Iryna Tarasiuk

The paper is devoted to the consideration of the stages of development of training the specialists in the food and processing industry in vocational schools of the second half of the XX - beginning of the XXI century. In this paper there are considered the peculiarities of the development of the food and processing industry in the postwar years in Ukraine, in particular in the western regions, during the period of industrialization, when the agenda was solving problems in the field of education, health care. The food industry of the western regions in that period was represented by sugar industry, meat - processing, dairy, fruit and vegetable, baking, flour-grinding, confectionery industries. The sugar industry, which worked on local raw materials, was especially actively developed. Industrialization in the western regions of Ukraine in the postwar period had its own peculiarities. First, there are recorded faster rates of industrial growth than in other regions of Ukraine. Secondly, new industries appeared. In the region, the most intensive production was observed. The limited number of vocational training units for educating qualified mid-level specialists prevented the development of the food industry. In this regard, the advanced representatives of the local scientific and technological elite began to take measures to start vocational schools. The establishment of educational institutions oriented at the training the specialists of the food industry in Ukraine is inextricably linked with the development of the sugar industry. Vocational education of Ukraine is directly related to the socio-economic development of the state. Based on the main stages of economic development in the state, changes in vocational education have been analyzed. The periodization of the history of the professional training of future specialists in the food and processing industry in vocational schools of the western regions of Ukraine (second half of the XX century – the beginning of the XXI century) was accomplished, and the main directions of changes for each period are considered.

2020 ◽  
pp. 578-589
Roman S. Vorontsov ◽  
Vladimir V. Korovin ◽  

The article draws on archival sources on the activities of regional authorities in regulation of economic relations under wartime conditions to discuss problems in organizing production activities of sugar enterprises of the Kursk region. Although there are some works on the history of the industrial production development during the Great Patriotic War on the all-Union, republican, and regional levels, which take into account all modern achievements of historical science and development of the source base, the impact of the war on the state of individual branches of food industry supplying the front and rear remains unexplored. The choice of the territorial frameworks of the study springs from several circumstances. Firstly, the Kursk region for a long time occupied a leading position in the RSFSR in the volume of products manufactured by sugar factories. Secondly, during the war, the territory of the region had the status of a front-line, occupied, front-line, and rear-line area, which had a significant impact on the specifics of all tasks related to production organization. The main source is archival documents on various aspects of management and production activities. The authors have identified documentary materials in the fonds of the Russian State Archives of Economics, the State Archives of the Kursk Region, and the State Archive of the Socio-Political History of the Kursk Region, that cover events and processes associated with the dynamics in the sugar industry of the Kursk region, one of the key sectors of regional wartime economy. They have analyzed the content of these documents and offered a general assessment of problems in functioning of the industry under extreme conditions. Of greatest information value on the said topic are materials from regional archives. Archival documents objectively reflect the situation in the food industry during the war. Their introduction into scientific use will contribute to a reliable reflection of the role of economic potential of the USSR in the defeat of Nazism.

2020 ◽  
pp. 91-97
Егор Александрович Колосов

Анализируется современное состояние профессионального образования, которое рассматривается как социальный феномен. Представлены характеристики профессионального образования как составляющей образовательной системы. Отмечается, что современное состояние профессионального образования находится на уровне модернизации в пользу использования инновационных образовательных технологий. Акцентируется внимание на главной тенденции современного профессионального образования – его цифровизации. Ситуация, вызванная COVID-19, привела к тому, что образовательные учреждения были вынуждены перейти на новые форматы обучения (дистанционное и онлайн-обучение). Основными факторами, повлиявшими на данную ситуацию, названы пандемия COVID-19, накопленный международный опыт, современные потребности общества и рыночной экономики. Несмотря на технологические и организационные трудности, выработаны общие подходы к профессиональному обучению дистанционно и онлайн, создана база образовательного контента. The article analyzes the current state of vocational education. Vocational education is considered as a social phenomenon. The characteristics of vocational education as a component of the educational system at the present stage of development are presented. It is noted that the current state of vocational education is at the level of modernization in favor of the use of innovative educational technologies. Attention is focused on the main trend of modern professional education – its digitalization. Integration of the Russian vocational education system into the world educational system is one of the priorities of the state educational policy. It is noted that the basis of modern vocational education is at the level of modernization in favor of the use of innovative educational technologies. The principles underlying modern education are highlighted: continuity, practice-orientedness, integration, continuous professional development, learning “online + offline. The situation caused by the coronavirus COVID-19 led to the fact that educational institutions were forced to switch to new formats of education (distance and online learning). The main factors that influenced this situation are the COVID-19 pandemic, the accumulated international experience, the modern needs of society and the market economy. It is noted that, despite the technological and organizational difficulties, common approaches to professional training remotely and online were developed, a database of educational content was created.

