scholarly journals CERITA PANTUN BUJANG PANGALASAN (Analisis Struktur, Semiotik, dan Etnopedagogi)

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memaparkan struktur formal dan naratif, unsur semiotik, dan nilai etnopedagogik. Dalam Cerita Pantun Bujang Pangalasan. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan melalui teknik studi bibliografis. Hasilpenelitian ini mendeskripsikan tiga hal, yaitu struktur formal dan struktur naratif, unsur semiotik dan nilai etnopedagogik. Struktur Carita Pantun Bujang Pangalasan mencakup tindakan tokoh, alur, dan latar. Unsur semiotik mengacu pada indeks tindakan tokoh dan latar cerita. Nilai etnopedagogik dalam Cerita Pantun Bujang Pangalasan menunjukan karakter yakin pada kekuasaan Tuhan, hasrat belajar dan menguasai ilmu, hal ini dideskripsikan dengan karakter cerdas, berani, jujur, waspada, bersih hati, teguh hati, berusaha memahami dan memperhatikan orang lain, sopan, bijaksana, adil, sederhana dan rendah hati. Dengan karakter yang baik ini akhir ceritanya tercapai apa yang dicita-citakan oleh rajanya yaitu, kemuliaan, ketentraman dan ketenangan hidup, dan lulus ujian mencapai kesempurnaan, rakyat hidup rukun dan damai. This research aims to discover and delineate the formal and narrative structure, semiotic structure and ethnopedagogic values out of the story of Bujang Pangalasan. The research employed a descriptive method. Data were collected through a library research technique. Results reveal three parts: the structural, semiotic and etnopédagogic structures. The structure of the story of Bujang Pangalasan includes actions of the characters, plot and settings. The elements of semiotics are indexes of actions of the characters and plot.The ethnopedagogic values comprise a belief in God’s power, a passion for learning and acquiring science. This is portrayed in good traits such as smart, courageous, honest, alert, kind hearted, strong-willed, courteous, wise, just, modest, down to earth, and considerate of others. With these, in the end of the story, what the king was wishing, namely nobility, peace and serenity, attainment of perfection, harmonious life of people, were fulfilled.

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan kalimat singkat dalam majalah Manglé. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan melalui teknik studi pustaka dengan instrumen kartu data. Untuk mengolah data digunakan teknik analisis unsur langsung. Hasil penelitian menemkan 706 kalimat singkat yang frekuensi pemakaiannya sebanyak 2028 kalimat. Ditemukan enam tipe kalimat singkat, yakni kalimat salam, kalimat seruan, kalimat panggilan, kalimat judul, kalimat motto, dan kalimat inkripsi. Kalimah singkat memiliki pola tertentu, yakni A : Kal Sal  P + S + K; B : Kal Seru  S + P; C : Kal Pangg  Kata Seru; D : Kal Jud  S + O; E : Kal Mot  FP/FS Koor; F : Kal Ins  FB N + FB Mod. Kalimat singkat mengandung sepuluh makna, yakni rasa syukur, ucapan selamat, seruan pengganti dan nama diri, rasa sakit, marah, menerima, kaget, pernyataan, pedoman, dan cita-cita. This study was to identify and to describe simple sentences in Manglé magazine. This study used a descriptive method. The data were collected through library research technique with data card instrument. The data processing employed direct elemental analysis technique. The research found 706 sentences with the use frequency of 2028 sentences. This study found six types of simple sentences. They are the greetings, appeals, callings, titles, motto, and encryptions. A simple sentence has a certain pattern, namely A : Kal Sal  P + S + K; B : Kal Seru  S + P; C : Kal Pangg  Kata Seru; D : Kal Jud  S + O; E : Kal Mot  FP/FS Koor; F : Kal Ins  FB N + FB Mod. The simple sentence contains ten meanings: gratitude, congratulations, calling for a replacement, and the name of self, pain, anger, acceptance, surprise, statements, guidance, and ideals.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masalah pentingnya suatu analisis sastra utamanya dalam karya sastra puisi (sajak). Panelitian ini bertujuan untukmendeskripsikan: 1) struktur batin sajak yang mencakup tema (sense), nada (tone), perasaan (feeling), dan amanat (intention) yang terdapat dalam kumpulan sajak periode tahun 2000-an; 2) unsur stilistika yang terdapat dalam kumpulan sajak periode tahun 2000-an; dan 3) kajian etnopedagogi yang terdapat dalam kumpulan sajak periode tahun 2000-an. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, dalam penelitian ini digunakan desain penelitian kualitatif, metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, sedangkan teknik yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka.AbstractThis research was motivated by the importance in a literary analysis especially on poems. This research aims to 1) describe the inner structure of the poem which includes the theme, tone, feeling, and intention in a compilation of poems of the 2000s; 2) describe the stylisticand ethnopedagogicelements contained in the poems. To achieve these objectives, this study used a qualitative research design.The method used is a descriptive method by conducting a library research technique.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Sri Sabakti

