scholarly journals Conhecimento Profissional de Professores dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental Sobre Espaço Amostral e Quantificação de Probabilidades

Maria Gracilene de Carvalho Pinheiro ◽  
Angélica da Fontoura Garcia Silva ◽  
Ruy César Pietropaolo

ResumoNeste texto, discutiu-se parte de uma investigação de Doutorado que teve o objetivo de analisar o desenvolvimento profissional de professores que lecionam Matemática para os Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental em seu trabalho com Probabilidade. Para este artigo, focou-se nos conhecimentos dos participantes referentes à compreensão de espaço amostral e quantificação de probabilidades, manifestados em uma tarefa proposta durante uma formação. Adotando uma metodologia qualitativa, procurou-se descrever e interpretar as resoluções, registradas nos protocolos dos professores, e suas discussões, coletadas em vídeos e áudios gravados. Analisou-se os resultados à luz de teorias e investigações a respeito do ensino e da aprendizagem de Probabilidade e do conhecimento matemático para o ensino da temática. As resoluções, as discussões e as reflexões acerca das noções probabilísticas implicadas na situação analisada desenvolveram e ampliaram os Conhecimentos Comum de Conteúdo e também os Conhecimentos Especializados dos professores, o que, certamente, permitir-lhes-á, no ensino, antecipar erros de seus alunos, identificar possíveis causas, justificá-las do ponto de vista da Matemática e, consequentemente, buscar estratégias de intervenção que favoreçam sua compreensão e sua aprendizagem. Ressaltou-se, nesse processo de desenvolvimento e/ou ampliação dos conhecimentos, a importância de cursos de formação que conduzam à reflexão de questões ligadas tanto ao ensino como à aprendizagem, neste caso, de conceitos matemáticos e, mais especificamente, de noções probabilísticas com crianças em fase inicial de escolarização. Palavras-chave: Formação Contínua. Conhecimento Profissional Docente. Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Ensino de Probabilidade. AbstractIn this text, it is discusses part of a Doctoral investigation which aimed analyzing the teachers professional development that teach Mathematics for Elementary School Initial Series, on its work with Probability. For this article, we focused on the participants’ knowledges regarding the comprehension of sample space and probabilities quantification, expressed in a purposed during a formation. Adopting a qualitative methodology, it was aimed to describe and interpret the resolutions, registered in the teachers protocols and their discussions collected in recorded videos audio. The results were analyzed based on theories and investigations regarding the Probability teaching and learning and the mathematical knowledge for the thematic teaching. The resolutions, the long discussions and lots of reflection about the probabilistic notions implied in the analyzed situation, have developed and amplified the teachers´ Content Common Knowledge as well as the Specialized Knowledges, what certainly will enable them to anticipate mistakes from their students, identify possible causes, justify them from the Mathematics point of view and, consequently, look for interventional strategies that promote the comprehension and learning. Iin this process, the knowledge development and/or amplification, the importance of formative courses that take the reflection of issues related to both teaching and learning, in this case, the mathematical concepts and, more specifically, the probabilistic notions whith children in schooling initial phase. Keywords: Continuous Formation. Teacher Professional Knowledge. Elementary School Initial Series. Probability Teaching.

2007 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-57 ◽  
Eeva Anttila

In this article, based on my dissertation, “A Dream Journey to the Unknown: Searching for Dialogue in Dance Education” (2003), I will describe several qualities, or themes, related to dialogue. These ideas may facilitate dialogue in dance education and bear significance for reflecting the nature of dialogical education more generally. In addition, my intent is to uncover the personal nature of my search for dialogue. Before describing the themes, I briefly outline the research process.The process began in 1997 when I was invited to take part in an art education project that was situated in an elementary school in Helsinki, Finland. I was aware that I was about to turn back to something that I thought I had already left behind. I had recently completed another study concerning my own dance teaching practice (1996). I had joined the so-called teacher research movement with a desire to understand the dynamics of the teaching and learning situation in the context of dance from an experiential point of view.

