scholarly journals Pola penanganan korban perilaku perundungan (bullying) pada siswa SMPN Kecamatan Kediri Kabupaten Lombok Barat

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-44
Muhammad Mabrur Haslan ◽  
Ahmad Fauzan ◽  
I Nengah Agus Tripayana

This study aims (1) to describe the pattern of handling victims of bullying in SMP Negeri Kediri District, West Lombok Regency (2) to identify obstacles in the handling of victims of bullying in SMP Negeri students in Kediri District, Regency. West Lombok. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach. The research location was carried out in SMPs throughout Kediri District, West Lombok Regency. Determination of informants using snowball sampling. Data collection methods are depth interviews), observation and documentation. The Research Result have been analyzed so that it is obtained: (1) conducting information selection (supporting network). (2) conducting the mentoring or peer monitoring stage. (3) make use of peer group or peer befriending. (4) conduct counseling and mediation. (5) conduct socialization and control, namely efforts to provide the understanding and continuous monitoring of victims of bullying.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (4 supplement) ◽  
pp. 1325-1330
Pruessayos JITSUMPUN ◽  
Umaporn MUNEENAM ◽  

This article studies the role of Thai guides in protecting marine and coastal environment against impacts from international tourism, in the Andaman Ocean, Thailand. This is a qualitative study with in-depth interviews of 26 licensed guides that were selected by using purposive and snowball sampling. Quantitative data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, and qualitative data from in-depth interviews and field notes were analyzed with qualitative data analysis. The results show that behaviors affecting marine and coastal environment mostly involve chasing and catching beautiful fish and/or marine animals (76.9%), feeding fish (73.1%), and collecting beautiful stones, rare shells, and/or coral reefs (73.1%). Guides act in the roles of educator, psychologist, entertainer, ambassador, and servant, and protect against impacts to the extent that they can. While some impacts can be avoided, others remain out of scope and control of the guides.

2020 ◽  
Achmad Yusuf ◽  
Mochamad Hasyim

This research aims to uncover and analyze (1) The strategy of planting the values of multicultural education in students in Pesantren Ngalah Pasuruan (2) Values of multicultural education in Pesantren Ngalah Pasuruan. This research uses qualitative-natrualistic with a type of case study. The presence of researchers is absolute. Primary (1) data type, and (2) Skunder. Determination of Informant (1) purposive sampling. (2) Snowball sampling. Data collection 1) in-depth interviews; 2) participant observation; and 3) documentation. Data Analysis technique l) data reduction, 2) data presentation, and 3) withdrawal of conclusions/verification. Checking the validity of data using credibility, including; (1) An extension of observation, (2) Triangulas (a) triangulation of the source, (b) triangulation technique, and (c) triangulation of time. The findings of this research (1) The strategy of planting the values of multicultural education in Santri Pondok Pesantren Ngalah (1) The composition of Kiai (a) cognitive multicultural, (b) affective multicultural, (c) multicultural psychomotor. (2) Focus Group Discussion (FGD), (3) Experiential Learning, and (4) the drafting of Ngalah book, (2) The values of multicultural education developed and implemented in Pondok Pesantren Ngalah include; (1) Religious value, (2) nationalist value (3) Humanist value, (4) Value of democracy, (5) Pluralist value, (6) inclusive value (open), (7) tolerance value

