scholarly journals Entrevista com a Professora Maria Eliete Santiago

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 700
Marinaide Freitas ◽  
Luís Alcoforado ◽  
Edinólia Lima Portela

Esta entrevista foi concedida com exclusividade pela professora e pesquisadora doutora Maria Eliete Santiago à Revista Educação e Emancipação para o Dossiê EDUCAÇÃO DE PESSOAS JOVENS E ADULTAS: SUJEITOS, CULTURAS E PRÁTICAS EDUCATIVAS”, comemorativo dos 100 anos de nascimento do educador Paulo Freire. A entrevistada é pernambucana como o educador e além de ter sido sua aluna e orientanda, teve o privilégio de uma convivência pessoal de amizade que permaneceu por muitos anos, enquanto Paulo Freire partiu deste plano terrestre imortalizando-se por meio do legado que deixou.  A professora Eliete Santigo, como assim é conhecida, tem mestrado em Educação e Currículo pela PUC/SP e doutorado em Educação pela Universidade de Paris V - Rene Descarte. É professora titular da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Centro de Educação, vinculada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Coordenadora da Cátedra Paulo Freire da UFPE, sócia fundadora do Centro Paulo Freire – estudos e pesquisas, integra a Rede Freireana de Pesquisadores e desenvolve estudos sobre formação de professores e prática pedagógica, questões étnico-raciais e pedagogia freireana.Palavras-chave: Compreensão de mundo; Justiça social; Humanização.ABSTRACTThis interview was given exclusively by professor and doctoral researcher Maria Eliete Santiago to the magazine Educação e Emancipação for the Dossier "EDUCATION OF YOUNG AND ADULT PEOPLE: SUBJECTS, CULTURES AND EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES", commemorating the 100th anniversary of Paulo Freire's birth. The interviewee is from Pernambuco, as was the educator, and besides being his student and advisor, had the privilege of a personal friendship that lasted for many years, while Paulo Freire left this earthly plane, immortalizing himself through the legacy he left behind.  Professor Eliete Santigo, as she is known, has a master's degree in Education and Curriculum from PUC/SP and a doctorate in Education from the University of Paris V - Rene Descarte. She is a titular professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE, Education Center, linked to the Post-Graduation Program in Education. She is coordinator of the Paulo Freire Chair at UFPE, founding member of the Paulo Freire Center - Studies and Research, member of the Freirean Network of Researchers and develops studies on teacher education and pedagogical practice, ethno-racial issues and Freirean pedagogy.Keywords: Understanding the world; Social justice; Humanization.RESUMENEsta entrevista fue concedida en exclusiva por la profesora e investigadora de doctorado Maria Eliete Santiago a la revista Educação e Emancipação para el Dossier "EDUCACIÓN DE JÓVENES Y ADULTOS: SUJETOS, CULTURAS Y PRÁCTICAS EDUCATIVAS", en conmemoración del centenario del nacimiento del educador Paulo Freire. El entrevistado es de Pernambuco, al igual que el educador, y además de ser su alumno y consejero, tuvo el privilegio de una amistad personal que duró muchos años, mientras Paulo Freire dejaba este plano terrenal, inmortalizándose a través del legado que dejó.  La profesora Eliete Santigo, como es conocida, tiene un máster en Educación y Currículum por la PUC/SP y un doctorado en Educación por la Universidad de París V - René Descarte. Es profesora titular de la Universidad Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Centro de Educación, vinculada al Programa de Postgrado en Educación. Es coordinadora de la Cátedra Paulo Freire de la UFPE, miembro fundador del Centro Paulo Freire - Estudios e Investigaciones, miembro de la Red Freireana de Pesquisadores y desarrolla estudios sobre formación docente y práctica pedagógica, cuestiones étnico-raciales y pedagogía freireana.Palabras clave: Entender el mundo; La justicia social; Humanización.

2003 ◽  
Vol 46 (1-4) ◽  
pp. 17-26 ◽  
Radmila Sajkovic

In this text the author reviews the life and work of Zagorka Micic, famous Serbian woman-philosopher, in honour of the 100th anniversary of her birth. She was one of the first students of Edmund Husserl, and her Ph. D. thesis was among the earliest ones in phaenomenology, which was waking in that time. Her cooperation with Husserl has continued for a decade. After the World War II Zagorka Micic worked as a professor of logic and history of philosophy at the University of Skoplje (now FYRM). Stressing her individual qualities, the paper is full of personal memories and reminiscences of mutual encounters.

