scholarly journals Nilai Estetika dan Pendidikan Naskah Singir Mitera Sejati dan Ngudi Susila Karya Kiai Bisri Musthofa

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 18
Moh. Ahsan Shohifur Rizal

<span class="fontstyle0">“Singir mitera sejati” and “ngudi susila” are a literary work that shaped “nadhom” poetically by following the rules of science of arudl. In addition there is an aesthetic and educational value. “Singir” can serve as a medium of education and learning resources. Because “singir” store “adhiluhung” value which can be utilized appropriately, particularly in the study of literature in the school or boarding school. This research aims to reveal the aesthetic and educational value. Substantially, this research describes about three things, namely (1) aesthetic value that includes, (a) the aesthetics of form, and (b) the aesthetic contents. (2) the value of moral education that includes (a) the value of moral education which clarifies the relationship of human with God, (b) the relationship of human with human, (c) man human with themself and (d) the human with the environment or nature.<br /></span><strong></strong>

Panggung ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
Nur Sahid

ABSTRACTRevolutionary struggle in order to compete for the independence of Indonesia has been a source of inspiration Indonesian artists, including Bambang Soelarto who wrote drama Domba-domba Re- volusi (DDR). DDR studied drama is quite interesting because it tries to criticize the freedom fight- ers. This study aims to: first to know the theme and the problem plays DDR; second to determine the relationship of the socio - historical struggle in 1948 with the sociological elements of drama DDR themes and issues. This study uses sociological theory of art. The basic principles of the sociology of art is the fact that the creation of works of art influenced by the historical social conditions where the work was created. Research using content analysis of Krippendorf, the methods used to examine the symbolic phenomena with the aim to explore and express the observed phenomenon which is the content, meaning, and an essential element of the literary work. Based results of this research is that Bambang Soelarto as the author tries to capture di?erence between fighters during the struggle for the political aspirations for 1948 are expressed in a work of drama. Historical events inspired the creation of drama DDR. Soelarto want to respond to the political aspirations of the di?erence between historical figures and wanted to provide an assessment and outlook through DDR.Keywords: themes, drama, sociology of art, social historical ABSTRAKRevolusi perjuangan dalam rangka memperebutkan kemerdekaan Indonesia telah men- jadi sumber inspirasi para seniman Indonesia, termasuk Bambang Soelarto yang menulis drama Domba-domba Revolusi (DDR). Drama DDR cukup menarik diteliti karena mencoba mengkritisi para pejuang kemerdekaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: pertama, mengeta- hui tema dan permasalah drama DDR; kedua, mengetahui hubungan kondisi sosio-histo- ris perjuangan pada tahun 1948 dengan unsur-unsur sosiologis terimplisir pada unsur tema dan masalah drama DDR. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori sosiologi seni. Prinsip dasar dari sosiologi seni adalah adanya fakta bahwa penciptaan karya seni dipengaruhi oleh kon- disi sosial historis tempat karya itu diciptakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode con- tent analysis dari Krippendorf, yakni metode yang dipergunakan untuk meneliti fenome- na-fenomena simbolik dengan tujuan untuk menggali dan mengungkapkan fenomena yang teramati yang merupakan isi, makna, dan unsur esensial karya sastra. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa Bambang Soelarto sebagai penulis mencoba un- tuk menangkap perbedaan antara pejuang aspirasi politik selama perjuangan tahun 1948 untuk diekspresikan dalam sebuah karya drama. Peristiwa sejarah mengilhami penciptaan drama DDR. Soelarto ingin menanggapi aspirasi politik perbedaan antara tokoh-tokoh se- jarah dan ingin memberikan penilaian dan pandangan pandangannnya melalui DDR.Kata kunci: tema, drama, sosiologi seni, sosial historis

Alison James

This book studies the documentary impulse that plays a central role in twentieth-century French literature. Focusing on nonfiction narratives, it analyzes the use of documents—pieces of textual or visual evidence incorporated into the literary work to relay and interrogate reality. It traces the emergence of an enduring concern with factual reference in texts that engage with current events or the historical archive. Writers idealize the document as a fragment of raw reality, but also reveal its constructed and mediated nature and integrate it as a voice within a larger composition. This ambivalent documentary imagination, present in works by Gide, Breton, Aragon, Yourcenar, Duras, and Modiano (among others), shapes the relationship of literature to visual media, testimonial discourses, and self-representation. Far from turning away from realism in the twentieth century, French literature often turns to the document as a site of both modernist experiment and engagement with the world.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 245-250
Sergey Aleksandrovich Klychkov

