scholarly journals Obstetric practices performed by nurse-midwives of a hospital natural birth center

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
Juliana Manoela dos Santos Freitas ◽  
Nádia Zanon Narchi ◽  
Rosa Aurea Quintella Fernandes

Abstract Objectives: To characterize the practices used by nurse-midwives in a Natural Birth Center (NBC) and to verify the maternal and neonatal outcomes. Method: This was a cross-sectional, documentary, retrospective study with a quantitative approach in which the medical records of 300 parturients who gave birth in a state hospital in the city of São Paulo were analyzed. The categories of the World Health Organization (WHO) composed the criteria adopted for the analysis of the obstetric practices. Fisher's exact test or the likelihood ratio and Student t-test were used. Results: The nurse-midwives mostly used category A practices of the WHO. There were no statistically significant associations between practices and perineal outcomes. There was a statistically significant association between the weight of the newborn and the number of neonatal complications, as well as between the delivery position of the primiparous women and clavicle fractures of the newborns. Conclusion and Implications for the practice: Evidence-based practices were followed by the nurse-midwives in the NBC analyzed. The maternal and neonatal outcomes were adequate. There is a need to improve care in the second stage of the delivery in order to avoid behaviors that reflect in neonatal complications. The study makes it possible to reflect on the importance of the continuous evaluation of the care provided.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Camila Soares Teixeira ◽  
Valdelize Elvas Pinheiro ◽  
Iracema Da Silva Nogueira

Objetivo: descrever os resultados maternos e neonatais da assistência no Centro de Parto Normal Intra-hospitalar da Maternidade Balbina Mestrinho em Manaus. Método: pesquisa exploratório-descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa, onde realizou-se a análise de 378 (74,85%) prontuários de partos assistidos entre setembro de 2014 a 2016. Resultados: A maioria das parturientes (50,79%) era jovem, entre 18 e 25 anos e multíparas (74,86%), permaneceram em média 03 horas e 14 minutos em trabalho de parto e acompanhadas (97,35%). Obteve-se uma taxa de episiotomia de 8,46% e laceração perineal de 52,37% predominando as de primeiro grau (38,62%). A maioria dos recém-nascidos permaneceu em contato pele a pele (86,60%) e foi realizado o clampeamento tardio do cordão umbilical (77,78%). A média do Apgar no primeiro minuto fora de 8,72 e no quinto minuto 9,76. Conclusões: Os resultados condizem com o que preconiza o Ministério da Saúde e a Organização Mundial de Saúde.Descritores: enfermagem obstétrica; parto humanizado; políticas públicas de saúdeMATERNAL AND NEONATAL OUTCOMES AT THE IN-HOSPITAL BIRTH CENTERObjective: to describe the maternal and neonatal outcomes of the care provided at the In-hospital birth center. Method: an exploratory, descriptive study with quantitative approach where the analysis of 378 (74,85%) birth assisted medical records was performed from September 2014 to September 2016. Results: the majority of parturients (50,79%) was young, between 18 and 25 years old and multiparas (74,86%). The result obtained was an episiotomy rate of 8,46% and 52,37% of perineal laceration, predominating the first degree lacerations. The majority of newborns remains in skin-to-kin (86,60%) and was made the late clamping umbilical cord (77,78%). The average of Apgar’s rate was 8,72 in the first minute and 9,76 in the fifth. Conclusion: The results meet the guidelines adopted by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization.Descriptors: obstetric nursing; humanizing delivery; public health policiesRESULTADOS MATERNOS Y NEONATALES EN CENTRO DE PARTO NORMAL INTRAHOSPITALARIOObjetivo: describir los resultados maternos y neonatales de cuidados en el Centro de Parto Normal Intrahospitalario de la Maternidad Balbina Mestrinho en Manaus. Método: estudio exploratorio descriptivo con un enfoque cuantitativo, que llevó a cabo el análisis de 378 (74.85%) de los nacimientos asistidos, registros a partir de septiembre de 2014 y 2016. Resultados: La mayoría de las madres (50,79%) eran joven entre 18 y 25 años de edad y multíparas (74,86%) eran, en promedio, 03 horas y 14 minutos y seguido de trabajo de parto acompañadas (97,35%). Obtenido como una tasa de episiotomías de 8,46% y 52,37% laceración perineal el predominio de primer grado (38,62%). La mayoría de los recién nacidos se mantuvieron en contacto con la piel (86,60%) y se llevó a cabo a finales de sujeción del cordón umbilical (77,78%). El promedio de Apgar en el primer minuto fuera de 8,72 y 9,76 en el quinto minuto. Conclusiones: Los resultados son consistentes con la recomendada por el Ministerio de Salud y la Organización Mundial de la Salud.Descriptores: enfermeria obstetricia; parto humanizado; las políticas de salud pública