2019 ◽  
Vol 125 ◽  
pp. 23001
Yos Johan Utama ◽  
Budi Setiyono ◽  
Jamari ◽  
Mohammad Tauviqirrahman ◽  
Heru Susanto

This paper presents the strategy of Diponegoro University to increase its research productivity towards the world-class university. Bibliometric indicators are employed to characterize the research activities of Diponegoro University, Indonesia with production in the period of 2014-2018 in publications that are indexed in the Scopus database. The number of documents and their comparison with other universities, and productive authors are of particular interest. The results reflect that the university documents improve significantly during the research time frame. In comparison with other top ten universities in Indonesia, for the last five years, Diponegoro University has achieved the fastest rate of publication (up to 471%). However, compared to other universities in neighboring countries, Diponegoro University is still left behind. In addition, it is shown that prolific authors contributing to documents in Scopus are uneven in terms of origin of faculty. Based on these results, a recommendation with respect to the research productivity is discussed in this paper.

2018 ◽  
pp. 141-147
Valentyna Petrykova

The author investigates the organizational measures of modern Ukrainian society on the way of forming an effective system of science in accordance with the requirements of civilization development. Chronological boundaries of the study - the beginning of the nineteenth century until the present. The methodological basis for the study is the theoretical concept of the cyclical development of historical phenomena in relation to the world and local cultural spaces. The research is aimed at the cultural view of the modern problem of the modernization of the institute of science within the historically formed educational and scientific spaces of Ukraine. Taking a public view of the functioning of science in society for Ukraine is to identify it organizationally with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (UAN) was founded on November 1, 1918. The Commission was responsible for the rationale for the creation of the Academy to draft a bill on the founding of the Academy of Sciences in Kyiv. The Commission included representatives of the Ukrainian scientific elite of that time, led by V.I. Vernadsky. The main functions of the UAN were the organization and coordination of the scientific forces of the state. The history of the development of the UAN testifies to the civilization content of the strategy for the development of national science for the entire period of the twentieth century. The beginning of the XXI century declared a new system of relations in the world society. The meaningfulness of such relationships is marked by a new post-industrial society. For Ukraine, the reform of the institute of science after world shifts is becoming urgent. The modern scientific space of Ukraine can be characterized as functioning of the coordinate system "universityacademy". An appeal to the principles of scientific democracy should ensure a balance between the development of science in the university sector and academic institutions. The financial self-determination of universities has an opportunity to actualize scientific research. The University is able today to ensure the development of the humanitarian component of science, which reproduces the traditions of national culture. The academic structure needs to reload the strategy for reforming the material and technical support of research work for the branches of science, which have high ratings in the countries of the world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
Tara Bartlett ◽  
Daniel Schugurensky

This year we remember three centennials that inspire many progressive educators around the world. First, 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the creation of Summerhill, one of the first experiments (if not the first) on school democracy in the world. Second, this year we celebrate the 100th birthday of Edgar Morin, a French sociologist and philosopher who dedicated his life to the pursuit of social justice and made insightful contributions to the role of education to promote democracy, equality, social transformation, and sustainability (see, for instance, Morin 2002). Third, this year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Paulo Freire (1921-1997), one of the most influential educational thinkers of the second half of the 20th century. Given space constraints and the theme of this special issue of CICE, in this paper we will focus on the connections between some of Paulo Freire’s ideas (particularly those related to citizenship education and school democracy) and a process known as School Participatory Budgeting. “I don't want to be followed; I want to be reinvented”, Paulo Freire said on several occasions. It is in this spirit that we approach this paper. Inspired by Freire’s ideas, and especially by his practice as an educator in Brazil (both before his exile and after his return), in this paper we discuss the recent development and expansion of a process known as School Participatory Budgeting (School PB). This model emanates from Freire’s project of Escola Cidadã, which constitutes an interesting school- or district-wide experience from the global south that can be adapted to many contexts. Since its modest origins in Brazil, School PB has now been taken up in other cities and states across the US (e.g. Chicago, New York) and in many other countries across the globe, from Argentina and Mexico to Colombia, Spain, Russia, France, Italy, Zambia, South Korea, and Portugal. We argue that School PB aligns well with Freire’s ideas on dialogue, participation, collaboration, creativity, student agency, and change. In this paper we focus on the experience of School PB in Arizona, not only because it was in Arizona where the first School PB process in the U.S. was designed and implemented, but also because it has been a place for continuous experimentation and innovation.

