Malaysian Journal Of Islamic Studies (MJIS)
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Published By Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin


2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-166
Nor Musfirah Mohamad ◽  
Azhan Taqiyaddin Arizan

The Covid-19 pandemic crisis that hit Malaysia has changed the norm of human life in many ways. The government has drafted and issued new Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and enforced the Movement Control Order (PKP) in an effort to curb the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic. Through the principles of Islamic jurisprudence, one of the methodologies for determining the law is based on the method of fiqh (Qawa'id fiqhiyyah). Therefore, the method of fiqh can be a guiding instrument in facing this pandemic. The research question for this study is how the application of the fiqh method "No Harm to Oneself And Not Harmful to Others" (La Darar Wa La Dirar) in determining the law related to the issue of Covid-19. This paper aims to explain the aspects of the use of the fiqh method "No Harm to Oneself And Not Harmful to Others" (La Darar Wa La Dirar) that can be applied in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia. This method is taken directly from the hadith of the Prophet S.A.W. is seen as very important in helping contemporary scholars to find similarities and make comparisons on various fiqh issues and make adjustments to new problems that do not yet have the backing of Islamic law. The research method used is a qualitative study through exploration of various library sources by examining books related to Qawaid fiqh iyyah, current fatwas in accordance with the situation of Covid-19, journals and reports of authoritative physicians and fiqh scholars in the issue of Covid-19 in Malaysia. In addition, observation techniques were also carried out. The collected data were analyzed and explained using inductive, deductive and comparative methods to obtain appropriate results in accordance with the objectives of the article. The findings of the study found that the fiqh method of "No Harm to Oneself And Not Harmful to Others" (La Darar Wa La Dirar) and several branches of the method are applied in many problems related to the implementation and government directives during the Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia and can be used as a benchmark for self-care of the individual, society and country from the threat of this virus. Although it is not explicitly mentioned but the action taken is in line with the method of fiqh which recommends that all harms be removed. Thus, the scholars of usul fiqh formulate the method emphasizing the need to eliminate all harms as approved by the Islamic law and the method is formulated based on the command of Allah SWT: ”Do not spread corruption in the land after it has been set in order. And call upon Him with hope and fear. Indeed, Allah’s mercy is always close to the good-doers." (Al-A’raf: 56). Therefore, Muslims and the multi-racial community in Malaysia are not allowed to do anything that not only endangers themselves, but also causes harm to others. Krisis pandemik Covid-19 yang melanda Malaysia banyak mengubah norma kehidupan manusia. Pihak kerajaan telah merangka dan mengeluarkan Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) baharu dan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) dikuatkuasakan kerajaan dalam usaha menangani penularan wabak Covid-19. Menerusi ilmu usul fiqh, salah satu metodologi penentuan hukum adalah berasaskan kaedah fiqh (Qawa’id fiqhiyyah). Oleh yang demikian, kaedah fiqh boleh menjadi instrumen panduan dalam menghadapi pandemik ini. Persoalan kajian ini adalah bagaimana pengaplikasian kaedah fiqh ‘Tiada Mudarat Dan Tidak Boleh Memberi Mudarat’ (la darar wa la dirar) dalam penentuan hukum berkaitan isu Covid-19. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan menjelaskan aspek penggunaan kaedah fiqh ‘Tiada Mudarat Dan Tidak Boleh Memberi Mudarat’ (la darar wa la dirar) yang boleh diaplikasikan dalam mendepani pandemik Covid-19 di Malaysia. Kaedah ini diambil secara langsung daripada hadis Nabi SAW dilihat sangat penting dalam membantu para ulama kontemporari mencari persamaan dan membuat perbandingan terhadap isu-isu fiqh yang pelbagai dan penyesuaian dibuat dengan permasalahan baru yang belum mempunyai sandaran hukum syarak. Metode kajian yang diguna pakai adalah kajian kualitatif melalui penerokaan terhadap sumber kepustakaan yang pelbagai dengan meneliti buku-buku berkaitan Qawaid fiqh iyyah, fatwa semasa dengan disesuaikan dengan situasi Covid-19 ini, jurnal serta laporan pihak berautoriti pakar perubatan dan ahli fiqh dalam isu Covid-19 di Malaysia. Selain itu, teknik observasi turut dijalankan. Data-data yang dikumpul dianalisis dan dihuraikan dengan menggunakan kaedah induktif, deduktif dan komparatif bagi mendapatkan natijah yang sesuai selaras dengan objektif artikel yang telah ditetapkan. Dapatan kajian mendapati kaedah fiqh ‘Tiada Mudarat Dan Tidak Boleh Memberi Mudarat’ (la darar wa la dirar) dan beberapa cabang kaedah diaplikasi dalam banyak permasalahan yang berkait dengan pelaksanaan dan arahan kerajaan semasa pandemik Covid-19 di Malaysia dan mampu digarap sebagai penanda aras untuk penjagaan diri, masyarakat dan negara daripada ancaman virus ini. Walaupun ia tidak disebut secara jelas tetapi tindakan yang diambil adalah selari dengan kaedah fiqh tersebut yang menyarankan supaya semua kemudaratan dihilangkan. Justeru, ulama usul fiqh merumuskan kaedah tersebut menekankan keperluan untuk menghilang dan menghapuskan semua kemudaratan yang diperakui syarak dan kaedah berkenaan dirumuskan berdasarkan perintah daripada Allah SWT. Oleh itu, orang Islam dan masyarakat pelbagai kaum di Malaysia tidak dibenarkan melakukan sesuatu tindakan yang bukan sahaja membahayakan diri sendiri, bahkan mencetuskan kemudaratan kepada orang lain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 142-152
Abada Tawfik Ahmed Bahnasy

