scholarly journals Religious Fundamentalism as the Predictor of Secondary Students’ Obedience to Authority During Pandemic

2021 ◽  
Tutut Chusniyah ◽  
Nila Rosa Pratiwi ◽  
Jainul Mukhaimin Nurofik ◽  
Ahmad Shodiq

This study aims to evaluate the levels of SMPN 1 Ambulu Jember ( Junior High School 1 of Ambulu, Jember Regency) students’ obedience to authority, ascertain the levels of religious fundamentalism of the SMPN 1 Ambulu Jember students, and determine whether religious fundamentalism affects students’ obedience to authority. This study is quantitative predictive research, employing descriptive analysis and linear regression on the population of SMPN 1 Ambulu Jember students. The subjects were 139 students, chosen using proportional random sampling and simple random sampling. As for the instrumentals, the study used Obedient-Disobedient Tendency Scale with a reliability of 0.911 and Religious Fundamentalism Scale with a reliability of 0,758. The findings demonstrated that 52% of the subjects possess a low level of obedience to authority, whereas 55% of them have a high level of religious fundamentalism. The R-value obtained by the variable of hardiness on the variable of happiness was quite significant, namely 0.825. The R-square value of 0.680 also indicated that religious fundamentalism played a role in obedience to authority for 68% and 32% while having other factors as well. The significance value of 0.00 < 0.05 means that the research hypothesis is accepted. Keywords: religious fundamentalism, obedience, students

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-112
Achmad Karim ◽  
Ikadarny Ikadarny

This research is a descriptive study using a correlational research design. The population is all students of SMA Negeri 14 Gowa. The sample used was 30 students. The sampling technique was simple random sampling. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis, pearson product moment correlation coefficient analysis (r), and the results of multiple correlation analysis (R) at the significant level α = 0.05. The results showed that; (1) There is a significant contribution of eye-hand coordination to the low pass ability of the Student volleyball game, with an r value of 0.711 (Pvalue ˂ α 0.05); (2) There is a significant contribution of arm muscle strength to the low pass ability in the student volleyball game, with an r value of 0.713 (Pvalue ˂ α 0.05); (3) There is a significant contribution of flexibility to the low pass ability in the student volleyball game, with an r value of 0.706 (Pvalue ˂ α 0.05); (4) There is a significant contribution of eye-hand coordination, arm muscle strength and flexibility together to the low pass ability in the student volleyball game, with an Rcount value of 0.846 (Pvalue ˂ α 0.05); and the value of Fcount (F) of 21,857.Keywords: hand-eye coordination, arm muscle strength, flexibility, low pass ability.AbstrakPenelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif yang menggunakan rancangan penelitian ”korelasional”. Populasinya adalah keseluruhan Siswa SMA Negeri 14 Gowa. Sampel yang digunakan adalah sebanyak 30 orang. Teknik penentuan sampel adalah dengan pemilihan secara acak (simple random sampling). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, analisis koefisien korelasi pearson product moment (r), dan hasil analisis korelasi ganda (R) pada taraf signifikan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; (1) Ada kontribusi yang signifikan antara koordinasi mata tangan terhadap kemampuan passing bawah pada permainan bola voli, dengan nilai r sebesar 0,711 (Pvalue ˂ α 0,05); (2) Ada kontribusi yang signifikan antara kekuatan otot lengan terhadap kemampuan passing bawah pada permainan bola voli, dengan nilai r sebesar 0,713 (Pvalue ˂ α 0,05); (3) Ada kontribusi yang signifikan antara kelentukan terhadap kemampuan passing bawah pada permainan bola voli, dengan nilai r sebesar 0,706 (Pvalue ˂ α 0,05); (4) Ada kontribusi yang signifikan antara koordinasi mata tangan, kekuatan otot lengan dan kelentukan secara bersama-sama terhadap kemampuan passing bawah pada permainan bola voli Siswa SMA Negeri 14 Gowa. dengan nilai Rhitung  sebesar 0,846 (Pvalue ˂ α 0,05); dan nilai Fhitung (F) sebesar 21,857.Kata Kunci: koordinasi mata tangan, kekuatan otot lengan, kelentukan, passing bawah

Abdul Basith ◽  
Rosmaiyadi Rosmaiyadi ◽  
Susan Neni Triani ◽  
Fitri Fitri

The aim of this research is; 1) investigating the level of online learning satisfaction among students during COVID 19; 2) analyzing the influence of differences in gender, years of study, major in determining online learning satisfaction among students during COVID 19; 3) to analyze the relationship between online learning satisfaction and student academic achievement during COVID 19. The population was 656 students at STKIP Singkawang, and then a sample of 357 students (87 males and 270 females) was taken using a simple random sampling technique. The instrument in this study was adapted from Aman's Satisfaction instrument, which was then used to collect research data. Data analysis using SPSS with descriptive statistical techniques, MANOVA, and correlation. The results showed that online learning satisfaction was at a high level, meaning that students were satisfied with the online learning that had been implemented. The major differences have a significant effect on determining online learning satisfaction. Intercorrelation shows that there is a significant relationship on each indicator of online learning satisfaction with academic achievement, meaning that the higher the satisfaction felt by students in online learning, the student's academic achievement will increase.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-76
Savitri Septiara Pratiwi ◽  
Ana Setiani ◽  
Novi Andri Nurcahyono

