scholarly journals Interpersonal Communication Model in the Book "Aisyah" by Sulaiman An-Nadawi

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 311-350
Yunika Wigati ◽  
Agus Riyadi

Interpersonal communication is very influential in people’s lives. It is also equally important to build good relationships between each communication agent, both communicator and communicant. Model of interpersonal communication also vary, with different goals and methods. In this study, Aisyah’s interpersonal communication model is the focus of the study by being a communicator in Aisyah’s book by Sulaiman an-Nadawi. Aisyah’s book describes many activities in Aisyah’s life in communicating with many people with various activities in life. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with a content analysis approach. The analysis used by the researcher is Krippendorf’s content analysis with paragraph analysis units. The finding in this study is that transactional interpersonal communication model is most often used by Aisyah. Other models used by Aisyah with frequencies below transactional interpersonal communication are sender-receiver, linier, and power.Komunikasi interpersonal sangat berpengaruh dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Hal tersebut juga sama pentingnya untuk membangun hubungan yang baik di antara setiap pelaku komunikasi, baik komunikator ataupun komunikan. Model dari komunikasi interpersonal juga beragam, dengan tujuan dan juga cara yang berbeda-beda. Pada penelitian ini, model komunikasi interpersonal menjadi fokus kajian dengan Aisyah sebagai komunikator di dalam buku Aisyah karya Sulaiman an-Nadawi. Buku ‘Aisyah’ menggambarkan banyak kegiatan pada kehidupan Aisyah RA (sebagai komunikator) dengan komunikasi yang dilakukan dengan banyak orang. Jenia penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan analisis isi. Analisis yang digunakan oleh peneliti yaitu analisis isi Kripendorf dengan unit analisis paragraf. Temuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu bahwa model komunikasi interpersonal transaksional paling sering digunakan oleh Aisyah RA. Model-model lain yang digunakan oleh Aisyah dengan frekuensi dibawah komunikasi interpersonal transaksional yaitu, pengirim-penerima, linier, dan kekuasaan.

2018 ◽  
dwi sukmawati yuliani

This article aims to discuss the destructive nature of Indonesian language through Instagram social media. The method used is descriptive qualitative method with a content analysis approach. Use data in the form of captions from uploading Instagram accounts @ young_lex18. The mix between Indonesian and foreign languages is the main highlight of the caption from account @ young_lex18. Using Indonesian and foreign languages in one sentence that does not comply with the writing rules can cause the existence of Indonesian to fade away. Caption is used to clarify content in uploads or express what is felt. The language used is in accordance with what is felt, so the writing rules are not cared.

Gilang Fadhilia Arvianti ◽  
Atsani Wulansari

<p class="AbstractText">Translating comic is different from other different text. Most of the text that is used in the comic is dialogue or spoken language that usually can be found in the subtitle of the film. Analyzing the accurateness of the translation text can be analyzed by using Metafunction approach especially ideational analysis. In translating text into target text, not all meaning is transferring into target text. It can influence the message that is brought by the source text into target text. Through ideational analysis approach it can be analyzed although not all the meaning is transferred into target text. This becomes the reason of taking this case as an object of this research.</p><p class="AbstractText">The aims of this research are to know the meaning realization in ideational analysis approach, and to explain the impact of ideational shifting toward the equivalence of translation in target text. The method of this research uses descriptive qualitative since the data and the analysis are in the form of sentence and description. The data took from Donald Duck’s Comic and its translation version. The technique used in this research is content analysis. This research also applies criterion-based sampling that is used only to get theoretically generalization.</p><p class="AbstractText">Since this research is hoped to give significant contribution to student of English Teaching and Learning in learning ideational analysis, the function of this research is to explain the impact of ideational shifting toward the equivalence of translation in target text. Thus, this research not only can be learning material for analyzing ideational in specific text, but also in learning translation.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 210
Drina Intyaswati ◽  
Ratu Laura M. B. P.

<em>As a writer (blogger) would be exist with as a member of a virtual community, because it will add who can access his writings. The purpose of this paper is, to know the role of virtual community in the existence of bloggers and how it can improve the productivity of writings. This study used website as study material. The method used is descriptive qualitative with interview informans to describe the virtual community Kumpulan Emak Blogger (KEB) and also content analysis. The results showed that there is better existence as a blogger for KEB members, since the blogger has a place that is able to express their creativity. By joining the KEB knowledge and ability of writing in a blog be increased, and also the increased blog traffic. Group communication contained in community KEB, in addition, interpersonal communication was used by members of KEB to communicate intensively.</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-81
Qurrota Aulia Zahra

The grammatical cohesion is very important in the discourse because it relates to the meaning that will be produced. Therefore, the researcher would like to explore the grammatical cohesion in surat al-Qashash, which becomes an essential element that binds the semantic structure of a discourse. The grammatical cohesion devices can take the forms of intangible reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction.The problems investigated in this study include: the types of grammatical cohesion devices and in surah al-Qasas. Second, the types of grammatical devices contained in surah al-Qasas. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with content analysis approach and focuses on the grammatical cohesion devices contained in surah al-Qasas.The study found four types of grammatical cohesion devices namely reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction in the form of dhomir, words, phrases or sentences as a reference between two sentences in pairs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Kundharu Saddhono ◽  
Dewi Pramestuti

