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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 779
Kęstutis Peleckis

Background—competitive conditions are often distorted in the construction sector, therefore this affects the market position of all participants. This paper seeks to find the tools for properly assessment of participants by Herfindahl-Hirschmann index (HHI) and to identify what parameters have the greatest impact in the competitiveness of the construction sector. Methods: in this article the DEMATEL method was used whereas tool for assessing the balance of market concentration as it may help to determine factor with the greatest influence on a firm’s HHI. Results in this work showed how different parameters affect each other and their impact on a value of a firms’s HHI. When the parameters are determined, they can be useful for assesment of mergers their influence on the HHI and alteration of the market’s power balance. Conclusions—The calculation of the HHI by using the DEMATEL method allowed to check the empirical implementation check of the multicriteria assessment method, on the market power of business entities, operating in the distorted market conditions of the construction sector.

Prathmesh Surnis

Abstract: The main objective of this project is to design and develop a 2-Stage- Reduction gearbox for all terrain vehicles application. Gearbox is a mechanical unit consisting of series of gears within a housing (casing) or a simple gear train. It is the main component of the powertrain system as it provides speed and torque conversions from the Engine or CVT to the wheels. The gears inside of gearbox can be any one of a number of different types of the gear that are available in the market i.e., from spur gears to worm gears and planetary gears as well. In this report the gearbox is made from a helical gear train. This report focuses on selection of overall reduction ratio of the gearbox, material selection, selection of gear dimensions, selection of shaft dimension, design of key and bearing selection from SKF bearing catalogue. The bending and wear strengths are calculated to determine factor of safety and later, Finite element analysis is performed to validate the results. Keywords: Geartrain, Shaft Design, SKF Bearings, Solidworks, FEA

Paraskevi Loukeri ◽  
Agathi Stathopoulou ◽  
Yolanda Salapata ◽  
Athanasios Drigas

<p>In general, leadership is strongly correlated with the empowerment of the followers’ personal vision as well as with the effectiveness of their work. On the top of that, the admiration derived of a group of people towards a leader, is a determine factor to characterize the leader as “charismatic – emotionally intelligent”. Consequently, final target along with the adopted strategies are the key points for successful leadership. This is how a high-leveled Job Satisfaction environment for the employees, can be secured, protecting them against Job Burnout syndrome. In Special Education, the consequences of Job Burnout seem to be profoundly serious concerning not only the teacher him/herself but also his/her work efficiency. It has been found that teachers, who face the Job Burnout are usually physically and mentally tired, depressed, and continually anxious, keeping themselves isolated and not easily accessible. This research aims to investigate the correlation between the school leader’s emotionally intelligence and the existence of supportive working environment, where the teacher is motivated, inspired and protected by the danger of Job Burnout.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
Eva Supriatin ◽  
Linlin Lindayani

Patient safety is an important component in care and measures to improve the quality of service quality. The strategy of implementing patient safety has been carried out with various efforts in the hospital environment. The highest number of patient safety data by province in Banten is 125 reports, and Jakarta is 105 reports. This study aimed to determine factor-factors related to the behavior of the application of patient safetyto the nursein the Emergency Room Installation of RSUD dr. Dradjat Prawiranegara in 2018.The study design was cross sectional in which the samples were taken by total sampling method. The study population was nurses in the emergency room of RSUD dr. Dradjat Prawiranegara Serang numbered 37 people. Data collection using a questionnaire. Univariate research results showed that of 37 respondents 30 respondents (81.1%) had a good level of knowledge, 21 respondents (56.8%) had positive attitudes, 30 respondents (81.1%) had years of service≥5 years, and 20 respondents (54.1%) have good behavior. Bivariate analysis results show that there is a significant relationship between knowledge(P value = 0.002), attitude (P value = 0.003) and work period ≥5 years (P value = 0.027) with the application of patient safety behavior to nurses. Researchers expect that the hospital able to refresh the application of patient safety to all nurses on a regular basis every six months.

Elena Bernabéu ◽  
Carlos Marchena ◽  
María Teresa Iglesias

Emotional eating (EE) patterns have been shown to play a relevant role in the development of overweight problems. However, there is a gap in research aimed at validating questionnaires to assess EE in specific populations. The aim of the study was to analyze factor structure and psychometric properties of Emotional Eater Questionnaire (EEQ) in Spanish universities. EEQ, state-anxiety subscale of STAI and a questionnaire about health habits were filled out by 295 students. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) by using Unweight Least Squares (ULS) method was carried out. To determine factor numbers we used eigenvalues, parallel analysis, and goodness of fit statistics. Cronbach’s alpha and Spearman correlations were used to analyze reliability, convergent, and concurrent validity. The parallel analysis and goodness of fit statistics showed that unifactorial structure of seven items was the most appropriate what accounted for 57% of the variance. Internal consistency was good (α = 0.753), as well as convergent validity (r = 0.317; p < 0.001). Concurrent validity was significant for three of the five criteria (r = −0.224; p < 0.001 and r = −0.259; p < 0.001). The results suggest some differences in the structure of the psychometric assessment of EE in sub-clinical population in comparison with previous studies carried on with an overweight population, what could be relevant to obesity prevention.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Prima Derry Pella Todungbua' ◽  
Ratnasari Dwi Cahyanti ◽  
Supriyadi Hari Respati

