verbal bullying
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Zulkifli Mansyur

ABSTRACTThis study aims to look at bullying behavior that occurs in elementary schools and how the pattern of handling it by the parties involved in it. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach. Each variable uses a measuring instrument in the form of a scale made for each variable. The age level and background of the subject will also be the limitations that will be carried out in taking information. This study involved 75 students who were sampled from grades 4 to 6. Bullying behavior that occurred in elementary schools was still dominated by physical bullying (48.56%), followed by verbal bullying (26.28%), ostracism (12.10%), cyberbullying (5.2%), and sexual harassment (7.05%). Bullying behavior is only considered normal delinquent behavior so that no serious action is taken by the school, especially teachers so that there is no specific handling of bullyingKeywords: Bullying, Elementary school  ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perilaku bullying yang terjadi di sekolah dasar dan bagaimana pola penanganannya oleh pihak yang terkait didalamnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif. Masing-masing variabel menggunakan alat ukur berupa skala yang dibuat untuk masing-masing variabel. Tingkatan umur dan latar belakang subjek juga akan menjadi batasan-batasan yang akan dilakukan dalam pengambilan keterangan. Penelitian ini melibatkan 75 orang siswa yang di ambil sampel dari kelas 4 sampai 6. Perilaku perundungan yang terjadi pada sekolah dasar masih di dominasi oleh perundungan fisik (48,56%), kemudian di ikuti perundungan verbal (26,28%), tindakan pengucilan (12,10%), perundungan di dunia maya (5,2%) dan penindasan seksual (7,05%). Perilaku perundungan hanya di anggap perilaku kenakalan biasa saja sehingga tidak ada tindakan serius yang di ambil oleh pihak sekolah khususnya guru sehingga tidak ada penanganan yang spesifik tentang perundunganKata Kunci : Bullying, Sekolah dasar

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1165-1171
Sherly Auliasari Harbelubun ◽  
I Irnawati

AbstractA half of teenagers in the world agcd 13-15 year, or around 150 million teenagers, have experienced bullying. This shows that bullying behavior is rampant in adolescence. The impact on victims of bullying such as fear, skipping school, furthermore commit suicide. Meanwhile, a browbeating person often becomes vindictive and violent. The Objectives this study aims to determine the description of bullying in adolescents.The Methods this literature review search results for articles from PubMed, Google scholar found five articles. All articles were appraised by using hawker instruments. The Result this study showed that the average age of reepondents is 14,84 years, primarily females who were victims of bullying (36.9% adolescents), as perpetrators of bullying 19.8% adolescents. Meanwhile, non-victims and perpetrators are as much as 43.3% of adolescents. The type of bullying experienced by victims is verbal bullying (39.3%). Similarly, 39.0% of adolescents are perpetrators of verbal bullying. The Conclusions the victims of bullying are more than those who reported being bullies. The type of bullying in adolescents was mostly verbal bullying.Keywords: Adolescens; bullying; bullies; victims of bullying. AbstrakRemaja di dunia yang berusia 13-15 tahun sebanyak 50% atau setara 150 juta remaja pernah mengalami bullying. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa perilaku bullying sangat tinggi pada usia remaja. Dampak bagi korban bullying seperti ketakutan, tidak ingin sekolah hingga berkeinginan untuk bunuh diri, sedangkan dampak oleh pelaku bullying sering kali pelaku menjadi pendendam, dan berbuat kekerasan. Tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran bullying pada remaja. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan literature review. Hasil pencarian artikel dari PubMed, Google scholar didapatkan 5 artikel. Alat ukur menggunakan instrument hawker. Hasil penelitian ini usia responden rata-rata 14,84 tahun, jenis kelamin paling banyak yaitu perempuan, gambaran korban dan pelaku bullying menjadi korban bullying yaitu 36,9% remaja, sebagai pelaku bullying 19,8% remaja, sedangkan bukan korban dan pelaku sebanyak 43,3% remaja, gambaran jenis bullying pada remaja yaitu bullying yang dialami oleh korban bullying paling banyak adalah bullying verbal yaitu 39,3% remaja, sedangkan jenis bullying yang dilakukan oleh pelaku bullying paling banyak adalah bullying verbal yaitu 39,0% remaja. Simpulan penelitian ini karakteristik responden meliputi usia dan jenis kelamin, yang melaporkan menjadi korban bullying lebih banyak dari yang melaporkan sebagai pelaku bullying, jenis bullying pada remaja sebagian besar bullying adalah bullying verbal.Kata kunci: Remaja; Bullying; Pelaku bullying; Korban bullying