The paper substantiates the urgency of the problem of educating a person whose body and spirit are in harmonious unity - a healthy person both physically and morally. As one of the ways to solve this problem, the development of a moral personality within the framework of physical education is proposed. Evidence of the relationship of the physical and moral development of man in the process of education is given. The situation is substantiated that education is an introduction to values and it is proved that education of a person in harmony of body and spirit is possible in the process of his involvement in the values of physical culture and moral values. The specificity of value is revealed as a conscious meaning that defines a persons attitude to the world, to people and to himself and shows the place of relations in moral culture and in physical culture of a person. It is proved that values can be both components of physical culture, embodying ideals and ideas about the standard of a physically perfect person, and components of moral culture (a standard of moral man). The correlation of moral values and values of physical culture is determined and specific values are identified that are the value foundations of the unity of physical and moral education: freedom, justice, dignity, culture, moral perfection, mercy, intellectuality. The essence of the moral component of physical education is revealed. It consists in the fact that in the process of such education personalitys attitude to health, to a healthy lifestyle, to himself and to other people, as well as human morality are developed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-113
Ulfatun Nisa ◽  
Fitriyah Mahdali

This study focuses on the interconnection and the integration, namely about the relationship of, education and Alquran. This study is a case study that took Pondok Pesantren Al-Aqobah Diwek Jombang as the research location. There are several arguments that form the basis of this research, firstly, this pesantren is applying both the salafiyah boarding school system and the modern system of education of technology and science. Secondly, santris in this pesantren are required to memorize hadis and Alquran using the principle of one day five verses and one hadis. In a matter of months, santris in this pesantren have studied the science of religion which counts generally should be studied in annual time. This research is a qualitative-explorative study that uses the theory of interconnected-integrative paradigm. In accordance with the research theory, the formulation of the problem taken to conduct this research is “what is the paradigm of Quranic based education and how is it implemented in Pondok Pesantren Al-Aqobah”. The methods of data collection are documentation, observation, and interview. The findings of this study are: (1) Educational and Social Institutions of Pondok Pesantren Al-Aqobah Jombang is an educational institution that offers various programs to develop the potential of santri or students using Alquran as the basis for their education; (2) it uses the MIR (Multiple Intelligence Research) method as an effort to explore various kinds of children's abilities, and so that their potencies can be maximized.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 200-216
Miftahurohmah Hikmasari ◽  
Wening Sahayu

This research aims to classify and describe the material culture elements contained in Okky Madasari’s novel Entrok. The research problem includes the classification of material culture elements which only exist in Indonesia, and most of them are related to Javanese culture. This research was a qualitative descriptive research. The data were in the form of words and phrases obtained from Okky Madasari’s Entrok. The result showed that there were six elements of material culture. The most commonly found material culture element was food, the second was house, the third was clothes, and the least found were vehicle, daily equipment, and art tool. The use of material culture elements in literary works, such as novel, not only improves the aesthetic value of the work, but also can be used as a media of education, so that the literary work enthusiasts can recognize better and are able to preserve the cultures in Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 189 ◽  
pp. 03013
Shan Li

In the context of the development of digital image era and digital media art, watercolor art, as a traditional form of painting, will inevitably experience a subversive change and transformation of painting methods and ideas. By analyzing the artistic expression and construction process of watercolor art in digital painting, this paper finds out the aesthetic value and significance of watercolor art in digital painting, discusses the relationship between traditional watercolor painting and digital painting and the new space of watercolor development in the future.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-125
Mohammed Jarallah Tewfik ◽  
Ahmed Mohammed Yahya Al-Abbasi

The interior design of Malaysian Islamic mosques is a vivid example of further innovation and innovation based on design creativity in design relationships.As a result of the interaction of this level, the design process shows a clear independence as a result of the interaction of the subjective capabilities factor of the interior designer based on the study of the specificity of the objective capabilities that govern the processes of drafting innovative decorative arts.Therefore, it was necessary to study this issue by identifying the research problem, which is summarized by: showing the features of design independence as a complementary principle in the designs of the interior spaces of Malaysian mosques,While the aim of the research focuses on identifying the features of design independence that are adopted as a complementary principle in the designs of the interior spaces of Malaysian mosques,While the importance of research is evident in presenting a clear picture of the concept of design independence, as it represents the theoretical base that can be used in practical application in designs of interior spaces for the chapel of the Malaysian Islamic mosques,The research study also includes both (research limits, theoretical framework, as well as research procedures based on the descriptive analytical approach (content analysis - case study)) leading to the results of the research study, which was among the most important: 1- Design configurations of all kinds and design configurations emerged within the designs of the internal determinants, based on the study of the interior designer, to the aesthetic independence of the division of space and size as a complementary principle within the internal determinants of the mosque of the two mosques. 2- The relationship of the principle of the independence of convergence as a complementary principle contributed to determining the distances between shapes, which can be perceived as a unified whole, through the distribution of units and shapes within a consecutive visual design system. While the most important recommendations emerged through the necessity of studying the choice of levels of internal determinants of the chapel of the Malaysian Islamic mosques.With the demonstration of the expressive characteristic of civilization development through design recruitment of appropriate vocabulary and design units with a careful selection of modern materials and materials in line with the innovative design path to achieve the requirements of design independence within the chapel of the Malaysian Islamic mosques.

