Edulib ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Tine Silvana Rachmawati ◽  
Saleha Rodiah ◽  
Ainun Kartika H

Abstract. The purpose of study was to determine user satisfaction toward credibility of staff library service at Library and Scientific Information Center at Economics and Business Faculty, University of Padjadjaran (FEB UNPAD). The research of library staff's credibility based on perceptions and expectations (minimum and maximum expectations). There are three components to measure in this study:(1)Trustworthiness, (2) Expertise, and (3) Fascination. The population in this study is determined based on the number of users who come to the P2I2 of FEB UNPAD. Sampling technique that used in this study is Purposive Sampling with 99 people as sample. Data was collected by questionnaire, conduct observation, and literature study. The results showed that overall users are coming to the P2I2 of FEB UNPAD were satisfied with the services. This user satisfaction based on the gap (gap) between the perceptions and expectations of service users indicates that the P2I2 of FEB UNPAD has good credibility and is in " zone of tolerance ", in other words the services provided by library's staff at Faculty of Economics and Business, Padjadjaran University, has meet the user's expectations.

Edulib ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Amin Saleh

AbstractResearch on "The Effect of Credibility of librarian in Reference Services on user Satisfaction in the Library and Archives of Province of West Nusa Tenggara Barat". The research objective was to determine the effect of credibility of librarian (variable X) on  the satisfaction user (variable Y) on the service reference in the Library and Archives of Province of West Nusa Tenggara Barat. The perceived credibility influential aspect includes Competency, Attitude, Goals, personality and dynamics affecting librarians user Satisfaction with aspects of Reliability, Responsiveness, Confidence, Empathy, and physical manifestation. The study population was user which came in March 2013 at a sampling technique Probability Sampling (Stratified Proportionate Random Sampling). Research methods that are used are exploratory survey method of data collection techniques of observation, interviews, literature study and questionnaire. Based on the results of the study the majority of respondents agreed with the credibility to influence user satisfaction. While the partial test shows a small portion of respondents agreed to the competence and attitude of librarians, then for the purpose and the dynamics personality most respondents agreed. So in general credibility affects satisfaction but partially demonstrate competence and attitude has no direct effect. But the goal, personality and dynamics directly influence user satisfaction.Keywords: Credibility of librarians, user satisfaction AbstrakPenelitian tentang “Pengaruh Kredibilitas Pustakawan Pada Layanan Referensi Terhadap Kepuasan Pemustaka Di Badan Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat”. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kredibilitas pustakawan (variabel X) terhadap kepuasan pemustaka (variabel Y) pada layanan referensi di Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Adapun aspek kredibilitas yang dipandang berpengaruh meliputi Kompetensi, Sikap, Tujuan, Keperibadian dan Dinamika pustakawan yang mempengaruhi Kepuasan pemustaka dengan aspek Keandalan, Responsiveness, Keyakinan, Empati, dan Wujud fisik. Populasi penelitian adalah pemustaka yang datang pada bulan Maret 2013 dengan teknik sampling Probability Sampling (Proportionate Stratified RandomSampling). Metode penelitian yang dugunakan adalah metode survei eksploratif dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka dan kusioner. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebagian besar responden menyatakan setuju dengan pengaruh kredibilitas terhadap kepuasan pemustaka. Sementara dengan uji parsial menunjukkan sebagian kecil responden menyatakan setuju terhadap kompetensi dan sikap pustakawan, kemudian untuk tujuan, keperibadian dan dinamika sebagian besar responden menyatakan setuju. Sehingga secara umum kredibilitas berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan tapi secara parsial menunjukkan kompetensi dan sikap tidak berpengaruh langsung. Namun tujuan, keperibadian dan dinamika berpengaruh langsung terhadap kepuasan pemustaka.Kata kunci: Krediblitas pustakawan, kepuasan pemustaka

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 174
Ni Luh Putri Utari Cahyani ◽  
I Made Kusuma Negara ◽  
I Ketut Suwena

WeChat Pay is a Chinese payment platform that makes it easy for users to make mobile phone payments using the Quick Response Code (QR) technology in cooperating merchants. The purpose is to know the characteristics and factors that influencing Chinese tourists doing payment transactions using WeChat Pay in Bali by taking case studies at Discovery Shopping Mall Kuta, and the sample is Chinese tourist who has made a payment transaction using WeChat Pay at Discovery Shopping Mall Kuta. Sampling technique using purposive sampling on 110 respondents. Data collection techniques were conducted in several ways, including: observation, questionnaires, interview, literature study, and documentation. Data analysis techniques done with several stages, including: validity test, reliability test, and factor analysis. The result is there are seven factors that influence the decision of the China's tourist to make a payment transaction using WeChat Pay at Discovery Shopping Mall, including: (1) ease of various transaction activities, (2) increase efficiency, (3) the cost of charge, (4) ease of using/operation, (5) ease of understanding and learning, (6) improve performance, and (7) user satisfaction. The results of factors analysis is ease of work becomes the most dominant factor. This factor consists of several variables, including: Ease of various transaction activities, improve accessibility, availability of payments, and transaction capabilities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-63
Septi Puspitasari ◽  
Widayanto Widayanto

