniciatív közeg határozza meg a vallum és intervallum fogalmakkal meghatározott térbeli kapcsolatokat, majd ennek a kvantitatív elemzése alapján a térbeli minőségek meghatározása az épület, az ember és a tér vonatkozásában komplex módon értelmezhető. Az építészeti alkotás elméletileg ebben a kettősségben ragadható meg, kvantitatív és kvalitatív jellemzőivel. Hajnóczi munkássága nemzetközileg kevéssé ismert, azonban kortársainak kutatásaival összehasonlítva és elemezve fontos szerepet játszhat a nemzetközi kutatásokkal párhuzamba állítva. Műve a 20. század második felében hazánk egyik releváns elméleti építészeti eredményének számít.Die wissenschaftliche Karriere von Gyula Hajnóczi ist von der Verflechtung der Architekturgeschichte der Antike, der Architekturtheorie und der Erhaltung von Denkmälern der antiken Welt geprägt. Ab den späten 1960er Jahren wurde die Notwendigkeit, eine neue Architekturtheorie zu entwickeln, in seinen Forschungen immer deutlicher, die er in den 1980er Jahren mit der Schaffung der analytischen Raumtheorie namens Spaciologie abgeschlossen hat. Dieser Beitrag zielt darauf ab, seine komplexe analytische Forschungsmethodik im internationalen Forschungskontext zu analysieren. Hajnóczis Forschungsmethode zur Analyse des architektonischen Raums umfasst auch die sozial und psychologisch bestimmten Faktoren der räumlichen Wahrnehmung. Nach seiner analytischen Theorie initiiert das konstruktive-initiative Medium räumliche Beziehungen, die als Vallum und Intervallum bezeichnet werden, und unter Bezugnahme auf ihre quantitative Untersuchung kann die Definition räumlicher Qualitäten in Bezug auf Gebäude, Mensch und Raum in einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz interpretiert werden. Das architektonische Schaffen wird theoretisch in dieser Dualität unter dem Gesichtspunkt quantitativer und qualitativer Merkmale angegangen. Hajnóczis Werk ist international wenig bekannt. Durch den Vergleich und die Analyse mit den Forschungen seiner Zeitgenossen kann es jedoch eine wichtige Rolle im internationalen Forschungskontext spielen. Es gilt als eine der relevanten theoretischen architektonischen Errungenschaften in Ungarn in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts.

The article attempts to comprehend the essence and possibility of forming discourse competence among foreign and Russian students with simultaneous immersion in patriotic discourse. It is highlighted that the addition of the humanitarian series of “History of Civilizations” and “Features of Russian Civilization” to the educational process at the university creates the necessary pedagogical conditions for organizing a special linguo-ethno-cultural environment that forms active social interaction of authors within the framework of the medical and patriotic linguistic scenario. The authors of the article conducted a semantic and historical analysis of interpretations of the concept of “patriotism” that were studied from the point of view of traditional and liberal culture. The article presents the results of a socio-pedagogical study of students' perceptions of this concept. The article describes various theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of the concepts of “discourse” and “discursive picture of the world” as well as psycholinguistic features of the method of semantic differential. Special attention in the article is paid to the typologies of discourse presented in the scientific literature. The authors of the article present the principle of genre and the principle of thematic correlation as the basis for distinguishing between types of discourse and highlight differences in language and discursive pictures of the world. The tasks of educators is to form not only purely medical discursive competence, but also to immerse the listener in “correctly” interpreted picture, saturated with verbal patterns that allow to create statements of patriotic content.

