scholarly journals Role of diet in old age

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-45
Zehra Zaidi ◽  
Shehla Nazir ◽  
Abdul Nasir ◽  
Minhaj Ahmad

The average human life expectancy has increased in recent times, so there is more focus on aging, age-related disease, and geriatric care in society. Older malnourished adults are more likely to have poorer health outcomes, longer hospital stays, and increased mortality, so there is a need to provide a nutritious and healthy diet to the old age population.Recent studies have shown that some medicinal herbs are effective in the intervention or prevention of aging-associated neurological disorders. Unani System of Medicine is one of the old traditional medicines in the world providing health care to humanity for centuries successively through natural safe, effective, and economic herbal medicine.Diets recommended for the old age population have been highlighted in this article with special emphasis on the traditional diets mentioned in the USM for geriatric care. There is a need to explore USM for better care of old age population and to find out an effective, safe, and economic treatment for old age diseases like Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, etc.

2017 ◽  
Vol 163 ◽  
pp. 643-653
Miron Pukan

Artistic patterns of old age expression in the works by Slovak authors Milo Urban, Július Barč-Ivan,Karol HorákThe cultural and social phenomenon of old age as an object of artistic literature from middle ages till contemporary period has been interpreted mostly ambivalently as asource of the wisdom as well as the weakness, experience and psychic degradation, the loss of authority and suffering. Within the various poetic methods realizing in the world and European literary production including Slovak literature, the rich reflections and different artistic patterns of an old age expression can be found. To manifest various forms of this cultural and social phenomenon in the literature three works from different social and historical periods representing various development stages of the Slovak literature will be analysed — the novella Staroba “Old Age” from the collection Výkriky bez ozveny “Yells without Echoing”, 1928 written by the prosaic writer and journalist Milo Urban, the tragedy Matka “Mother” written by prosaic and drama writer Július Barč-Ivan, and the play Cesta “Journey” written by prosaic and drama writer, literary and theatre scientist, university professor Karol Horák. The given texts prosaic one and two dramatic ones are integrated by common milieu with identical archetypal value — the world of Slovak village which is often described in the works by Slovak authors.Whereas the protagonist of the first work is an old village man tossing up between passionate desire to live and the awareness of the death inevitability, in the second and third work the key role is played by older women fulfilling their role of mothers. In Barč´s drama the mistaken fatalistic faith in predetermination of human fates leads towards the religious negativism and becomes the source of evil criminal act. As opposed to Barč´s play Matka the protagonist of Horák´s play Cesta, Kata Pohlodková, believes in the better future on the basis of Christian philosophy. The author stratifies his narration to produce the inward portrayal of aman in the extreme life situation on the background of historical events. Taking into consideration the miscellaneous aspects of this phenomenon, the research of this topic in the literary works is still open provoking the questions like — In which way is life represented in the literature through this phenomenon? Is this phenomenon presented stereotypically or are the generally valid stereotypes overcome? What is the influence of this phenomenon on aman and his/her attitude towards life transience? It can be generally accepted that the phenomenon of old age intervenes into human life and modifies it in abig way.Artystyczne ujęcie zjawiska starości w twórczości wybranych autorów słowackich Milo Urban, Július Barč-Ivan, Karol HorákSpołeczno-kulturowy fenomen starości w literaturze artystycznej od średniowiecza aż po współczesność interpretowany jest ambiwaletnie: z jednej strony jako źródło mądrości i doświadczenia, z drugiej zaś jako czas słabości, degradacji psychicznej, utraty autorytetu oraz cierpienia. W literaturze światowej, europejskiej, więc również, co oczywiste, w kontekście słowackim, stosunkowo często spotykamy się z refleksją na temat ostatniej fazy życia człowieka i z jej różnorodnym artystycznym opracowaniem. Za ilustrację możliwych literackich ujęć owego zjawiska posłużyły nam trzy dzieła autorów piszących po słowacku: nowela Staroba Starość ze zbioru Výkriky bez ozveny 1928; Okrzyki bez echa prozaika, tłumacza i dziennikarza Mila Urbana, tragedia Matka 1943 prozaika i dramatopisarza Júliusa Barča-Ivana oraz sztuka Cesta 1988; Droga dramatopisarza, prozaika, teatrologa i literaturoznawcy — profesora Karola Horáka. Wybrane utwory jeden prozatorski, dwa dramatyczne łączy pewien element archetypiczny — topos wsi słowackiej, skądinąd silnie obecny w rodzimej literaturze.Głównym bohaterem tekstu prozatorskiego jest uwięziony między pragnieniem życia a świadomością nieuniknionej śmierci mężczyzna, natomiast w przypadku dramatów kluczową rolę odgrywają starsze kobiety — matki. W dramacie Júliusa Barča-Ivana ślepe przekonanie o nieodwracalności ludzkiego losu prowadzi do zaprzeczenia religii i— w ostateczności — do zbrodni. Inaczej jest u Karola Horáka. Protagonistka sztuki Cesta Kata Pohlodková zgodnie z duchem filozofii chrześcijańskiej wierzy w lepszą przyszłość. Swoją opowieść autor wzbogaca, na tle wydarzeń historycznych pokazując introspektywę bohatera, który znalazł się w tragicznej sytuacji życiowej.Należy pamiętać o tym, że szeroki horyzont omawianego zjawiska, również dzięki jego wieloaspektowości, nie ogranicza pola badawczego, lecz wręcz przeciwnie — prowokuje do dalszych odkryć oraz prób odpowiedzi na liczne pytania. Bardzo interesująca wydaje się na przykład kwestia rzutowania starości na wizerunek życia w literaturze pięknej. Czy przedstawianie starości podlega powszechnie przyjętemu stereotypowi, czy mu się opiera, przełamuje go? Jaki wpływ ma starość na człowieka i świadomość przemijania? I tak dalej. Z pewnością jednak można stwierdzić, że omawiane przez nas zjawisko determinuje człowieka, określając i formując jego los.