This research is aimed to expose the narrative structure of the novel Ca Bau Kan by using semiotical theory. The source of the data is the novel Ca Bau kan written by Remy Silado and published by KPG, eight edition, 2004. The data is collected by doing the library research. The teory applied in this research is the emiotical theory, especially the literary analysis of Subur Laksono Wardoyo that the analysis of the text of prose can be applied by using three fases; the analysis of the basic scheme narrative, the analysis of mean signifier, and the analysis of syntagmatics and pragmatics. The result of this research showed that the narrative structure in the novel CBK that (1) the life of Tinung before being a ca bau kan, (2) the life of Tinung as a ca bau kan, and (3) the life of Tinung after not being a ca bau kan anymore. Based on the narrative structure, it was found that “ Love is only one. No measurement is needed” is the mean signifier and able to be clarified by the analysis of syntagmatics-paradigmatics based on the biner oposition of weak x strong.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mengungkapkan stuktur narasi dalam novel Ca Bau Kan (CBK) dengan menggunakan teori semiotika. Penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data novel CBK karya Remy Silado yang diterbitkan oleh KPG, cetakan kedelapan tahun 2004. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan teknik kepustakaan. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori semiotika, khususnya analisis sastra menurut Subur Laksono Wardoyo bahwa analisis teks prosa dapat dilakukan melalui tiga tahap, yaitu: analisis skema naratif dasar, analisis signifier utama, dan analisis sintagmatik-paradigmatik. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa struktur narasi pada novel CBK adalah sebagai berikut: 1) kehidupan Tinung sebelum menjadi ca bau kan, 2) kehidupan Tinung sebagai ca bau kan, dan 3) kehidupan Tinung setelah tidak menjadi ca bau kan. Berdasarkan struktur narasi, maka didapatkan bahwa “Cinta cuma satu, kagak perlu takaran” merupakan penanda utama dan dapat diperjelas melalui analisis sintagmatik-paradigmatik yang didasarkan atas sebuah oposisi biner lemah x kuat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 311-329
Saifullah bin Anshor ◽  
Rachmat Bin Badani Tempo ◽  

This study aimed at elaborating and identifying the law and the virtues of funeral prayer, the definition of absentee funeral prayer, the propositions of the inquiry of absentee funeral prayer, scholars’ opinions on the law of absentee funeral prayer, the ruling of absentee funeral prayer, time and distance limit in absentee funeral prayer, and the law of absentee funeral prayer on the victims of natural disasters. This study employed qualitative-descriptive method with normative approach techniques and library research. The result of the study shows that: (1) The law of absentee funeral prayer is permissible on the corpse that is not yet prayed on; (2) The ruling of absentee funeral prayer is the same as the ruling of funeral prayer; (3) There is no time limit for performing absentee funeral prayer on condition that the person dies at the time person who wants to perform prayer has been able to perform prayer; (4) The distance limit of absentee funeral prayer is the distance in which it is difficult to be visited by people who want to perform prayer; (5) The natural disaster victim, if his or her body is not found and is not yet prayed on, then he/she can be prayed on in absentia.

Sulaiman Sulaiman ◽  
Muzakir Muzakir ◽  
Ema Syithah ◽  
Baharuddin Baharuddin ◽  
Ainon Mardhiah

The purpose of this study was to look at the factor of increasing divorce rates in the city of Sabang. This research integrates library research and field research using a qualitative approach. This study uses. descriptive method of analysis The highest results of the study showed that the factor of increasing divorce in Sabang City was caused by; first, continuous disputes and disputes amounted to 80 cases, secondly, leaving one party numbered 38 cases, third, economic (family needs not met) as many as 9 cases, fourth, domestic violence in 5 cases, and fifth, sentenced to imprisonment ( involved in the use of narcotics) totaling 4 cases, the data is the data of the last three years. Whereas prevention efforts to avoid divorce are carried out by conducting marriage counseling conducted by the Office of Religious Affairs in the Sabang City area, at least one week before the implementation of the marriage contract, this guidance activity is mandatory for couples to marry, besides the Shari'ah Court of Sabang also conducted mediation with every party who filed a divorce or divorce divorce, out of the 63 cases of mediation cases that entered, only 5 cases of mediation were successfully mediated in the last three years and if the mediation attempt was unsuccessful a register was held to proceed to the trial stage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 484-504
Muhammad Yusram ◽  
Askar Patahuddin ◽  
Ahmad Risal