1966 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 540-545
Marion L. Hartlein

Emphasis on understanding of mathematical concepts in the elementary school began in the thirties and has grown in acceptance until today the titles of many textbooks reflect this point of view. Only recently, however, has attention been given to the testing of understanding of these same concepts. Sections entitled “Arithmetic Concepts” are now beginning to appear in standardized tests. The term “understanding” in this setting, however, is used in a broad sense. including such content as vocabulary, knowledge of measures, Roman numerals, and geometric forms. It is still difficult to find tests that are designed to measure the understanding of the number system, its properties. and its operation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (70) ◽  
pp. 254
Isabel Cristina Rodrigues de Lucena ◽  
António Manuel Águas Borralho ◽  
Josete Leal Dias

<p>Este artigo visa caracterizar as práticas letivas que ocorrem nas salas de aula dos anos iniciais, na área curricular de matemática, a partir de uma pesquisa em cooperação internacional. Por meio de uma metodologia de investigação qualitativa, em que a recolha de dados foi realizada a partir de observações de aulas e entrevistas assentes numa matriz de investigação, foram elaboradas sínteses conclusivas e interpretativas as quais denominamos de narrativas. A análise dessas narrativas mostrou alguns resultados: práticas avaliativas ainda centradas na classificação; participação efetiva dos alunos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem muito reduzida; ausência de integração no que diz respeito à relação entre os processos de ensino, avaliação e aprendizagem; dentre outras. Pelo estudo ainda é possível afirmar que há um desejo de se realizar uma avaliação para as aprendizagens, porém é necessário fortalecer o campo teórico sobre avaliação para que em aula se possam problematizar e transgredir práticas estabelecidas.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave:</strong> Processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem; Avaliação das Aprendizagens; Matemática; Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental.</p><p> </p><p><em><strong>Prácticas lectivas de Matemáticas en aulas de primária</strong></em></p><p><em>Este artículo tiene como objetivo estudiar prácticas lectivas en aulas de los primeros años de enseñanza, en el área de las matemáticas, en base de una investigación de cooperación internacional. A partir de una investigación cualitativa, donde la recogida de datos se fundamentó en observaciones en el aula y entrevistas basadas en una matriz de la investigación, se realizaron síntesis conclusivas y interpretativas a las que denominamos de narrativas. El análisis de estas narrativas produjo algunos resultados: las prácticas evaluativas todavía se centran en la clasificación; la participación real de los alumnos en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje es muy reducida; la ausencia de integración en lo que se refiere a la relación entre los procesos de enseñanza, evaluación y aprendizaje, entre otros. Por el estudio sigue siendo posible afirmar que existe un interés en realizar una evaluación para las aprendizajes, no obstante, es necesario fortalecer el campo teórico de la evaluación de modo que, en aula, se puedan problematizar e transgredir las prácticas establecidas.</em></p><p><em><strong>Palabras clave:</strong> Proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje; Evaluación del Aprendizaje; Matemáticas; Años Iniciales de la Educación Básica.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em><strong>Mathematics clasroom practices in the elementary school</strong></em></p><p><em>This article aims to characterize teaching practices that occur in the classrooms of the elementary school, in the area of mathematics, based on an international cooperative research. Conclusive and interpretative summaries were developed using a qualitative methodology in which data were gathered from classroom observations and interviews, grounded in an investigative matrix, which we called narratives. The analyses of these narratives showed the following results: assessment practices are still centered on classification; effective participation of students in the teaching and learning process is greatly reduced; lack of integration regarding the relationship among the processes of teaching, assessment and learning; among others. This study also shows that there is a desire to conduct an assessment for learning. However, it is necessary to strengthen the theoretical field on assessment so that, in the classroom, we can problematize and counter established practices.</em></p><p><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> Teaching and Learning Process; Learning Assessment; Mathematics; Early Years of Elementary School.</em></p>

