The Performance of Emergency Department Nurses Across Sectors in Jordan: An Application of the Work Functioning Model

2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 344-356
Mahmoud Al Kalaldeh ◽  
Samah Khamis

Work functioning is a relatively new conceptual model developed to embrace various aspects surrounding work performance, work participation, and individual capacity. The assessment of work performance (AWP) in nursing has gained inconsistent evidence due to examining it from multidimensional aspects. This study aimed to perform the AWP in nurses working in the emergency departments (EDs) at different healthcare sectors in Jordan. A descriptive, cross-sectional design was used in which ED nurses completed a questionnaire. ED nurses were recruited conveniently from four referral hospitals located in Amman (two government and two private hospitals). The Nursing Work Functioning Questionnaire (NWFQ), in addition to the demographic questionnaire were completed. A total of 179 ED nurses participated in the study (100 government and 79 private nurses). A few differences were found between government and private sector nurses in respect to work functioning domains. Overall, nurses from both sectors reported minimal impairments in their performance represented in seven domains. However, ED nurses from the private sector claimed more frequent work incidences compared to ED nurses from the government sector (p = .043). In addition, associate nurses showed higher avoidance behavior than registered nurses in both sectors (p = .031). Contrary to former studies, this study found minimal discrepancies in work performance between government and private sectors, and employing the work functioning model is useful to gain a thorough understanding of the AWP.

Kenneth E. Parku ◽  
Yvonne Ayerki Lamptey

The practice of trade union pluralism at an enterprise level is seen as problematic for both the management of enterprises and the trade union movement. The problems arise from inter-union rivalries, competition and disputes over demarcations of privileges and rights. This article explores the practice of trade union pluralism at the enterprise level in Ghana with the aim of creating awareness of the effect of the practice on the general trade union movement. This qualitative study employed a cross-sectional design and used purposive and snowball sampling methods in selecting the participants. The data was analysed thematically. The findings from the study show that union pluralism is stimulating the decline in general union membership, the breakaway of local unions from the federations, and employers’ classification of workers based on their qualifications once they are employed by organisations, and their assignment to specific unions (automatic membership at enterprise level). It is suggested that employment laws encourage union breakaways, which weakens the unions especially at the enterprise level. It is recommended that the state, labour officials and policy-makers should enforce labour laws, especially regarding freedom of association, and consider revisiting or amending some labour laws to curb their abuse. The government and labour institutions need to work together to operationalise the implementation of legal provisions on freedom of association or consider amending the provisions to curb the existing abuse.

Disha Garg ◽  
Kartik Sharma ◽  
Parul Nayar ◽  
Shubhi Goyal ◽  
Shruti S Nagdeve

Purpose: With the conception of one’s professional life, it is essential to understand all the possibilities and opportunities that lie before them. In the case of architecture, there exists a bias towards the private sector where newly graduate students aspire to work in private practices and possibly even envision a practice of their own at a certain point in life. While there is nothing wrong with envisioning a future in the private sector, it is also essential to be aware about the public sector and understand the opportunities it provides to be able to make an informed decision. There is a preconceived notion about the monotonous nature of government jobs and a lack of awareness about students about the opportunities in this sector. Hence, it becomes crucial to understand the numerous opportunities this sector has to offer and thus, explore the potential of architects in government organizations. Methodology: The research for this paper has been done by referring to existing literature and interviews with concerned people. With an understanding of how and why is the government sector an essential  area of research for budding architects and planners. The research was done through interviews and possible case studies was done based on review of existing literature. Main Findings: The government is one sector with tremendous possibilities in the realm of architecture but is often plagued with stereotypes and preconceptions which have emerged over the years. It is imagined to be “lazy”, “uninnovative” and “non-productive” but this sector has evolved over the recent years and is now shaping to be one of the more lucrative sectors for practice. The number of perks, benefits and a clear comparative advantage of a higher salary, added with the direct contribution towards serving the nation, the government sector clearly has an unrealised potential for architectural professionals. Implications: With younger architetcs having preconceived notions about role of architetcs in a government sector limited to unexciting set of designs without creativity, this article may help bring a fresh thought process to choose professional sector wisely.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Mohamad Anis Fahmi