<p><em>Javanese culture is a system of ideas which directs Javanese people’s attitude and behaviors. It contains local wisdom that has a great influence on their daily life. The research method employed in this study is descriptive qualitative by implementing content analysis approach. The data studied are the scripts of Sekar Macapat Pocung. Local wisdom has a highly philosopical meaning which enhances the tenacity of nations. Tembang Macapat is considered as a form of local wisdom in Javanese culture. Sekar Macapat Pocung is the eleventh popular meters of recited Javanese poem. Through the recited Javanese poem, Islamic religious values and noble values are delivered meaningfully. It becomes precept and inseparable part of Javanese people in leading religious and national life.</em></p><p><br /><em>Budaya Jawa merupakan suatu sistem yang menjadi pedoman bagi masyarakat Jawa dalam berperilaku dan bersikap. Di dalam budaya Jawa terdapat kearifan lokal sebagai pendorong yang kuat dalam kehidupan masyarakat Jawa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis isi. Data yang dikaji adalah naskah Sekar Macapat Pocung. Kearifan lokal budaya Jawa mengandung makna filosofis yang meningkatkan ketahanan nasional sebuah bangsa. Tembang Macapat termasuk wujud kearifan lokal budaya Jawa. Sekar Macapat Pocung adalah metrum kesebelas yang dikenal sebagai produk budaya berbentuk puisi Jawa kuno yang dilagukan. Melalui syair dalam tembang, nilai-nilai religus Islam dan pitutur bijak disampaikan penuh makna. Nilai-nilai religus Islam dan pitutur bijak dalam Sekar Macapat Pocung menjadi pegangan dan bagian hidup yang tak terpisahkan dari masyarakat Jawa dalam menjalani kehidupan beragama dan berbangsa.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-134
Hendri Pitrio Putra ◽  
Pratomo Widodo

This research aimed at describing the forms and functions of euphemism in the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Debate of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019. This research also explained the form and function of euphemism that was most dominantlyused and whose speech containing most elements of euphemism. The method used in the research was descriptive qualitative method and content analysis approach. The data sources in this research were videos and transcripts of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Debate in the first and fifth rounds in 2019. The results of this study revealednine forms of euphemism, namely figurative expression, metaphor, flippancy, circumlocutions, clipping, acronym, abbreviation, one for one substitution, borrowing, and hyperbole. The most dominant euphemism form used was one for One Substitution with the total of 164 or 61.4%. Furthermore, the speech that had the most euphemism was Joko Widodo with the total of 113 euphemisms or 42.3%. Finally, this research also showedfour functions of euphemismas a form of positive imaging, criticizing or insinuating opponents, refining speech, and as a tool for diplomacy.

2018 ◽  
Novian Wildan Rosyidi

The development of information technology in social media (especially Instagram) became very important in supporting the 4.0 industrial revolution. The purpose of this study was to determine the interest of Instagram users in developing writing through 31 days of writing from their @rebellion_id account. The method of research is descriptive qualitative research methods and and the conceptual basis used is the content analysis approach. The results of the study indicate that interest in writing through the challenges of 31 days of writing through Instagram is quite a lot. This is supported by responses from Instagram users who were very enthusiastic about the challenge. Posts are presented in interesting forms, and in their posts use words from KBBI that are rarely used for writing. The challenge of 31 days of writing was able to develop interest in writing for followers who followed the challenge.

Sigit Rais ◽  
Sutopo Sutopo ◽  
Mahendra Wijaya

This study aims to detail the values of honesty in the animated film "Sahabat Pemberani" part "Main Jujur". The value of honesty is one of the anti-corruption values campaigned by the Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with a content analysis approach. The results of this study indicate that the value of honesty has been presented as one of the important anti-corruption messages in anti-corruption education for children.

2019 ◽  
Karisma Chandra Puspito

Abstract. The tradition of apem distribution ceremony is an annual agenda held by the community in Jatinom Village, Klaten Regency in the month of Sapar in the Islamic calendar to honor the existence of Ki Ageng Gribig who performs the spread of Islam around the Klaten region. The writing of this article aims to explain the community's perception of the tradition of apem distribution ceremonies in Jatinom Village, Klaten Regency. The research method used is descriptive qualitative content analysis approach. The method of data collection is done by interviews and questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that the community's perception of the tradition of apem distribution ceremonies in Jatinom Village is relatively good with the presence of high awareness and confidence in the blessing that is obtained from the tradition of the tradition of apem distribution, so the community always implements this tradition every year. The tradition of this traditional ceremony is interpreted to the community as a tradition for generations and inheritance that must be preserved and can benefit the community as a form of gratitude for the favors and gifts that have been given. This tradition can also make society a harmonious life.

2018 ◽  

This study aims to analyze language education conducted in communication on instagram and prove that following these accounts can familiarize the millennial generation to read information about Indonesian. However, most millennials use their Instagram accounts to follow entertainment media only. The method in this study is descriptive qualitative with a content analysis approach. This research was carried out by taking 3 samples of the shipment along with their information on the account belonging to @funbahasa which contained absorption words from foreign languages and were often used, but most of them did not know the meaning in KBBI. The target in this study is the millennial generation who use Instagram more, but are less interested in following educational accounts.

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