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-59
Ade Devriany ◽  
Endah Mayang Sari

Air Susu Ibu (ASI) merupakan makanan alamiah yang ideal untuk bayi, terutama pada bulan-bulan pertama. Berdasarkan data dari United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) dan WHO (World Health Organization), pemberian ASI eksklusif di dunia masih tergolong rendah. Tujuan penelitian yait untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ASI eksklusif terhadap grafik pertumbuhan pada KMS pada bayi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional dengan desain cross sectional study. Subyek penelitian ini adalah seluruh bayi usia 6 – 11 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Girimaya Pangkalpinang sebanyak 172 orang. Sampel minimal pada penelitian ini adalah 105 bayi yang dipilih dengan Stratified Random Sampling. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan KMS dalam menilai pertumbuhan bayi dan kuesioner untuk menilai pemberian ASI eksklusif. Analisa data dilakukan menggunakan uji Chi-Square dengan fisher exact test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lebih banyak bayi yang tidak diberikan ASI eksklusif yaitu sebesar 59% dan bayi yang tumbuh normal sebesar 78,1%. Hasil analisis bivariat menyatakan ada hubungan pemberian ASI eksklusif  terhadap pertumbuhan bayi usia 6-12 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Girimaya

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 219
Nadya Ayudiawati Nurbasari ◽  
Sharon Gondodiputro ◽  
Lazuardhi Dwipa

The inability of families to care for their elderly causes them to place the elderly in the Panti Werdhas. The elderly who move to a Panti Werdha usually have difficulties to adapt the new surroundings that can affect their quality of life. The World Health Organization (WHO) developed instruments to measure quality of life, a multidimensional and cross-cultural approach,  namely WHO Quality of Life-BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) and WHO Quality of Life-OLD (WHOQOL-OLD). Both instruments have been translated into Indonesian language. The aim of the study was to analyze the differences in quality of life between the elderly who live in the Panti Werdhas and in the community. A cross-sectional analytic quantitative study was carried out  from October to November 2019 at 5 Panti Werdhas and 6 public health centers (Puskesmas) in Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia. The total number of respondents in the Panti Werdha and at the Puskesmas as many as 42 respondents. The selection of respondents in the Panti Werdhas used purposive sampling, whereas in the puskesmas used consecutive sampling. The Chi-square or Fisher's Exact test was used to analyze the respondent's characteristics and  the Mann-Whitney test was used to analyze differences in the quality of life.  This study discovered that respondents living in the Panti Werdhas were older, not married/divorced and less educated compared to respondents in the community. The quality of life of the elderly in Panti Werdhas was lower compared to the elderly in the community for all dimensions (p=≤0.05) except the dimensions of death and dying (p=0.741). It can be concluded that there are differences in the quality of life between the elderly who live in Panti Werdhas and in the community  except at the dimensions of death and dying.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Kiattisak Kongwattanakul ◽  
Rungroj Thamprayoch ◽  
Chumnan Kietpeerakool ◽  
Pisake Lumbiganon

