scholarly journals Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran dengan Program Autoplay untuk Guru-Guru SMPN 2 Balen Kecamatan Balen Kabupaten Bojonegoro

Fatiya Rosyida ◽  
Khofifatu Rohmah Adi

Junior high school teachers have a responsibility to improve the quality of learning. Improving the quality of learning is accompanied by the demands of the times. In the 21st century, information technology is growing rapidly. Therefore, they have to foster their knowledge. The problem in SMPN 2 Balen is most teachers have not used the learning media. Though learning media have the power in transferring information. One of the IT-based media that can be used in learning is autoplay. Learning media with autoplay will make the learning process interesting so that students can be motivated in learning. This is because the program can display text, images, sound and video. Seeing the problems described above, it is necessary to do activities that can improve the ability of teachers in developing and utilizing IT-based learning media, through training of making learning media with autoplay program. This devotion activity aims to help teachers SMPN 2 Balen in improving the quality of learning, especially related to the pedagogical competence of teachers about knowledge and skills in developing and applying media learning with Autoplay program. Training is conducted for 6 months divided into three stages: (1) planning stage, (2) stage of implementation, (3) evaluation phase. Results from activities in the form of learning media products with autoplay program.DOI:

Soimah Soimah ◽  
Sufyarma Marsidin ◽  
Jamaris Jamna

The background of the problem in this study is that there are still some teachers who teach without making a good teaching plan, are less skilled in using teaching media, are less able to activate students and less able to make assessment analyzes. The purpose of this study 1) the contribution of planning to the management of the quality of learning of state junior high school teachers Koto Tangah Padang, 2) Learning Media's contribution to the management of the quality of learning carried out by state junior high school teachers Koto Tangah Padang, 3) contribution of Planning and instructional media to the management of the quality of learning undertaken by state junior high school teachers Koto Tangah Padang.  This type of research uses a quantitative correlational method. The population in this study were 310 junior high school civil servant teachers in Koto Tangah District. The sample uses stratified proportional random sampling technique, so that the sample in this study amounted to 67 people. Data collection techniques using questionnaires. Data analysis techniques in this research are data description, test requirements and hypothesis testing. The results of this study 1) Learning planning contributes to the management of the quality of learning carried out by teachers of the State Junior High School in Koto Tangah District of Padang with a contribution amount of 23.3% by 24.4%, 3) Planning and media together contribute to the management of learning quality by 36.5%. This explains that to improve the management of good and ideal quality of learning should be done through improved learning planning and learning media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-192
Moh. Atikurrahman ◽  
Mar’atus Sholehah

The mentoring and training activities for junior high school teachers in the innovation of the Caring Community-based PBL learning model go through three stages, namely planning, implementation, and evaluation. At the planning stage, the process of identifying problems, making work plans (work plans), and classifying teaching practice tasks is carried out. There are 5 groups with the same target material. At the implementation stage, it consists of two stages; 1) training on caring community learning models with a student centered approach which includes group model class management techniques, learning media design. 2) mentoring the learning practices of junior high school teachers in the classroom based on the ability level group, group L, and group M. Evaluation activities are carried out at the end of the activity to make improvements to mistakes, teacher weaknesses in the process of implementing the learning model.

2019 ◽  
Rizka Srinadila

in an effort to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, supervision is needed to improve the quality of teacher professionalism, this is because the quality of learning in Indonesia has not been maximized. With the supervision of education is expected to improve the quality of education personnel and student achievement. This quality improvement should be done continuously in accordance with the development of science and technology in accordance with the times. By making continuous improvements, it can be seen that the quality development gradually, these quality improvement activities can be done by groups or individuals.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Mustowiyah Mustowiyah ◽  
Ngurah Ayu Nyoman Murniati ◽  
Sunanda Sunanda

The purpose of this study are: (1) Finding out how much is the influence of school culture on educational quality, (2) Finding out how much is the influence of the competence of teachers to the quality of education, and (3) Finding out how much is the influence of school culture and teacher competence collectively to the quality of education. The population in this study was all State junior high school teachers throughout the Sub District of Randudongkal District of Pemalang, the number of the population was 225 people, and the samples were selected using proportionate random sampling technique as many as 69 people. The data analysis was using descriptive analysis, the test of data requirements, and analysis, / regression test. The test results for the prerequisite of research data it is concluded that the data were normally distributed, homogeneous, linear, does not incur multicollinearity and does not incur heteroskedasticity. While from the hypothesis test, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect on the school cultures to the quality of education in the total of 0.911 with a contribution of 82.8%. There is a significant effect of teacher competence on the quality of education at 0.790 with a contribution of 61.9%. There is the influence collectively on the School Culture and Teachers Competence against Education Quality of 0.977 with a contribution of 95.3%

