scholarly journals Os professores de engenharia no Brasil e em Portugal

Sandra Terezinha Urbanetz ◽  
Maria Amélia da Costa Lopes

Há muito que se discute o modelo mais adequado para um sistema de ensino que contemple as demandas sociais ocorridas em razão das mudanças no mundo do trabalho, no qual a exigência de conhecimento científico, tecnológico e sócio-histórico se faz presente de forma cada vez mais intensa. Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa desenvolvida com o objetivo de evidenciar a trajetória de constituição docente dos engenheiros, ou seja, identificar como os engenheiros tornam-se professores, bem como discutir o papel da formação pedagógica na constituição desses docentes. Para tanto foram realizadas entrevistas com professores de um curso de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores em Portugal e de um curso de Engenharia Eletrônica no Brasil, com vista a dar conta do itinerário formativo e das características de percurso desses profissionais. Foram considerados os aspectos de motivação para ingresso na carreira docente, as mudanças, dificuldades e possibilidades encontradas nesse percurso, a formação pedagógica necessária e o sentimento de realização profissional. Os resultados indicam que os professores se sentem plenamente realizados profissionalmente, abertos a uma constante melhoria pedagógica, e que a formação pedagógica necessária ao desenvolvimento das atividades educativas estão vinculadas a demandas institucionais e pessoais dos professores. Palavras-chave: Formação de professores; itinerário formativo; engenharia.ENGINEERING TEACHERS IN BRAZIL AND PORTUGALABSTRACTThere has been a discussion for a long time about the most adequate model for a teaching system that looks on the social demands that have occurred due to changes in the working world, in which the demand for scientific, technological and socio-historical knowledge is increasingly present in an intensive manner. This article presents a research developed with the objective of showing the trajectory of engineering teachers’ training, that is, to identify how engineers become teachers, as well as to discuss the role of the pedagogical training in the formation of these teachers. For this purpose, interviews were conducted with teachers from a master’s degree integrated with Electronic and Computing Engineering in Portugal and an Electronic Engineering course in Brazil, in order to account for the training itinerary and the trajectory characteristics of these professionals. The motivation aspects to enter the teaching career, the changes, difficulties and possibilities found in this course, the necessary pedagogical training and the feeling of professional fulfillment were considered. The results indicate that teachers feel completely fulfilled professionally, open to a constant pedagogical improvement, and that the pedagogical training necessary for the development of educational activities are linked to the institutional and personal demands of teachers.Keywords: Teachers’ training; training itinerary; engineeringLOS PROFESORES DE INGENERÍA EN BRASIL Y EN PORTUGALRESUMEN Hace mucho que se discute el modelo más adecuado para un sistema de enseñanza que contemple las demandas sociales ocurridas en razón de los cambios en el mundo del trabajo, en el cual la exigencia de conocimiento científico, tecnológico y socio-histórico se hace presente de forma cada vez más intensa. Este artículo presenta una investigación desarrollada con el objetivo de evidenciar la trayectoria de constitución docente de los ingenieros, o sea, identificar como los ingenieros se vuelven profesores, así como discutir el papel de la formación pedagógica en la constitución de esos docentes. Para ese fin fueron realizadas entrevistas con profesores de un curso de maestría integrado en Ingeniería Electrotécnica y de Ordenadores en Portugal y de un curso de Ingeniería Electrónica en Brasil, con vista a tomar en cuenta el itinerario formativo y las características del recorrido de esos profesionales. Fueron considerados los aspectos de motivación para ingreso en la carrera docente, los cambios, dificultades y posibilidades encontradas en ese recorrido, la formación pedagógica necesaria y el sentimiento de realización profesional. Los resultados indican que los profesores se sienten plenamente realizados profesionalmente, abiertos a una constante mejoría pedagógica, y que la formación pedagógica necesaria al desarrollo de las actividades educativas están vinculadas a demandas institucionales y personales de los profesores. Palabras clave: Formación de profesores; itinerario formativo; ingeniería