Objective. To determine risks of severe adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes in women with repeated cesarean delivery (CD) and primary CD compared with those with vaginal delivery (VD). Methods. Data of this cross-sectional study were extracted from 2,262 pregnant women who gave birth between August 2014 and December 2016, at Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University. Severe maternal outcomes were categorized based on the World Health Organization criteria. Adjusted odds ratio (aOR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated to indicate the risk of severe adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes among women underwent CD compared with those who underwent VD. Results. There were no cases of maternal death in this study. CD significantly increased risk of severe adverse maternal outcomes (SMO) (aOR 10.59; 95% CI, 1.19-94.54 for primary CD and aOR 17.21; 95% CI, 1.97-150.51 for repeated CD) compared with women who delivered vaginally. When compared with vaginal delivery, the risks of neonatal near miss (NNM) and severe adverse neonatal outcomes (SNO) were significantly higher in primary CD group (aOR 1.71; 95% CI 1.17-2.51 and aOR 1.66; 95% CI 1.14-2.43), respectively. For repeated CD, the risks were borderline significant (aOR, 1.58; 95% CI, 0.98-2.56 for NNM and aOR, 1.61; 95% CI, 0.99-2.60 for SNO). Conclusion. Primary and repeated CD significantly increased the risk of SMO compared with VD. Risks of NNM and SNO were also significantly increased in women with primary CD. The risks of NNM and SNO for repeated CD trended toward a significant increase.

Nurul Iftida Basri ◽  
Zaleha Abdullah Mahdy ◽  
Shuhaila Ahmad ◽  
Abdul Kadir Abdul Karim ◽  
Lim Pei Shan ◽  

Abstract Background Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a common medical complication in pregnancy. The aim of this study was to compare the prevalence of GDM using the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria and the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Group (IADPSG) criteria in our population. We further compared the incidence of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes in women diagnosed with GDM using these criteria and determined whether the IADPSG criteria is suitable in our population. Methods This randomized controlled trial was conducted at our antenatal clinic involving 520 patients from 1st February 2015 until 30th September 2017. They were randomized into the WHO and the IADPSG groups. All eligible women underwent a standard oral glucose tolerance test with 75 g glucose, their fasting and 2 h post prandial glucose levels were taken. The primary outcome was the prevalence of GDM. The secondary outcomes were the incidence of primary cesarean section, gestational hypertension or preeclampsia, preterm delivery <37 weeks, fetal macrosomia, neonatal hypoglycemia and shoulder dystocia or birth injury. Results The prevalence of GDM in both groups were similar (37.9% vs. 38.6%). GDM women in the WHO group had a significantly higher incidence of gestational hypertension or preeclampsia (p = 0.004) and neonatal hypoglycemia (p = 0.042). In contrast, GDM women in the IADPSG group had a significantly higher incidence of fetal macrosomia (p = 0.027) and cesarean section (p = 0.012). Conclusion The IADPSG diagnostic criteria for GDM may not be suitable for use in our population as it resulted in women being diagnosed later and being undertreated, thus leading to adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Fera Riswidautami Herwandar ◽  
Russiska Russiska ◽  
Intan Maharani Fakhrudin

Permasalahan kesehatan pada remaja yang menduduki persentasi terbesar dibanding yang lainnya adalah gangguan menstruasi. Gangguan pada siklus menstruasi (durasi perdarahan yang lebih lama dan ketidakteraturan siklus) disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya ialah stres. Stres diketahui sebagai faktor-faktor penyebab (etiologi) terjadinya gangguan siklus menstruasi. Stres akan memicu pelepasan hormon kortisol dimana hormon kortisol ini dijadikan tolak ukur untuk melihat derajat stres seseorang. Hormon kortisol diatur oleh hipotalamus otak dan kelenjar pituitari, dengan dimulainya aktivitas hipotalamus, hipofisis mengeluarkan FSH dan proses stimulus ovarium akan menghasilkan estrogen. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Pelayanan Kesehatan Peduli Remaja (PKPR) dibawah naungan World Health Organization (WHO) menyebutkan bahwa permasalahan remaja di Indonesia adalah seputar permasalahan yang mengenai gangguan menstruasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat stres dengan siklus menstruasi pada mahasiswa kebidanan tingkat I di STIKES Kuningan tahun 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa kebidanan tingkat I di STIKES Kuningan tahun 2019 sebanyak 41 responden. Analisis yang digunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan tingkat stres dengan siklus menstruasi pada mahasiswa kebidanan tingkat I di STIKES Kuningan, dari 41 responden terdapat 18 (44%) responden yang mengalami stres sedang, pada siklus menstruasi yang tidak teratur terdapat 25 (61%) responden. Hasil uji rank spearman,  yakni p value = 0,01 (<0,05) yang ada hubungan antara tingkat stres dengan siklus menstruasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat stres dengan siklus menstruasi pada mahasiswa kebidanan tingkat I di STIKES Kuningan tahun 2019. Bagi institusi Pendidikan khususnya Program Studi Diploma III Kebidanan diharapkan dapat membuat sebuah program edukasi mengenai manajemen stres pada remaja yang bisa dilakukan secara rutin di luar jadwal perkuliahan.  