This paper aims to introduce one of the common contracts in the field of Islamic finance, which is the diminishing musharakah contract or the diminishing musharakah ending with ownership. Which is considered one of the modern methods that Islamic banks deal with, and it is a new investment method that was not known to the oldest jurists, and it is one of the Shariah financing formulas to counter interest-based dealings with interest-based banks. This paper demonstrate this contract after the introduction with historical background on it. Then explain its reality in theory and how to apply it in Islamic banks or traditional banks that offer Islamic products. This paper did not address the discussion of shariah issues in detail - due to the large number of jurisprudential differences in them - as well as the limited space for the paper. This paper focused on the practical application of this contract in Malaysian Islamic banks. Then the research concluded with the conclusion that this contract is considered one of the most suitable contracts that Islamic financial institutions can offer as a product in which the operational problems and Shariah problems are reduced. Especially after the decision of the Sharia advisory council of the Central Bank of Malaysia (SAC - BNM) at its 56th session on February 6, 2006, where it decided that "Musharakah Mutanaqisah (MM) financing is a form of contract recognized in the Islamic financial system".

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-141
Nur Farhana Abdul Aziz ◽  
Nooraida Yakob

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the largest disruption to education in history, affecting students and teachers around the world, from pre-primary education to secondary schools, universities and skills development facilities. All parties and educational institutions have taken proactive steps by conducting online classes as well as the International Islamic Technological College Penang. This research aims to know the lecturers' strategies in carrying out the teaching process during the pandemic and their challenges, including technical knowledge and facilities available in the college, and how they deal with these challenges. The method of this study is qualitative, where the researcher conducts interviews with the lecturers. In addition, this paper seeks to find out the lecturers' view of the effectiveness of online teaching during the period of the traffic control order. Among the problems faced by the lecturers were the lack of skills in conducting online classes and in choosing the most appropriate learning platforms, Internet problems, and a longer time to prepare teaching materials. The result also indicated that lecturers lack competence in integrating technology into the teaching process. Although they encountered problems, the lecturers tried to learn from their colleagues, practiced several times before the real classes took place and some of the lecturers managed to create YouTube channel, try new apps such as Quizizz and Padlet, and attending online webinars. The result of this study is useful for identifying appropriate training courses for lecturers in mastering skills in line with the government's objectives in the Malaysian Education Development Plan that help in continuing professional development and raising the efficiency of students. تسببت جائحة كوفيد-19 في أكبر انقطاع للتعليم في التاريخ حيث يؤثر على الطلاب والمعلّمين حول العالم من مرحلة ما قبل التعليم الابتدائي إلى المدارس الثانوية والجامعات ومنشآت تنمية المهارات. فاتخذ جميع الأطراف والمؤسسات التعليمية خطوات استباقية