Celia Helena de Pelegrini Della Méa ◽  
Clides Aliande Loreto Pereira

Considerando a pertinência de práticas orais no ambiente escolar e entendendo que o oral é um saber de referência que necessita legitimidade, elabora-se esta pesquisa que se define como uma tentativa de conferir ao oral um procedimento de avaliação da aprendizagem comparável à do texto escrito. Com esta proposição se elege o gênero entrevista radiofônica que, como um objeto de ensino e aprendizagem, consiste em “fazer falar”, ou seja, um entrevistador (aluno) busca informações sobre um problema ou questão em um entrevistado (expert) e isso, na concepção de Dolz e Schnewuly (2004), servirá para comunicar/informar a terceiros. Seguindo essa noção se busca estabelecer e entender critérios para avaliação de atividades com esse gênero oral em ambientes de ensino. Para isso, aplicou-se um formulário on-line a vinte alunos do Ensino Fundamental II, da Escola de Ensino Fundamental João XXIII – São Sepé/RS, com 12 critérios previamente estabelecidos, no intuito de entender o ponto de vista de alunos sobre esse gênero. Como resultados se teve a definição de quatro possíveis critérios apontados como muito relevantes pelos participantes, a saber: 1) Observância de papéis sociais de cada participante; 2) Planejamento prévio da interação comunicativa; 3) Capacidade de incitar/promover a fala do outro; 4) Respeito às trocas de turno. Palavras-chave: Oralidade. Ensino. Avaliação. AbstractConsidering the pertinence of oral practices at the school environment, and understanding that the oral one is a reference knowledge which needs legitimacy,  this research was elaborated, that defines itself as an attempt to confer to the oral practice an evaluation procedure of the learning comparable to that of the written text. With this proposition, it was chosen the radiophonic interview genre which, as a teaching and learning object, consists of “talking”, that is, an interviewer (student) will seek information on an issue or question from an interviewee (expert) and this, in Schnewuly and Dolz’s (2004) conception, will serve to communicate/inform third parties. Following this notion, it was sought  to establish and understand criteria for the evaluation of activities with this oral genre in teaching environments. For this purpose, an online form was applied to twenty students from the Elementary School II-  João XXIII Elementary School - São Sepé/RS, with twelve previously established criteria, in order to understand the students’ point of view about this genre. As results, there was the definition of four criteria pointed out as very relevant by the participants: 1) Observance of the social roles of each participant; 2) Prior planning of the communicative interaction; 3) Ability to encourage/promote the speech of the other; 4) Respect for shift alternation. Keywords: Orality. Teaching. Evaluation.

Angelina Kalinova

STEM is the acronym of the first letters in English of science, technology, engineering, and maths. This is a training concept that is related to inspiring young people to develop in the field of science and technology. This concept implies a holistic approach in education - learning all the subjects studied to contribute to inspiring students and to educating personal qualities for successful realization in the field of science and technology. From a didactic point of view, this concept implies unity between content and organization of learning, between teaching and learning. The implementation of STEM training in elementary school corresponds to one of the applications of this concept, namely that development itself is an irreversible process characterized by favorable sensory periods. The sooner STEM training takes place, the better. In economically developed countries there are real practices of introducing STEM training even for the youngest children of 3+ years. The object of the present study is the technology and entrepreneurship education as an element of STEM training in elementary school, and the subject - the personal development of students in technology and entrepreneurship education as an element of STEM training in elementary school. The aim of the paper is to present our approaches to technology and entrepreneurship education as an element of STEM training to support the personal development of pupils of primary school age. In the course of the research we carry out the following tasks: 1. Clarifying the essence of STEM training. 2. Developing approaches to technology and entrepreneurship education to help students' personal development. 3. Matching the results of technology and entrepreneurship training to labor market requirements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. e669974652
Maria José Costa dos Santos ◽  
Rodolfo Sena da Penha ◽  
Wendel Melo Andrade

In the scenario of discussions about the didactic and epistemological obstacles that 'haunt' the teaching and learning processes of Mathematics content in Elementary School in the early years, we find among other Santos theorists (2007; 2014; 2015; 2017). In this study, we aim to present the importance of challenging the Pedagogy graduate to leave his 'comfort zone', where he reproduces the mathematical contents/models, and provoke him to deconstruct/reconstruct/discover the mathematical concepts, to the detriment of a paralytic reproduction, and thus, we contribute to the thinking/questioning, from challenging situations. This practice has also contributed to the pedagogist's perception that his knowledge must exceed that of the student; and, above all, it has made it possible for the pedagogist to reflect more on his praxis, in order to constitute himself within the process as an epistemic subject, providing him with a rethinking of his action in a vision of what it is to teach. The actions have awakened us to the need for a more innovative teaching formation that overcomes challenges and difficulties in the exercise of teaching with excellence.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 37
Lusia Neti Harwati