2006 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-268 ◽  

Any definition of Central Europe based on geographical and/or historical facts causes difficulties. The line dividing Europe during the Cold War has a very limited use because it does not take into account Central Europe as a special part of the continent. Historians such as Geoffrey Barraclough, Hugh Seton-Watson and Oskar Halecki discussed the idea of a separate identity of Central Europe during the Cold War. Especially after the fall of the Berlin Wall, this discussion was re-opened. From a historian's point of view, the most important contributions came from Piotr Wandycz and Jenő Szűcs. An imaginary centre of Europe can only be found in the continent's common history.There is a belief, rather widespread in English-speaking countries, that the eastern half of Europe is inhabited by a number of endlessly quarrelling small nations whose conflicts keep endangering the quiet and comfort of Anglophones. (Hugh Seton-Watson)

Sabornost ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 95-114
Aleksandar Đakovac

Richard of St. Victor is an important figure in the history of scholasticism. In this paper, we will analyze his idea of the person, which he developed for the needs of Triadology. The peculiarity of Richard's point of view is reflected in the attempt to establish the relationship as a key ontological definition of the person. In his thinking, Richard relies on his predecessors, primarily Tertullian, Augustine and to some extent Anselm. Despite the limitations arising from such a background, Richard's insights were a novelty in the thought of the Western Christianity, and the consequences of his teachings have never been fully grasped.

Maryna Streltsova

The precedent of the Kaniv All­Ukraine Symposium “Shevchenkivsky Park” in 2007 laid the foundation for the formation of a new model of the state symposium of national importance. This in conjunction with the municipal symposia subsequently stimulated the introduction of a private model. The objectives of the research, was through an art­study and comparative analysis; taking a representative sample of sculptural ensembles of state and private symposia to determine their specificity, common features and perspectives.As a result of the study, it is acknowledged that neither state nor private symposium models are benchmarked, since they can`t avoid of unsuccessful works of art in terms of their technical performance; or from the point of view of conformity of their concept; nor can they prevent from making mistakes during installation of a sculptural ensemble. Similarly the state format has the potential for development, under the condition of proper financing and balanced cultural policy of the state and local authorities. The general discrepancies between state and private symposia consists of concepts and exposition principles of symposium sculpture parks. Additionally in case of private sculptural symposia, private or public space is exempted from the integral information mission and gives a chance to use this place for rest and contemplation. This explains the greater percentage of abstract sculptural works in the Kaniv symposia. State symposia raise questions of the ethno­national and cultural identity of Ukrainians, dealing with certain "memory places", therefore, they are called to create interpretive works of art; that mentally and spiritually integrate the recipient into the history of a particular environment.So, in both models; the clear formulation of the communicative task and the definition of the exhibition strategy of various spaces are implied. This is illustrated by the nearby Kaniv parks of symposium sculptures — “Knya­ zhaya Hora” and “Shevchenkivsky Park”.