من خلال إجراء دروس عبر الإنترنت وكذلك الكلية الإسلامية التكنولوجية العالمية بينانج. يهدف هذا البحث إلى معرفة إستراتيجيات المحاضرين في القيام بعملية التدريس أثناء الجائحة وتحدياتهم تشمل فيها المعرفة التقنية والتسهيلات المتوفرة في الكلية وكيف يتعاملون مع هذه التحديات. منهج هذه الدراسة منهجا كيفيا حيث تقوم الباحثة بإجراء المقابلات مع المحاضرين. ويضاف إلى هذا، يسعى هذا البحث معرفة وجهة نظر المحاضرين تجاه فعالية التدريس عبر الإنترنت خلال فترة أمر مراقبة الحركة. من بين المشاكل التي واجهها المحاضرون نقص المهارات في إجراء الفصول الدراسية عبر الإنترنت وفي اختيار أنسب منصات التعلم، ومشاكل الإنترنت، ووقت أطول لإعداد المواد التعليمية. وأشارت النتيجة أيضا إلى أنّ المحاضرين يفتقرون إلى الكفاءة في تكامل التكنولوجيا في عملية التدريس. على الرغم من أنهم واجهوا مشاكل، حاول المحاضرون التعلم من زملائهم، ومارسوا عدة مرات قبل إجراء الفصول الدراسية الحقيقية وتمكن بعض المحاضرين من إنشاء قناة يوتيوب (YouTube)، وجربوا تطبيقًا جديدًا مثل كويز إيز(Quizizz) وبيدلت (Padlet) وحضور الندوات عبر الإنترنت (Webinar). والنتيجة من هذه الدراسة مفيدة لتحديد الدورات التدريبية المناسبة للمحاضرين في إتقان المهارات بما يتماشى مع أهداف الحكومة في خطة تطوير التعليم الماليزية التي تساعد على التطوير المهني المستمر ورفع كفاءة الطلاب.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-128
Zamri Rajab ◽  
Mohd Rusli Ismail ◽  
Ahmad Amir Khan Shah Ahmad @ Mohammed

This paper aims to dispel the confusion of students related to the knowledge of Rasm and Dhabt al-Quran among students of the Institute of Teacher Education, Sultan Mizan Campus.The confusion arises when they are unable to distinguish between the two disciplines of the Qur'an, namely, writing (rasm) and punctuation (dhabt). This paper solely focuses on the principle of al-hazf, which is one of the five principles in the method of Rasm Uthmani as agreed upon by scholars today. The sample of this study was selected based on the principle of purposive sampling, that is, a sample that is believed to be able to answer the research questions well. The results show that there is no difference in terms of writing in the two mashafs because each was written in accordance with the principles and methods of Rasm Uthmani. However, it is noted that there are differences in terms of punctuation in the two mashafs. The punctuation differences were employed to meet the needs of the readership where the Quran was printed and according to current development then. Tulisan ini bermatlamat merungkai kekeliruan para pelajar berkaitan ilmu Rasm dan Dhabt al-Quran dalam kalangan pelajar Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sultan Mizan. Kekeliruan tersebut timbul apabila mereka tidak dapat membezakan di antara dua disiplin ilmu al-Quran iaitu, tulisan (rasm) dan tanda bacaan (dhabt). Tulisan ini hanya memfokuskan kepada prinsip al-hazf, iaitu salah satu daripada lima prinsip dalam kaedah Rasm Uthmani sebagaimana yang disepakati oleh ulama pada masa kini. Sampel kajian ini dipilih berdasarkan prinsip pensampelan bertujuan, iaitu sampel yang diyakini boleh menjawab persoalan kajian ini dengan baik. Hasil kajian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan dari segi tulisan dalam kedua-dua mashaf kerana masing-masing ditulis menepati prinsip dan kaedah Rasm Uthmani. Manakala terdapat perbezaan dari segi tanda baca di dalam kedua-dua mashaf. Perbezaan tanda baca berkenaan dilakukan bagi memenuhi keperluan masyarakat pembaca di tempat al-Quran itu dicetak dan mengikut perkembangan semasa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 104-118
Fadillah Ulfa ◽  
Che Zarrina Sa’ari ◽  
Syed Mohammad Hilmi Syed Abdul Rahman