Social Forces ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 98 (4) ◽  
pp. 1578-1612
James Chu ◽  
Guirong Li ◽  
Prashant Loyalka ◽  
Chengfang Liu ◽  
Leonardo Rosa ◽  

AbstractStudies suggest that students’ prior performance can shape subsequent teacher evaluations, but the magnitude of reputational effects and their implications for educational inequality remain unclear. Existing scholarship presents two major perspectives that exist in tension: do teachers primarily use reputational information as a temporary signal that is subsequently updated in response to actual student performance? Or do teachers primarily use reputational information as a filter that biases perception of subsequent evidence, thus crystallizing student reputations and keeping previously poor-performing students stuck in place? In a field experiment, we recruited a random sample of 832 junior high school teachers from the second-most populous province of China to grade a sequence of four essays written by the same student, and we randomly assign both the academic reputation of the student and the quality of the essays produced. We find that (1) reputational information influences how teachers grade, (2) teachers rely on negative information more heavily than positive information, and (3) negative reputations are crystallized by a single behavioral confirmation. These results suggest that students can escape their prior reputations, but to do so, they must contradict them immediately, with a single confirmation sufficient to crystallize a negative reputation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-23
Aliefaryudha Aliefaryudha ◽  
Tajudin Noor ◽  
Sayan Suryana

Abstract This study aims to describe the implementation of learning supervision by the headmaster in Madrasah Aliyah Ghoyatul Jihad Karawang Regency viewed from aspects: 1. Planning learning supervision, 2. Implementation of learning supervision, 3. The relationship between planning and implementing learning supervision. Supervision of Madrasah Principal Learning is basically a servant activity for teachers conducted by madrasah principals for coaching teachers especially to improve the quality of learning. As an impact of increasing the quality of learning can certainly also increase student learning achievement and that means increasing the quality of madrasah graduates themselves. So that supervision of learning of teachers is expected to be carried out on an ongoing basis so that the teacher's pedagogical competence can increase. The research method used by researchers in conducting this research is descriptive qualitative method, in which the researcher describes and analyzes the data obtained in the field. Data collection techniques are done through observation, interviews and documentation. The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the implementation of learning supervision conducted by the headmaster in Madrasah Aliyah Ghoyatul Jihad. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the implementation of learning supervision has been effective because the headmaster of madrasas when supervising learning refers to the planning program that has been created to improve teacher pedagogical competence. Key words: Learning Supervision, Madrasah Head Learning Supervision, Teacher's Pedagogical Competencies   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan supervisi pembelajaran oleh kepala madrasah di Madrasah Aliyah Ghoyatul Jihad Kabupaten Karawang dilihat dari aspek: 1. Perencanaan supervisi pembelajaran, 2. Pelaksanaan supervisi pembelajaran, 3. Hubungan antara perencanaan dan pelaksanaan supervisi pembelajaran. Supervisi Pembelajaran Kepala Madrasah pada dasarnya suatu kegiatan pelayan untuk guru yang dilakukan kepala madrasah untuk pembinaan kepada guru khususnya agar kualitas pembelajarannya meningkat. Sebagai dampak meningkatnya kualitas pembelajaran tentu dapat meningkat pula prestasi belajar siswa dan itu berarti meningkatlah kualitas lulusan madrasah itu sendiri. Sehingga supervisi pembelajaran terhadap guru diharapkan dapat terlaksana secara berkelanjutan agar kompetensi pedagogik guru dapat meningkat. Metode penelitian yang peneliti gunakan dalam melakukan penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif deskriptif, dimana peneliti mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis data-data yang diperoleh di lapangan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa implementasi supervisi pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh kepala madrasah di Madrasah Aliyah Ghoyatul Jihad. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan supervisi pembelajaran sudah efektif karena kepala madrasah ketika melakukan supervisi pembelajaran mengacu pada program perencanaan yang sudah di buat untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik guru. Kata Kunci: Supervisi Pembelajaran, Supervisi Pembelajaran Kepala Madrasah, Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-30
Agus Ahmad Durri ◽  
Hendri Raharjo ◽  
Arif Muchyidin

