scholarly journals Formas de exercer a paternidade em Belém e Évora

2009 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-41

The form of exert the paternity in the world is modifying itself. However living together in the same culture traditional and attempt of the establishing a new identity for the father. Brazil and Portugal are two countries whose the man’s cultural formation is still marked by patriarchal gender orientations that they set a strong performance of the man in functions less participation in the family, what resound in the affectionate estrangement and in the children’s education. This horizon based the accomplishment of the exploratory qualitative research accomplished in Belem, Para, Brazil and in Ever, Portugal, trying to delineate some characteristics in the ways that Brazilian and the Portuguese fathers exercise the paternity. Objective: To identify the self-perception of the paternity focusing models, functions, values and the conception of love of the informers. Procedures: Application of 89 questionnaires: 70 in Évora and 19 in Belem to the fathers of the children’s in kindergarten. Analyze were focalized for the singular and the intersubjetive. in the results we found: presence of the pater sense as nutritor, that is, the parents had the intention of to conceive the son and to form with them a stable entail; the civil status (married or stable union) it doesn’t mean that there is an united participation with the mother in the care with the children, in other words, in the healthy emotional development that requests the father’s presence or at least the quality of the coexistence.

Michael Moriarty

Although the concept “baroque” is less obviously applicable to philosophy than to the visual arts and music, early modern philosophy can be shown to have connections with baroque culture. Baroque style and rhetoric are employed or denounced in philosophical controversies, to license or discredit a certain style of philosophizing. Philosophers engage with themes current in baroque literature (the mad world, the world as a stage, the quest for the self) and occasionally transform these into philosophical problems, especially of an epistemological kind (are the senses reliable? how far is our access to reality limited by our perspective?) Finally, the philosophies of Malebranche and Berkeley, with their radical challenges to so-called common sense, and their explanation of conventional understandings of the world as based on illusion, have something of the disturbing quality of baroque art and architecture.

2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-131 ◽  
Clarissa Sammut Scerri ◽  
Angela Abela ◽  
Arlene Vetere

This paper attempts to illuminate some of the ethical dilemmas of a clinician/researcher interviewing women about a sensitive topic- their experience of having witnessed domestic violence in the family they grew up in, as part of a grounded theory study. Vignettes are presented to illustrate the self-reflexive process of the researcher and how she understood the effects of the interview process on her and the participants. The authors argue that doing in-depth qualitative research interviewing is an intervention in the life of the participants, especially, but not only, when the researchers are clinically-trained. However, this clinical training may also be an important resource from which to draw from, to act ethically and understand some of the complexity of the interaction between researcher and participants.

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 595-603 ◽  
Joaquín Salvador Lima-Rodríguez ◽  
Marta Lima-Serrano ◽  
Nerea Jiménez-Picón ◽  
Isabel Domínguez-Sánchez

OBJECTIVE: To ascertain the content validity of the Self-perception of Family Health Status scale. METHOD: A validation study of an instrument with an online Delphi panel using the consensus technique. Eighteen experts in the subject were intentionally selected, with a multidisciplinary origin and representing different professional fields. Each of the proposed items was assessed using a five-point scale, and open-ended questions, to modify or propose items. Descriptive analysis was performed of the sample and the items, applying criteria of validation/elimination. RESULTS: The first round had a response rate of 83.3% and validated 75 of the 96 proposed items; the second had a response rate of 80%, and validated the 21 newly created items, concluding the panel of experts. CONCLUSIONS: We present an instrument to measure self-perception of family health status, from a nursing perspective. This may be an advance in scientific knowledge, to facilitate the assessment of the state of health of the family unit, enabling detection of alterations, and to facilitate interventions to prevent consequences to the family unit and its members. It can be used in clinical care, research or teaching.

2018 ◽  
Abdallah Badahdah ◽  
Azza Abdelmoneium ◽  
John DeFrain ◽  
Sylvia Asay ◽  

All the problems in the world either begin in families or end up in families. Sometimes families create their own problems, and at other times, families are forced to deal with problems that the world has thrust upon them. For this reason, it is imperative that all societies seek to understand families in all their considerable diversity; to protect families; and to help strengthen families through intervention on the level of the family, the immediate community, the nation, and the international community. Research teams were assembled and conducted focus group studies of family members in Qatar, Jordan, and Tunisia. The purpose of this preliminary report is to discuss the qualitative research findings from focus groups with Arab family members in all three countries, revealing their perceptions of Arab family strengths and challenges, and how they see that families under stress can be better supported by society