2021 ◽  
pp. 17-38
Javier Aranzadi del Cerro

In this article, I approach the role of the firm as a social institution. I will do this by studying the firm from the personal interrelations that make it a social process. In this perspective, the social responsibility of the firm consists of enhancing the entrepreneurship of its employees. Instead of asking about individual creativity in isolation we should consider how to stimulate creativity in personal action, in entrepreneurial culture and in existing firms. In this view there is not only more welfare as we have more things but also as we have more possibilities for action. And I can venture a criterion of social coordination: Coordination improves if the process of creating culturally transmitted personal possibilities for action in firms is extended. The driving force of this social process is entrepreneurship understood as the deployment of the person’s creative capacity in the reality around her. Key words: Firm, Social Institution Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Ethics, Social coordination. JEL Classification: B53; L20; L26; M14. Resumen: Este artículo presenta el papel de la empresa como institución social. En esta perspectiva, la responsabilidad social de la empresa consiste en fomentar, ampliar y desarrollar la empresarialidad de sus empleados. En lugar de hablar de la creatividad del genio individual deberíamos estudiar cómo estimular la creatividad de las personas dentro de las empresas. De esta manera el bienestar económico no se reduce a la posesión material, sino que el incremento de la riqueza económica se centra en el incremento de posibilidades de acción de las personas. Así, podremos avanzar un criterio de coordinación social. Dicha coordinación mejora si las posibilidades de acción personales ejecutadas en las empresas se amplían. El motor de este proceso social es la empresarialidad entendida como el desarrollo de la ca - pacidad creativa de las personas en el contexto social y cultural en el que viven. Palabras clave: Empresa, Institución Social, Creatividad, Empresarialidad, Ética, Coordinación Social. Clasificación JEL: B53; L20; L26; M14.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 293-321 ◽  
Alda Cristina Silva da Costa ◽  
Thaís Luciana Corrêa Braga ◽  
Ana Caroliny do Nascimento Pinho ◽  
Nathan Nguangu Kabuenge

Os conflitos agrários na Amazônia configuram-se como um grave problema de violência, proveniente da concentração da propriedade da terra, da formação de latifúndios e do assassinato de trabalhadores. O artigo objetiva compreender a construção social da violência pelo Correio do Tocantins, jornal impresso produzido em Marabá, cidade no sudeste do Estado do Pará. Como postura téorico-metodológica, recorreu-se à hermenêutica de profundidade (THOMPSON, 2011), que propõe a (re)interpretação de construções simbólicas em contextos socialmente estruturados. A análise de seis notícias publicadas na primeira edição do periódico evidencia a atuação dos pistoleiros como colaboradores da polícia e responsabiliza os migrantes pelos crimes.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Violência; conflitos agrários; Correio do Tocantins; Amazônia paraense; hermenêutica de profundidade.     ABSTRACT Agrarian conflicts in the Amazon are a serious problem of violence, resulting from the concentration of land ownership, of the formation of latifundia and of the murder of workers. The article aims to understand the social construction of violence by Correio do Tocantins, a newspaper produced in Marabá, city in the southeast of the state of Pará. As a theoretical-methodological posture, depth hermeneutics was used (THOMPSON, 2011), which proposes (re)interpretation of symbolic constructions in socially structured contexts. The analysis of six news published in the first edition of the journal highlights the role of the gunmen as police collaborators and makes the migrants responsible for the crimes.   KEYWORDS: Violence; agrarian conflicts; Correio do Tocantins; Pará Amazon; depth hermeneutics.     RESUMEN Los conflictos agrarios en la Amazonía se configuran como un grave problema de violencia, proveniente de la concentración de la propiedad de la tierra, de la formación de latifundios y del asesinato de trabajadores. El artículo tiene como objetivo comprender la construcción social de la violencia a partir del Correio do Tocantins, periódico impreso en la ciudad de Marabá, ubicada en el sudeste del Estado de Pará. Como postura teórica-metodológica, se recurrió a la hermenéutica de profundidad (THOMPSON, 2011), que propone la (re)interpretación de construcciones simbólicas en contextos socialmente estructurados. El análisis de seis noticias publicadas en la primera edición del periódico evidencia la actuación de sicarios como colaboradores de la policía y responsabiliza a los migrantes por los crímenes.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Violencia; conflictos agrarios; Correio do Tocantins; Amazonía paraense; hermenéutica de profundidad.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-163
T. A. Vorotnikova

A protest wave which began in 2019 has swept across many Latin American countries. The Multinational State of Bolivia, where rapid destabilization of political situation has led to a serious internal crisis, was no exception. The paper examines the prospects for conflict resolution in Bolivia through the lens of the ‘divided society’ concept. The first section identifies the key fault lines in Bolivia including ethnic, cultural, and civilizational differences, economic disproportions, and high levels of social and political polarization. The author shows how the regime of Evo Morales managed to reach an internal balance and maintain it for quite a long time through complex balancing, concessions, and compromises. The second section identifies the causes behind the 2019 crisis. These include miscalculations of the government which has revealed general instability of the country’s political system and threatened to erode democratic institutions; changes in electoral behavior of the population; the increasing role of the armed forces. The author links the possibilities to overcome these challenges faced by Bolivia with the expansion of the social protection in conjunction with the principle of consociationalism, but stresses that even so the consolidation of the Bolivian society will be a time-consuming process.