2021 ◽  
Արսեն Բոբոխյան

Ներկայացվող աշխատանքն իր առջև նպատակ է դնում Կոմիտասին դիտարկել իր ապրած դարաշրջանի համատեքստում: Կոմիտասին ընկալելու համար որպես բանալի բառ է ընտրված «հայկական ոճ» հասկացությունը, որը փնտրելը, գտնելը և զարգացնելը եղել է Վարդապետի գերխնդիրը: Ընդ որում, «ոճ» ասելիս նկատի ունենք որևէ ժողովրդին բնորոշ մշակութային անփոփոխ (ինվարիանտ) այն առանձնահատկությունները, որոնք սահմանում են այդ տեսակի ինքնությունը: Հայ մտավորականների և մասնավորապես Կոմիտասի կողմից «հայկական ոճի» համար մղվող շարժումը դիտարկելի է XIX-XX դդ. սահմանի համաշխարհային զարգացումների միջավայրում: Այս շրջանը մարդկության պատմության մեջ բնորոշվում է արագ հաղորդակցական միջոցների առաջացմամբ, քաղաքային կյանքի աշխուժացմամբ, որի հետևանքով սկսում են քայքայվել գյուղը և ավանդական արժեքները: Այդ արժեքների վերացման վտանգները տեսանելի էին հատկապես հայերի նման ժողովուրդների շրջանակում, որոնք, զրկված լինելով պետականությունից, գոյության կռիվ էին մղում կայսրությունների սահմաններում: Այս տեսանկյունից «հայկական ոճի» գաղափարի արծարծումը Կոմիտասի և նրա ժամանակակիցների կողմից պատմական անհրաժեշտություն էր: Ցույց տալով, որ գոյություն ունի անկախ «հայկական ոճ», որն ունի ուրույն մշակութային արտահայտչաձևեր ու միավորում է հայկական ժամանակն ու տարածությունը, հոգևոր ու աշխարհիկ մշակույթը մի համակարգի մեջ, հայ գիտնականներն ու արվեստի գործիչները փորձում էին ոչ միայն արդարացնել անցյալը, այլև լեգիտիմացնել ներկան, և ամենակարևորը՝ ստեղծում էին ապագայի տեսլական: Առաջ է քաշվում տեսակետ, ըստ որի «հայկական ոճ» բուն հասկացությունը սկսվել է կիրառվել հայ մտավորականների կողմից կոլեկտիվ հիշողության վերականգնվող լանդշաֆտների, և մասնավորապես՝ Անիի համատեքստում, որի պեղումները վեր էին հանում ոչ միայն կործանված հայկական պետականության ավերակները, այլև այդ պետականությունը վերստեղծելու հույսը: The present contribution aims to view the image of Komitas in the context of his time. The concept of “Armenian style” is chosen as the key word to perceive Komitas, a concept the deciphering and developing of which is supposed to be the main purpose of the scientist. The culturally invariant features of the nation are considered by “style” that define the proper kind of its identity. The movement of Armenian intellectuals, particularly that of Komitas for definition of “Armenian style” can be observed in the context of global developments of the borderline of the 19th and 20th centuries. In the history of mankind this period is characterized by the emergence of rapid means of communication and the activation of urban life, as a result of which the rural and traditional values began to crumble. The dangers of the abolition of those values were especially visible among such peoples as the Armenians, who being deprived of statehood fought for their existence within the borders of empires. From this point of view, the introduction of the idea of “Armenian style” by Komitas and his contemporaries was of historical necessity. Demonstrating that there is an independent “Armenian style” that has unique cultural expressions and unites the Armenian times and spaces, its spiritual and secular cultural spheres in a system, Armenian scholars and artists sought not only to justify the past of their nation, but also to legitimize its present, and most importantly, to create a vision for the future. In this article a view point is developed, according to which the very concept of “Armenian style” has been used first by the Armenian intellectuals in context of the newly restored landscapes of memory such as Ani, the excavations of which uncovered not only the ruins of the past Armenian statehood but also the hope of its recreation.

Daniil V. Puzanov ◽  

The article substantiates the expediency of considering the system of Christian and Islamic medieval civilizations as a single Abrahamic metacivilization. Heuristic possibilities of the term are revealed on the basis of research works on sociology, philosophy, world and domestic history. The features of the perception of civilizations and religions are analyzed from the point of view of the world-system perspective and global history. The definition of local civilization is being clarified. The definition of metacivilization is given. It is noted that, since the 8th century, on the territory of Asia Minor, North Africa and Europe, a system was forming whose unity was based on a combination of two universal cultures: the Hellenistic (science and law) one and the system of teachings of the Abrahamic religions. The expediency of designating this system as “Abrahamic metacivilization” is substantiated. It could not have arisen before the 7th–8th centuries. Along with the Arab conquests, the importance of religions in communications in the designated territories was growing, and the zone of influence of the Abrahamic religions was seriously expanding. The author proposes to leave open the question of the upper chronological framework of the phenomenon. The Abrahamic metacivilization disappears either in the 13th century (when its Hellenistic component begins to erode) or in the 15th century (with the formation of the capitalist worldsystem). Like world-systems, the Abrahamic civilization had a hierarchical structure, which depended on the degree of political power centralization and the completeness of the state ideology formation. The metacivilization center was represented by Byzantium and the empires of Islam. It seems promising to use the term to study some aspects of the legal, cultural, social and economic history of medieval states with an official Abrahamic religion, including the study of interfaith transactions. It seems promising to study from such positions the early history of Eastern Europe, whose many regions still preserved the tribal structure. The possibility of using the term “Abrahamic metacivilization” in historical ethnography (for example, based on some provisions of R. Redfield’s theory, in which the mechanisms of globalization and global processes were for the first time considered from the standpoint of social anthropology) is also substantiated. An advantage of the term is its specific territorial-chronological reference. It is noted that the term “Abrahamic metacivilization” can be used in studies with different methodological bases.