Yuni Kurniati Yuni Kurniati

ABSTRACT   According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every two minutes a woman dies of cervical cancer in develoving countries. In Indonesia, new cases of cervical cancer is 40-45 cases of day. It is estimated every hour, a women died of cervical center. At the general hospital center Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang, the incidence of women who had cervical cancer incidence year 2011 women who had cervical cancer incidence are 34 people (48,2%). The following factors increase the chance of cervical cancer in women is infection of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), sexsual behavior, family history of cervical cancer, age, mechanism of how oral contraceptives, smoking, income or socioeconomic status, race , unhealthy diet, the cell abnormal, parity, use of the drug DES (Dietilsbestrol), and birth control pills. The purpose of this study is known of adolescents about cervical cancer in SMA Tebing Tinggi Empat Lawang year 2016. This study used Analytic Survey with Cross Sectional approach. The population in this study were all young women students in SMA Tebing Tinggi Empat Lawang with the number of 171 respondents. The results showed there were 171 respondents (37.5%) of respondents were knowledgeable, and (62.52%) of respondents who are knowledgeable unfavorable. These results indicate that knowledgeable either less than those less knowledgeable in both the SMA Tebing Tinggi Empat Lawang Year 2016. From these results, it is expected that more teens can know about cervical cancer so that it can add a lot of insight and knowledge.     ABSTRAK   Menurut data World Health Organization (WHO), setiap dua menit wanita meninggal dunia karena kanker serviks dinegara berkembang. Di Indonesia, kasus baru kanker serviks 40-45 kasus perhari. Di perkirakan setiap satu jam, seorang perempuan meninggal dunia karena kanker serviks. Di rumah sakit umum pusat Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang, angka kejadian ibu yang mengalami kanker serviks pada tahun 2011 ibu yang mengalami kejadian kanker serviks terdapat 34 orang (48,2%). Faktor-faktor berikut meningkat kan peluang kanker serviks pada wanita yaitu infeksi Human Papiloma virus (HPV), perilaku seks, riwayat keluarga kanker serviks, umur ,mekanisme bagaimana kontrasepsi peroral, merokok, pendapatan atau status social ekonomi, ras, diet tidak sehat, adanya sel abnormal, paritas, menggunakan obat DES (Dietilsbestrol),dan pil KB. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Diketahuinya pengetahuan remaja tentang Ca Cerviks di SMA Negeri Tebing Tinggi Empat Lawang Tahun 2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey  analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua siswi remaja putri di SMA Negeri Tebing Tinggi Empat Lawang dengan jumlah 171 responden.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 171 responden terdapat(37.5 %) responden yang berpengetahuan baik, dan (62.52  %) responden yang berpengetahuan kurang baik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa yang berpengetahuan baik lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan  yang berpengetahuan kurang baik di SMA Negeri Tebing Tinggi Empat Lawang Tahun 2016. Dari hasil penelitian ini, Diharapkan remaja bisa lebih banyak mengetahui tentang caserviks sehingga dapat menambah banyak wawasan dan pengetahuan.    