Sufism is a spiritual philosophy based on morals and intuition. It has affected the daily lives of Muslims and their behaviours as well. Actually, Sufism itself since its development has changed in terms of values, since it involves other knowledge which influences the purity of its teachings. To study the concept of Sufism and the history of its development, maintaining the purity of Sufism and returning it to the original teachings of tassawuf is needed especially in regards to Ibn Khaldun’s views since he is one of the scholars who emphasises the discussion and study of Sufism seriously and comprehensively. It can be seen by his objective in evaluating Sufism and producing the point of view to Sufism. Even as a historian and social expert, he also discusses the questions of Sufism from the root of the problem and its impact on the social life of Muslims. This study aims to analyse Ibn Khaldun’s views on the reality of Sufism and the history of its development with special reference to Shifa’ al-Sa’il wa Tahdhib al-Masa’il. To achieve these objectives, the library research method incorporating data collection and data analysis was used. Data analysis was done inductively and deductively.The results of the study have shown that Ibn Khaldun puts his own definition of Sufism comprehensively which is known as mujahadah. The concept of Mujahadah, according to him runs parallel to the history of the knowledge development and practices of Sufism. It began with mujahadah of taqwa, known among the early Sufis as zuhud and wara‘. Furthermore, mujahadah istiqamah and kashf are known as laduni or Sufism. Tasawuf adalah falsafah rohani yang berasaskan akhlak dan intuisi. Ia mempengaruhi kehidupan umat Islam serta memberikan kesan kepada perilaku mereka. Dalam perkembangannya, tasawuf mengalami perubahan nilai serta percampuran dengan ilmu-ilmu lain yang cenderung menodai kemurnian ajarannya. Untuk itu, kajian tentang konsep tasawuf penting dilakukan untuk menjaga kemurnian tasawuf dan mengembalikannya kepada ajaran yang sebenar. Ibn Khaldun merupakan salah seorang ulama yang membahaskan tasawuf secara teliti dan kritis. Perbahasan yang dikemukakan tidak hanya dilihat dari sisi keilmuan, tapi lebih dari itu sebagai pakar sejarah dan sosial kemasyarakatan beliau turut membahaskan persoalan tasawuf daripada akar permasalahan serta kesannya dalam kehidupan sosial umat Islam. Kajian ini bertujuan menganalisis pemikiran tasawuf Ibn Khaldun tentang hakikat tasawuf dan sejarah perkembangannya tumpuan kepada karya beliau, Shifa’ al-Sa’il wa Tahdhib al-Masa’il. Bagi mencapai objektif tersebut, kaedah kajian kepustakaan yang berteraskan kaedah pengumpulan dan analisis data melalui induktif dan deduktif digunakan. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa Ibn Khaldun telah memberikan pengertian kepada tasawuf secara komprehensif yang beliau sebut sebagai mujahadah. Konsep mujahadah ini, selari dengan sejarah perkembangan dan amalan ahli sufi. Ia bermula dengan mujahadah takwa, iaitu peringkat awal sufi yang dikenali dengan zuhud dan warak. Seterusnya, mujahadah istiqamah dan kasyaf yang dikenali dengan ilmu laduni atau tasawuf.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-103
Abdullah Al Mamun ◽  
Humayra Waliullah

In the year 13th after Nubuwah, migrating from Mecca to Medina with companions being ordained by Allah (SWT), the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) found Medina on very imbalanced economical condition for many causes. So after very beginning of establishing the Islamic State of Medina, the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) had to face a farm challenge to overcome this situation and reform all the economic spans from top to bottom. In this paper we would like to analytically discuss the causes behind those problems and circumstances, such as: Economic aspect of Medina, Misuses and Capitalism of the Jews. And the processes of their solving and reformation taken by the Prophet (Pbuh) such as: Legislation of Zakat, Emphasizing on Charity, Prohibition of Riba, Market Control, Pre-foundation of Bait-al-Maal, Revenue and Taxes, War after property Management, Rules of Heritage, Postponement of Conventional Business Processes in Ayaam al-Jahiliyah, Permitted Investment law and prohibition from begging etc. And thus the World noticed the unique model of the Prophet (Pbuh) for solving economic problems of all the ages and eras.   