Yagyik Mishra ◽  
Negalur Vijay ◽  
Thakor Krunal ◽  
Bhat Nagaraj ◽  
Shubhasri B.

The growth of any country or society depends on the number of youth dwelling in that country but according to recent statistical data we soon will have older people more than children and more people at extreme old age than ever before. The number of people aged 65 or older is projected to grow from an estimated 524 million in 2010 to nearly 1.5 billion in 2050. Geriatrics (Jarachikitsa) is the branch of medicine dealing exclusively with the problems of aging and the diseases of elderly. The term Rasayana (rejuvination) refers to nourishment or nutrition. Rasayana therapy act essentially on nutrition dynamics and rejuvenate the body on both physical and mental levels. The problems of health due to modernization can be solved by increasing resistance against diseases and psychological improvement by implementing Rasayana therapy. Aging (Jara) is one among the Swabhavika Vyadhis. Jara Chikitsa is one among the Astanga of Ayurveda which is specifically dedicated for geriatric care. As per estimation, India currently has around 75 million persons over 65 years. By proper administration of Rasayana therapy as preventive tool one can delay Jara Janita Vyadhis to occur. This paper highlights the role of Rasayana in geriatric care.

1976 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 237-245 ◽  
Vivian Clayton ◽  
Willis F. Overton

A study was conducted to examine the role of concrete and formal operations in a young and old population. In addition, the present study explored the relation between operational thought and Cattell's concept of fluid and crystallized intelligence, as well as the role of differential living arrangements in maintaining operational thought. Eighty females from three age groups (18–20 years, 60–70 years and 70–80 years of age) were tested on a series of Piagetian tasks and indices of fluid and crystallized intelligence. The findings supported the notion that age-related performance differences occur in the area of formal operational thought prior to the time they occur in concrete operational thought. Except for the young sample, the operational tasks were found to be unrelated to fluid intelligence at the age levels represented in this study. Living independently as opposed to living in an old age home did not appear to be a significant factor in maintaining operational thought. Discussion focused on the necessity of identifying those factors which influence the developmental course of formal operational thought across the life span.

