scholarly journals La Formación Investigativa Como Salida Para El Compromiso Profesional De Futuros Profesores En Angola

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (28) ◽  
pp. 18
D. Eugenio Figueiredo ◽  
Miriam Agreda Montoro ◽  
María Angustias Hinojo Lucena

This paper aims to enhance the research carried out on teacher training as a current need in Angola’s Higher Education due to the lack of any practical introduction to research as part of an essential mode of action in professional training. This paper uses references provided in social sciences as a basis to inform about the importance of research training during the educational process of both students and teachers in Angola.. We conclude there is a need to propose policies that create profound changes in the training model of education practitioners so as to include an efficient general knowledge as well as the ability to develop proper research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-119
U. Abdigapbarova ◽  
А. Smanova ◽  
A. Kenzhebayeva ◽  

The article discusses the integration of dual teaching elements into the process of vocational training for future teachers. From the 30s of the twentieth century to the beginning of the twenty first century, the reflection of the elements of dual teaching in the educational process of pedagogical higher education institutions is based. Although it does not mention the introduction of the elements of dual education, it is noted that in recent years, due to the emphasis on the training of future teachers, special attention is paid to practical classes, internships. From 2014, domestic dissertation research and research projects covering dual learning will be thoroughly analyzed. Questionnaires were received from university graduates and employers. It will also be revealed that there are currently opportunities to integrate dual teaching elements into the process of future teacher training.

2020 ◽  
pp. 137-141
V. M. Synyshyna

The scientific achievements of leading scientists on the selected theme are analyzed and leading ideas, concepts, and main definitions of the research are identified in the article. The creation of proper psycho-didactic conditions in institutions of higher education, which serve as a basis for the formation of professionally significant competences, the development of personal creative potential and active public position in future practical psychologists, is updated. It is argumented that the educational system built on the conceptual foundations of professional training makes it possible to effectively content the educational disciplines, and therefore effective fundamental knowledge, professional-oriented skills, advanced skills, professional norms and values, which have the highest degree of generalization of social phenomena and processes. It is proved that the concept of the study of practical psychology combines professional methodological, philosophical and general scientific principles and scientific-methodological approaches, which are directed at the revealing future professional activity. The outlined conceptual foundations of professional training allow us to modify the educational process in higher education according to the individual needs of future practical psychologists. The methodological analysis of educational phenomenon of practical psychology in institutions of higher education on four basic levels is offered: philosophical-theoretical (evolutionary-theoretical formation of the specialist and his or her effective functioning), methodological (formation of the system of world-view and semantic individual formations for realization of individual’s educational skills and abilities), specific-scientific (acquisition of fundamental knowledge about professional activities) and technological (effective use of methods and techniques of research for acquisition of true empirical knowledge). The conclusion about the importance of outlining of conceptual foundations in the system of professional training of future practical psychologists is made.

Mykhailo MEDVID ◽  

Responding to identified shortcomings is components of the internal quality assurance system of a higher education institution. A study of the educational activities of future teachers-engineers of computer profile found that most students are not going to devote their career to teaching, thus preferring engineering. Undoubt- edly, higher education institutions must respond to the requests of stakeholders, especially those seeking higher education. On the other hand, there are requests from employers (educational institutions) for teachers-engineers of computer profile. Therefore, further research was aimed at enhancing cognitive activity primarily by increasing motivation for pedagogical activity. Methods: pedagogical experiment. Results. An experimental test of the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for intensifying the educational activities of future teachers-engineers of computer profile in professional training. Originality. The results of the study testify to the effec- tiveness of certain pedagogical conditions for intensifying the educational activities of future teachers-engineers of computer profile: changes of external motivation to internal will take place if the information and communication technologies are introduced into educational process of studying peda- gogical disciplines; change of position in the educational activity of future teachers-engineers of computer profile in the study of pedagogical disciplines will take place under the condition that students apply a project approach to the organization of their own educational activity; intensification of educational activity due to its correc- tion in future teachers-engineers of computer profile in the process of operative feedback at each stage of educational activity. Comparative analysis of experimental data shows an increase in the percentage of students of the experimental group compared to the control group with a high level of educational activities of future teachers-engineers of com- puter profile in the study of pedagogical disciplines for a stable active position of educational activity – by 34%, internal motivation to study – by 32%, by the ability to plan and organize their own educational trajectory – by 32%, by academic performance – by 25%). When comparing the results before and after the ex- periment: in the control group the empirical values of the criterion χ2 are less than critical, the characteristics of the compared groups coincide at the level of significance of 0.05; in experimental group the empirical values of the criterion χ2 are greater than the critical one, the signifi- cance of the difference in the characteristics of the com- pared groups is 95%.