Previous studies on Javanese language emphasized more on the use of this local language in certain communities and ignored the importance of teaching and learning at an elementary school level in order to preserve the language. The purpose of this study was to describe the lives of the participants, collect and tell stories about their lives, and then write narratives of their experiences. The data were gathered through the collection of stories, reporting individual experiences, and discussing the meaning of those experiences for the participants by proposing a research question: what is the story of the teachers who tried to preserve Javanese language in the global era? A narrative research design, sociolinguistics, and social change as theories were applied in order to understand teachers’ point of view on globalization and the importance of preserving Javanese language. Purposeful sampling was used and two teachers were chosen as participants. The data gathered were then analyzed through three steps, namely code the data, description, and interpretation. There are two findings that can be summarized. Firstly, the interviewees perceived the challenges in teaching Javanese language as an opportunity to be more creative. Secondly, in the attempt to preserve and promote Javanese language and culture, they were fully supported by the school principal as well as the local government. It can be concluded that knowledge of effective teaching strategies is vital in terms of providing an in-depth understanding of how elementary schools can deal with the possible negative impacts of globalization.

Eliane Maria de Oliveira Araman ◽  
Adriana Quimentão Passos ◽  
Maria Eleni Curti

Partindo do pressuposto que nas aulas de Matemática dos Anos Iniciais prevalece o trabalho com conteúdos relacionados a números eoperações, levantou-se o questionamento: se os números são mais abordados nos Anos Iniciais, como está sendo feito esse trabalho? Levando em consideração quais as tarefas que tratam dos processos de classificação, seriação e inclusão de classe são relevantes para a construção do conceito de números, entre outros conceitos matemáticos, desenvolveu-se o trabalho com o objetivo de investigar o que professores sabem a respeito desses processos e as dificuldades que encontram ao abordá-los. Trata-se de um estudo de abordagem qualitativa feito a partir da análise de cinco entrevistas realizadas com professoras da rede pública dos municípios de Londrina-PR e Ibiporã-PR. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas. Considera-se que a compreensão do significado de conceitos matemáticos e do modo como estes são construídos constitui uma etapa importante para a construção do conceito de números e pode ajudar o professor a entender as dificuldades encontradas, por alguns alunos, na aprendizagem matemática, bem como a elaborar propostas pedagógicas adequadas à superação dessas dificuldades. Não se tem a intenção de sanar as dúvidas, mas sim de suscitá-las, provocando reflexões tanto do ponto de vista da prática pedagógica como de novos trabalhos acerca do assunto.Palavras-chave: Educação Matemática. Conceito de Número. Formação de Professor. Anos Iniciais.Abstract Starting from the assumption that in the Elementary School’s math class prevails the approach with contents related to numbers and operations, the question was raised: if the numbers are more addressed in the Elementary School, how is this approach being done? Considering that tasks that deal with classification, seriation and class inclusion processes are relevant for the construction of the numbers concept s, among other mathematical concepts, the research was developed with the objective of investigating what teachers know about these processes and the difficulties they encounter in approaching them. This is a qualitative study based on the analysis of five interviews made public school Teachers in Londrina-PR and Ibiporã-PR. Data were collected through interviews. It is considered that the understanding of the meaning of mathematical concepts and how they are built is an important step for constructing the numbers concept, and cam assist the teacher notice the difficulties encountered by some students in mathematical learning, and to develop educational proposals appropriate to overcome these difficulties. It is not intended to resolve doubts, but rather to raise them, provoking reflections both from the pedagogical practice’s point of view and new work on the subject.Keywords: Mathematical Education. Number Concept. Teacher’s Education. Elementary School.

HEA NASSER Al-EWYWID ,   Mohammed Mofleh Al-Dosari

The objective of the study is to design a proposed guide for the primary stage teacher and to determine its validity from the point of view of the experts and specialists. The researcher followed the descriptive approach to answer the research questions: What is the proposed scenario for building a guide for the elementary teacher; ? What is the validity of the proposed guide for the teaching of art education for the sixth grade? The answer to the first question in the design of the researcher was a proposed guide for the primary stage teacher to integrate e-learning in the teaching of art education for the sixth grade. The answer to the second question was by presenting the proposed guide to experts and specialists. The majority of the judges' (34) arbitrators out of (40) arbitrators, which means that the evidence proposed by the researcher is valid for the teaching of art education for the sixth grade primary The research has reached a number of recommendations, the most important, H. To integrate e-learning into the teaching and learning of art education for the sixth grade of elementary school by primary school teachers and to expand the conversion of courses in art education to courses incorporating technology in teaching and learning.  

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