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 3773-3795
Nahema El Ghaziri ◽  
Joëlle Darwiche ◽  
Jean-Philippe Antonietti

The aim of this study is to investigate the longitudinal influence of self-esteem on romantic and coparental relationship quality. The data were drawn from the German Family Panel, pairfam. Parents ( n couples = 2,364) were assessed three times over 4 years. The results indicated that romantic and coparental quality decreased over time, while self-esteem remained stable. The self-esteem of both parents predicted initial romantic and coparental quality. Additionally, mothers’ self-esteem reduced the decline in romantic quality. Finally, romantic quality mediated the relationship between parents’ self-esteem and coparental quality. These results suggest that self-esteem might be a resource for the parental couple and even for the family unit, as romantic and coparental quality are key elements for the well-being of both parent and child.

Animals ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 933 ◽  
Uccheddu ◽  
De Cataldo ◽  
Albertini ◽  
Coren ◽  
Da Graça Pereira ◽  

People often develop strong emotional connections with their dogs and consider them to be members of the family. The purpose of this study was to develop a novel validated tool, the Mourning Dog Questionnaire, to recognise and evaluate the mourning process in people who have lost a dog. The research model was based on a grid of five different questionnaires: the Pet Bereavement Questionnaire, the Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale, the Animal-Human Continuity Scale, the Positivity Scale, and the Testoni Death Representation Scale. The Italian version of the survey was posted on social networks. A sample of 369 Italian dog owners filled in the questionnaire (mean age ± SD 42.00 ± 10.70 years). Reliability indices were good for all instruments. The total scores of the five questionnaires correlated with each other. The results from the Mourning Dog Questionnaire support the negative view of life after the death of a pet and people’s tendency to humanise their pet, since dog owners perceived animals no differently from humans in terms of emotions, needs and legal rights. Findings arising from the use of the Mourning Dog Questionnaire will help the implementation of rationality-based strategies to improve the wellbeing, resilience and quality of life of people in the world experiencing the loss of a pet.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Ekawati Rahayu Ningsih

<div class="Section1"><p> <em>GRADUATES RECEPTION QUALITYANALYSIS OF THE POTENTIAL ECONOMIC STUDIES SYARI’AH IN STAIN KUDUS VIEWED FROM THE PERSPECTIVE STAKEHOLDER. The first aim of  this study was to determine the potential reception of  graduates quality in Shariah Economic Studiesof  STAINKudus in the world of  work. Second, to determine the motivations and needs of  stakeholders on the acceptance of  the quality of  graduates in Economics   Shariah STAIN Kudus.And third, to determine what factors which are supporting and inhibiting the absorption of graduates of the Department of Shariah Economics STAIN Kudus in working world. The theory that was developed as a basis for the analysis is the pyramid theory of  motivation and needs of  Abraham Maslow. By using qualitative research approach, the analysis and discussion of this study are:First, the potential acceptance of  Shariah Economy graduates in the working world, especially in the banking and financial institutions Shari’ah is still very large and potentially growing along with the rapid growth in the number of  banking and financial institutions Shari’ah in Indonesia. Second, motivation and needs of  stakeholders for the graduates reception of Shariah Economic STAIN Kudus is because it is the only college</em><em> in the state of  religion around the Pantura area having Shariah Economic Studies Program and easily accessible. In addition, in order to establish a more synergistic relationship with the STAIN kudus then either the shari’a banking and financial institutions are willing to accept graduates of  Shariah Economic Studies Program as employees, of course, with the various criteria established in the job requirements.</em></p></div><p><strong>K</strong><strong>eywords:</strong><em>P</em><em>otential,  Quality  Admissions,  Graduates, Economic Shariah, Stakeholder</em>.</p><p><em>T</em><em>ujuan penelitian ini adalah: Pertama, untuk mengetahui potensi penerimaan kualitas alumni Program Studi Ekonomi Syari’ah STAIN Kudus di dunia kerja. Kedua, untuk mengetahui motivasi dan kebutuhan stakeholder terhadap penerimaan kualitas alumni. Dan ketiga, untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi pendukung dan penghambat penyerapan alumni Ekonomi Syari’ah Jurusan Syari’ah STAIN Kudus di dunia kerja. Teori yang dikembangkan sebagai dasar analisis adalah teori piramida motivasi dan kebutuhan dari Abraham Maslow. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif, hasil analisis dan pembahasan dari penelitian ini adalah:Pertama, potensi penerimaan lulusan Ekonomi Syari’ah di dunia kerja, terutama di lingkungan perbankan syari’ah dan lembaga keuangan syari’ah masih sangat besar dan potensial seiring dengan semakin berkembang pesatnya pertumbuhan jumlah perbankan syari’ah dan lembaga keuangan syari’ah di Indonesia. Kedua, motivasi dan kebutuhan stakeholder terhadap penerimaan alumni Ekonomi Syari’ah STAIN Kudus adalah karena STAIN Kudus merupakan satu-satunya perguruan tinggi agama negeri di sekitar wilayah Pantura yang memiliki Program Studi Ekonomi Syari’ah dan mudah diakses. Selain itu, untuk menjalin hubungan yang lebih bersifat sinergis dengan STAIN Kudus, maka baik perbankan syari’ah maupun lembaga keuangan syari’ah bersedia menerima alumni Program Studi Ekonomi Syari’ah sebagai karyawan, tentunya dengan berbagai kriteria yang telah ditetapkan dalam persyaratan kerja.</em> </p><p><strong>K</strong><strong>ata Kunci: </strong><em>P</em><em>otensi, Penerimaan Kualitas, Alumni, Ekonomi Syari’ah, Stakeholder</em>.</p>