Vidhi Nagar

In the modern era, it would be like glorifying the media to include every media related to human life from fingernail to fire. It is the medium that has the ancient ideology and values ​​of society as popular with globalization and modern thought stream The society, which is inhabited by the rajas, has also been plunged to the present day, seeing the reach and impact of media in particular, a frazzled Schmimiya state has been born, especially in order to achieve the concept of global global culture of Mishwa. It is from these media that we can see the news of events at the far end of the world, as far as music is concerned, it is possible that we can cope with many ages, ages and lives. When it is achieved in its present form, in the same continuous stream of time, it is infectious, sometimes Pallimat and Sushobhamat are the modern communication mediums in this stream are also pushing it deeper.Achayat Sharangadei has said in his famous book, Song Ratnakaresh आधुमनक काल में मानि जीिन से संबंमधत हर क्षेत्र को नख से मशख तक प्रभामित करने िाले संचार माध्यमों को ममहमादृमंमित करनाए सूरज को मदया मदखाने जैसा होगा द्य यह िह माध्यम है मजसने िैश्वीकरण ि आधुमनक मिचार धारा से लबरेज समाज के सार्थ ही पुरातन मिचारधाराए मान्यताओं ि रीमत ररिाजों से सराबोर समाज को भी तह तक प्रभामित मकया है द्य िततमान समय में संचार माध्यमों कीए मिशेषकर मीमिया की पह ंच और प्रभाि को देखते ह ए ही एक फ्रेज़ श्मीमिया स्टेटश् का जन्म ह आ है द्य मिशेषकर मिश्व के श्ग्लोबल मिलेजश् की पररकल्पना को प्राप्त करने में सबसे महत्िपूणत हार्थए इन्हीं संचार माध्यमों का हैए इन्हीं की बदौलत हम कोसों दूर की क्याए मिश्व के दूरस्र्थ छोर की खबरोंए घटनाओं का उसी पल अिलोकन कर सकते है द्य जहां तक संगीत का सम्बन्ध हैए यह सित मिमदत है मक अनेकों युगोंए कालोंए ि पररमस्तमर्थयों का सामना करते ह ए यह अपने िततमान स्िरुप को प्राप्त ह आ है द्य समय की इसी सतत प्रिामहत धारा में कभी यह संक्रममत ह आए तो कभी पल्लमित ि सुशोमभत द्य इसी धारा क्रम में आधुमनक संचार माध्यम भी इसे गहरे तक प्रभामित कर रहे है द्यआचायत शारंगदेि ने अपने प्रमसद्ध ग्रन्र्थ श्संगीत रत्नाकरश् में कहा है

Vyshnevetska Maryna ◽  

The paper considers the issue of developing aesthetic needs of a future music teacher in the course of professional training. The author defines notions such as culture, aesthetic culture, aesthetic activity as well as explores the essence of the notion of an aesthetic need of a future music teacher. The paper substantiates the role of art and aesthetic activity as the main factor for aesthetic needs development. The study reveals that there is a reason for the interest to human needs since a large number of branches in material and spiritual culture of society depend on defining the nature of needs and trends in their development. The author emphasises that the functioning of all levels of human life requires needs that would meet human development both physically and emotionally, thus, there should be an aesthetic form of activity because it harmoniously combines both spiritual and functional aspects. The paper substantiates the role of art as the main factor for development of aesthetic needs that can be met in various activities, but it is in art that they find the greatest expression. The author supports the idea that art is a special area of human existence and it combines knowledge and communication, intelligence, a sense of morality, and imagination of people. Involvement of a person in art is a necessary condition for development of aesthetic consciousness since elevation of the spirit and actualization of an essential aesthetic force take place during the process of perception, experience and understanding of works of art. Art integrates a dialogue of a person with the world. Considering the concept of an aesthetic need, the author defines it as an internal need to comprehend certain aesthetic values, development of certain skills, because an aesthetic need is based on aesthetic feelings that are embodied in aesthetic tastes and consist of individual selection of those aesthetic phenomena and objects that best suit views and interests of a person. The paper emphasises that an aesthetic need embodies richness and diversity of spirituality of a person who seeks to fulfill their potential in all fullness of life and if a person has a need for personal fulfillment, they will find the strength and ways to do that. It has been proved that an aesthetic need has semantic and aesthetic properties and has an artistic and perceptual nature, which provides an opportunity to obtain pleasure, enjoyment, joy, delight from beauty. It has been established that the process of perception or direct creativity of art are characterized by a combination of a goal and means, where the means develop into the goal, and the goal is the process itself when spiritual, functional and aesthetic needs of the individual are met, i.e. a person reaches a certain level in their activity when they create products and forms of cultural activity that meet more and more of their needs. The paper outlines that an emerging aesthetic need motivates a music teacher to create conditions and means for achieving satisfaction with their own creative activities, because an aesthetic need is a desire of a future music teacher to harmonize the internal and external world as well as development of aesthetic awareness of the world: to perceive and appreciate the beauty, to live and create according to the laws of beauty.

