scholarly journals On the Question of Methodological Support of Research on Relationships of Interpersonal Significance in Kindergarten Groups

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 140-147
V.A. Ilyin ◽  
E.V. Khrisanova

The paper focuses on the importance of in-depth research (in particular, employing an algorithm developed by M.Yu. Kondratyev for defining integral status of an individual) on child-child interpersonal relationship in kindergarten groups. Although relationships with significant adults are by all means essential for preschool children, interpersonal relation- ships on the child-child level to a great extent shape the content of the social situation of development in general. Still, when it comes to revealing status and role position of the child in the structure of interpersonal relationships within the kindergarten group, there’s the challenge of defining informal intragroup structure of power in contact community (due to the age specifics). The paper suggests how this challenge may be addressed and provides a version of the technique suitable for preschoolers that helps overcome age restrictions implied by the original technique. Also, the paper reports on the outcomes of approbation of this version which proved its heuristic nature. For instance, the outcomes show a high degree of correlation between the results of kindergarten group members ranking in accordance with their influence upon peers carried out by teachers working in these groups.

2020 ◽  
pp. 42-50
Aygul Fazlyeva ◽  
Aliya Akhmetshina

Children, brought up in foster families, experience various problems (diffi culties in interpersonal relationships with parents, diffi culties in communicating with peers, emotional instability), which lead to confl icts, quarrels, running away from home, destructive phenomena, etc. One of the eff ective forms of working with children brought up in foster families is individual counselling. Individual counselling is used by various specialists (psychologists, educators, psychotherapists), where a special place is taken by a social educator. His or her activity involves the implementation of social-protective, preventive, educational, informational, advisory functions. In the process of organizing individual counseling, the social educator takes into account the social situation of the family and the child, personal characteristics, social conditions, social and cultural characteristics and the nature of the relationship with the social environment. To organize individual counseling, a social educator needs to master various and eff ective techniques, and take into account a number of recommendations. An analysis of the literature and practical socio-pedagogical experience led to an understanding of the insuffi cient degree of elaboration of this issue. The purpose of this article was the solution to this problem.

Renata Soares Martins ◽  
Suely Aparecida do Nascimento Mascarenhas ◽  
Gisele Cristina Resende

This article invites us to reflect on oversharenting and family life that, owing to the proliferation of communications technology and the internet, is intersected by digital cyberculture. The research was carried out on the social network, using the method of searching by hashtag. The results showed that during 2018 in two weeks, 20,781 posts were made using the hashtag “minidiva” and 1,679 with the hashtag “miniblogger”, from which three posts were collected each day. Netnography was used to analyze the images and categorize them: (1) oversharenting and family life, (2) social media and child consumption, (3) child adultization. It was concluded that online social networks (Instagram) are spaces where interpersonal relationships; it was seen that the act of consuming gained relevance in the family and that the child’s exposure occurs without awareness, which can cause a high degree of exposure and consequently have adverse effects for everyone.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 35-43
Carulla C. Vidal Carulla ◽  
К. Adbo

This study has been performed in Sweden, where the preschool curriculum states that children’s understanding of simple chemical processes is a goal to strive towards [13]. However, uncertainty within the current preschool practice exists and has been described by B. Sundberg et al. [20]. Motivated by the lack of scientific literature on what chemistry content is suitable for preschool children and how to introduce it, this study aims to tackle how abstract concepts like “atoms” and “molecules” can be introduced to preschool children. With this purpose, a play-based learning intervention was designed, following the cultural-historical model for preschool science education proposed by M. Fleer [7], and implemented in two Swedish preschools, dividing a total of 20 three-years-old children into four groups of five children each. Data were collected in the form of video-recordings of the sessions and analysed following the principles from the experimental-genetic method summarized by N. Veresov [23]. Results are presented in the form of vignettes that illustrate significant moments from the intervention, together with discussion of how the social situation of development, the zone of actual development and the mediating tools facilitate the children in starting to talk about atoms.

Aleksandra Cuprika ◽  
Andra Fernate ◽  
Leonids Cupriks

<p><em>Forming as many interpersonal relationships as possible is one of the most important goals in peoples’ lives.</em> <em>Mutual p</em><em>hysical activities create a basis for social belonging.</em> <em>Therefore, the goal of the study is </em><em>to determine the correlation between the components of social belonging and physical activity among women in fitness.</em> <em>The social belonging analysis was conducted with the use of questionnaires (adopted in Latvian), and a shortened version of IPAQ to determine the levels of physical activity.</em> <em>The components of social belonging were defined, and several weak, but significant, correlations between these components and the level of physical activity were found.</em> <em>According to the data obtained in the current study we can conclude, that social belonging has positive impact on PA. Those, who more often feel the relatedness, satisfactory from interpersonal relationship and inclusion in the social groups are more physically active. In order to evaluate, how the quality of life aspect of social belonging for women in fitness correlates with physical activity, they must be taken into account.</em></p><p> </p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (36) ◽  
pp. 9
Algirdas Ališauskas ◽  
Jelena Galvydytė

