scholarly journals Penerapan Gerak dan Lagu “Bangun Pagi” dalam Mengembangkan Kemampuan Motorik Kasar Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Di TK Negeri Pembina 5 Malang

Riza Aprilia Kusuma Wardani ◽  
I Made Seken ◽  
Rosyi Damayani Twinsari Maningtyas

Abstract: This study aims to find out how much the Motion and Song Application in increasing Rough Motoric Ability of Children aged 4-5 years. this study consisted of two variables, namely: Motion and Song and Rough Motorics. This study uses a classroom action research model from Kemmis and Mc. Taggart with stages of planning, action and observation, reflection and improvement plans. The hypothesis proposed in this study is the Application of Motion and Songs can Improve Rough Motoric Ability of Children Aged 4-5 Years in TK 5 Builder of Malang. The results of the study of the application of motion and song showed that through movement and song activity the development of gross motoric abilities of children aged 4-5 years increased. This is evident from the acquisition of the value of the first cycle of 6.25 percent, 18.75 percent, 37.5 percent in three meetings. Cycle II obtained a value of 56.25 percent, 81.25 percent, 87.5 percent in three meetings. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar Penerapan Gerak dan Lagu dalam meningkatkan Kemampuan Motorik Kasar Anak Usia 4-5 tahun. penelitian ini terdiri dari dua variabel yaitu: Gerak dan Lagu dan Motorik Kasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian tindakan kelas dari Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart dengan tahapan perencanaan, tindakan dan observasi, refleksi dan perbaikan rencana. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penerapan Gerak dan Lagu dapat Meningkatkan Kemampuan Motorik Kasar Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun di TK NegeriPembina 5 Malang. Hasil penelitian penerapan gerak dan lagu menunjukkan bahwa melalui kehgiatan gerak dan lagu maka perkembangan kemampuan motorik kasar anak usia4-5 tahun meningkat. Hal tersebut terbukti dari perolehan nilai siklus I yaitu 6,25 persen, 18,75 persen, 37,5 persen dalam tiga kali pertemuan. Siklus II diperoleh nilai 56,25 persen, 81,25 persen, 87,5 persen dalam tiga kali pertemuan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Yolanda Dana Kumala Sari ◽  
Lise Chamisijatin ◽  
Budi Santoso

The purpose of this study is to improve poetry reading skill of 4th grade students at SDN Sumbersari 1 in Malang City, to know the activities of the teacher and students. This type of this research is classroom action research. This classroom action research model uses the Kemmis And Mc Taggart model which consist of four steps or stages in conducting classroom action research, namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The result of the study show an increasing activity of the teacher and students. The result of this study are flows. (1) Pre-action, from 25 students, only 5 students or 20% of the total students are able to read poetry well and correctly, while 20 students or 80% of students experience difficulty in reading poetry with an average poetry reading skill of 54.56%. (2) Cycle I, the percentage of teacher activity reached 83% with very good predicate, the percentage of teacher activity reached 83% with very good predicate, the percentage of student activity was 83% with very good predicate, and classical learning completeness was 78.8% (3) Cycle II, the percentage of teacher activity reached 86% with very good predicate, the percentage of students is 87% with

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 807
Helpiyotwitra Helpiyotwitra

This research is motivated by low student social studies learning outcomes. This study aims to improve social studies learning outcomes by using video media in class VI SDN 004 Teratak Buluh. This research is a classroom action research that includes activities with stages of planning, action, observation and reflection. The results showed that the increase in social studies learning outcomes of class VI students, the average classical completeness before class action research was 75% in the first cycle of 82.14% and in the second cycle it was 92.85%. Scientific performance learning outcomes before class action research is 65.36%, and scientific performance learning outcomes after class action research cycle I is 72.76% increased by 7.4%, and scientific performance learning outcomes after class II cycle action research is 73.17% also increased by 0.41% from cycle I. The occurrence of increased learning outcomes of scientific performance also affects student learning outcomes. Based on the results of classroom action research, it can be concluded that using video media can improve social studies learning outcomes. Grade VI students of SDN 004 Teratak Buluh.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Mursalim Mursalim