The purpose of this research are : 1) knowing the process of developing interactive with using Adobe Flash CS3 Professional media, 2) knowing the effectiveness of interactive learning with using Adobe Flash CS3 Professional media, 3). knowing the ability of students' mathematical understanding after using the Adobe Flash CS3 Professional media. The type of research is Research and Development (R & D) with One-Group Pretest-Posttest. The research was conducted at Mardi Waluya 2 Sukabumi Junior High School in the 2018/2019 semester event. The writer take the population of this study is on VII class. The sample used simple random sampling and for the instruments used were validation questionnaires media and tests. Data analysis techniques are using the Likert scale for validation questionnaires media, using the T test to determine effectiveness, and N-Gain to determine the increase in students' mathematical understanding skills. Interactive learning media are valued by media experts and material experts, with the results obtained that are valid so that they can be used in learning. The results of the effectiveness test are Thit (8.78)> T table (1,699) with a significant level used which is 5%. With high criteria of N-Gain test results are 75.61. Based on the results of these studies, interactive learning with using Adobe Flash CS3 Professional media can be effective in learning and can improve students' of mathematical understanding skills.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-182
Hairil Akbar Akbar

Program Keluarga Berencana (KB) adalah usaha untuk mengukur jumlah dan jarak anak yang diinginkan, untuk mencapai hal tersebut dibuatlah beberapa cara untuk mencegah ataupun menunda kehamilan, walaupun dalam pelaksanaannya pelayanan KB yang berkualitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan alat kontrasepsi pada pada pasangan usia subur di Desa Lohbener Kabupaten Indramayu.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional, dengan desain penelitian menggunakan cross sectional study. Populasi dalam penelitian yaitu semua wanita Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) yang berusia 15-49 tahun dan berstatus menikah, sedangkan sampel pada penelitian ini sebagian dari wanita Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) yang berusia 15-49 tahun dan berstatus menikah di Desa Lohbener Kabupaten Indramayu. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Simple Random Sampling dan menggunakan uji regresi logistik. Berdasarkan hasil uji regresi logistik, faktor yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan alat kontrasepsi pada ibu PUS di Desa Lohbener Kabupaten Indramayu yaitu dukungan suami (r value = 0,000; CI:4,229-70,362), dan pengetahuan (rvalue = 0,000; CI:3,012-34,233), sedangkan faktor yang tidak berhubungan yaitu status pekerjaan (rvalue = 0,577; CI:0,214-15,902), paritas (r value = 0,319; CI:0,193-1,710), dan akses pelayanan keluarga berencana (r value = 0,984; CI:0,315-3,250) dengan penggunaan alat kontrasepsi pada PUS di Desa Lohbener Kabupaten Indramayu. Diharapkan para ibu PUS dengan usia ≥ 20 tahun untuk lebih memperhatikan kesehatan dengan perencanaan yang baik dalam keluarga seperti mengatur jumlah kelahiran, menjarangkan kehamilan, dan lebih aktif berkonsultasi pada pihak tenaga kesehatan untuk melakukan program KB.   Kata Kunci : , Pengetahuan, Dukungan Suami

Neni Marlina Br Purba ◽  
Dian Efriyenty

Tax reporting is the responsibility of taxpayers after making tax payments. The mismatch between the number of registered taxpayers and the number of taxpayers who report taxes is a separate problem for the government in managing the tax results received. Where the number who report taxes is very small compared to the number of registered taxpayers. Based on these problems, the purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence individual taxpayer reporting compliance. The population used by all individual taxpayers who are registered at KPP Pratama Batam Selatan. While the sample was taken through simple random sampling technique with the Slovin formula so that the sample used was 100 respondents. Data analysis techniques are data instrument test, classical assumptions, descriptive analysis and hypothesis testing with the help of SPSS. The results obtained, partially the application of e-filling and tax sanctions has a significant effect on tax reporting compliance while tax awareness and understanding have no significant effect. The f test results show that all the independent variables simultaneously have a significant effect on the dependent variable.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Neti Karnati ◽  
Adjat Wiratma

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasional dan efikasi diri terhadap kepuasan kerja guru di SMP Yayasan Budi Mulia Lourdes Jakarta. Metodologi penelitian adalah survei yang dipilih dengan teknik simple random sampling. Analisis dan interpretasi data menunjukkan bahwa (1) kepemimpinan transformasional berpengaruh positif langsung terhadap kepuasan kerja, (2) efikasi diri berpengaruh langsung positif terhadap kepuasan kerja, (3) kepemimpinan transformasional berpengaruh positif langsung terhadap efikasi diri.KATA KUNCI: efikasi diri, kepemimpinan transformasional, kepuasan kerja.  THE EFFECT OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND SELF EFFICACY OF THE JOB SATISFACTION TEACHERABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to determine the effect of transformational leadership and self efficacy of the job satisfaction teacher in Junior High School of Budi Mulia Lourdes Jakarta.The research methodology was survey which was selected by simple random sampling technique. Analysis and interpretation of the data indicates that (1) transformational leadership of a positive direct effect on job satisfaction, (2) self efficacy positive direct effect on job satisfaction, (3) transformational leadership positive direct effect on the self efficacy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-118
Evi Mafriningsianti