<p>The article describes the psychosocial characteristics of students with learning disabilities. Qualitative data collection and processing (interview and interview content analysis) and quantitative (socio-metric research) methods have been applied. Positive and negative psychosocial (emotional self-satisfaction/feeling, self-actualisation and self-expression and inter- personal relations) characteristics of a student with learning disabilities have been distinguished and defined. The social status of these students has been ascertained within the class and the motives of the  classmates in their choices have been revealed.</p><p>A psychosocial portrait (according to feeling well, self- actualisation, and the quality of interpersonal relationship) of a student with learning disabilities is ambiguous, reconciling both positive and negative characteristics. In the class, a relatively high status of students with learning disabilities has been identified. Positive and negative classmate’s choices mostly related to personal qualities and acceptable or unacceptable behaviour of the students with learning disabilities. An analysis of interview content revealed the factors determining self-esteem, self-expression, and interpersonal relationships of students with learning disabilities.</p><p>Straipsnyje pateikiama mokymosi sutrikimų turinčių mokinių psichosocialinė charakteristika. Taikyti kokybiniai (interviu ir interviu turinio analizė) ir kiekybiniai (sociometrinis tyrimas) metodai. Išskirtos ir apibūdintos pozityvios ir negatyvios mokymosi sutrikimų turinčio mokinio psichosocialinės (emocinio pasitenkinimo/savijautos, savirealizacijos ir saviraiškos bei tarpasmeninių santykių) charakteristikos. Išsiaiškintas mokinių, turinčių mokymosi sutrikimą, socialinis statusas klasėje, atskleisti bendraklasių pasirinkimų motyvai.</p><p>Mokinio, turinčio mokymosi sutrikimą, psichosocialinis portretas (pagal savijautą, savirealizaciją ir tarpasmeninių santykių kokybę) nevienareikšmis, jame dera ir pozityvios, ir negatyvios charakteristikos. Nustatytas pakankamai aukštas mokymosi sutrikimų turinčių mokinių statusas klasėje. Teigiami ir neigiami bendraklasių pasirinkimai labiausiai siejasi su mokinių, turinčių mokymosi sutrikimų, asmeninėmis savybėmis ir priimtinu ar nepriimtinu jų elgesiu. Interviu turinio analizė leido atskleisti veiksnius, lemiančius mokinių, turinčių mokymosi sutrikimų, gerą savijautą, saviraišką bei  tarpasmeninius santykius: mokinių požiūriu tai - draugiški santykiai  klasėje, savo stiprybių mokantis pažinimas, geranoriška klasės draugų parama ir pagalba, sėkmė ir įvertinimas ne mokymosi veikloje; tėvų požiūriu - draugiški santykiai klasėje, vaiko palaikymas, galimybė vaikui dalyvauti klasės/mokyklos renginiuose, būrelių lankymas; mokytojų akcentuojami pozityvūs veiksniai: geras mokyklos lankymas, draugiškas bendravimas su klasės draugais, noras atlikti skirtas užduotis, gebėjimas susikaupti, mokėjimas tvardytis susidūrus su nesėkme, noras dalyvauti ir dalyvavimas klasės/mokyklos renginiuose; specialistų minimi pozityvūs vaiko ugdymosi psichologiniai veiksniai: gera vaiko savijauta klasėje, pasitikėjimas savimi, palaikantys bendraklasiai, šiltas ir palaikantis mokytojo santykis su vaiku, galimybė vaikui realizuoti savo pomėgius užklasinėje veikloje. Probleminės sritys, išryškėjusios per interviu dalyvių apibūdintus neigiamus psichosocialinius veiksnius, keliančius mokiniui ir jo ugdytojams diskomfortą, siejasi su gan dažnais neigiamais emociniais vaiko išgyvenimais, susijusiais su mokykla (nepalankūs santykiai su bendraklasiais ir mokytojais, patiriami mokymosi sunkumai, palaikymo ir pagalbos vaikui stoka), mokinio elgesio charakteristikomis, trukdančiomis bendrauti ir ypač - nepakankama savirealizacija ir saviraiškos stoka (menku įsitraukimu į bendras klasės/mokyklos veiklas).</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 98-104
S.V. Myskin ◽  
G. A Makeeva