Background: Low public awareness of the impact of smoking makes the implementation of smoke-free areas (KTR) difficult. Smoke-free areas aim to protect the public from the direct and indirect effects of smoking. Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the correlation between the application of smoke-free areas and the prevalence of active and ex-smokers in Indonesia. Method: This study implemented a cross-sectional design, using secondary data from the Riskesdas 2018 on active and ex-smokers. KTR application data were obtained from the Profile of Non-Communicable Diseases in 2016. A Pearson product-moment test was conducted by a computer application to determine the correlation coefficient (r). This coefficient was used to describe the level of correlation between the two variables; significance was determined as a p value of 5%. Results: This study showed that the average application of KTR throughout Indonesia was 50.83%, active smokers comprised 23.49% of the population, and ex-smokers comprised 4.94%. Most active smokers were in Java and Sumatra, while the majority of ex-smokers were in Java and Sulawesi and the majority of KTR was in Java. This study shows that there is a positive correlation between KTR application and the percentage of ex-smokers (r = 0.46; p value = 0.01). Conclusion: There is a positive correlation between the application of KTR and an increase in ex-smokers. The government needs to increase the application of KTR policies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-123
Shakirat Adepeju Babatunde ◽  
Mohammed Kayode Ajape ◽  
Kabir Dandago Isa ◽  
Owolabi Kuye ◽  
Eddy Olajide Omolehinwa ◽  

Abstract: This study investigates the effect of Ease of Doing Business Index (EDBI) on Return on Investment (ROI). The study employs a cross-sectional survey design covering five years from 2015 to 2019. The sample is 47 registered companies with the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which is the most representative of the organised private sector group in Nigeria. The study adopts descriptive and linear regression statistical analysis. Findings show a statistically significant negative effect of Government policy continuity. The government procurement process, Raw materials availability and Quality of workforce show adverse effects. Traffic and transportation management, power supply and Security infrastructure show insignificant effect on ROI. Hence, findings indicate that Government procurement process is inimical to ease of doing business in Nigeria despite the government improvement efforts. Since government efforts are insufficient, the World Bank should incorporate private sector ideals into EDBI to create a synergy a robust EDBI. Keywords: Ease of Doing Business, ease of doing business index, return on investment, investors, World Bank.      Ease of Doing Business Index: Sebuah Analisis terhadap Pandangan Praktis InvestorAbstrak: Penelitian ini menginvestigasi pengaruh Ease of Doing Business Index (EDBI) terhadap Return on Investment (ROI). Penelitian ini menggunakan desain survei cross-sectional dari tahun 2015 sampai dengan tahun 2019. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 47 perusahaan yang terdaftar di Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan statistik regresi linear. Dari berbagai elemen EDBI, temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh negatif yang signifikan antara keterlanjutan kebijakan pemerintah terhadap ROI. Proses pengadaan pemerintah, ketersediaan bahan mentah, dan kualitas tenaga kerja menunjukkan pengaruh berkebalikan dengan ROI. Lalu lintas dan manajemen transportasi, supply listrik, dan infrastruktur keamanan menunjukkan pengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap ROI. Usaha pemerintah dalam meningkatkan proses pengaadaan pemerintah masih belum memadai karena masih kecilnya pengaruh terhadap EDBI Nigeria. World Bank sebaiknya memasukkan pengaruh sektor privat dalam indikator EDBI sebagai upaya menciptakan sinergi antara pemerintah dan sektor privat untuk peningkatan EDBI dan dampaknya pada ekonomi. Kata kunci: Ease of Doing Business, indeks kemudahan berbisnis, pengembalian investasi, investor, Bank Dunia

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-35
Melani Kartika Sari

The Covid-19 outbreak is a new type of disease and is highly contagious. This new virus was previously unknown before infecting many residents of Wuhan, China. This virus is now spreading to most of the world. To prevent its spread, the government urges people to stay at home and learn online. The aimed of this study was to determine the level of stress of first-degree students in the Nursing Study Program at Stikes Karya Husada in dealing with the Covid-10 outbreak and online lectures due to the outbreak. This type of research is a descriptive study with cross sectional design. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique to get a total sample of 70 respondents. Data were collected using a questionnaire in the form of google and found that most students experienced moderate stress (38.57%), some experienced severe stress (28.57%), and mild stress (32.86%). The stressors that cause the most stress are difficulty understanding online material and worry about contracting Covid-19. Pandemic conditions that are full of uncertainty need to be addressed wisely by various parties. It takes effort to reduce stress by doing a variety of fun activities in the home that can be done by students. Keywords: stress level, students, covid-19, online lectures

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-158
Rajat Deb

The study has been motivated to assay the selective stakeholders’ perceptions on whether the government financial audit has been converted into forensic audit. Adopting a cross-sectional study design with survey strategy through a self-administered interview schedule with a 50-item inventory, data has been collected from randomly chosen 120 sample respondents having equal representations from two groups—current and retired government employees and businessmen of Tripura. The significant statistical results have concluded that corruption and accounting slacks have important impacts on the government audits, and the latter if used in an appropriate manner are likely to detect frauds and catalyse in bringing accounting reforms.