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Achmad Yusuf

Tujuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan dan menganalisa (1) Nilai karakter inklusif-pluralis Santri Pesantren Ngalah, (2) Pembentukan karakter inklusif-pluralis santri Pesantren Ngalah. Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Kehadiran peneliti bersifat mutlak, (human instrument). Jenis data (1) primer, dan (2) skunder. Penentuan informan (1) purposive sampling. (2) snowball sampling. Pengumpulan data 1) wawancara mendalam; 2) observasi partisipan; dan 3) dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data l) reduksi data, 2) penyajian data, dan 3) penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan kredibilitas, meliputi; (1) perpanjangan pengamatan, (2) triangulas (a) triangulasi sumber, (b) triangulasi teknik, dan (c) triangulasi waktu. Simpulan penelitian ini (1) karakter inklusif-pluralis santri di Pesantren Ngalah; karakter yang dapat menerima, mengakui, menghormati, dan menyakini adanya perbedaan, serta adanya keragaman ras, suku, bahasa, dan agama yang dapat hidup berdampingan di dalam suatu entitas yang pluralistik. (2) strategi pembentukan karakter inklusif-pluralis santri di pesantren Ngalah meliputi; (a) keteladanan multikultural kiai; pertama, multikultural kognitif, kedua, multikultural afektif, ketiga, multikultural psikomotorik. (b) mendiskusikan dawuh kiai dan Jawabul Masail; (c) pembelajaran berdasarkan pengalaman langsung, (d) keterlibatan santri dalam penyusunan karya Ngalah.Kata kunci: karakter inklusif, multicultural, nilai                                Aim research this express and analyze (1) the inclusive character value of the santri Pesantren Ngalah, (2) formation of inclusive character-plu ralis santri Pesantren Ngalah. This study uses qualitativewith type of study the case . The presence of researchers is absolute, (human instrument) . Type d ata (1) primary, and (2) secondary . determination of informants (1) purposive sampling, (2) snowball sampling. collecting data 1) in-depth interviews; 2) participant observation; and 3) documentation Data analysis techniques l) data reduction, 2) data presentation , and 3) conclusion drawing/verification. checking the validity of the data using credibility, covering; (1) extension of observation (2) triangulas (a) source triangulation, (b)technical triangulation, and (c)time triangulation. conclusion research this (1) the inclusive character of plu ralis santri in pesantren Ngalah; character who can accept, acknowledge, respect, and believe in differences , as well as their diversity race, ethnicity, language, and religion that can coexist in apluralistic entity . (2) Strategy for establishing santri's inclusive-pluralist character in Ngalah Islamic boarding school includes; (a) exemplary multicultural kiai; first, multicultural cognitive, second, multicultural affective, third, multicultural psychomotor. (b) discussing dawuh kiai and Jawabul Masail; (c) learning based on direct experience, ( d )  santri involvement in preparation of Ngalah complaints workKeywords: inclusive character, multicultural, value

Farida Umamy ◽  
Wisnu Hidayat ◽  
Mido Ester Sitorus

This study aims to obtain in-depth information about the form of bullying, the factor of bullying in victims. As well as this study also aims to determine the impact on the dynamics of bullying victims' health. This type of research is qualitative research. The informants of this study consisted of 2 students at SMPN 2 Tanjungbalai. Data collection methods used are in-depth interviews and observations according to the guidelines that have been made. The analysis conducted is data collection, transcribing records. To measure the validity of the data of this study, researchers used source triangulation, namely informant friends, parents and counseling guidance teachers. The results of this study indicate that the form of bullying experienced by informants is a form of physical, verbal and psychological bullying. Informant A experiences physical and verbal bullying, while N experiences verbal and psychological bullying. Factors that cause informants to be bullied because they are physically small, timid, have difficulty adjusting to the school environment and are considered less attractive in their teenage friends. Bullying has an impact on the dynamics of the victim's health that is a change in attitude, feeling sad and inferior, lacking focus in learning, bruising and feeling dizzy, lazy to socialize in the school environment and changes in spiritual life. The researcher suggests that the school has a program to accompany victims of bullying so that they can develop themselves as a positive impact so that victims are able to accept themselves. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi mendalam mengenai bentuk bullying, faktor terjadinya bullying pada korban. Serta penelitian ini juga bertujuan mengetahui dampak terhadap dinamika kesehatan korban bullying. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Informan penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 siswa SMPN 2 Tanjungbalai. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam dan observasi sesuai pedoman yang telah dibuat. Analisis yang dilakukan adalah pengumpulan data, mentranskip catatan. Untuk mengukur keabsahan data penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan triangulasi sumber yaitu teman informan, orang tua dan guru bimbingan konseling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk bullying yang dialami informan yaitu bentuk bullying fisik, verbal dan psikologis. Informan A mengalami bullying fisik dan verbal, sedangkan N mengalami bullying verbal dan psikologis. Faktor – faktor yang menyebabkan informan dibully karena fisik yang kecil, penakut, susah menyesuaikan diri dilingkungan sekolah dan dianggap kurang menarik dilingkungan teman-teman usia remaja. Bullying memiliki dampak terhadap dinamika kesehatan korban yaitu perubahan sikap, merasa sedih dan rendah diri, kurang fokus dalam belajar, memar dan merasa pusing, malas bersosialisasi dilingkungan sekolah serta perubahan kehidupan spritual. Peneliti menyarankan sekolah memiliki program untuk mendampingi korban bullying agar dapat mengembangkan diri sebagai dampak yang positif sehingga korban mampu menerima diri sendiri.