Ludmila Ulyanova ◽  
Yuliia Chaika

The scientific article is devoted to the study of a complex but relevant problem for the period of creating the preconditions for sustainable development - the definition of approaches to providing the economy with strong human resources. It is noted that its formation is always faced with the issues of reproduction of the labor force, the effectiveness of which implies the achievement in total, at the same time high levels of quality of life and vocational training of people. Particular attention is paid to the emergence of new problems that increase the severity of personnel issues in Ukraine: there is a significant increase in labor migration of Ukrainians abroad, reducing the population and working age. However, despite the difficulties of the transition economy, the country has gradual, progressive changes in the entire system of educational infrastructure, attempts are being made to reform the organization of education in educational institutions of all levels: higher education, secondary school, vocational education. In addition to traditional vocational schools in the educational, already competitive environment, there are new educational institutions - technical lyceums, technical schools, colleges. However, a significant part of vocational schools has shortcomings related to the quality of their material and technical base, the level of training of teachers in terms of their mastery of the latest technological concepts and methods of teaching educational material. Improving the system of vocational training should be based on the understanding that innovative development has already become an integral part of the domestic economy and has led to new requirements for personal factors of production. Now there is a need to closely link professional training to specific production conditions of future activities, the entire educational process should be built taking into account changes in the state of production processes, target settings for obtaining the final results of enterprises. Under modern market conditions, the first priority is not the production of more goods and services of one type, but their differentiation and new quality characteristics within one product group. Relevant changes occur in the assessment of the personal factor of production. This is not just about the quantitative certainty of staff, but about the level of training of each employee, his ability to adapt to technical and technological changes. In the process of professional training it is important to form in future employees an awareness of their role and importance in the overall efficiency of enterprises, to bring to their understanding the high probability of losses associated with their possible errors in the production functions. The issue of greening of professional activity should be important in the educational processes of all educational institutions

Naila Iqbal Qureshi Khan

Waqf is a Sadaqah Jariyyah, a Capital Gift to Allah which is useful for Sustainable development and beneficial to Muslim, Poor, Marginalised, and disadvantaged communities. The important thing is waqf properties must be used for the benefit of needy. It can be achieved through investing the waqf in infrastructure development through the generation of profits from waqf infrastructure and utilization of Waqf property by common and needy public. The proper management of waqf properties through modern techniques of risk and asset management so that maximum benefits can be achieved through any Waqf property is the need of time. The history of Waqf is very old in Madhya Pradesh and this research is undertaken to study the methods used to commercially develop Waqf lands which are regulated by waqf board of MP located in the state of MP. The researcher is trying to find out the potential of economic development through waqf properties in MP and the welfare which can be achieved of poor and marginalized classes in this chapter.

Pablo Palomino

This chapter shows the emergence of a regional sense of Latin America as part of the musical pedagogy of the nationalist states at the peak of the state-building efforts to organize, through a variety of instruments of cultural activism, what at the time were called “the masses.” It analyzes particularly the cases of Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina—the three largest countries of the time in population and economic development—from the 1910s through the 1950s. It proposes a comparative history of Latin American musical populisms, focusing in particular on policies of music education, broadcasting, censorship, and experiences of state-sponsored collective singing.

Elizabeth Madathilathu Samuel

The year 2020 has made a mark in the history of mankind. India, too, was affected by the pandemic. To ensure a curb on the spread of the disease, India adopted a sequence emergency mechanism. It announced the closure of all educational institutions along with all the other establishments as a part of strict social distancing measures. The traditional mode of teaching and learning transitioned into online teaching. Online learning and virtual classrooms became the 'new normal'. The analysis was carried out using the data collected through structured questionnaire from 35 teachers in Kottayam District, Kerala a southern state of India. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics. It is evident from the study that the teachers lack in the use of various teaching methods for motivating and encouraging students. Further on, since the teachers were caught off guard, they had not received any formal or professional training to conduct online classes or use the advanced modes of technology.

