scholarly journals Dari Kesaksian Iman ke Simbiosis Agama: Meninjau Konsep Dialog Calvin E. Shenk Bagi Perjumpaan Islam-Kristen di Maluku

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-114
Yohanes Parihala ◽  
Kristno Sapteno

This study aims to analyse the thoughts of Calvin E. Shenk, a Christian missiologist, who criticized the concept of tripolar typology in the reality of religious pluralism, which was seen as reducing Christian faith. Calvin E. Shenk offers the idea of authentic dialogue, dialogue is as a form of witness of faith. However, Shenk's thoughts cannot simply be applied in the reality of encounters between Muslims and Christians in Maluku, which only emerged from the religious conflict of in 1999-2004. Both the analysis of Shenk's thoughts and the analysis of the context of religious presentation in Maluku, uses the approach of literature study in qualitative research methods. Finally, this study offers a dialogue paradigm in the context of interfaith relations in Maluku that embraces the uniqueness of each religion, including the praxis of the witness of faith, but does not neglect an important dimension that all religions need each other, and that is the symbiosis of religion.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Devi Lasroha Sinaga

This study aims to determine the form of presentation of operas Batak, to describe a way of presenting opera Batak, to describe the form of presentation tortor, and to know the role tortor in staging opera Batak. The theoretical foundation of this research rests on several theories studied, namely the theory of presenting opera Batak, tortor presentation shape theory and theory of the role, with the conceptual framework as a translation problem contained therein. This research was conducted in the street Bah Bolon Kiri (Lorong IV) No. 96 Siantar, in December 2015 to February 2016. The method in this research use descriptive qualitative research methods. The population in this study were 1 informants who are knowledgeable about dance (tortor) in staging opera Batak, 1 director, 1 music player, and the first person who joins the cast in the opera Batak, the number of samples to be studied amounted to 4 people. Data collected through observation, interviews, documentation, and literature study. The results of this study indicate that the form of presentation of opera Batak has important elements, namely: a play (drama), dialog, music (gondang), song (ende) and dance (tortor). Tortor the form of presentation of operas Batak presented three times, at the beginning, middle and end of the scene. Tortor role in staging opera Batak serve to embellish what is dictated by the script becomes symbolic, ensuring variation in the opera  aesthetics, strengthening the scene / act story, become entertainment and become transition between scenes

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Mirda Aryadi ◽  
Asril S ◽  
Febri Yulika

AbstrakMasjid Asasi Sigando menerapkan ornamen sebagai salah satu bagian dari bangunannya. Fungsi secara umum dari penempatan ornamen pada masjid Asasi sebagai penghias, hal ini juga berlaku pada bangunan yang khas Minangkabau lainnya. Penempatan ornamen pada masjid ini, hampir terdapat pada seluruh dinding luar. Ornamen yang diterapkan pada bagian dinding masjid seperti singok, pereang, papan banyak, papan sakapieng, dan salangko. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang berifat deskriptif. Ornamen Masjid Asasi memiliki keindahan dari segi motif yang belum dikaji secara keilmuan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara obervasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Hasil tentang ornamen Masjid Asasi bahwa ide penciptaan motif ornamen berlandaskan pada bentuk alam seperti, tumbuhan, hewan, alam benda dan manusia. Selain itu penempatan masing-masing motif juga disusun pada bagian masjid yang memiliki nama tertentu.Kata Kunci: masjid asasi, ornamen, motif.AbstractAsasi Sigando Mosque uses ornaments as one part of the building. The general function of the placement of ornaments on the Asasi mosque as decoration, this also applies to other typical Minangkabau buildings. Placement of ornaments on this mosque, almost found on the entire outer wall. Ornaments applied to the walls of the mosque such as singok, pereang, papan banyak, papan sakapieng, and salangko. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Asasi Mosque ornaments have beauty in terms of motifs that have not been studied scientifically. Data collection is carried out by means of observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. The result of Asasi Mosque ornaments is that the idea of creating ornamental motifs is based on natural forms such as plants, animals, natural objects and humans. In addition, the placement of each motif is also arranged on the part of the mosque that has a certain name. Keywords: asasi mosque, ornaments, motifs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Waamilus Sholikatin