Julio Emilio Diniz-Pereira ◽  
Jorgelina Ivana Tallei

El objetivo de este artículo es presentar algunos de los resultados de las acciones del programa de formación docente permanente Pedagogía de Frontera desarrollado entre los años 2016 y 2020 por la Universidad Federal de Integración Latinoamericana (UNILA), ofertado para las docentes de la red municipal de enseñanza en la ciudad de Foz de Iguazú, Paraná, Brasil. La metodología adoptada se basa en una perspectiva de investigación acción participativa desde el concepto del sociólogo colombiano Fals Borda. Los datos obtenidos a lo largo de la investigación demostraron que es posible planificar programas de formación docente permanente considerando el contexto trinacional. Las acciones formativas del programa permitieron reflexionar sobre el sentir de la frontera, estar en la frontera y pensar una educación de frontera. Este estudio se apoya en conceptos teóricos de autores como Bell Hooks, Paulo Freire, Orlando Fals Borda, Catherine Walsh, entre otros.

2015 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-122
Anders Holm

Luthertolkningen i 1812-krøniken[The Interpretation of Luther in Grundtvig’s World Chronicle of 1812]By Anders HolmGrundtvig grew up in two Lutheran vicarages. Both homes were characterized by Lutheran orthodoxy but could not ignore the critical thoughts of the Enlightenment. During his studies at the University of Copenhagen Grundtvig was convinced of the truth of the new philosophy of reason. His father’s wish in 1810, however, that he become his curate demanded that he reconsidered the world-view which he thought to have left behind. It all ended in a crisis and a nervous breakdown, which resulted in his return to a faith strongly inspired by Luther.Grundtvig’s book Brief View of the World Chronicle in Context, 1812, aimed to find God in the course of events of world history. His method was to describe and evaluate the past and the present with the Bible as the standard, and he chose to concentrate on Luther and Melanchthon as the principal characters of the Reformation. Luther dismissed everything that was not based upon clear words from scripture as lies and delusions; Melanchthon was a skilful interpreter of Luther’s radical statements, expressing himself distinctly and unequivocally. After the deathof Luther, however, Melanchthon was influenced by Reformed theology. The principal difference between Reformed and Lutheran cultures, Grundtvig claimed, sprung from the fact that Zwingli had emphasized reason whereas Luther wasmore poetically inclined. Accordingly, two cultures with diverging directions developed. The belief in reason and inborn abilities had led the followers of the Reformed Church to social uprising, and their mentality made them oppose people of other opinions. Lutheran believers and supporters on the other hand, Grundtvig conceived of as more obedient to authority. In contrast to the Reformed culture, the Lutherans appreciated elements of beauty in their churches such as art, music and hymn singing.Finally, the assessment of the young Grundtvig as a Lutheran orthodox is discussed, with the result that this view cannot be confirmed. Grundtvig does not show any tendency towards building coherent dogmatics from single biblicalpassages. But the Bible still has a role to play in the judging of the past because, as a whole, it points to the true Christianity in history.

2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 127
Débora Regina Oliveira Santos ◽  
Antonio Amorim ◽  
Alfredo Eurico Da Matta