This study aims to determine the legal use of the FaceApp application in terms of the Qur'an, sunnah, and opinions of the scholars, as well as its relation to the problem of changing God's creation. This study uses descriptive-qualitative with content analysis and library research technique. The results showed that: first, FaceApp is an application that can change face photos using technology in the form of neural networks that automatically produce very realistic facial transformations in photographs. The opinions of the scholars in the matter of changing God's creation are: 1) neutering humans and animals ; 2) changing physical form; 3) make a tattoo on the body; 4) change the religion of God. Second, the legal use of the FaceApp application in an Islamic perspective by the scholars was divided into two: some scholars banned the use of the FaceApp application and others allowed it. Nevertheless, the majority of the scholars chose to forbid it, based on the evidence in the Qur'an and related hadith and the number of violations and harms posed by this application.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-32
Abas Asyafah

Abstract. This article examines the learning model. This study departs from the fact that there are some people who still need a reference to weigh a learning model. A common problem to be answered through this study is how to weigh a learning model. This study uses a descriptive method because the researcher is analyzing the current problem and uses a qualitative approach. Through library, the author concludes that a good learning model must be assessed in terms of validity, practical use, and effectiveness. In weighing a learning model, we must first understand the concepts / theories about the learning model as a whole. If there is still a gap between the theory and the model, it means that the learning model must be revised and developed again.Abstrak. Artikel ini mengkaji tentang model pembelajaran. Kajian ini berangkat dari fakta bahwa masih ada kalangan yang masih membutuhkan suatu acuan untuk menimbang suatu model pembelajaran. Masalah umum yang ingin dijawab melalui kajian ini adalah bagaimana cara menimbang suatu model pembelajaran?. Kajian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif karena peneliti sedang menganalisis permasalahan yang sedang terjadi saat ini dan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Melalui studi kepustakaan (library research), penulis berkesimpulan bahwa sebuah model pembelajaran yang baik harus dapat dinilai dari sisi validitas (kesahihan), keprak-tisan/keterpakaian, dan efektivitasnya. Untuk menimbang sebuah model pembelajaran, kita terlebih dahulu harus memahami konsep/teori tentang model pembelajaran secara utuh dan lengkap. Bila masih ditemukan kesenjangan antara teori dengan model tersebut berarti model pembelajaran tersebut masih harus direvisi dan dikembangkan lagi.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 289
Jabbar Sabil ◽  
Juliana Juliana

Ĥadīŝ aĥād is one of the sources of Islamic law. But in practice, the scholars set different conditions as seen in the thoughts of Imam al-Sarakhsī and Imam al-Ghazālī. Therefore, this study examines the nature of ĥadīŝ aĥād according to both Imams, and their views on the criteria for the use of ĥadīŝ aĥād as the source of Islamic law. This research is done by epistemology approach which is part of a study of philosophy science. The technique of completion of research data is done by library research with the method of data analysis, that is a research according to the contents of both Imam. The data analysis is done by the comparative descriptive method that is, to find the relation between thinking with the same thing with equation and difference which is related to ĥadīŝ aĥād as the source of Islamic law. So the author comes to the conclusion of both Imams mentioned that ĥadīŝ aĥād is obliged to be practiced but doesn’t produce knowledge.The opposite side of their opinion is on the terms of practice. Imam al-Sarakhsī presupposes the fakih narrator, while Imam al-Ghazālī doesn’t because according to him the condition of the transmigrants is not realistic and complicates the practice.The analysis of the metaphysical example of ĥadīŝ aĥād fi'liyyah about ĥadīŝ yellow in the morning prayers indicates that in the ĥadīŝ the metaphysical condition of the jurists doesn’t increase the probability to certainty, and the absence of the fakih narrator doesn’t diminish its worth. Thus, the practice of ĥadīŝ aĥād is sufficient at the level of probability, so the thought of Imam al-Sarakhsī and Imam al-Ghazālī being complementary is not a contradiction.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 26