The study aims at theoretical analysis and empirical identification of adaptive aspects of the social situation of adolescents' development to the new learning conditions. The article presents the materials of the first stage of the empirical study obtained on a sample of 1st-year students of the Moscow organization of secondary vocational education. The study involved 500 respondents aged 16 to 17 years, of which 92% were female. The study included measurements on 7 scales for 5-7 days. We used a projective closed method for assessing the formation of the components of educational activity (it includes two options: for boys and girls). The obtained data suggest that the natural process of adaptation of adolescents to the new conditions of college education is based on its complementary components. At the same time, entering a new situation of social development is accompanied by the emergence of a number of contradictions between the actual needs of a young person and the conditions for their satisfaction. The need to form a system of interpersonal relationships with both peers and significant adults (teachers) actualizes the need for self-affirmation, which is characteristic of the younger adolescence, the previous stage of personal development. The revealed contradiction leads to the formation of an uncertain professional picture of the world.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-56
Alma Malkić Aličković ◽  

Social skills are one of the fundamental factors that determine the quality of relationships that an individual realizes with people in his or her environment. In the interpersonal relationship, many human needs are realized, and the learning of the skills that enrich interpersonal relationships starts from the earliest days of the child's life. The paper presents the results of the research aimed at examining the social skills of elementary school pupils in relation to the educational level of their parents. The survey was carried out on the sample of elementary school students from the city of Tuzla (N = 506). As the research tool, Inventory of Social Skills (Riggio and Throckmorton) and the Questionnaire of Socio-status Characteristics were used. The social skills of the respondents were analyzed separately in relation to the educational level of the mother and father, and the results obtained point to the conclusion that there is no statistically significant difference between the social skills of elementary school students in view of the educational level of their mothers, while the differences are present in relation to the educational level of the father, that is, elementary school pupils whose fathers are of lower educational level show a higher level of development of emotional control, social sensitivity and social manipulation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Rustini Wulandari ◽  
Amelia Rahmi

<p><em>Survival of human life is proof that human being able to solve and fulfill requirements of life which is individual and also social.</em><em> </em><em>Human life is a building interpersonal relationship with each other, called interpersonal relationship. The more an active person building relationships with others it will build an extensive interpersonal network and produce quality self-competence. This is what can bring success in many ways. Generally humans can adjust to the situation faced by learning the previous experience. Overtime the relationship  develops an individual character. The psychological aspect of both parties involved in the relationship are more decesive compared with sociological and cultural aspects. The existence of psychological aspect that determine the process of interpersonal communication has led to a specific study in interpersonal relationships into studies in this article, although the study has not been based on in-depth research.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: communication, psychology, interpersonal relation</em><em>ship</em><em></em></p><p>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p>Kelangsungan hidup manusia di muka bumi hingga kini merupakan bukti bahwa manusia mampu menyelesaikan dan memenuhi kebutuhan yang bersifat individu dan sekaligus sosial.Kehidupan ini merupakan bangunan relasi antarpersonal satu dengan yang lainnya, disebut relasi interpersonal. Semakin seseorang aktif membangun relasi dengan sesama maka akan terbangun jaringan interpersonal yang luas dan menghasilkan kompetensi diri yang berkualitas. Hal inilah yang dapat membawa kesuksesan dalam banyak hal.</p><p>Umumnya, manusia dapat menyesuaikan dengan situasi yang dihadapi dengan cara mempelajari pengalaman sebelumnya. Seiring dengan waktu hubungan berkembanglah sebuah karakter individu. Aspek-aspek psikologis yang dimiliki kedua belah pihak yang terlibat dalam relasi lebih menentukan dibanding dengan aspek sosiologis dan kultural.Adanya aspek psikologis yang menentukan proses komunikasi interpersonal telah memunculkan kajian spesifik dalam relasi interpersonal menjadi kajian dalam artikel ini, meskipun kajiannya belum berbasis riset secara mendalam</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kata </strong><strong>k</strong><strong>unci</strong>: komunikasi, psikologi, relasi interpersonal.</p>

1982 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 544-556 ◽  
Robert R. Reeder

This study involves a first attempt at answering the question, 'Should the sub ordinate whose personality is similar to that of the supervisor be managed differently from the employee whose personality is different from that of the supervisor?' The study compares the similarities and dissimilarities of supervisors and subordinates in tendencies to be authoritarian. The assumption is that people with different personalities tend to interact differently and have different interpersonal relation ships. If this is true, such different interpersonal relationships might well call for different leadership styles or behaviour. The results of this study reveal such personality differences and indicate that where certain of them exist, supervisors should handle subordinates differently. In addition, suggestions are given for additional research needed to substantiate or repudiate these findings.

2020 ◽  
pp. 54-59
A. Yu. Shmotev ◽  
E. S. Vaseva ◽  
N. V. Buzhinskaya

The use of group forms of work in organizing the educational process at school has great potential for the formation of motivation to study, the development of reflexive skills, the acquisition of subject knowledge, the formation of communication skills. The novelty of the social situation of education at school for a younger pupil, his age, the specificity of the subject "Informatics" determine a number of features of the use of group forms of education in primary school. Among such features, the authors consider the need to create situations of the need for the use of knowledge in informatics in solving various educational and life tasks, ensuring the competitive nature of group work, dividing group members by roles, creating conditions for gaining experience in reflexive activity.

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