2018 ◽  
Vol 62 (1 (460)) ◽  
pp. 33-43
Piotr Koryś

The article discusses the role of plants in Poland’s economic development over the last 500 years. The author presents the role of five plants in the history of Poland’s development: cereals (wheat and rye), potatoes, sugar beet and rape. The specificity of the economic development of modern Europe has made Poland one of Europe’s granaries and an important exporter of cereals. This shaped the civilization of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and contributed to its fall due to institutional specificity. In the 19th century, potatoes played an important role in the population development of Polish lands, as they helped feed the rapidly growing population. The spread of sugar beet cultivation created the conditions for the development of modern sugar industry in the second half of the 19th century. It became one of the first modern branches of the food industry in Poland and contributed to the modernization of the village. Quite recently, oilseed rape was to become a plant that would bring back the times of agricultural sheikhs – no longer the nobility would trade in cereals on the European markets, but entrepreneurs producing a vegetable substitute for diesel oil.

Vladimir Okolotin

The article is devoted to the study of the actions of the Soviet state on agitation and propaganda protection of state interests in the Ivanovo region in 1941. It reflects the measures of the Soviet government and the state defense Committee of the USSR to prevent uncontrolled forms of dissemination of information that arouses alarm among the population and measures of responsibility for these actions. Important attention is paid to such official means of countering German propaganda in the Ivanovo region as radio broadcasting, periodicals and film production. It shows the specifics of their activities in the most difficult conditions of the initial period of the great Patriotic war, the degree of perception of the population of the region of the information they bring. The article is based on the materials of the Russian state archive of socio-political history, the state archive of the Ivanovo region and the local periodical press. The results of this research may be of interest to specialists in the history of the great Patriotic war, students of higher educational institutions, as well as the General public.

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 81-88
Наталья Новикова ◽  
Natalya Novikova ◽  
Ирина Мухоморова ◽  
Irina Mukhomorova

Modernization in Russia is objectively dictated by the tightening of global competition between countries and the need for structural optimization of the domestic economy. In today´s environment the results of the modernization of the Russian economy influence directly on the welfare of the country in the future, elimination of the technological gap, improving efficiency in all sectors of the economy and professional fields. The process of modernization is aimed at solving a minimum of three tasks: to ensure structural balance of the national economy; technological innovation; the formation of an innovative model of economic development. Formation of such a model of the economy implies an increase in the economy of knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries. With two possible and mutually exclusive approaches to the state economy modernization and technological development, autocratic and democratic, the latter is the most effective, since upgrading cannot be achieved without direct participation of business, civil society and individual citizens with a high level of competence of the government. Federal authorities at the same time play the role of a facilitator, providing legal, organizational and financial support, and as well as a system of processes. Economic modernization and technological development will require training of skilled human capital, which may be provided by the proper functioning of the system of education in Russia. Development of education should be coordinated with social and economic development, and activities of educational institutions should be integrated into innovation processes at the national and regional levels. High importance in solving these problems is given to the development of mechanisms of interaction of educational institutions with the business environment, general public and to changing the format of relations with the state education authorities.

Сергей Фокин ◽  
Sergey Fokin ◽  
Оксана Шпортько ◽  
Oksana SHportko

The textbook is devoted to the maintenance of the state cadastre of real estate in Russia. The manual describes the history of cadastral works in Russia, the legislative and regulatory framework of the state real estate cadastre, information related to the system of state real estate cadastre and cadastral division of the territory, document management of the state real estate cadastre, valuation activities and taxation of real estate. The issues of reforming the system of state cadastre of real estate and registration of real estate, as well as ways to improve the evaluation of real estate for tax purposes. Meets the requirements of the Federal state educational standards of higher education of the last generation for the preparation of bachelors. For students of higher educational institutions studying in the direction of training 21.03.02 "land Management and cadastres", students of advanced training courses.

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