Penelitian ini berjudul Wawacan Siti Permana Karya M.K. Mangoendikaria (Kajian Struktural dan Antropologi Sastra). Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan: 1) struktur formal Wawacan Siti Permana, 2) struktur naratif Wawacan Siti Permana, 3) unsur-unsur antropologi sastra dalam Wawacan Siti Permana. Sumber data dari penelitian ini adalah Wawacan Siti Permana yang ditulis oleh M.K. Mangoendikaria. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan adalah teknik studi pustaka. Wawacan Siti Permana menceritakan sosok wanita yang cantik, bernama Nyi Siti Permana, selaku anak dari lurah désa Cigéréléng, banyak pria yang terpikat olehnya. Pupuh yang ditemukan terdapat 10 pupuh dengan 526 paragraf, yaitu pupuh dangdanggula, pupuh asmarandana, pupuh kinanti, pupuh pangkur, pupuh magatru, pupuh sinom, pupuh mijil, pupuh maskumambang, pupuh  lambang, dan pupuh pucung. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) struktur formal Wawacan Siti Permana terdiri dari guru lagu dan guru wilangan pupuh, watak/karakter pupuh, serta sepuluh sasmita pupuh, 2) struktur naratif Wawacan Siti Permana meliputi: a) alur cerita campuran dan ada 18 episode, b) terdapat lima motif cerita, c) tokoh cerita terdiri dari 12 tokoh, d) latar cerita meliputi latar tempat, latar waktu, dan latar suasana, e) tema cerita dalam Wawacan Siti Permana yaitu kasih sayang, f) terdapat kolofon yaitu pada jaman perang Itali dan Absinia, dan g) tidak ditemukan adanya manggalasastra, 3) unsur antropologi sastra Wawacan Siti Permana meliputi: a) sistem kepercayaan (religi) meliputi tiga aspek, b) organisasi sosial/organisasi kemasyarakatan meliputi dua aspek, c) ilmu pengetahuan terdiri dari delapan aspek, d) bahasa meliputi tiga bahasa, gaya bahasa, dan babasan paribasa Sunda, e) terdapat empat kesenian, f) sistem mata pencaharian terdapat 16 mata pencaharian, g) sistem tekhnologi meliputi enam aspek. Wawacan Siti Permanamempunyai banyak nilai-nilai didalamnya dan sangat penting untuk kekayaan kebudayaan hususnya untuk masyarakat Sunda. AbstractThis research is entitled Wawacan Siti Permana of M.K. Mangoendikaria (A Structural and Anthropological Literature Study). This study aimed to describe (1) the formal structure; (2) the narrative structure; and (3) the elements of the anthropological literature in Wawacan Siti Permana. The data source of this research is the text of Wawacan Siti Permana of M.K. Mangoendikaria. The research employed descriptive method. This study used the technique of literature study. Wawacan Siti Permana tells a story of a beautiful woman, named Nyi Siti Permana. She is the daughter of the Head of Cigereleng Village. Many men are lured by Siti Permana. In the text, there are 10 pupuhs with 526 paragraphs. They are Pupuh dangdanggula, Pupuh Asmarandana, Pupuh kinanti, Pupuh Pangkur, Pupuh Magatru, Pupuh Sinom Pupuh Mijil, Pupuh Maskumambang, Pupuh Lambang, and Pupuh Pucung. There are some of the results of this research. (1) The formal structure of Wawacan Siti Permana consists of guru lagu and guru wilangan of the pupuhs, characters of the pupuhs, and ten sasmitas of the pupuhs. (2) the narrative structure of Wawacan Siti Permana includes (a) a mixture storyline with 18 episodes; (B) five motifs of story; (C) 12 characters of the stories; (D) the background of place, time setting, and background of ambience; (E) the theme of compassion; (F) The colophon of days of the war between Italy and Ethiopia; and (g) no manggalasastra. (3) The elements of anthropological literature are (a) the three aspects of the belief system (religion); (b) two aspects of social organization; (C) the eight aspects of science; (D) three languages, style, and Sundanese babasan-paribasa; (E) four arts; (F) 16 livelihood; (G) six aspects of technological systems. Wawacan Siti Permana contains many important values and cultural wealth of the Sundanese people. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 851-861
Mentari Mentari

The COVID-19 pandemic began in Wuhan, China in late December 2019 and rapidly spread to all over the world. The COVID-19 caused by SARS-Cov-2 and more than one million people have been affected worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic not only impacts the health sector, but the pandemic triggered to the economic crisis with expansive social effects. Due to the impact of COVID-19, the international cooperation needs to be taken to responding and control the pandemic. Indonesia and Australia as a close neighbour, have worked closely in disaster risk management and currently cooperate to response the COVID-19. This study aims to describe the cooperation between Indonesia and Australia in responding the impacts of COVID-19. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive method. The data collection technique used based on secondary data in the form of literature review (library research) including books, journals, reports, organization’s websites, online articles, and scientific papers that are related to the study. The author uses the concept of cooperation to support the idea of cooperation between Indonesia and Australia to responding the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic. This study provides that the cooperation between Indonesia and Australia in responding the impacts of COVID-19 are divided into three sectors, namely health security, stability, and economic recovery.

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