Background: Maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia is 305 per 100.000 live births. The intervention to suppress MMR according to four pillars of Safe Motherhood is reducing the possibility of woman becoming pregnant with Family Planning. The postpartum period is an important time to start, but underutilized. All contraceptive methods may be used, but the high rate of drop-out in non-long-term methods, counselling is directed to long-term methods like IUD.Objective: To determine factor that related postpartum IUD acceptance in Samarinda.Method: The research method is observational with cross sectional design. Sampling is done by purposive sampling. Data were obtained through questionnaire.Result: There was no significant association between age (p=0.438), parity (RR=0.7; p=0.077), education (RR=1.11; p=0.611), and income (RR=0.69; p=0.105)  with acceptance of postpartum IUD. Employment (RR=1.64; p=0.025), history of family planning counselling (RR=3.37; p<0.001), and husband's approval (RR=28.8; p=<0.001) have significant association with the acceptance of postpartum IUD.Conclusion: Age, parity, education, and income are not related factors of postpartum IUD acceptance, while employment, husband's approval, and history of family planning counselling are related factors of postpartum IUD acceptance in Samarinda.Keywords: Postpartum IUD, family planning counselling, husband's approval.           

2020 ◽  
pp. 003329412094517
Fariba Soheili ◽  
Simin Hosseinian ◽  
Abbas Abdollahi

Several measures have been developed in the past decades to assess the dimensions of hardiness in adult populations, whereas the same for children has remained relatively understudied. The present research has sought to develop and validate children’s hardiness scale (CHS) to assess hardiness attitudes in the respondents with age categories ranging between 10 and 12. Relying on a mixed-method approach, the research has been conducted in two studies. In the first, using both deductive and inductive methods, items were generated. The Content and face validity of the items was explored. To determine factor structure afterward, the exploratory factor analysis was conducted. In the course of the second study, confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the scale’s dimensionality and factor structure. The significant correlation between CHS, academic hardiness, and perceived stress, demonstrated the construct validity of the scale. Using the convenience sampling method, a total sample of 641 children participated in both studies. The results demonstrated that the final scale in line with the hardiness theory comprised three subscales: “commitment”, “control”, and “challenge”. The scale revealed acceptable internal consistency, reliability, and construct validity. Overall, the results of the current research indicated that a 20-item CHS can be applied in evaluating children’s hardiness attitudes. Further studies are required, however, to assess the applicability of the scale in different cultural populations.

Vivek Samor ◽  
Sukhdev Khadav ◽  
Pooja Arya ◽  
Deepchand . ◽  
Ramniwas Dhaka

<p class="abstract"><strong>Background:</strong> Present study was conducted to assess the efficacy of intratympanic dexamethasone in patients with sudden sensorineural hearing loss and to determine factor affecting treatment outcome for sudden sensorineural hearing loss.</p><p class="abstract"><strong>Methods:</strong> Prospective study was conducted on 24 patients of sudden sensorineural hearing loss between October 2019 to February 2020 in the department of ENT, OPD, SPMC, Bikaner. Group A were given oral steroids: prednisolone 1 mg/kg/day (maximal dose is 60 mg/day) full dose 14 days, then tapered over next 14 days. Group B were given intratympanic dexamethasone 4 mg/ml, 0.5 ml into middle ear space (into the posterior inferior quadrant) every 7 days for a total of 4 weeks. Audiogram was performed at end of every week for 4 weeks.  </p><p class="abstract"><strong>Results:</strong> Overall, 58% (n=14) patients showed improvement in pure-tone average. For ≤3 days of presentation; out of total 6 patients, 83.33% cases recovered. For 4 to 7 days of presentation; out of total 10 patients, 80% cases recovered. For 8 to 14 days presentation; out of total 8 patients 12.5% cases recovered (p=0.005).</p><p class="abstract"><strong>Conclusions:</strong> We suggest the treatment approach in which interaural time difference is used adjuvantly with oral steroids.</p>

Irma Wani Othman

Personality is relatively defined as either conscious or subconscious appearance in the mind that is reflected by the actions of an individual. This qualitative research is based on a qualitative approach that conducts an in-depth interview method for 30 staff from four Malaysian public universities which are internationally recognized. The focus of this paper is to examine expatriates’ adaptability to the needs of the host country by specifically referring to optimistic personalities and proactive attitudes as determinants of the success of an international assignment. The personality traits discussed include respecting cultural differences, being friendly to the local community, always being humble and open minded, showing flexibility in social relationships, showing interest and increasing the desire to learn something new, have the passion and excitement to explore and travel, positive about the diversity of local customs and mindset of the local people, and is tolerant in every aspect that benefits everyone. Based on the findings of the researchers, the identification of personality in influencing the process of socio-cultural adaptation goes beyond the influence of the experience, knowledge, skills and capabilities of an expatriate.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-63
Septi Puspitasari ◽  
Widayanto Widayanto

This research aims to determine factor which the biggest contribution to satisfaction Go-Ride service users. Satisfaction was measured by five initial factors, service quality, price, perceived ease, perceived usefulness and online servicescape. This type research is explanatory research. The sampling technique non probability sampling with purposive sampling and accidental sampling. Samples taken 100 respondents using Go-Ride services in Undip FISIP. The results showed form five variables with 65 indicators only 24 indicators met the value KMO MSA and can be factor analysis, total variance explaned and rotated component matrix forms three components, hereinafter referred service quality, perceived ease and perceived usefulness, regression test stages shows service quality, perceived ease, perceived usefulness partially and simultaneously have positive and significant influence user satisfaction, perceived usefulness was dominant influence user satisfaction. Researcher suggestions to improve service quality, especially responsiveness service, implementation the most effective route selection according user's wishes, implementation reference coupon strategy.

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