Tirta Anggraini Tirta Anggraini

ABSTRACT According to the World Health Organization (WHO), maternal nutritional status at the time of growth and during pregnancy can affect fetal growth and development. Based on (IDHS) survey of 2007 AKI Indonesia at 228 per 100,000 live births, although this figure is still the highest in Asia. Social health center in Palembang in 2011 the number of pregnant women with good nutritional status of 67 men (97.1%). factors that influence the nutritional status of pregnant women is the temperature of the environment, economic status, habits and views of women to food, age, education, and health status. The purpose of this study is a known relationship education and economic status with nutritional status of pregnant women in the third trimester of Social Health Center Palembang in 2012. This study uses analytic survey with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all third trimester pregnant women who visit the health center Social Palembang in May 2012, with a sample of 30 respondents. Sampling in this study with non-random methods with techniques Accidental Sampling. Data analysis carried out univariate and bivariate statistics with Chi-Square test with significance level α = 0.05. The results showed than 30 respondents there (73.3%) of respondents that good nutritional status, higher education (76.7%), and high economic status (70.0%). The results of this study showed no significant association education and economic status with nutritional status of pregnant women in the third trimester of Social Health Center Palembang in 2012. From the results of this study, researchers hope to improve the health care workers, especially health services in Antenatal Care services pay more attention to maternal risk of poor nutritional status.   ABSTRAK Menurut World Health Organization (WHO), status gizi ibu hamil pada waktu pertumbuhan dan selama hamil dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan janin. Berdasarkan (SDKI) survei terakhir tahun 2007 AKI Indonesia sebesar 228 per 100.000 Kelahiran Hidup, meskipun demikian angka tersebut masih tertinggi di Asia.  Di Puskesmas Sosial Palembang tahun 2011 jumlah ibu hamil yang berstatus gizi baik sebesar 67 orang (97,1%). faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi status gizi ibu hamil adalah suhu lingkungan, status ekonomi, kebiasaan dan pandangan wanita terhadap makanan, usia, pendidikan, dan status kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya hubungan pendidikan dan status ekonomi dengan status gizi ibu hamil trimester III di Puskesmas Sosial Palembang tahun 2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua ibu hamil trimester III yang berkunjung di Puskesmas Sosial Palembang pada bulan Mei tahun 2012, dengan jumlah sampel 30 responden. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini dengan metode non random dengan teknik Accidental Sampling. Analisa data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji statistik Chi-Square dengan tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 30 responden terdapat (73,3%) responden yang berstatus gizi baik, pendidikan tinggi (76,7%), dan status ekonomi tinggi (70,0%). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna pendidikan dan status ekonomi dengan status gizi ibu hamil trimester III di Puskesmas Sosial Palembang tahun 2012. Dari hasil penelitian ini, peneliti berharap petugas pelayanan kesehatan dapat meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan terutama dalam pelayanan Antenatal Care lebih memperhatikan kehamilan ibu yang berisiko status gizi buruk.

Dini Kesumah Dini Kesumah

ABSTRACT According to World Health Organization Health Organization (WHO) in 2005 showed 49% of deaths occur in children under five in developing countries. Nutritional problems can not be done with the medical and health care approach alone. Causes related to malnutrition that maternal education, socioeconomic families, poor environmental sanitation, and lack of food supplies. This study aims to determine the relationship between education and socioeconomic status of families with nutrition survey using a cross sectional analytic approach, with a population of all mothers of children under five who visited the health center in Palembang Keramasan Accidental sampling Sampling the number of samples obtained 35 respondents. Variables include the study independent and dependent variables and univariate analysis using Chi-Square test statistic with a significance level α = 0.05. The results from 35 respondents indicate that highly educated mothers earned as many as 16 people (45.7%), and middle and upper income families as many as 12 people (34.3%) and bivariate test results show that highly educated respondents toddler nutritional status good for 81.3% (13 people) is larger than the less educated respondents balitanya good nutritional status 26.3% (5 persons) as well as respondents who have middle and upper socioeconomic families with good nutritional status of children at 91.7% ( 11 people) is larger when compared to respondents who have family socioeconomic medium with good nutritional status of children at 30.4% (7 people). Statistical tests show that education has a significant relationship with nutritional status of children P value = 0.004 and socioeconomic families have a meaningful relationship with nutritional status of children P value = 0.002. Based on the results of the study suggested the health professionals in the health center should further improve the education, information about the importance of nutrition to the development of the child in the mothers through the selection and processing of good food and a good diet through health centers and integrated health.   ABSTRAK  Menurut badan kesehatan World Health Organization (WHO) tahun 2005 menunjukkan 49% kematian yang terjadi pada anak dibawah umur lima tahun di negara berkembang. Masalah gizi ini tidak dapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan medis dan pelayanan kesehatan saja. Penyebab yang berhubungan dengan kurang gizi yaitu pendidikan ibu, sosial ekonomi keluarga, sanitasi lingkungan yang kurang baik,dan kurangnya persediaan pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pendidikan dan sosial ekonomi keluarga dengan status gizi balita dengan menggunakan metode survei analitik pendekatan secara Cross Sectional, dengan populasi semua ibu yang memiliki anak balita yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas Keramasan Palembang dengan pengambilan sampel secara Accidental Sampling diperoleh jumlah sampel 35 responden. Variabel penelitian meliputi variabel independen dan dependen serta analisis univariat menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square dengan tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dari 35 responden didapatkan ibu yang berpendidikan tinggi sebanyak 16 orang  (45,7%), dan keluarga yang berpenghasilan menengah keatas sebanyak 12 orang (34,3%) dan hasil uji bivariat menunjukkan bahwa responden yang berpendidikan tinggi status gizi balitanya baik sebesar 81,3% (13 orang) lebih besar bila dibanding responden yang berpendidikan rendah status gizi balitanya baik 26,3% (5 orang) serta responden yang mempunyai sosial ekonomi keluarga menengah keatas dengan status gizi balita baik sebesar 91,7% (11 orang) lebih besar bila dibanding responden yang mempunyai sosial ekonomi keluarga menengah kebawah dengan status gizi balita baik sebesar 30,4% (7 orang). Uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan status gizi balita P value = 0,004 dan sosial ekonomi keluarga mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan status gizi balita P value = 0,002. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disarankan pada petugas kesehatan di Puskesmas hendaknya lebih meningkatkan penyuluhan-penyuluhan tentang pentingnya gizi terhadap tumbuh kembang anak pada ibu-ibu melalui cara pemilihan dan pengolahan bahan makanan yang baik serta pola makanan yang baik melalui kegiatan Puskesmas dan Posyandu.