This research aims to determine factor which the biggest contribution to satisfaction Go-Ride service users. Satisfaction was measured by five initial factors, service quality, price, perceived ease, perceived usefulness and online servicescape. This type research is explanatory research. The sampling technique non probability sampling with purposive sampling and accidental sampling. Samples taken 100 respondents using Go-Ride services in Undip FISIP. The results showed form five variables with 65 indicators only 24 indicators met the value KMO MSA and can be factor analysis, total variance explaned and rotated component matrix forms three components, hereinafter referred service quality, perceived ease and perceived usefulness, regression test stages shows service quality, perceived ease, perceived usefulness partially and simultaneously have positive and significant influence user satisfaction, perceived usefulness was dominant influence user satisfaction. Researcher suggestions to improve service quality, especially responsiveness service, implementation the most effective route selection according user's wishes, implementation reference coupon strategy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 553-561
Novian Hangga Prakosa ◽  
Fafurida Fafurida

The purposes of this research are to identify the influence of travel cost, income, distance, access, facilities, natural beautiness, and age on the number of individual visits to Curug Silawe and to estimate the economic value of Curug Silawe through individual travel cost method. The population in this study are tourists that visited Curug Silawe with sample of 98 respondents taken by the quota accidental sampling technique. The data collection method used are literature study and questionnaire. The analysis tool used are OLS linear regression and economic value estimation. The results showed the variables that influence the number of individual visits to Curug Silawe are income, distance and age. Income and age has a positive effect. While distance has a negative effect. The economic value of Curug Silawe reached IDR 1,109,930,140.48 per year. This value is obtained from consumer surplus obtained per individual per year of IDR 308,656.88. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh biaya perjalanan, pendapatan, jarak, akses, fasilitas, keindahan alam, dan usia pada jumlah kunjungan individu ke Curug Silawe dan untuk memperkirakan nilai ekonomi Curug Silawe melalui metode biaya perjalanan individu . Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Curug Silawe dengan sampel 98 responden yang diambil dengan teknik quota accidental sampling. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi literatur dan kuesioner. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linear OLS dan estimasi nilai ekonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel yang mempengaruhi jumlah kunjungan individu ke Curug Silawe adalah pendapatan, jarak dan usia. Penghasilan dan usia memiliki efek positif. Sedangkan jarak memiliki efek negatif. Nilai ekonomi Curug Silawe mencapai Rp1.109.930.140,48 per tahun. Nilai ini diperoleh dari surplus konsumen yang diperoleh per individu per tahun sebesar Rp308.656,88.

Tarsisius Kana

The Influence of Location and Facilities Against Satisfaction of Container Unloading Service User at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Merauke Branch.This study aims to determine how much influence the location and facilities to the satisfaction of service users. Locations have indicators: access, visibility, traffic and facilities have indicators: organizational characteristics and objectives, land availability and space and space requirements, flexibility, aesthetic factors, communities and the environment, construction and operation costs while service user satisfaction has indicators: customer satisfaction , dimensions of customer satisfaction, confirmation of expectations, repurchase interest, willingness to recommend, customer dissatisfaction.The method used in this research is quantitative method by using the technique of processing descriptive data, data collecting technique with interviews, questionnaires and literature study. Sampling technique used incidental sampling. The measurement using likert scale and processed using SPSS version 23 program to calculate the validity and reliability test, calculate hypothesis test that is t test, f test and coefficient of determination. The result of research shows that location and facility variables together have a positive influence on service user satisfaction at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Merauke Branch. This can be proven from the result of F count 39.984> 3.11 with significance level 0.000 ≤ 0.05, then Ho is rejected Ha accepted. Itcan be concluded there is a positive and significant relationship between location and facility to the satisfaction of service users of loading and unloading of containers at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Merauke Branch.The result of research shows that location and facility variables together have a positive influence on service user satisfaction at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Merauke Branch. This can be proven from the result of F count 39.984> 3.11 with significance level 0.000 ≤ 0.05, then Ho is rejected Ha accepted. It can be concluded there is a positive and significant relationship between location and facility to the satisfaction of service users of loading and unloading of containers at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Merauke Branch.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
Tulus Dwi Prasetyo ◽  
Istiatin Istiatin ◽  
Bambang Mursito