Turkology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (104) ◽  
pp. 106-119
D. Kenzhetayev ◽  

Recognition of the heritage of Abai from the point of view of Islamic theology and philosophy, the Muslim and civilizational nature of the Kazakh people is a very urgent issue. It is important to reveal the place and role of Abai's heritage in order to give a scientific and historical assessment of the traces of modern Kazakh religious knowledge and religious experience. Therefore, a holistic consideration of the concepts and categorical complex in the works of Abai and its differentiation with systemic historical and philosophical forms make it possible to recognize his existential and religious and civilizational appearance. The article examines the opinion of mankind against those who want to explain the general views of Abai with the templates of existentialist philosophy, referring to well-known representatives of an important layer about being in the history of thought. In his review of the history of philosophy, as well as in the question of what essence is, Abai stressed the importance of the truth underlying the definition of love as a single meaning.

2018 ◽  
pp. 21-75
Danuta Ulicka

The author attempts to reconstruct a short history of modern Polish literary studies not from the perspective of schools or methodological orientations that are usually applied, but from the perspective of what is known in sociology as cultural themes. This point of view offers the opportunity to (re)construct the process of continuity /discontinuity in the whole field of research focused on the problem of reference, which has been recognized as the most important one in Polish studies (as well as in Polish literature, and art) since its beginning in the first decade of the 20th century. In the broader scope the article attempts to rearticulate the definition of the discipline conventionally called “the theory of literature”, and to propose a new way of writing its history.

space&FORM ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (44) ◽  
pp. 71-78
Alina Holovatiuk ◽  

This article deals with the notion of meme from the general, web and architectural point of view. The history of the creation and the process of further transformation of the term meme, which gradually penetrated from the initial genetic environment into the environment of media and technologies, is described. The disagreements are mentioned both in the interpretation of the concept of a meme and in the definition of a meme as a certain useful or harmful element of culture. By comparing the Internet meme and its main properties with the architectural meme, the characteristics of the last one are indicated.

Anthony R. Ives

How the diversity of an ecological community affects its stability is an old and important question (Forbes, 1887; Elton, 1927; Nicholson, 1933). The science of ecology grew out of the study of natural history in the nineteenth century, when nature was viewed as wondrous, mysterious, complex, and largely in balance (even if murderous to experience from an individual’s point of view; Forbes, 1887). Whereas our current scientific view is more textured and guarded, the ‘balance of nature’ still permeates the popular press. Some vestiges also remain in the scientific literature. Over the last 100 years, conclusions about the relationship between ecological diversity and stability have varied wildly (May, 2001; Ives, 2005). The goal of this chapter is to show that these wildly varying conclusions are due largely to wildly varying definitions of both stability and diversity. To do this, I will take two tacks, one for stability and the other for diversity. For stability, I will give an abbreviated history of the changing definitions of stability, merging both empirical and theoretical studies. I make no pretence of being comprehensive, but will instead pick highlights that show how the definition of stability often changes from one study to the next. For diversity, I will present a theoretical model to illustrate how different ‘diversity effects’ on stability can be parsed out. This model shows in a concrete way how any theoretical study (and, for that matter, empirical study) necessarily makes a long list of assumptions to derive any conclusion about diversity and stability. The multiple definitions of stability, and the multiple roles of diversity, argue against any general relationship between stability and diversity. In the final section of the chapter, I will argue that understanding the relationship between diversity and stability requires the integration of theory and experiment. Theory is needed to define in unambiguous terms the meanings of stability and diversity. Experiments are needed to ground theory in reality. Unfortunately, rarely is this done. To present an abbreviated history of the changing definitions of stability, I will discuss theoretical and empirical studies side by side.

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