2013 ◽  
pp. 1-9

Severe oxidative stress is a relevant risk factor for major deleterious health-related events in olderpeople and is thought to be an important contributor to age-related disease. Literature has suggested oxidativestress as a therapeutic target for mitigating the biological decline and attenuating the occurrence of adverseclinical events in aged individuals. However, definitive treatments are not known. Regular and moderate physicalactivity has been proposed as possible intervention for slowing age-related decline. This healthy strategy presentsa wide range of beneficial aspects for elderly, from the reduction of morbidity, disability, frailty and mortalityrates to treatment of many age-related disorders. Importantly, the global benefits on health are not shared by anyother strategies. Nevertheless, the physiological basis by which exercise produces its benefits to the organism isnot fully understood. This review summarizes the evidence for the role of physical activity as potential healthyintervention for mitigating the negative aspects of aging through the modulation of the oxidative mechanisms.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 264-279

Cellular phones are taking a very important role in our day to day life. Communication is an essential aspect in human life and the role of cell phones has become a very important part in these days.In recent years, the number of mobile phones in the world had been increased at an exponential rate.The reasons for this are numerous, however lower prices and the availability of new technology mean that even the younger ones now own and regularly use mobile phones. Moreover, it has the capability to keeps in touch with family and friends from faraway places; these days due to the development of advanced technologies cell phones are not accomplished only for receiving and talking phone calls, but can also stores important data, takings cameras, stores songs etc.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
Iskander Abbasi

New York's twin tower bombings, popularly referred to as 9/11, are regarded as a watershed period in world affairs. It happened at the cusp of the new century and its impact, since then, has been enormous, for it radically changed many aspects of human life. Both the print and the electronic media were pivotal in these changes. Besides shaping the way that communities perceive others, it also influenced the manner in which communities are dealing with one another. Since a radical Muslim group was blamed for this dastardly deed and since Muslims were implicated for this reprehensible act, the secular media expectedly placed the Muslims - in majority and minority settings - around the world under the spotlight. The media's negative portrayal and reporting about Muslims did not only contribute towards a tendentious relationship between the media and the Muslims but it also contributed towards the spread of Islamophobia. This thus caused Muslims in both majority and minority settings to adopt a skeptical view of the role of the secular media. Considering these developments, this essay's focus turns to the South African print media that reported and analyzed their reporting of this event during that period. Since it is beyond this essay's scope to look at all the country' s daily and weekly tabloids, it restricted itself to two widely circulated South African weekly newspapers, namely the Sunday Times and Mail & Guardian. It first describes and discusses their front-page reports as they captured the tragic 9/11 event, before it reflects on their editorials -columns providing one with insights into the respective editors' understanding of this event and their perceptions of Muslims nationally and globally. Being a purely textual study, it conceptualizes Islamophobia as the essay's conceptual frame.

I. I. Blauberg

Marcel Proust’s works contain a lot of ideas consonant with the ideas that were actively discussed by philosophers of his time. Many philosophers focused on the issues of perception, memory, will, freedom, personal identity, etc., which constituted an important part of academic curriculum. Proust familiarized himself with the issues studying philosophy at the Lyceum (he was taught by Alphonse Darlu) and at the Sorbonne. In his novel In Search of Lost Time, Proust describes an existential experience of his character viewing these issues from a particular perspective, through the prism of the main character’s lifelong search of his calling. He gradually proceeds from philosophical psychology exploring the interaction of memories and impressions in a particular perception, to philosophy proper, to metaphysics aimed at understanding the truth, at going beyond time. The article traces some moments of this transition, shows that for Proust it is not just the work of memory that is important but the emphasis on those states of consciousness where the present and the past coincide, merge, and thereby we go beyond time, to eternity. The author analyzes some images and signs that accompanied the character of the novel on the way to the realization of his calling. Particular attention is paid to the Proustian interpretation of the role of art in changing and enriching the perception of the world, as well as the importance in human life of a habit in which positive and negative aspects are highlighted. Proust himself believed that a work of art is an optical instrument through which the readers begin to discern in themselves what they would otherwise fail to see. His own novel was such an instrument.

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