Ramon Taniguchi Piretti Brandão

BRAZIL AND THE BELIEF IN A FUTURE THAT NEVER TAKES PLACE: reflections about the forms of recognition of the Brazilian guyEL BRASIL Y LA CRENZA EN UN FUTURO QUE NUNCA SE REALIZA: reflexiones sobre las formas de reconocimiento del sujeto brasileñoO presente artigo trata das formas de reconhecimento através das quais o sujeito brasileiro se reconhece. Dentre os elementos que compõem essas formas, está a memória e o imaginário nacional. Veremos que, no Brasil, os mitos nacionais não ajudam a organizar, não têm um papel organizador da sociedade (como em outros países), mas, antes, são instrumentos de autoilusão. O drama do país, assim, jaz no contraste entre imaginário (ou sonho) e realidade. Entre aspiração (aquilo que gostaríamos de ser) e realização (aquilo que somos na prática). Ainda veremos que o aspecto social está totalmente desvinculado do aspecto político no Brasil (ao contrário do que vemos em países desenvolvidos).Palavras-chave: Brasil; Reconhecimento; História; Memória Nacional.ABSTRACTThis article deals with the forms of recognition through which the brazilian subject is recognized. Among the elements that make up these forms, they are memory and the national imagination. We see that in Brazil, the national myths do not help to organize, do not have an organizing role of society (as in other countries), but rather are self-delusion instruments. The country’s drama thus lies in the contrast between imaginary (or dream) and reality. Between aspiration (what we would like to be) and realization (what we are in practice). We will see that the social aspect is completely detached from the political aspect in Brazil (unlike what we see in developed countries).Keywords: Brazil; Recognition; History; National Memory.RESUMENEl presente artículo trata de las formas de reconocimiento a través de las cuales el sujeto brasileño se reconoce. Entre los elementos que componen esas formas, está la memoria y el imaginario nacional. Veremos que, en Brasil, los mitos nacionales no ayudan a organizar, no tienen un papel organizador de la sociedad (como en otros países), pero, antes, son instrumentos de auto ilusión. El drama del país, así, yace en el contraste entre imaginario (o sueño) y realidad. Entre aspiración (lo que nos gustaría ser) y realización (lo que somos en la práctica). Aún veremos que el aspecto social está totalmente desvinculado del aspecto político en Brasil (al contrario de lo que vemos en países desarrollados).Palabras clave: Brasil; Reconocimiento; Historia; Memoria Nacional.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-29
Wanda C. Rodríguez Arocho