 Este artigo investiga a percepção de que as Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação trazem uma contribuição para o fazer pedagógico no contexto de Educação de Jovens e Adultos. Queremos saber em que medida o uso das TIC favorece ou não a prática docente da EJA, na rede de ensino do município de Gandu-BA. O objetivo central pretende analisar como as TIC contribuem ou não na formação docente na prática pedagógica da EJA na rede de ensino de Gandu. Pretendemos identificar quais TIC fazem parte da prática pedagógica docente em sala de aula da EJA e elencar as dificuldades encontradas no trabalho do professor da EJA para incorporar as TIC na sua prática pedagógica. A metodologia teve uma abordagem qualitativa, adotando a pesquisa participante enquanto processo procedimental e o questionário para a coleta de informações. Os resultados apontam que o estudo possibilita um suporte teórico necessário ao docente que deseja fortalecer a sua prática educativa em sala de aula. Acreditamos que o uso da tecnologia em sala de aula só terá sentido se ela for utilizada como mediação pedagógica, melhorando o aprendizado dos alunos. Palavras-chave: Formação docente. Tecnologias da informação e comunicação. Prática pedagógica. EJA.EXPERIENCES OF TEACHER TRAINING IN ADULT AND YOUTH EDUCATION, THROUGH THE USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES Abstract: This article investigate the perception that the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) bring a contribution to the pedagogical doing in the context of Youth and Adult Education (YAE). The general objective was to analyze how ICT contribute or not to the teacher training in the pedagogical practice of the EJA in the educational network of the municipality of Gandu. The specific objectives are: to identify which ICT is part of the pedagogical teaching practice in the classroom of the YAE; tô highlight the difficulties encountered in the YAE teacher's praxis in order to incorporate ICT in their pedagogical practice. The problem: to what extent does the use of ICT favor the pedagogical teaching practice of YAE in the teaching network in the municipality of Gandu, Bahia? The methodology had a qualitative approach, adopting the field research regarding the procedural processes and questionnaire for the information collection. The results indicate that the study on technology and pedagogical practice when encouraged in the actions of continuing education of teachers of the YAE. We conclude that the use of technology in the classroom will only make sense if it is used as pedagogical mediation, improving learning.Keywords: Teacher education. Information and communication technologies. Pedagogical practice. EJA.EXPERIENCIAS DE FORMACIÓN DEL PROFESORADO EN EDUCACIÓN DE ADULTOS Y JÓVENES, MEDIANTE EL USO DE TECNOLOGÍAS DE INFORMACIÓN Y COMUNICACIÓN Resumen: Este trabajo investiga la percepción de que las tecnologías de información y comunicación traen una contribución que hacer en el contexto de la enseñanza de adultos y Educación de la juventud. Queremos saber en qué medida el uso de las TIC promueve o no la práctica de la enseñanza de la educación de adultos y jóvenes, la red de educación del municipio de Gandu-Ba. El objetivo central analiza cómo las TIC que contribuyen o no en la formación docente en práctica pedagógica de adultos y Educación de la juventud en la enseñanza de Gandu. Tenemos la intención de identificar que las TIC son parte de la práctica pedagógica en la enseñanza en el aula de Educación de adultos y jóvenes; lista de las dificultades encontradas en el maestro de la Praxis de la EJA para incorporar las TIC en su práctica pedagógica. La metodología fue un enfoque cualitativo, la adopción del investigación participante con respecto a los procesos procesales y cuestionario para la recolección de información. Los resultados muestran que el estudio permite un sustento teórico necesario para el profesor, que desea fortalecer su práctica educativa en el aula. El uso de la tecnología en el aula sólo tendrá sentido si se utiliza como mediación pedagógica, aprendizaje de los estudiantes mejora. Palabras clave: Formación docente. Tecnologías de la información y comunicación. Práctica pedagógica. Educación de adultos y jóvenes. 

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 533-543
Claudio Hinojosa Torres ◽  
Anthony Araya Hernández ◽  
Hugo Vargas Díaz ◽  
Macarena Hurtado Guerrero

  La formación docente es un asunto que ha cobrado importancia en Chile producto de cambios derivados de nuevas políticas emanadas desde el Mineduc, específicamente las contenidas en la ley 20.903, la cual puso como intención mejorar la formación de los futuros profesores generando una serie de cambios que, entre otros, revalorizaron las prácticas en la formación docente, buscando posibilitar la articulación entre lo aprendido en la universidad y lo requerido en el contexto escolar. El presente estudio tiene por objetivo develar los componentes que se precisan para el desempeño de la práctica profesional desde la perspectiva y significado que le otorgan los integrantes de la triada formativa. Se orientó metodológicamente como investigación cualitativa con un diseño fenomenológico, considerando para la recogida de información la entrevista semiestructurada, la que se aplicó a una muestra de participantes que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. Los resultados muestran que los significados se orientan en tres grandes focos: formación docente, práctica pedagógica y triada formativa, los cuales integran una serie de competencias, responsabilidades y acciones que deben ser consideradas para el óptimo desempeño de la práctica profesional en un estudiante de pedagogía en educación física.  Abstract. Teacher training is an issue that has become important in Chile as a result of changes arising from new policies emanating from Mineduc, specifically those contained in Law 20.903, which intended to improve the training of future teachers generating a series of changes that, among others, revalued the practices in teacher training, seeking to enable the articulation between what was learned in the university and what was required in the school context. The purpose of this study is to reveal the components required for the performance of professional practice from the meanings given by tutor teachers, mentoring teachers and pedagogy students in physical education. It was methodologically oriented as qualitative research with a phenomenological design, considering for the collection of information the semi-structured interview, which was applied to a sample of subjects who met the criteria of inclusion. The results show that the meanings are oriented in three main focuses: teacher training, pedagogical practice and training triad, which integrate a series of competencies, responsibilities and actions that must be considered for the optimal performance of professional practice in a student of pedagogy in physical education.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 381-186
Estela Maricela Villalon