Kharisma Idola Arga ◽  
Tri Wahyudi ◽  
Desi Handayani

Abstract This study aims to determine the completeness of the relationship of learning resources with improved learning outcomes, and the degree of closeness of the relationship between the completeness of the learning resources with improved learning outcomes of economic subjects in class X second semester. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method. Where a population of 397 students. The sample in this study as many as 38 students were given a test in the form of 20 multiple-choice questions to determine student learning outcomes and questionnaires to determine the relationship of the completeness of the source of student learning. Testing the hypothesis in this study using product moment correlation test. Based on the results of hypothesis testing that has been done with the author, obtained = 0.645 greater than rdaf at the level of 5% with N = 38 is 0.320 (statistics table) this means. Namely 0.645> 0.320, which means that there is a relationship completeness of learning resources with the results of the economic study in grade x second semester. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Hubungan kelengkapan sumber belajar dengan peningkatan hasil belajar, dan tingkat keeratan antara hubungan kelengkapan sumber belajar dengan peningkatan hasil belajar mata pelajaran ekonomi pada siswa kelas X semester genap. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Dimana populasi sebanyak 397 siswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 38 siswa diberikan tes dalam bentuk pilihan ganda sebanyak 20 soal untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa dan angket untuk mengetahui hubungan kelengkapan sumber belajar siswa. Pengujian hipotesis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji korelasi product moment. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis yang telah dilakukan penulis, di peroleh = 0,645 lebih besar dari rdaf pada taraf 5% dengan N = 38 yaitu 0,320 (tabel statistik) hal ini berarti . Yaitu 0,645 > 0,320 yang berarti bahwa ada hubungan kelengkapan sumber belajar dengan hasil belajar ekonomi pada siswa kelas x semester genap. Kata Kunci : kelengkapan sumber belajar dan hasil belajar

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-103
Brian A. Hollabaugh ◽  
Jon Perenack ◽  
Brian J. Christensen

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the objective and subjective changes in medial intereyebrow distance following endoscopic brow lift without corrugator resection. The authors designed a retrospective cohort study. The eligible patients included those receiving endoscopic brow lifts at Williamson Cosmetic Center in Baton Rouge, LA between June 1, 2014 and March 31, 2018. The primary outcome variable was the distance between the left and right medial brow. The secondary outcome variables were nonsurgeon evaluator’s perception of the change in intereyebrow distance and the aesthetics of the intereyebrow region. The relationship of the outcome variables to the primary predictor (time point—preoperative and postoperative) was analyzed using paired sample t-tests. The relationship of the outcome variables to the other predictors was analyzed using Pearson correlations. A P-value of less than .05 was considered significant. A total of 41 patients were included in the study. The average age was 55.3 ± 8.5 years and all patients were women. The average time from surgery to postoperative photos was 6.2 ± 3.2 (range: 3-15) months. The average preoperative intereyebrow width was 31.5 mm, and the average postoperative width was 33.1 mm ( P < .0001). Correct perception of the intereyebrow change was found to be positively correlated with increasing patient age ( P = .047) and increasing change in intereyebrow width ( P = .008). The intereyebrow distance was perceived as aesthetic for 73.4% ± 31.0% of preoperative patients and 76.1% ± 27.6% of postoperative patients ( P = .346). Patients with a preoperative intereyebrow distance perceived as aesthetic are very likely to be perceived as aesthetic postoperatively (correlation coefficient 0.817, P-value < .0001). Following endoscopic brow lift without corrugator muscle resection, there is a small, but statistically significant increase in the intereyebrow distance. However, this change was not associated with negative perception of the aesthetic appearance of the intereyebrow region.

2015 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 106-109 ◽  
Jens Richard Giersdorf

Dance, Politics & Co-Immunity developed out of a symposium organized by the Master in Choreography and Performance at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany, which was held with a joint symposium Thinking—Resisting—Reading the Political organized by the Graduate Center for the Study of Culture at the same university in 2010. Whereas the cultural studies symposium asked, “What specific perspectives and methodological consequences arise for the study of culture that are informed by recent deliberations on the relationship of the political and the aesthetic?” (2010), the dance symposium invited participants and contributors to the anthology “to think about the multiple connections between politics, community, dance, and globalization from the perspective of Dance and Theatre Studies, History, Philosophy, and Sociology” (13). As indicated by the title of the cultural studies symposium and some of the key speakers, including Jacques Rancière, Chantal Mouffe, and Judith Butler, the term political is not used as broadly as it might be used in U.S.-based dance studies discourse. Rather, the political is predominantly investigated by both symposia for its resistive potential and from a liberal or post-Marxist stance.

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