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-204
Mokhamad Miptakhul Ulum

Bullying has two different perceptions in pesantren. Firstly, bullying is something tense, stressful, containing an element that is very hard, extreme. Pesantren as educational institutions that educate students morals has immoral actions that to fatal. Secondly, bullying has goodwill, to practice independence, heart constancy of students in pesantren. Bullying words or actions that normally (mild bullying) don’t mean to be criminal but based on to strengthen the relationship of brotherhood so that mentally strengthen of students. This article is the result of the author’s thought who observes of the reality that bullying culture circulation at in pesantren. A systematic reflection is an approach for the author in making this research. The author analyzes that the circulation of sociological is the action or verbal bullying in pesantren is can has a positive impact that is growing the power mental of students. However, that psychologically bullying in pesantren has a negative impact that is something very fatal like depression, stress, and other ugliness.

Perspektif ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-89
Achadi Budi Santosa ◽  
Muhammad Zuhaery

A person's character is very dependent on the environment in which they live and grow into adulthood. This study seeks to reveal one of the indicators of children's character, namely language politeness, especially in the school environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the reality of the condition of language politeness of children to their teachers and schoolmates, to find out the factors that cause language politeness deviations, and to find out the efforts made by schools in dealing with these deviations. This research is a qualitative research that produces descriptive data. Research subjects include teachers and students. The results showed that there were still some children who experienced deviations in language politeness to their teachers and school friends, namely in the form of reluctance to use polite language speech, mutual ridicule/verbal bullying between school friends using the names of parents and the profession of parents, and the unfavorable influence of social media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 3551-3558
Indriana Ulul Azmi ◽  
Nafi’ah Nafi’ah ◽  
Muhammad Thamrin ◽  
Akhwani Akhwani

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kepercayaan diri (self confidence) siswa yang mengalami verbal bullying dan yang tidak mengalami verbal bullying, serta untuk menguji ada tidaknya perbedaan antara kepercayaan diri (self confidence) siswa yang mengalami verbal bullying dengan yang tidak mengalami verbal bullying. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuanitatif dengan metode penelitian komparatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan kriteria-kriteria yang sudah ditentukan oleh peneliti. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji analisis statistic deskriptif dan uji man whitney. Hasil penelitian yang didapat adalah 10 dari 30 responden mengalami tindakan verbal bullying dan memiliki kepercayaan diri yang rendah, hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil perhitungan analisis statistic deskriptif yang memperoleh skor >60% sedangkan untuk kepercayaan diri siswa yang tidak mengalami tindakan verbal bullying memiliki kepercayaan diri yang tinggi. Kepercayaan diri siswa yang mengalami verbal bullying dengan kepercayaan diri siswa yang tidak mengalami verbal bullying terdapat perbedaan hal ini dibuktikan dengan perhitungan ujii man whitney yang memperoleh nilai Asymp. Sig sebesar 0,000 sehingga dapat diketahui bahwa 0,000< 0,05 maka h_0 ditolak sedangkan h_1 diterima, sehingga ada perbedaan antara kepercayaan diri siswa yang mengalami verbal bullying dengan kepercayaan diri siswa yang tidak mengalami verbal bullying