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-56
Muhammad Yusry Affandy Md Isa

The Qur'an is a revelation that is a useful guide for believers in facing various problems of life including pandemic tribulations. Al-Quran shows guidance in accepting and eradicating the pandemic that Allah SWT has determined. Problems arise for some who claim that pandemics should be avoided through technology prevention or treatment alone. Apparently in the Qur'an provides guidance in aspects of life and religion to face the pandemic tribulations. The objective of this study focuses on formulating the Quranic guide in dealing with pandemic tribulations in terms of preparation, prevention and awareness. This qualitative study was produced by applying the method of data collection and analysis of data from Quranic verses and key interpretations. Important findings state that references to revelation cause pandemic to be encountered and eradicated by the norms of faith. Pandemic have been recorded in the Qur'an as a test against the believers and a catastrophe against the negative group among human beings. The Qur'an is also not left behind in explaining the situation of qadha pandemic which contains great wisdom. The most important conclusion is that the adherence to the Qur'an causes people to become calm and continue to strive to deal with pandemic without rejection of the demands of faith. Allah SWT must be remembered as the owner of the epidemic that has occurred over time, even though the apparent cause of some pandemics is due to habits or viruses among humans. Al-Quran al-Karim merupakan wahyu yang menjadi panduan berguna buat manusia yang beriman dalam menghadapi pelbagai permasalahan hidup termasuk tribulasi wabak. Al-Quran mengutarakan panduan dalam menerima dan menangkis wabak yang telah ditentukan Allah SWT. Permasalahan timbul bagi sesetengah pihak yang mendakwa wabak seharusnya dijauhi dengan kaedah pencegahan atau perawatan teknologi semata-mata. Ternyata dalam al-Quran menyediakan panduan dalam aspek duniawi dan ukhrawi bagi menghadapi tribulasi wabak. Objektif kajian ini memfokuskan kepada merumuskan panduan al-Quran dalam menghadapi tribulasi wabak dalam aspek persediaan, penghindaran dan kesedaran. Kajian kualitatif ini dihasilkan dengan mengaplikasikan metod pengumpulan data dan penganalisisan data daripada ayat al-Quran dan pentafsiran muktabar. Dapatan penting menyatakan bahawa rujukan terhadap wahyu menyebabkan wabak dapat dihadapi dan ditangani dengan norma keimanan. Wabak sememangnya telah dirakamkan dalam al-Quran sebagai ujian terhadap orang beriman dan bencana terhadap golongan negatif di kalangan manusia. Al-Quran juga tidak ketinggalan dalam menerangkan situasi qadha’ wabak yang mengandungi hikmah yang besar. Kesimpulan terpenting ialah sesungguhnya pegangan terhadap al-Quran menyebabkan manusia mernjadi tenang dan terus berusaha menangani wabak tanpa berlaku pemisahan terhadap tuntutan keimanan. Allah SWT wajib dingati sebagai pemegang urusan wabak yang berlaku zaman-berzaman biarpun zahir penyebab sebahagian wabak adalah disebabkan tabiat atau virus di kalangan manusia.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-89
Siti Fatimah Salleh ◽  
Kasimah Kamaruddin ◽  
Lukman Abdul Mutalib ◽  
Rogayah Saeed Salameh Alqaraleh