Desde su formulación original hasta el presente el enfoque histórico-cultural asociado con el trabajo seminal de L.S. Vygotski sobre el origen y desarrollo de las funciones metales superiores ha guardado una estrecha relación con la educación. El propósito de este escrito es examinar el estado actual de esa relación en función de un movimiento revisionista que actualmente hace énfasis en aspectos ignorados o minimizados en las interpretaciones dominantes de la obra de Vygotski. Entre estos aspectos destacan el rol de las emociones, la subjetividad, la situación social del desarrollo, la vivencia y la conciencia en los procesos educativos. Mediante el análisis de textos que se inscriben en ese movimiento revisionista se documenta que éste ha impulsado reflexión crítica en torno a algunos conceptos vygotskianos claves en el área educativa, como es el caso de la zona de desarrollo próximo. Se documenta también que ha propiciado propuestas y prácticas innovadoras como los fondos de conocimiento y los fondos de identidad. Tras la discusión de estas nuevas consideraciones y prácticas, se examina su pertinencia para la educación contemporánea y la formación docente. Se concluye que los desarrollos contemporáneos en el enfoque histórico-cultural pueden contribuir a una educación que responda más efectivamente a las demandas que las transformaciones históricas, sociales y culturales actuales han impuesto sobre ella. Palabras clave: Enfoque histórico-cultural. Vygotski. Educación. Revolución revisionista.AbstractFrom its original formulation to the present, the cultural-historical approach associated with the seminal work of L.S. Vygotsky on the origin and development of higher metal functions has been closely related to education. The purpose of this writing is to examine the current state of this relationship in function of a revisionist movement that currently emphasizes ignored or minimized aspects in the dominant interpretations of Vygotsky's work. Among these aspects, the role of emotions, subjectivity, the social situation of development, experience and awareness in educational processes stand out. Through the analysis of texts that subscribe that revisionist movement, it is documented that it has promoted critical reflection about some key Vygotskian concepts in the educational area, such as the zone of proximal development. It is also documented that it has fostered innovative proposals and practices such as knowledge funds and identity funds. After discussion of these new considerations and practices, their relevance to contemporary education and teacher training is examined. It is concluded that contemporary developments in the cultural-historical approach can contribute to an education that responds more effectively to the demands that current historical, social and cultural transformations have imposed on it.Keywords: Cultural-Historical Approach. Vygotsky. Education. Revisionist Revolution.ResumoDesde sua formulação original até o presente, a abordagem histórico-cultural associada ao trabalho seminal de L.S. Vygotski sobre a origem e desenvolvimento das funções mentais superiores tem estado intimamente relacionada à educação. O objetivo deste trabalho é examinar o estado atual dessa relação em termos de um movimento revisionista que atualmente enfatiza aspectos ignorados ou minimizados nas interpretações dominantes do trabalho de Vygotski. Estes aspectos incluem o papel das emoções, da subjetividade, da situação social do desenvolvimento, da experiência e da consciência nos processos educativos. Através da análise dos textos que fazem parte desse movimento revisionista, documenta-se que ele tem promovido uma reflexão crítica sobre alguns conceitos vygotskianos chave na área educacional, como é o caso da zona de desenvolvimento próximo. Também está documentado que tem fomentado propostas e práticas inovadoras, como fundos de conhecimento e fundos de identidade. Após a discussão destas novas considerações e práticas, examina-se a sua relevância para a educação contemporânea e para a formação de professores. O estudo conclui que a evolução contemporânea na abordagem histórico-cultural pode contribuir para uma educação que responda mais efetivamente às demandas que as transformações históricas, sociais e culturais atuais lhe impuseram.Palavras-chave: Abordagem histórico-cultural. Vygotsky. Educação. Revolução Revisionista.

José Escobedo Rivera

<p>La presente investigación se realiza bajo el paradigma Empirista “<em>EMIC</em>” -investigación cualitativa-, que nos servirá, como metodología de las Ciencias Sociales, para conocer las razones que tuvieron los migrantes de América Latina y el Caribe, que radicaron en un país de acogida del Norte Desarrollado, para retornar a su país de origen diciéndole “Adiós” a la tierra prometida a través de la versión dada por ellos mismos en sus <em>Crónicas de Vida</em>. La comprensión de estos relatos testimoniales que los migrantes vertieron, como sujetos en la construcción de la realidad social, fueron concebidos como actos reflexivos. Nos hemos propuesto los siguientes objetivos con el propósito de conocer los motivos que llevaron al migrante a tomar esta decisión de volver a su país de origen, toda vez que dichos relatos implican una intencionalidad que reivindica el papel del sujeto en la construcción de la realidad social: <strong><em>a) </em></strong>conocer el retorno del migrante por <em>motivos</em> <em>deseados</em>, y <strong><em>b)</em></strong> conocer el retorno del migrante por <em>motivos ajenos a su voluntad. </em></p><p> </p><p><strong>Palabras-clave:</strong> paradigma, motivos, acción social, migración de retorno, primer mundo, Latinoamérica.<strong></strong></p><p class="paragraph">  </p><p class="paragraph"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p class="paragraph">The present research is carried out under the Empiric paradigm "<em>EMIC</em>" - qualitative research -, which will serve as a methodology of the Social Sciences, to know the reasons that had migrants from Latin America and the Caribbean, who settled in a host country of the developed North, for returning to their country of origin saying "Goodbye" to the promised land through the version given by themselves in their <em>Chronicles of Life</em>. The understanding of these testimonies that migrants offered, as subjects in the construction of social reality, were conceived as reflective acts. We have proposed the following objectives with the purpose of knowing the reasons that led migrants to make this decision of returning to their country of origin, since these stories imply an intentionality that claims the role of the subject in the construction of social reality: <strong><em>a</em>)</strong> to know the return of the migrants for <em>desired motives</em>, and <strong><em>b</em>)</strong> to know the return of the migrants for <em>motives beyond their control</em>.</p><p class="paragraph"> </p><p class="paragraph"><strong>Keywords:</strong> paradigm, motives, social action, returning migration, first world, Latin America.</p>