Kripik makroni spiral Makeci merupakan produk makanan ringan yang memiliki keunggulan dari segi varian level kepedasan, produk ini juga memiliki kelemahan pada aspek kemasanya, dalam artian produk ini tidak memiliki identitas, melainkan hanya dikemas dengan plastik transparan dengan label yang ditulis tangan, sehingga tidak memiliki daya tarik bagi konsumen. Tujuan perancangan kemasan produk kripik makroni spiral Makeci adalah sebagai upaya memberikan identitas produk dan dapat menunjukkan image produk dengan kompetitor lainnya. Perancangan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan berbasis praktik yaitu dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT untuk produk dan analisis VIEW untuk menganalisis fitur kemasan. Konsep perancangan kemasan produk Makeci menampilkan desain kemasan produk dengan citra makanan ringan yang mempunyai ciri khas rasa pedas dan mengandung unsur budaya Jawa namun tetap memiliki kesan modern, serta menambah visual infografis mengenai diskripsi singkat budaya yang ada di Indonesia pada kemasan bagian belakang, sehingga kemasan dapat berfungsi sebagai media informasi, serta memberi kesan berbeda dengan kemasan kompetitornya. Makeci macroni spiral chips  is a snack product that has advantages in terms of spiciness level variants, this product also has weaknesses in its aspect of packaging, in the sense that this product does not have an identity, but is only packaged in transparent plastic with a handwritten label, so it has no power appeal to consumers. The purpose of the Makeci macroni spiral chips packaging design is an effort to provide product identity and be able to show the image of the product with other competitors. The design is done using qualitative research methods with a practice-based approach that is by conducting observations, interviews, documentation and literature study. Data were analyzed using SWOT analysis for products and VIEW analysis to analyze packaging features. The concept of the design of the product packaging Makeci displays the design of the product packaging with the image of snacks which has a characteristic spicy taste and contains elements of Javanese culture but still has a modern impression, as well as adding a visual infographic about a brief description of the culture that exists in Indonesia on the back of the packaging, so that the packaging can serves as a medium of information, and gives a different impression to the competitors packaging.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-30
Tryana Hafilda Dewi

This study aims to discuss the inspiration for the hadith of the Prophet. in financial management. Qualitative research methods through literature study and field studies with the hadith design approach. The results and discussion of this research include good management education, inspiration for the example of the Prophet. in saving, and the Budget and Saving Planner. This research concludes that the hadith of the Prophet. has inspirational messages in raising awareness of saving with the presence of the Budget and Savings Planner book through innovative ideas with continuous testing appropriately to create Indonesians who like to save and increase awareness of saving for the Indonesian people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-120
Gita Lestari Lase

The purpose of this study was to clearly determine the background and melody structure of the song Da Ma'oheKhöuZumange. The song Da Ma'oheKhöuZumange is a traditional Nias nuanced song with the theme of the song offered in the Newest BNKP Zinunö Book. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The work process carried out is literature study, observation, and interviews. The research was carried out by collecting information through field research to obtain results that were processed into definite data.               The meaning of the lyrics of the song Da Ma'oheKhöuZumange is an affirmation that what is offered to God actually comes from God.In this song it is also stated that the offering does not only talk about money and materials, but also life in totality.               This song has a 4/4 measure with a tempo of 74 MM with the basic tone D = Do, consisting of 16 bars and two phrases. The rim is a, a, a, b. With the chord progressions moving from I, IV, IIIm, VIm, V, I.In the Da Ma'oheKhöuZumange song there are authentic cadens because the chords move from the dominant chord (V) to the tonica chord (I).The ambitus of this song is Fis-B. The tempo in completing this song is 51.8 secondsKeywords: Melody, analysis, and Song lyrics of Da Ma'oheKhöu Zumange

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-151
Nur Aini ◽  
Soemaryatmi Soemaryatmi

Anoman Cakil dance was created in 1986 at the request of the ASKI Dance Department. External factors are a major factor in the creation of Anoman Cakil dance which is supported by internal factors. This thesis, titled Anoman Cakil dance, composed by Didik Bambang Wahyudi, focuses on the study of dance work and the structural analysis of Anoman Cakil dance. Issues to be explained in this study are (1) How  to work on  Anoman  Cakil dance  by Didik Bambang  Wahyudi  (2) How  to present the structure of Anoman Cakil dance.This research uses qualitative research methods, data obtained through literature study, interviews and observations. The results of data processing are then presented descriptively. To answer this problem, this study uses the concept of cultivation as a knife for analysis, namely the  concept of cultivation  by Rahayu Supanggah. The structural analysis of Sumandiyo Hadi was used as a theory to examine the structural problem of Anoman Cakil's dance presentation. The elements of cultivation work in the form of material work on, work on, working on facilities, working on furniture and determinant work on. Application of cultivation in dance in the form of the background of the creation of dance, Didik Bambang wahyudi as cultivators and Anoman cakil dance as material and means of working on.Anoman Cakil dance including wireng pethilan dance with stories originating from the Ramayana Epic, presented by two dancers in pairs, with figures Anoman and Cakil. And, victory on the Cakil figure. Anoman Cakil dance consists of three parts in the form of Forward Beksan Structure, the Beksan section which consists of the  then  spread  hand  arm  and  keris  shell.  Beksan  retreat  is  the  last  part  of  the Anoman Cakil dance presentation structure. Dramatic flow of Anoman Cakil dance is classified as multiple conical dramatic grooves with a small climax before heading to the main climax. Keywords: Wireng, pethilan, Anoman, Work on, Structural.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Ellen Agustine Saputra