Saniya Saniya ◽  
Neni Triana ◽  
Miranti Manda Sari

ABSTRAK Bullying adalah perilaku agresif yang dilakukan oleh seseorang atau sekelompok orang yang dapat menyakiti korbannya baik secara fisik maupun mental. Bullying terbagi menjadi tiga jenis yaitu bullying fisik, bullying verbal dan bullying mental/psikologis. Remaja yang kurang mampu mengolah emosinya cenderung akan menjadi pelaku bullying. Seseorang dengan kepribadian neurotisme cenderung mudah mengalami emosi negatif seperti cemas, takut, mudah marah, dan depresi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan kepribadian neurotisme dengan perilaku bullying di Desa Rantau Baru. Desain penelitian menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian seluruh remaja di Desa Rantau Baru yaitu sebanyak 102 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kepribadian neurotisme dengan perilaku bullying (P Value = 0,84). Diharapkan pencegahan terhadap bullying dapat dimulai dari orang tua yaitu dengan mengajarkan kecerdasan emosional sejak dini. Sekolah dan pemerintah juga dapat berkolaborasi untuk mencegah perilaku bullying dan kepribadian neuroticisme dengan menerapkan program anti bullying dan bimbingan konseling di sekolah.   Kata Kunci : Bullying, Neuroticisme, Remaja   ABSTRACT Bullying is aggressive behavior by a person or group of people that can hurt the victim both physically and mentally. Bullying is divided into three types, namely physical bullying, verbal bullying and mental/psychological bullying. Teens who are less able to process their emotions tend to become bullies. A person with a neurotic personality tends to experience negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, irritability and depression. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between neuroticism and bullying behavior in Rantau Baru Village. The research design uses correlational quantitative research. The population in the study of all adolescents in the village of Rantau Baru was 102 people. The sampling technique uses random sampling technique. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between neuroticism and bullying behavior (P value = 0.84). It is hoped that the prevention of bullying can be started from parents, namely by teaching emotional intelligence from an early age. Schools and the government can also collaborate to prevent bullying behavior and neuroticism by implementing anti-bullying programs and counseling in schools.   Keywords: Bullying, Neuroticism, Adolescents

Knygotyra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 76 ◽  
pp. 228-259
Kasey Garrison ◽  
Mary Mary ◽  
Elizabeth Derouet

This research investigates the portrayal of masculinity in Australian young adult novels published in 2019. The novels were taken from the 2020 Children’s Books Council of Australia (CBCA) Book of the Year for Older Readers Notables List. Established in 1946, these annual awards are considered the most prominent and prestigious in Australian children’s and young adult literature and are likely to be accessible and promoted to young readers in schools and libraries. The three texts studied were Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte, The Boy who Steals Houses by C.G. Drews, and This is How We Change the Ending by Vikki Wakefield. Using a Critical Content Analysis methodology (Beach et al., 2009), researchers completed a review of the literature and theories around masculinity and chose to analyse three exemplary texts using the attributes of the Hegemonic Masculinity Schema (HMS) and Sensitive New Man Schema (SNMS) as described by Romøren and Stephens (2002). Attributes from the HMS include traits and behaviours like being violent, physical or verbal bullying, and hostile to difference while attributes from the SNMS include being supportive, affectionate, and considerate and respectful of the space and feelings of others (especially females). In this method, researchers identify examples of the attributes within the main characters and minor characters from each of the three books, recording quotes and noting critical incidents depicting aspects of masculinity. Notable findings of the research include the acknowledgment and portrayal of a particular conception of hegemonic masculinity in the selected novels often informed or shaped by the presence of dominant father figures and the absence of the concept of “the mother.” The characters who aligned to the schema used within this research are often overshadowed by a dominant father figure who conformed to an extreme version of hegemonic masculinity and who shaped their child’s actions even if the fathers were absent from the novel. The research reveals commonly held conceptions of masculinity aligned to those used in the schema and demonstrated that young adult literature, like popular media, can be used as a vehicle for the dissemination of such concepts and reveal contemporary understandings of it. Outputs from this research include the development of a modified and more contemporary schema which could be applied to future research. Significantly, this interdisciplinary research bridges the library, education and literature fields to examine the different ways maleness and masculinity are depicted to young adult readers in prize-nominated Australian young adult novels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-19
Yuliana Yuliana ◽  
Muslikah Muslikah