2021 ◽  
Amra Zalihic ◽  
Maja Barbaric ◽  
Mirela Mabic ◽  
Marnela Palameta ◽  
Ankica Mijic Maric ◽  

Abstract The number of obese and overweight people around the world rapidly grows and takes on epidemic proportions. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of body weight on quality of life and to investigate our patients' consciousness about their body weight and its impact on their quality of life.Methods : The cross-sectional study was conducted by interviewing 1067 respondents, using the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire.Results : Out of 1067 patients, 684 were females. 65.5 % of patients had BMI ≥25 kg/m 2 . 21.7% of 699 patients who had BMI ≥25 kg/m 2 think that their increased body weight doesn’t affect their health, 27.9 % of respondents think that their overweight is unrelated to physical activity, 41.8 % of respondents have no problems purchasing the clothes due to their weight and 31.6 % of respondents with BMI ≥25 kg/m 2 think that it doesn’t affect their quality of life.Conclusion : Quality of life is significantly better in respondents with BMI <25 kg/m 2 . The alarming result is that slightly less than half of respondents think that overweight doesn’t affect their health and don’t understand the seriousness of the problem.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (Supplement_1) ◽  
Jihong Lu ◽  
Jing Li ◽  
Yiping Ren ◽  
Douglas Stevenson ◽  
Mark Bartlett

Abstract Objectives Previous studies revealed that the combination of anthocyanins and prebiotics had protective effects on gut health. In this study, we observed the response of oral consumption of a blend of prebiotics and anthocyanins (hereafter called Balance + ) on the gastrointestinal (GI) function of human volunteers. Skin status was also evaluated as a secondary indication. Methods A total of 42 subjects (11 males and 31 females) with complaints of mild to moderate GI discomfort were recruited and provided a daily dose of 9.6 g/day of Balance + for 10 weeks. IBS-SSS and IBS-QOL questionnaires were used to evaluate GI function and quality of life of the subjects. An internally designed “Skin status questionnaire” was used to evaluate self-perception of skin conditions. Questionnaires were collected at the baseline, week-1, week-5, and week-10 after consumption. Results A total score of GI discomfort derived from the validated GI questionnaires revealed an improvement of GI issues compared with baseline after 5 and 10 weeks consumption of Balance + in most, but not all, symptoms. For example, satisfaction of bowel movement was improved significantly at week 1, 5, and 10; frequency of abdominal pain occurrence was decreased at week 5 and 10; abdominal symptoms affecting daily life were significantly reduced at week 5 and 10. While abdominal pain was generally improved, the improvement was not statistically significant. Moreover no changes were found in abdominal distension. The survey also revealed that quality of life was improved significantly after consumption of Balance + and subjects were less concerned about psychological reactions relevant to abdominal discomfort. Interestingly, according to our questionnaire, general skin condition was also positively impacted after Balance + consumption. Subjects were asked to self-evaluate 7 general skin attributes including dry skin, dark skin or dark patches, sensitive skin, acne, coarse pores, fine wrinkles, and couperose skin. The self evaluation of such general skin conditions revealed improvement after 10 weeks consumption of Balance + . No severe adverse effects were found except for some mild abdominal response, e.g., abdominal pain and distension in 7.1% and 9.5% of individuals studied respectively. Conclusions Balance + consumption may help regulate human GI system, help improve the self-perception of quality of life as well as skin conditions that may be relevant to GI status. Funding Sources Nu Skin Research Funding. Supporting Tables, Images and/or Graphs

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