<strong>Abstract</strong><br />Creative Journal Design as the Dream Setting Canvas Supporting Media. Dream Setting Canvas is a dream achievement media for young people’s dream achievement, which has been applied to several empowerment programs in several non-profit organizations such as Wahana Visi Indonesia and East Bali Poverty Project. In its application, Dream Setting Canvas has weaknesses, of which the target audience has difficulty in analyzing dreams, strategies, and time without assistance. Moreover, without understanding the true essence of analyzing dreams, strategies and time, this method is not completely effective in helping young people achieve and realize their dreams. This research used qualitative research methods. Data collection used literature study, exploration, interviews with interviewees as well as distributes surveys both offline and online. The research results showed that the creative journals design could support<br />the target audience to understand the topic and definition of each block in the Dream Setting Canvas.<br /><div> </div><div> </div><div> </div><div> </div><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Perancangan Creative Journal sebagai Media Pendukung Dream Setting Canvas. Dream Setting Canvas merupakan media pencapaian mimpi anak muda yang sudah diterapkan pada beberapa program empowerment di beberapa organisasi non-Profit seperti Wahana Visi Indonesia dan East Bali Poverty Project. Pada penerapannya, Dream Setting Canvas memiliki kelemahan, di mana target audiens kesusahan dalam menganalisis mimpi, strategi, serta waktu tanpa pendampingan. Selain itu, tanpa<br />memahami esensi sebenarnya dalam menganalisis mimpi, strategi serta waktu, metode ini tidak sepenuhnya efektif dalam membantu anak muda mencapai dan merealisasikan mimpinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan studi literatur, eksplorasi, wawancara dengan narasumber serta membagikan survei baik secara offline maupun online. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan<br />bahwa perancangan creative journal dapat mendukung target audiens untuk memahami topik dan definisi setiap blok pada Dream Setting Canvas

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
S Sriyadi ◽  
Wahyu Santoso Prabowo

Penelitian Nilai Estetik Tari Srimpi Pandhelori di Pura Mangkunegaran bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan koreografi dan nilai estetik tari Srimpi Pandhelori. Analisis koreografi Srimpi Pandhelori menggunakan konsep koreografi Sumandiyo Hadi. Analisis nilai estetik menggunakan konsep nilai estetik menurut The Liang Gie, yang didukung dengan konsep ciri-ciri sifat benda estetik oleh Monroe Beardsley, dan konsep pengungkapan nilai-nilai kehidupan dalam karya seni oleh De Witt H. Paker. Penulisan skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan pendekatan estetik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tari Srimpi Pandhelori memiliki nilai estetik karena dari sudut pandang inderawi memiliki nilai bentuk dan dari isi mampu mengungkapkan nilai-nilai kehidupan.Kata kunci: Srimpi Pandhelori, koreografi, nilai estetik.AbstractResearch Value Aesthetic Srimpi Pandhelori Dance in Pura Mangkunegaran aims to describe the choreography and aesthetic value of Srimpi Pandhelori dance. Srimpi Pandhelori choreography analysis uses Sumandiyo Hadi’s choreography concept. Aesthetic value analysis uses the concept of aesthetic value according to The Liang Gie, supported by the concept of aesthetic properties by Monroe Beardsley, and the concept of life values in artwork by De Witt H. Paker. Writing this thesis using qualitative research methods, with an aesthetic approach. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and literature study. The results showed that the Srimpi Pandhelori dance has an aesthetic value because from the viewpoint of the senses have the value of the form and the content is able to express the values of life.Keywords: Srimpi Pandhelori, choreography, aesthetic value.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Gede Yoga Kharisma Pradana

The purpose of this article is to examine the phenomenon of Balinese shadow puppet performances as a tourism entertainment spectacle in Ubud, Bali. Basically, the Parwa shadow puppet shows as Balinese shadow puppets are stag for the purposes of traditional ceremonies with long duration. In contrast to the type of Parwa shadow puppet show in Ubud is stag for tourism, only it's stag with a shorter duration. This phenomenon certainly raises a big question about the implications of stag such performances for tourism.This article is prepared to use qualitative research methods. All data were obtained through literature study, interview and observation. After all data is obtained, it is analyzed by using the perspective of cultural studies.The results show that the commodification of Parwa shadow puppet shows for tourism has economic, social and cultural implications. Economically, the commodification of the Parwa shadow puppet show for tourism has already had implications for a change in instrumental value, adding profit to cottage owners and retailers. Socially, the commodity has implications in the popularity as well as the identity of shadows puppet group. Culturally has implications for the preservation of cultural identity in the context of tourism, mediation of cultural promotion to tourists, cultural degradation of puppets and the difficulty of enculturation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-50
Brian Lory Lorwens

The fishermen are constantly faced with various challenges when working. In the challenges they face, they believe a supreme power will guide them in their work. The work experience of fishers with different challenges becomes a medium to build an understanding of God. This study aims to see how fishers understand God based on work experience. This study uses qualitative research methods with in-depth interview techniques, observation, and literature study. After collecting the data, the next step is to analyze the data based on the practical model. The study results found that the fishermen experienced God through storms, waves, and bad weather. The experience becomes a way to share and interpreting God in their lives. The catch of the fishermen also gives an understanding of God, who gives blessings to their lives. Through this reality, the fishermen rely on God to provide them with blessings, join in the work, and answer their prayers. God is the Source of Hope, and this is an attempt to contextualize theology based on the work experience of the fishermen. Putting hope in God is a form of faith in God's promises and inclusion.

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