Josefina Abara

Resumen: Este artículo surge de una experiencia y reflexión personal como artista y profesora en formación, que plantea la crisis cultural y educativa en Chile como el contexto donde opera el sistema tanto artístico como educacional, y que ante la emergencia cultural, desde el rol social del artista surge la necesidad de educar como la única solución. A raíz de esto, posteriormente se aborda el límite difuso entre el rol del artista y el rol del educador estableciendo un  paralelo de factores que constituyen una metodología compartida en el modo de operar de ambos roles, que reflexiona en torno al constante diálogo y tránsito entre estos quehaceres. Finalmente se exponen las fortalezas y debilidades de ambas disciplinas que confirman la interdependencia de los roles en virtud de la misión social compartida. Palabras clave: artista, educador, cultura, pedagogía, rol social, metodología compartida. Abstract: This article arises from a personal experience and reflection as an artist and professor in formation, which considers the cultural and educational crisis as the context where artistic and educationalsystemdeploys, and under the cultural emergency, from the social role of the artist appears the necessity to educate as the only solution. Subsequently approaches the unclear boundaries between the artist and educator social roles, settling a parallel of factors which shows a shared methodology in the way both positions acts, reflecting about the constant dialogue and transition between these roles. Finally considers the virtues and weakness of both disciplines confirming the interdependance of the roles towards the social mission they have in common. Keywords:artist, educator, culture, pedagogy, social role, shared methodology.

Rosa Durá Celma

Resumen: Este artículo pone de relieve el enfoque que el psicoanálisis lacaniano adopta frente a la anorexia nerviosa. Desde una perspectiva clínica y teórica, describe sumariamente la consideración de dicho síntoma, distinguiendo su manifestación en las diferentes estructuras clínicas. El núcleo de esta parte del trabajo lo constituye la anorexia en la neurosis, mostrando que la anorexia se encuentra en estrecha relación con el deseo y, por consiguiente, con la demanda del Otro y la castración. Asimismo, el trabajo abunda en mostrar cómo no solo el Otro primordial y la elección del sujeto son decisivos en la aparición del síntoma, sino también cómo el Otro social supone un papel agente en tanto que, el discurso social contemporáneo empuja a los sujetos a una satisfacción inmediata que él mismo alimenta con los objetos de consumo. Palabras clave: anorexia, psicoanálisis lacaniano, discurso capitalista, objetos plus de goce. Abstract: This article highlights the approach that Lacanian psychoanalysis adopts towards anorexia. From a clinical and theoretical perspective, it summarily describes the consideration of that symptom, distinguishing its manifestation in the different clinical structures. The article show that anorexia is closely related to desire and, therefore, to the demand of the Other and castration. Likewise, the article reflects on the agent role of the social Other in the emergence of anorexia, as it pushes the subjects to an immediate satisfaction with objects of consumption.. Keywords: anorexia, lacanian psychoanalysis, capitalist discourse, plus object of enjoyment.

Diogenes ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
Nikolay Alexandrov ◽  

This article is devoted to German neoliberalism, which differs from the other national schools of the doctrine in question on the large scientific-theoretical array and the scientific-political science inherent in German social philosophers, which deals with the legal, economic and legal-political issues of democracy, market economy and the role of the state in a free society. One important feature of German neoliberalism, which emerges in the German universities, is emphasized, and besides being the most complex of all the national schools of neoliberalism and with the greatest number of theorists, it has for a long time maintained its objectivity and position on common sense, protecting the interests of all citizens, regardless of their property and social status. It also emphasizes that emblematic feature of German neoliberalism, according to which this national school does not deny the role of the state in social and economic life, but affirms it.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Yusuf Fadli

This article describes how the relationship between Islam, women and politics of post-new order. especially how women’s movement of Nahdlatul Ulama involvement in the fight for gender equality which is based on Islamic values. Post-reformation era, the women movement of NU stepped in into political realm to improve the social condition of women which had been marginalized for a long time. Based on this background, this study focuses the women movement in NU and the partaicipation of NU women in Indonesian politics. The aim of this study is to examine the background of NU women, to discover factors that encourage them to support the idea of genderequality and to assess the role of NU women in Indonesian politics. This study applies the qualitative approach in collecting secondary sources with a descriptive analysis. This study also uses Political Partaicipation theory and Feminism concept. The findings show that the women of NU has successfully improved the women representatives in politics, especially in DPR RI (parliament). Yet, they are still struggling in improving the condition of women as a whole, because it’s a process that needs time and patience. Hopefully, this study gives a good contribution to student, community and government who are interested in the study of women movement of NU in the post-1998 reformation politics. Furthermore, this study helps the government to determine its policy in Indonesia, partaicularly in integrating women into development.Keywords : Islam, Women, Politics, New Order, NU, Feminism

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