Based on the preliminary study that has been conducted, verbal bullying among junior high school students still occurs frequently. Verbal bullying is often done, such as mocking other students' appearance, body shape, and speech style. This study aims to determine the relationship between empathy and peer conformity with verbal bullying of students at SMP Negeri Semarang City. This research method uses a quantitative correlational design, the sampling uses purposive and random sampling with a total of 243 respondents. The analysis technique uses multiple regression analysis with the help of the SPSS version 23 application. Based on the results of multiple regression analysis, it shows that empathy and peer conformity jointly have a relationship with verbal bullying with a simultaneous F significance value of 0.000 (sig <0.05) and F count 19,740, and F table 3.03 (Fh> Ft). The contribution of empathy and peer conformity variables was 14.1% for verbal bullying, while 85.9% was influenced by other factors that were not explained in this study. Based on the results of research above guidance and counseling teacher is expected to provide group guidance services in the private and social field to reduce verbal bullying. The theme that may use is related to the prevention of verbal bullying.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-22
Jek Amidos Pardede ◽  
Akhyarul Huda ◽  
Masri Saragih ◽  
Marthalena Simamora

Background: Bullying is a problem of global concern that can have serious / negative effects on the mental health and well-being of adolescents. Bullying that often occurs is verbal bullying which can affect self-esteem. Purpose: to determine the relationship between bullying and self-esteem on adolescents. Methods: the design of this research is descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach. The population of the study were 83 students of class X Senior High School who experienced bullying and the sample of this study was the entire population with the sampling technique using total sampling. The data collection tool used a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability, the statistical test used was the chi-square test with p 0.05. Results: the study showed that the majority of verbal bullying was moderate as much as 43.4% and the majority of the majority were low self-esteem as much as 46.6% with p = 0.004.Conclusion: there is a significant relationship between verbal bullying and self-esteem. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 30-42
S.L. Talanov ◽  

Analyzed is the scale of bullying in educational institutions: schools and universities. The reasons, forms and the existing system of bullying prevention are studied. The most widespread in schools is verbal (ridicule, threats, humiliation, slander) and physical bullying; in universities, social (ignoring, exclusion from the group, theft, damage to the victim’s property) and verbal bullying are more widespread. It was found that students from families who belong to low resourced groups, more often during the school period became victims of verbal, social and physical bullying. It was revealed that girls more often than boys were a subject to verbal bullying during schooling. At the same time, it was found that girls from families that belong to the middle and low resourced groups were more often subjected to verbal bullying than girls from families that belong to the highly–resourced groups. Young men who are physically weak, to a greater extent than young men who are physically developed, are the instigators of verbal bullying at school. Young men from families that belong to highly-resourced groups are less likely than young men from families that belong to middle and low resource groups to be verbally bullied at school. Boys from families that belong to medium and low resourced groups more often than boys from families that belong to highly–resourced groups were the instigators of verbal bullying at school. It was found that boys, more often than girls, faced physical bullying at school. At the same time, it was revealed that young men from families that belong to highly–resourced groups, less often than young men from families that belong to middle and low resourced groups, faced physical bullying during their schooling. Young men, more often than girls, play the role of an aggressor in physical bullying at school. In addition, it was found that girls are more likely than boys to be the instigator of physical bullying at school. In addition, it was found that bullying in schools is more widespread than in universities. At the same time, it was revealed that verbal and social bullying in universities in comparison with schools is not widespread. Obviously, this is due to the fact that many bullying aggressors in school did not have the resources to enter universities, or did not have the desire to enter universities. In addition, bullying in universities is subject to expulsion (in addition to other types of liability). A person comes to school forcibly, in a university most often voluntarily. In other words, it can be assumed that the fear of being expelled is a kind of deterrent to the spread of bullying in universities. Measures are proposed to improve the effectiveness of bullying prevention in educational institutions.

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