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah di kelas IX E MTsN Olak Kemang Kota Jambi. Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang dilakukan dua siklus yang terdiri dari: perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 32 siswa kelas IX E MTsN Olak Kemang Jambi. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan lembar observasi dan catatan lapangan. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa pembelajaran akidah akhlak dengan pembelajaran berbasis masalah dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar di kelas IX E MTsN Olak Kemang Kota Jambi. Hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa terjadi peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa untuk setiap indikator yang diteliti. Peningkatan aktivitas siswa yang dimaksud adalah terjadinya peningkatan aktivitas siswa selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Siswa aktif merespon pertanyaan guru, mengemukakan alasan, menjelaskan kepada teman, mempresentasikan hasil diskusi kelompok dan membuat kesimpulan Kata Kunci: Aktivitas Siswa, Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah, Akidah Akhlak Abstract [Tittle: Improving Student’ Activity In Akidah Akhlak Course Through Problem Based Learning Approach]. This research was aimed to improve students’ activity in Akidah Akhlak through Problem Based Learning (PBL)at MTsN Olak Kemang Jambi city.This was a classroom action research which was conducted in two cycles in which each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation and reflection. The subject of this research was the third year students of MTsN Olak Kemang Jambi that consisted of 32 students. In collecting the data, the researcher used observation sheet and field note. The data then was analyzed descriptively.The result of the research showed that the use of PBL approach could improve students’ activity in Akidah Akhlak at MTsN Olak Kemang Jambi. After applying PBL approach, the students had a willingness to answer teacher’s questions, give opinions and plain them to the peers, present the result of the discussion and take conclusion. Keyword: Students’ Activity, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Akidah Akhlak

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 165

This Classroom Action Research (CAR) was conducted at SDN 20 Cakranegara with the aim of increasing the value of students' skills, especially in the theme material 3 Objects around me through the use of a cooperative learning approach Type Group Investigation (GI).     The type of research used is Classroom Action Research which consists of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subjects of this study were 44 grade students of SDN 20 Cakranegara. PTK is carried out in two cycles. Cycle I consists of 3 meetings and cycle II consists of 2 meetings. The action in this study was to use a cooperative learning model type Group Investigation (GI). The value of student skills is obtained during the learning process in the form of performance appraisal at each meeting. Furthermore, the collected data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively.     From the results of data analysis, it was found that the achievement of the skills of students in the first cycle was as follows; of 44 students as many as 34 students (77.27%) who obtained a value of ≥70 and as many as 10 people (20.73%) had not reached the value of ≥70. The average skill score of students in cycle I is 70.80. Cycle II of 44 students as many as 40 students (90.91%) who obtained a value of ≥70 and as many as 4 people (9.09%) had not reached the value of ≥70. The average skill score of the second cycle students is 86.70. The determined performance indicator is 85% of students obtain a skill score of ≥70 with the Good category. Thus it can be concluded that the cooperative learning model of the Group Investigation type can increase the value of the skills of third grade students of SDN 20 Cakranegara.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 639
Sudiyono Sudiyono