Leny Leny

ABSTRACT Prenatal care is health care by health personnel to care the pregnant according to standards. Worlrd Health Organization (WHO) estimates more than 500.000 women die during pregnancy or childbirth. Maternal mortality in Indonesia is 307 per 100,000 live births. The quantity of pregnant women’s visit in Kabupaten Banyuasin in 2009 of 89.1%. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship between education and occupation with prenatal care at Puskesmas Mariana  Kecamatan Banyuasin I Kabupaten Banyuasin in 2011. This study uses analytic approach survey by Cross Sectional methods, the population are 1.946 pregnant women and the samples as many as 332 people. The results of univariate analysis study of pregnant women who are higher education as much as 45.2%, and  low maternal education as much as 54.8%. In pregnant women who work of 43.4%, and pregnant women who do not work for 56.6%. From the results of bivariate analysis and Chi-Square statistical tests found a significant association between education of pregnant women with prenatal care with P Value = 0.000, and there was a significant association between occupation of pregnant women with prenatal care with P Value = 0.000. Can be concluded that there is a relationship between education and occupation of pregnant women with prenatal care. Expected to health workers to provide counseling on the importance of prenatal care in pregnant women and expected future studies may explore again the factors associated with prenatal care with the different variables.   ABSTRAK Pemeriksaan kehamilan adalah pelayanan kesehatan oleh tenaga kesehatan untuk memeriksakan ibu hamil sesuai standar. World Health Organization (WHO) memperkirakan lebih dari 500.000 ibu pertahunnya meninggal saat hamil atau bersalin. AKI di Indonesia 307 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Jumlah kunjungan ibu hamil di Kabupaten Banyuasin tahun 2009 sebesar 89,1%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pendidikan dan pekerjaan dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan di Puskesmas Mariana Kecamatan Banyuasin I Kabupaten Banyuasin tahun  2011. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional, populasi ibu hamil dengan jumlah 1.946 orang dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 332 orang. Hasil penelitian Analisa Univariat adalah ibu hamil yang pendidikan tinggi sebanyak 45,2%, dan pendidikan rendah ibu hamil sebanyak 54,8%. Pada variabel pekerjaan ibu hamil yang bekerja sebesar 43,4%, dan ibu hamil yang tidak bekerja sebesar 56,6%. Dari hasil analisa bivariat dan uji statistik Chi-Square  didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara pendidikan ibu hamil dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan  P Value = 0,000, dan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pekerjaan ibu hamil dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan P Value = 0,000. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara pendidikan dan pekerjaan ibu hamil dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan. Diharapkan kepada petugas kesehatan agar dapat memberikan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya pemeriksaan pada ibu hamil dan diharapkan penelitian yang akan datang dapat menggali lagi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan variabel yang berbeda.

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