Learning about Islamic education is taught through curriculum in primary school level throughout Malaysia. However, the extent to which the scope of teaching and learning (PdP) is revealed in this primary curriculum and how deep it is able to provide a basic understanding to students, to manage issues related to women’s blood. This article aims to analyze the educational needs of women’s blood in primary curriculum among Islamic education teachers. The methodology used to produce this article is based on document analysis of classical books in the field of sharia, primary Islamic education books and structured interviews involving Islamic education teachers consisting of eight female teachers and two male teachers from schools in peninsular Malaysia. The results showed that the scope of PdP on women's blood in the primary curriculum syllabus was not able to provide basic understanding for students due to the factors of PdP scope and also the appropriateness of time. All respondents agreed that the primary curriculum on women’s blood syllabus needs improvement to give a deeper understanding to the students. Pembelajaran tentang pendidikan Islam diajar menerusi kurikulum di peringkat sekolah rendah seluruh Malaysia. Namun, sejauhmana skop pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) didedahkan dalam kurikulum rendah ini serta cakupannya mampu memberi pemahaman asas kepada pelajar, untuk mengurus isu yang berkait dengan darah wanita. Artikel ini bermatlamat untuk menganalisis keperluan pendidikan darah wanita dalam kurikulum rendah di kalangan guru pendidikan Islam. Metodologi yang digunakan untuk menghasil artikel ini berpandukan kaedah analisis dokumen kitab-kitab klasik dalam bidang syariah, buku pendidikan Islam peringkat rendah dan temu bual berstruktur melibatkan guru pendidikan Islam yang terdiri daripada lapan orang guru perempuan dan dua orang guru lelaki di sekolah semenanjung Malaysia. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa skop PdP darah wanita dalam silibus kurikulum rendah tidak mampu memberi kefahaman asas kepada pelajar disebabkan faktor skop PdP dan juga kesesuaian masa. Kesemua responden bersetuju bahawa silibus darah wanita kurikulum rendah perlu penambahbaikan untuk memberi kefahaman yang mendalam kepada pelajar-pelajar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-77
Nur Afifah Abas ◽  
Mohd Nizam Sahad

The CoVid-19 pandemic had again activated the neuronal circuit on our existential crisis as human beings asking basic existential questions: Where were we from, who are we, why are we here, how we supposedly should live here and where are we going? - Instinctively it appears evidently in the soul while facing threats that may lead to death like the pandemic exposes us to. This study critically explores and analyses through content analysis method on available published ‘Islamic’ documents, which are purposively sampled based on relevancy to the existence. We shared what we found related to existential psychotherapy using cognitive behavior therapy for depressed Muslim clients in supporting the current call for integrating Islamic teachings and practice. Mainly, being intersubjective is very crucial for therapists’ competency because Muslim clients are from diverse Islamic backgrounds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-46
M. Kafrawi ◽  
Rino Riyaldi

This article discusses the role of dakwah of the al-Azhar graduates of Egypt through the International Organization Al-Azhar Graduate in Riau (OIAA) in spreading Islamic dakwah in Riau, using descriptive and Islahi ijtima'i methods. In this study, the author finds that the use approach wasatiah, that is, trying to be an intermediary in a community problem so that it can be an improvement of society in a direction that can accept differences of opinion (Islahi ijtima'i). This study proves that some graduates of al-Azhar, Egypt, namely Musthafa Umar and Abdul Somad became scholars who are popular with the people, do not hold a single proposition of scholars or certain hadith, but try to present many propositions and hadiths to the community, so the community is told to choose propositions appropriate to their respective abilities. So the role of graduation in preaching is very important to understand the community in worship and dealing.. Tulisan ini membahas tentang peranan dakwah para alumni al-Azhar Mesir melalui  organisasi international alumi al-Azhar Riau (OIAA) dalam menyebarkan dakwah Islam di Riau, dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif dan Islahi ijtima’i. dalam kajian ini penulis mendapati bahawa para alumni berdakwah menggunakan pendekatan wasatiah iaitu berusaha menjadi pemudah cara dalam sebuah permasalahan masyarakat sehingga boleh menjadi perbaikan masyarakat ke arah yang boleh menerima perbezaan pendapat (Islahi ijtima’i). Kajian ini ini membuktikan bahawa salah seorang alumni al-Azhar Mesir iaitu Musthafa Umar dan Abdul Somad menjadi ulama yang disenangi masyarakat, tidak memegang satu dalil pendapat ulama atau hadis tertentu akan tetapi berusaha menyajikan dalil dan hadis yang banyak kepada masyarakat, serta menyerahkan kepada mereka untuk memilih dalil yang sesuai dengan kemampuan masing-masing. Justeru peranan Alumni dalam berdakwah sangat penting untuk memahami masyarakat dalam beribadah dan bermuamalah.

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