Lulus Triyaningsih ◽  
Sukidin . ◽  
Sri Kantun

This research is a qualitative research that aims to find out and analyze the consumption patterns of teachers' households in Cluring 1 State High School, Banyuwangi Regency. Determination of the research subject was determined by snowball sampling technique. Data collection methods used include methods of observation, interviews, and documents. Data processing techniques used are data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The data collected in the form of income analysis and teacher needs to determine the consumption pattern of the teacher's household. The results showed that the household consumption pattern of Cluring 1 Public Senior High School varied. There is a luxurious consumption pattern and some are simple. The consumption pattern of the teacher's household is influenced by factors of income, number of family members, lifestyle and the many needs that must be met by the teacher.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-97
Lexi Rosilia ◽  
Alfitri Alfitri ◽  
Nengyanti Nengyanti

This study aims to analyze and describe gender equality in the household of female songket weavers in Tuan Kentang Village, Seberang Ulu 1 District, Palembang City. This study uses Harvard Analysis. The method used in this research is qualitative research methods. Data collection methods are observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. There are 7 informants in this study. The activity profile includes a description of the reproductive, productive and social division of labor. The access and control profile includes a description of the level of equity in access to resources, access to benefits, control over resources and control over benefits in the household. The results showed that, the household activities profile of women weaving Songket fabrics in Tuan Kentang Village is dominated by activities that are gender biased or have not provided equality for women (including the division of productive labor and the division of social labor). Meanwhile, the division of reproductive labor has a gender perspective in which control of benefits is carried out jointly between male and female. The access and control profile of resources and benefits in the household is generally responsive or women have a high degree of equality in access to and control of resources and benefits.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-30
Sri Agustina Sembiring ◽  
R Hamdani Harahap ◽  
Amri Amir

Local knowledge developed based on experience has been tested for use for centuries and adapted to local culture and environment as well as in Karo Regency. Karo people have long known traditional medicines are diverse, know several types of diseases as well as how to treat them. This knowledge is one of the local wisdom that persists today. This research is qualitative, the determination of informants using  Snowball Sampling techniques, data collected through in-depth interviews and observations. Key Informant as many as 17 people from 7 sub-districts. The traditional form of health care in Karo regency is 67% skill, herb 27%, and combination (skill and herb) 6%. Moreover, the age which has a small percentage (20-30 years) of 5.58%, the most significant 51 years and above with a percentage of 70%, how to acquire the most skills is hereditary (empirical) as much as 71%, the most jobs besides Hattra are farmers (59%) and does not have a permit /STPT of 82%. Of the 40 respondents, 80% expressed dissatisfaction and 20% expressed dissatisfaction with hattra's service. The traditional herb by ethnic Karo is known as the "Karo remedy".. Tanaman drugs are often used gagatan harimo, lempuyang, pepper, garlic, shallots, bahing, tinggeren dredge flowers, and small oranges. Karo uses this plant as a raw material for the manufacture of karo oil, param and tawar

Amankwah K.S. ◽  
A.D. Weberg ◽  
R.C. Kaufmann

Previous research has revealed that passive (involuntary inhalation) tobacco smoking during gestation can have adverse effects upon the developing fetus. These prior investigations did not concentrate on changes in fetal morphology. This study was undertaken to delineate fetal neural abnormalities at the ultrastructural level in mice pups exposed in utero to passive maternal smoking.Pregnant study animals, housed in a special chamber, were subjected to cigarette smoke daily from conception until delivery. Blood tests for determination of carbon monoxide levels were run at 15-18 days gestation. Sciatic nerve tissue from experimental and control animals were obtained following spontaneous delivery and fixed in 2.5% gluteraldehyde in 0.1M cacodylate buffer pH 7.3. The samples were post-fixed in osmium ferrocyanide (1:1 mixture of 1.5% aqueous OSO4 and 2.5% K4 Fe(CN)6). Following dehydration, the tissues were infiltrated with and embedded in Spurr. Sections were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate.

Prong Kongsubto ◽  
Sirarat Kongwudthiti

Abstract Organic solderability preservatives (OSPs) pad is one of the pad finishing technologies where Cu pad is coated with a thin film of an organic material to protect Cu from oxidation during storage and many processes in IC manufacturing. Thickness of OSP film is a critical factor that we have to consider and control in order to achieve desirable joint strength. Until now, no non-destructive technique has been proposed to measure OSP thickness on substrate. This paper reports about the development of EDS technique for estimating OSP thickness, starting with determination of the EDS parameter followed by establishing the correlation between C/Cu ratio and OSP thickness and, finally, evaluating the accuracy of the EDS technique for OSP thickness measurement. EDS quantitative analysis was proved that it can be utilized for OSP thickness estimation.

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