The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is a significant influence between variable website quality, product innovation, and electronic word of mouth on e-commerce shopee purchasing decisions. In addition, it is also to find out whether there is a significant simultaneous effect and which variable is the most dominant in influencing the purchase decision of e-commerce shopee at the Faculty of Economics, Batik Islamic University, Surakarta. The method used is quantitative descriptive method. The population in this study amounted to 1330 students and the number of samples used was 133, where the sampling technique used quota sampling. The data used are primary data and secondary data with data collection techniques: observation, documentation, questionnaire and literature study. Data analysis techniques in this study used multiple linear tests. The results of the study can be concluded that: The results of the study can be concluded that: 1) There is the influence of website quality, product innovation, and electronic word of mouth simultaneously influence the purchasing decision of e-commerce shopee on the Students of the Faculty of Economics, Islamic University of Batik Surakarta, 2) There is an influence website quality on e-commerce shopee purchasing decisions at the Batik Faculty Islamic University Economics Faculty Students, 3) There is an influence on product innovation on e-commerce shopee purchasing decisions at the Batik Faculty Islamic Economics Faculty Students, 4) There is the influence of electronic word of mouth on the decision purchasing e-commerce shopee at the Faculty of Economics, Surakarta Islamic Batik University. Keywords: Purchasing Decisions, Website Quality, Product Innovation, Electronic Word Of Mouth

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. e000914
Priyalakshmi Chowdhury ◽  
Amir Tari ◽  
Ola Hill ◽  
Amar Shah

This article describes the application of quality improvement (QI) to solve a long-standing, ongoing problem where service users or their carers felt they were not given enough information regarding diagnosis and medication during clinic assessments in a community mental health setting. Service users and carers had shared feedback that some of the information documented on clinic letters was not accurate and the service users were not given the opportunity to discuss these letters with the clinician. The aim of this QI project was to improve the communication between the community mental health team (CMHT) and service users and their carers. Wardown CMHT volunteered to take on this project. The stakeholders involved were the team manager and deputy manager, the team consultant, the team specialist registrar, team administrative manager, two carers and one service user. The project had access to QI learning and support through East London NHS Foundation Trust’s QI programme. The team organised weekly meetings to brainstorm ideas, plan tests of change to review progress and to agree on the next course of action. The outcome was an increase in service user satisfaction from 59.9% to 78% over a period of 6 months, and a reduction in complaints to zero.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-43
Dedy Hardiansyah ◽  
Nurhayati Nurhayati

The purpose of this study is to find out how much Return On Investment (ROI) is to assess the financial performance of PT Mitra Investindo, Tbk. This type of quantitative descriptive research uses secondary data. Data collection techniques are documentation and literature study. Research population for 22 years from the start of listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 1997-2019. Then a sample of 10 years from 2010-2019 with purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used statistical analysis with a one-sample t-test. The results showed that the Return On Investment (ROI) to assess the financial performance of      PT Mitra Investindo, Tbk was in a bad condition because it was less than 30% of the expected.

Tunas Agraria ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
I Made Dwi Gunarta ◽  
Akur Nurasa ◽  
Sukmo Pinuji

The success of the Badung Regency Land Office in issuing HT-el Certificate, the first in Indonesia cannot be separated from the support of the Creditors and PPAT as the main users of HT-el Services. This innovation is an effort to realize the digitalization of services and overcome various existing weaknesses. Creditors and PPAT as the main users are important instruments in providing an overview of HT-el service quality, because basically the success of an organization in providing a service depends on how well the perception of service users will reflect the level of user satisfaction and the profitability of the organization. HT-el Service User Perception (Creditor and PPAT) assessed using the e- Govqual Method illustrates that the Quality of HT-el Services at the Badung District Land Office is very good, this is evidenced by positive responses to the Efficiency, Trust and Realibility as well as Citizen Support. This is an effort to create excellent service in the land sector based on the principles of efficiency and effectiveness in implementing activities.

2012 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-73 ◽  
Narasimhaiah Gorla

Information system service quality has been a very important theme in both IS practice and research. User service expectations affect perceived service quality and user satisfaction. The objectives of this research are to i) to explore the relationship between perceived IS service quality and user satisfaction across the three regions of zone of tolerance (ZOT) and ii) to validate the associations between service expectations (adequate service and desired service) and service performance. The analysis of the data obtained from 193 IS users revealed a positive and significant association between perceived service quality and user satisfaction across the service zones and service dimensions with stronger associations in the acceptable service zone and weaker associations in the inadequate and superior service zones. Thus, the results demonstrate that the relationship between IS service quality and user satisfaction is affected by ZOT. It is found that the desired service expectation measure is more strongly related to service performance compared to the adequate service expectation measure. It is also observed that irrespective of the ZOT, the service dimension that contributes most to service performance is assurance. Tangibles have the widest ZOT and assurance has the narrowest ZOT compared to most other service dimensions. The author discusses the implications of the present study for both research and practice.

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