ABSTRACTThis article analyses the process of internationalization of one of the regional centers that make up the University Network of University of Guadalajara, the University Center of North. The purpose of this paper is to show the difficulties faced as organization immersed in an adverse regional context. Also the potential as an institution of higher education, whose networks of cooperation and agreements established covering a quarter of countries in the world. After addressing the importance of internationalization, data describing the national and regional context of University Center are provided. Subsequently a review of the actions of internationalization, since its foundation, the institution has implemented outside the Plans and Programs Internationalization of the University of Guadalajara shown. This text concludes with the institutional purposes at international level.RESUMENEn el presente artículo se analiza el proceso de internacionalización de uno de los Centros Regionales que conforman la Red Universitaria de la Universidad de Guadalajara: el Centro Universitario del Norte (CUNorte), desde su creación como Campus en el año 2000 hasta la fecha. El propósito de este trabajo es evidenciar  las dificultades que enfrenta como organización inmersa en un contexto regional adverso; y el potencial que tiene como Institución de Educación Superior, cuyas redes de cooperación  y convenios establecidos abarcan la cuarta parte de países en el mundo. Después de abordar la importancia de la internacionalización, se proporcionan datos que describen el contexto nacional y regional del Centro Universitario. Posteriormente se muestra una revisión de las acciones de internacionalización que, desde su creación, ha implementado la Institución al margen de los Planes y Programas de Internacionalización de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Se concluye con los propósitos institucionales en el ámbito internacional.

1966 ◽  
Vol 05 (03) ◽  
pp. 142-146
A. Kent ◽  
P. J. Vinken

A joint center has been established by the University of Pittsburgh and the Excerpta Medica Foundation. The basic objective of the Center is to seek ways in which the health sciences community may achieve increasingly convenient and economical access to scientific findings. The research center will make use of facilities and resources of both participating institutions. Cooperating from the University of Pittsburgh will be the School of Medicine, the Computation and Data Processing Center, and the Knowledge Availability Systems (KAS) Center. The KAS Center is an interdisciplinary organization engaging in research, operations, and teaching in the information sciences.Excerpta Medica Foundation, which is the largest international medical abstracting service in the world, with offices in Amsterdam, New York, London, Milan, Tokyo and Buenos Aires, will draw on its permanent medical staff of 54 specialists in charge of the 35 abstracting journals and other reference works prepared and published by the Foundation, the 700 eminent clinicians and researchers represented on its International Editorial Boards, and the 6,000 physicians who participate in its abstracting programs throughout the world. Excerpta Medica will also make available to the Center its long experience in the field, as well as its extensive resources of medical information accumulated during the Foundation’s twenty years of existence. These consist of over 1,300,000 English-language _abstract of the world’s biomedical literature, indexes to its abstracting journals, and the microfilm library in which complete original texts of all the 3,000 primary biomedical journals, monitored by Excerpta Medica in Amsterdam are stored since 1960.The objectives of the program of the combined Center include: (1) establishing a firm base of user relevance data; (2) developing improved vocabulary control mechanisms; (3) developing means of determining confidence limits of vocabulary control mechanisms in terms of user relevance data; 4. developing and field testing of new or improved media for providing medical literature to users; 5. developing methods for determining the relationship between learning and relevance in medical information storage and retrieval systems’; and (6) exploring automatic methods for retrospective searching of the specialized indexes of Excerpta Medica.The priority projects to be undertaken by the Center are (1) the investigation of the information needs of medical scientists, and (2) the development of a highly detailed Master List of Biomedical Indexing Terms. Excerpta Medica has already been at work on the latter project for several years.

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