Some factors of low interresting of Mathematic learning material for student on Junior High School grade (SMP/MTs) are design of learning material that is less animation and  the difficuties of use the learning material. Therefore, the use of learning material should be inovated for increasing the learners’ interrest, to make them easy understanding the subject that has been learnt, and still capable to increase reigion value in their ownselves. One form of this effort is to create learning material in the form of flash mathematics with consits Islamic value. Flash application is an application that can be developed in accordance animatif developer creativity. The purpose of the research is the developing of learning material in the electric learning form that consists Islamic value in Transformation subject. The method of research is research and development, and the design of the research is using the steps of ADDIE model, there are analysis, design, development, implemetation, and evaluation. Data collection techniques included interviews and observations with research instruments are questionnaires, observation sheets and tests. Further analysis of the data conducted by researchers consists  of qualitative and quantitative analysis to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of the teaching materials developed. The results of the expert evaluation consisting of a material expert and a media expert, shows that the average velue obtained from every aspects: content quality and purpose,instructional quality of learning material, aspects of the charge Islamic value, and the technique quality was 4.37 that very good category. The results of the assessment by the teachers of Junior High School grade (MTs) Nurul Huda Munjul which consist of two Mathematics teacher and a teacher of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), shows that the average velue of each aspect was 4.46 with very good category. Than the student quationnaire responses result data obtained by the average velue of each aspects: the quality of learning and instructional, technical aspects of the display, and payload  integrition aspects of Islamic value in learning material, namely 3.98, with good categories. The data test scores of student learning outcomes gained an average of 82.34  > KKM (75) with the classical completeness of 89.19% > 85%. The conclusion showed that the quality of Mathematic learning materials charged Islamic velues are developed with macromedia flash and catamsia aplications is feasible and effective to be used in the learning process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 38 ◽  
Gufron Amirullah ◽  
Susilo Susilo

This study aims to develop media learning of Android-based mobile for students of Senior High School class X, and to know the quality of mobile media learningproducts on the concept of monera. The research was done through 2 stages, namely Preliminary and Formative Evaluation. Formative Evaluation Phase was divided into 3 stages namely, Self-Evaluation, Prototyping and Field Test. Validation was done by material experts and media experts. The developed media was tested to 100 students of class X IPA SMAN 5 Bekasi. Data analysis techniques were used the feasibility and quality of media obtained with the instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The results showed that the value of media-based learning feasibility of Android-based monera of 93.92% with Excellent category and material expert judgment of 97% with Excellent category. Trial on students at SMAN 5 Bekasi school obtained the quality of media learning is 91.40% with Excellent category. Based on the results of data acquisition shows that learning media based on Android mobile learning on the concept of monera worthy of use as a source of learning class X high school students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-52
Muhtazib Muhtazib

Student achievement can be determined by the performance of professional teachers, so teachers must be able to improve their professional in responding to the challenges of the times so rapidly. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of compensation, motivation, and commitment to teacher performance at Junior High School Somba Opu Sungguminasa, Gowa District, and to find out the dominant factors influencing. The study population was all teachers at at Junior High School Somba Opu Sungguminasa, Gowa District amounting to 32 people. Because the population is small or less than 100 people, the entire population is sampled (100% sample). The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that simultaneously and partially all independent variables consisting of compensation, motivation, and commitment had a positive and significant effect on the performance of Somba Opu Sungguminasa Junior High School teachers, Gowa District, where compensation was the most significant factor influencing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-46
Eka Suhardi ◽  
Atep Yulia Nugraha ◽  
Soewarto Hardhienata

Teacher work productivity can affect the progress of the quality of learning in schools. From the initial survey, it is seen that the work productivity of teachers, especially private junior high school teachers, has not been as expected, meaning "das sein" has not been like "das sollen". Therefore, the teacher's work productivity is interesting to be studied. The research aims to find an effort to increase teacher work productivity by examining the relationship between other variables with teacher work productivity. The other variables are commitment to the profession and supervision of the principal. This research was conducted using the correlational statistical method to find out whether commitment to the profession and supervision of the principal has a positive relationship with teacher work productivity. Based on these results, an analysis was then performed using the Sitorem Method to establish recommendations and find a priority order for improvement of the indicators of the research variables needed. The study was conducted on private junior high school teachers in Klapanunggal District, Bogor Regency with a population of 134 teachers, with a proportional random sample of 100 teachers. The results showed that there was a positive relationship between commitment to the profession with teacher work productivity with a correlation coefficient of 0.512, there was a positive relationship between the supervision of principals with teacher work productivity with a correlation coefficient of 0.464, and there was a positive relationship between commitment to the profession and supervision of principals as together with teacher work productivity with a correlation coefficient of 0.676. This shows that teacher work productivity can be increased through strengthening commitment to the profession and supervision of the principal. The results of Sitorem's analysis show that strengthening commitment to the profession and supervision of school principals can be done by improving indicators that are still weak and maintaining good indicators. Indicators that are still weak and require improvement in the order of priority handling are as follows: 1. Professional development efforts, 2. Services to students, 3. Guidelines for student success, 4. Responsibility, 5. Love of the profession, 6. Provision of feedback from results supervision, 7. follow up supervision, 8. Continuity of supervision, 9. Provision of assistance and guidance, 10. Interaction in supervision, 11. Speed of completing work, 12. Personal development, 13. Positive contribution to the environment, 14. Targets to be achieved , and 15. Relationships with fellow teachers. Whereas the 3 indicators that are in good condition and remain to be maintained are: 1. Obedience to the rules, 2. Quality of work, and 3. Compliance with work

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