This research objective to determine the satisfaction, discipline, and motivation of employees of PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi Bekasi, and also to determine satisfaction and discipline of influence on work motivation the employee of PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi Bekasi. There are 90 employees of PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi Bekasi as a sample in this study. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling techniques. Observation and questionnaire methods are used in collecting the data. The data analysis technique uses multiple regression analysis with the SPSS program. The results of the descriptive analysis show the good realization of job satisfaction (average score 3.63) and employee work discipline (average score 3.61) so that it has a positive impact on employee work motivation (average score 3.57). These results are supported by Bekasi Tirta Bhagasasi PDAM data in 2018 which obtained a level of realization of workforce satisfaction of 61.38% (sufficient category), the value of realization of employee work discipline at 5.80% (sufficient category), and the level of realization of labor motivation of 60.71% (sufficient category). t value calculated job satisfaction (b1) = 9,133 with a significance of 0,000 (<= 0.05) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that job satisfaction has a significant effect on the work motivation of PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi Bekasi employees. T value is calculated work discipline (b2) = 5.535 with a significance of 0,000 (<= 0.05) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that work discipline has a significant effect on the work motivation of PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi Bekasi employees.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Makkarennu Makkarennu ◽  
Muhammad Fikri Rum ◽  
Ridwan Ridwan

Palm sugar as one of product of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) which contributes to communities living in and around forests. However, the use and processing of products is still tradistional managed so as to produce results that have not been maximized. This study aims to analyses the income of palm sugar product for farmer groups who living in and around forest. The location of the study was in forest farmer groups in Labuaja Village, Cenrana Sub-District, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi. Sampling was carried out on each farmer group consisting of 10 people in three farmer groups with the number of respondents as many as 30 people conducted by simple random sampling. Data analysis was carried out through qualitative descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis. The results showed that the income of each farmer palm sugar per year was Rp. 9,562,012.Key words: forest farmer group; fixed cost; income analysis; palm sugar; variabel cost

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-97
Susi Irianti ◽  
Sahiroh Sahiroh

Teenagers are periods that are considered vulnerable from a nutritional perspective for several reasons. First, in terms of increasing the need for nutrients because of physical growth and rapid development. One of the problems of nutrition and health of young women is anemia. The purpose of this study was to determine the picture of the factors that consume blood-added tablets in Class VIII female adolescents in junior high school 1 Ciruas in 2019. The type of research was descriptive, the simple random sampling technique was 100 respondents. The results of the study of young women who consumed tablets plus 80 people 80%, and, positive attitudes 87 people (87%), received teacher support 69 people (69%), received support from parents of 73 people (73%).   Keywords:Anemia, Fe, Blood Added Tablets ABSTRAK   Remaja adalah periode yang dianggap rentan dari sudut pandang gizi karena beberapa alasan. Pertama, dari sisi bertambahnya kebutuhan zat gizi karena pertumbuhan dan perkembangan fisik yang sangat cepat. Salah satu masalah gizi dan kesehatan remaja putri adalah anemia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran faktor konsumsi tablet tambah darah pada remaja putri kelas VIII di SMP Negri 1 Ciruas Tahun 2019. Jenis Penelitian deskriptif, teknik pengambilan sampel simple random sampling sebanyak 100 responden. Hasil penelitian remaja putri yang konsumsi tablet tambah darah 80 orangg 80%, dan, sikap positif 87 orang (87%), mendapatkan dukungan guru 69 orang (69%), mendapatkan dukungan orang tua 73 orang (73%).   Kata Kunci: Anemia, Fe, Tablet Tambah Darah

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 142
Dean May Julian ◽  
Baginda Simaibang ◽  
Mulyadi Mulyadi

This thesis was concerned with the inquiry on the correlations among learning motivation, self-confidence, and writing ability of the seventh grade students at State Junior High School of Lubai Ulu Sub-District of Muaraenim Regency. The problem of the study was to investigate the correlation among students’ learning motivation, self-confidence, and writing ability. The total number of the population were 474 students. The sample for this study was 83 students taken through a simple random sampling technique. Data were collected by adopting a questionnaire for learning motivation, self-confidence, and test for writing ability. Data were analyzed by using r-Product Moment and Multiple Regression. Finding showed that: (1) there was significant correlation between learning motivation and writing ability; (2) there was not any significant correlation between self-confidence and writing ability; (3) there was not any significant correlation between learning motivation and self-confidence; (4) there were significant correlations among learning motivation, self-confidence, and writing ability of seventh grade-students at state Junior High School of Lubai Ulu Muaraenim.

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