Muna Mohamed Elamin ◽  
Salih Boushra Hamza ◽  
Khabab Abbasher ◽  
Khalid Elsir Idris ◽  
Yassin Abdelrahim Abdallah ◽  

Background: Workplace violence against healthcare workers and especially doctors are now clearly taken as a rapidly rising health problem in Sudan with great political and legal concerns. The current study was aimed at exploring the prevalence of verbal and physical workplace violence, the major factors associated with it, and its consequences reported by medical staff in Khartoum, Sudan government hospitals in 2020. Methods: This cross-sectional study utilized self-administered questionnaires to collect data on aspects of workplace violence against doctors working in the government hospitals of Khartoum, Sudan. A nine-item self-reported workplace violence scale was used. An online survey of self-reported work-related violence exposure during the preceding 12 months was sent to conveniently selected doctors. In total, 387 doctors completed the questionnaire in 2020. Data were analyzed using the SPSS version 26. Results: One hundred and ninety five (50%) respondents reported they were victims of violence in the previous 12 months; 92% of them experienced nonphysical violence; while female doctors were more likely to experience this type of violence (67%), younger respondents <30 years of age were more likely to encounter violent episodes. Results show an association between exposure to physical violence and working at an emergency department. The assailants were mostly males in the age group of 19–35 years (70.2%), most of them were under no influence (60.8%). Conclusion: Approximately one in every two doctors had experienced some degree of violence, either physical or nonphysical or both, and it was negatively reflected on their psychological status as well as their work performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-16
Titih Huriah ◽  
Nurul Hidayah ◽  
Akichika Mikami

Background: The increment of terminal health problems causes the demand for palliative care to increase. Nurses’ attitudes toward palliative care have critical implications on the quality of care for terminally ill patients. This study aimed to investigate non-palliative care nurses’ attitudes towards death and dying patients in palliative care in Indonesia.Method: A cross-sectional design was performed in four general hospitals, five primary health centers, and three nursing homes in Yogyakarta. Systematic random sampling was the method employed. The research instrument used Frommelt Attitudes towards Care of the Dying (FATCOD). FATCOD is a 30-item tool using a five-point Likert scale to indicate respondents' attitudes toward caring for dying patients. Attitudes had two categories, namely favorable (≥ mean score of the total score of (FATCOD) Scale) and unfavorable ( mean score of the total score of (FATCOD) Scale). Two hundred seventeen (217) non-palliative care nurses completed the FATCOD and a ten-item demographic questionnaire. The data analysis used descriptive statistics, chi-square, and linear regression.Results: The total FATCOD score achieved in this study was 111.29±9.44 (range 30–150). Concerning nurses’ attitudes towards the family members of terminally ill dying patients, the score was 39.85 (±4.12) out of a possible 50. Besides attitudes towards patient care provision, the score was 71.43 (±6.39) out of a possible 100. The nurses' attitudes towards the dying patients showed that the favorable and unfavorable attitudes had almost the same percentage. Of significance, working experience variables were associated with attitudes in the total FATCOD and patient FATCOD. Working experience and level of education were related to attitudes towards the family FATCOD.Conclusion: Non-palliative care nurses had a favorable attitude towards palliative care. The ministry of health should give awareness by providing various training, workshop, formal and informal education about PC for nurses.

This study examined the effect of locus of control, tolerance of ambiguity, visionary, persistence and resilience on entrepreneurial competency, performance and sustainability among micro-enterprises in Kelantan, Malaysia. Adopting a cross-sectional design, we collected data from 403 micro-entrepreneurs. The findings revealed that locus of control and visionary significantly influenced entrepreneurial competencies. In turn, entrepreneurial competencies, locus of control, and visionary traits significantly affected micro-enterprise performance. The findings also revealed a positive effect of entrepreneurial competencies and performance on micro-enterprise sustainability. The findings also confirmed a significant mediating effect of entrepreneurial competencies on the relationship between locus of control and visionary, and enterprise performance. The government and developmental organizations should collaborate to enhance locus of control, visionary, and resilience traits in order to facilitate their micro-enterprise sustainable performance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Nurhidayah Nurhidayah ◽  
Made Sutarga ◽  
Made Pasek Kardiwinata

ABSTRACTCanggu Village is an area that has experienced outbreaks of Japanese encephalitis (JE) in 2015 by JE clinical cases as many as 18 cases. This study aims to determine the environmental conditions, of JE prevention in the village of Canggu. This research is a descriptive cross-sectional design. The sampling technique using quota sampling, from 7 hamlets in the village of Canggu taken each 22 respondents to be sampled in the study to meet the minimum required quota sample. The sampling of this research are respondent that live in radius 100 meters from pig stable. The number of respondents in the interview are as many as 151 people consisting of 17 patients and 134 non JE. The results showed that 82.84% of respondents have a risky environment, whereas respondents that stay near rice terraces 14,28% get JE and respondent that around their house there is a dirty puddle 28,57% get JE. The conclusion from this study is most respondents have a risk of environmental conditions. Where the most part of them is stay close to the field. It is recommended that the government to provide education or counseling equitably to community, not only who have experienced clinical symptoms of JE but also high-risk society.Keywords: Japanese encephalitis, Environmental Conditions, Outbreak

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