ABSTRAK Masih kurang  minatnya siswa dalam belajar khususnya pelajaran matematika,  salah satu sebab adalah  metode yang digunakan oleh guru masih konvensional dan siswa bekerja secara individu, sehingga siswa yang kurang mampu kesulitan dalam memahami konsep dengan benar.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar bilangan berpangkat dengan  model problem posing pada siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 4 Batu.Penelitian ini menggunakan desain  Penelitian Tindakan Kelas  (Classroom Action Research),  pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan  kualitatif yaitu penelitian yang datanya tanpa menggunakan teknik statistik. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi.Berdasarkan data yang diperolah dari pelaksanaan tindakan mulai siklus 1 sampai dengan siklus 2 dan berdasarkan hasil observasi tiap-tiap siklus terjadi peningkatan prestasi yaitu siswa yang mendapat nilai kurang dari KKM dari 17 siswa menjadi 7 siswa, mengalami peningkatan siswa yang mendapat nilai memenuhi KKM dari 18 menjadi 27 siswa, dan rata-rata tes siswa dari  62,29 menjadi 71,76 mengalami kenaikan 2,47%, serta prosentase ketuntasa juga mengalami peningkatan dari 48,6% menjadi 79,4% meningkat 30,8%.Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan pendekatan model problem posing dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa khususnya pada materi bilangan berpangkat. Kata Kunci: Peningkatan hasil belajar, Bilangan berpangkat, Problem Posing ABSTRACT The lack of student’s study interest especially on mathematics, one of the reason is the method is still conventional and students work individually, with the result that students harder to understanding the concept correctly. The purpose of this research is improving learning outcome on exponential numbers with problem posing model in 3rd years students on State Junior High School Batu. This research using Classroom Action Research design and qualitative approach, which is the research that not using statistics technique. This Classroom Action Research executed in two cycle. Every cycle consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Based on data that obtained from the 1st cycle until 2nd cycle and based on observation from every cycle there is an achievement increase that is students that having under the minimum learning mastery standard from the initial is 17 students increase to 7 students, then there is increase the numbers of students that having on the minimum learning mastery standard from 18 to 27 students, and the average of students’ test from 62,29 to 71,76 (increasing 2,47%), so the percentage of learning mastery increased from 48,6% to 79,4% increase for about 30,8%. This shows that Problem Posing approach can increasing student’s study result especially on exponential numbers subject. Keyword: Increase of study result, Exponential numbers, Problem Posing

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 231
I Ismail ◽  
Sri Anitah W ◽  
S Sunardi ◽  
Dewi Rochsantiningsih

<p class="ABSTRACT"><span lang="EN">This article presents the efforts of teacher in enhancing students’ achievement through the implementation of cooperative learning model: Gallery Walk and Simulation (GALSIM). This </span><span lang="EN">classroom action research</span><span lang="EN"> aims to describe the improvement of students’ achievement of <em>Fiqh </em>subject matter. </span><span lang="EN">The data was collected by </span><span lang="EN">observation, actions, documents, and tests. This two-cycle research used four steps i.e. planning, action, observation and reflection in each cycle. The results show that the implementation of GALSIM could improve students’ activity along the learning process. Moreover, the implementation of this model could also improve students’ achievement at the end of their study on <em>Fiqh</em>.</span> </p><span>Tulisan ini mengetengahkan upaya guru dalam meningkatkan prestasi siswa melalui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif berupa Gallery Walk dan Simulation (GALSIM). Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemajuan prestasi siswa pada pelajaran Fikih. Data penelitian terkumpul melalui pengamatan, tindakan, dokumentasi, dan tes. Penelitian dengan dua siklus ini memanfaatkan empat langkah berupa perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi dalam setiap siklusnya. Temuan riset ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan GALSIM dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa selama pembelajaran. Di samping itu, penerapan model ini dapat pula meningkatkan prestasi siswa dalam mempelajari Fikih.</span>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 360
Muhamad Parhan ◽  
Sukaenah Sukaenah

This study aimed to offer an alternative reconstruction of the fifth-grade Pancasila and Civic Education learning process at SDN Cugenang. This was done on the basis of thefinding that the learning that has been held so far tends to be theoretical-abstract and difficult for students to understand. The method used was a classroom action research method with four stages of activity, namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection, which are carried out in three cycles. In general, it could be concluded that Pancasila and Civic Education learning held in elementary schools with a contextual approach could make the learning process and outcomes better and more improved.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 166
Alip Wahyudin

AbstrakPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) upaya meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar IPS menggunakan metode Scramble pada siswa kelas VII B SMP Negeri 1Poncowarno, Kebumen; dan (2) peningkatan motivasi dan hasil belajar IPS menggunakan metode Scramble di kelas VII B SMP Negeri 1 Poncowarno, Kebumen. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research) model Kemmis& Taggart yang terdiri dari tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengamatan, refleksi. Subjek penelitian yaitu siswa kelas VII B SMP Negeri 1 Poncowarno, Kebumen yang berjumlah 28 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah: observasi, angket, tes, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis kualitatif model Miles & Huberman untuk menganalisis data kulitatif dari observasi sedangkan data kuantitatif dari angket dan tes dianalisis dengan statistik diskriptif khususnya tendensi sentral. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama: upaya untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar IPS dengan metode sramble dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah pembelajaran sebagai berikut: (a) menjelaskan tujuan dan materi pembelajaran, (b) membagikan lembar kerja yang di dalamnya sudah berisi scramble, (c) menampilkan slide yang berisi pertanyaan, (d) siswa menjawab pertanyaan, (e) mengoreksi jawaban antar teman sebangku, dan (f) memberikan penilaian dan memberikan reward kepada siswa yang memperoleh skor paling tinggi. Kedua: penggunaan metode Scramble dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar. Peningkatan motivasi dari pra siklus sebesar 76,49% meningkat pada siklus I sebesar 83,04% dan menjadi 91,16% pada siklus II. Hasil belajar juga mengalami peningkatan dari pra Siklus rata-rata68,90 dengan ketuntasan sebesar 35%, meningkat menjadi 86,90dengan ketuntasan mencapai 89,29% pada siklus I dan 83,60 dengan ketuntasan 85,71% .Kata kunci: metode scramble, motivasi dan hasil belajar IPS

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 82
Ilmiah Ilmiah ◽  
Supardin Supardin ◽  
Hasnawati Latief ◽  
Muhammad Basri Dalle

Writing is a difficult skill for the students at SMPN 26 Makassar. It could be seen from the result of a diagnostic test which showed the ability of the second year students of SMPN 26 Makassar in writing paragraphs was still poor. The students were unable to express their ideas well in making descriptive texts. The research used Classroom Action Research that consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. It conducted in two cycles in which each cycle comprised four meetings. The subjects of this research were 28 students of the second year students of SMPN 26 Makassar.The findings indicated that the students’ ability to write descriptive text in cycle 1 has not reached the score target because the mean score of the students was 66.52 that classified as “fairly good” whereas, In cycle 2 the students’ mean score was 75.26. It indicated that the score target has been reached and classified as “Good”. Therefore, the researcher suggested the English teacher apply Four Square Writing Method as one of the alternative ways of teaching writing subject in the classroom especially in teaching the descriptive text.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Doriyani . Nasution ◽  
Izwita . Dewi

ABSTRACTThis study aims to improve students' mathematical communication skills through the application of cooperative learning model Match Mine on the subject of integers in classVII MTs2 Medan. This type of researchis a classroom action research. The subjects were students of class VII-1 MTs 2 Terra in TA 2014/2015 which amounted to 42students. The object of this research is the students' mathematical communication skills through cooperative learning model Match Mine on  the     subject of         integers. The research instrument used is th eobservation and test mathematical communication skills. This study consisted two cycles and at the end of each cycleis given test comunication is mathematical ability. Before given, test           first      validated to the  validator. The results showed that cooperative learning model in the material Match Mine integer scan improve students' mathematical communication. It is seen from the results before action is given, the provisi on of diagnostics tests of 42 students only as many as 15 students (35.72%), which reached a value ≥ 65 with an average value of 58.18 class. After agiven action, the first mathematical communication skills tests in the first cycle, from 42 students as many as 25 students (59.52%) reached a value ≥ 65 with an average value of 66.95 class. From theanalysis ofthe test data communication capabilities mathematicalI on the second cycle of 42 people found that the students are 37 students (88.09%) reached a value ≥65 with an average value of 74.38 class. Based on observation, learning management research conducted in the first cycle, including both categories with a scoreof 2.87. Furthermore,in the second cycle, the researcher's ability to manage the learning increased to 3.40 so very good category. Based on the above results, it can be conclude edthatby implementing cooperative learning model Match Mine can improve students' mathematica lcommunication on the subject of integers in class VII MTs 2 Medan. Suggestions submitted to the seventh grade math teacher at MTs Negeri 2 Medan advis able to provide training to students that many require students to provide arguments that students' mathematical communication skills especially in explaining aspect scan be increased, as well asprovide the opportunity for students express ideas/ideas verbally/ writing in the learning process, andusing learning modelKeywords : mathematical communication, communication, secondary school, classroom action                      research, match mine.

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