ScienceRise ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 52-60
Valentyna Vitіuk ◽  
Nadiia Skrypnyk ◽  
Ivan Khomiak

The object of research is the process of forming the spelling competence of future teachers of the New Ukrainian School. Investigated problem. The spelling competence of students of higher education institutions as a component of linguistic and communication competence is presented in the article. The problem of the formation of linguistic and communicative competence, in particular spelling, is of particular relevance in connection with the introduction of the new edition of Ukrainian spelling. In the context of current requirements for the professional training of future specialists of the New Ukrainian School, the role of test monitoring as a form of diagnostics and control of spelling and punctuation literacy of higher education students is increasing, which allows to objectively evaluate the spelling of students’ skills, improve the organization of educational activities and in modern universities. The main scientific results. A brief overview of the history of testing use in the educational process is provided in scientific intelligence. The positive and negative factors of the introduction of testing in the process of studying the spelling material of modern Ukrainian literary language are determined. Guidelines for the development of spelling test tasks in modern Ukrainian have been made. The article proposes test tasks of closed and open forms for monitoring the spelling knowledge, abilities and skills of students of institutions of higher education after studying the topic «Letter doubling». The field of practical use of research results. The results of the study can be used by teachers of higher education who are working on the problem of formation and improvement of spelling literacy of applicants for higher education institutions, as test monitoring allows promptly checking students’ educational achievements, determining how thoroughly and correctly each student has mastered one or another spelling knowledge, skills. Innovative technological product. Test tasks of closed and open forms on the theme «Letter doubling» are developed. Scope of innovative technological product. The methodical recommendations for the development of spelling tests of modern Ukrainian language, the proposed test tasks on the subject of «Letter doubling» can be applied in the study of such subjects as «Modern Ukrainian language with a practicum», «Practice in Ukrainian spelling» for students of specialty 013 «Primary education», 014 «Secondary education», specialization «Ukrainian language and literature» of higher education institutions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 103-117
Oktaviia Fizeshi ◽  

The prerequisite for ensuring the professional training of masters in the specialty "The Primary Education" in Ukraine is the formation of their professional competence to teach in the higher education institutions. After all, in addition to qualifying as a primary school teacher, they are also qualified as the teacher of pedagogy. Accordingly, the preparation of the modern primary school teacher requires the organization of the educational process in higher education on a scientific humanistic basis which provides purposeful systematic provision of psychological and pedagogical training of scientific and pedagogical staff for the higher education institutions of different levels of accreditation for their interaction with students. This article summarizes the author's experience of studying the teaching methods of the disciplines "Fundamentals of Pedagogy", "Didactics", "Theory and Methods of Education", "Socio-pedagogical Fundamentals of Educational Management" and "History of Pedagogy". In particular, theoretical and aspects of students' methodical activity are revealed: active listening, participation in dialogue and discussion during lectures, observation of pedagogical classes from different sections (basics of pedagogy, didactics, theory of education, history of pedagogy), development of the text of lectures on separate topics, micro-teaching and analysis of pedagogical situations, their modeling, execution of creative tasks, production of visual material. Preparation of the masters for teaching of pedagogical disciplines in the institutions of higher pedagogical education facilitates their mastery of the basic concepts and categories of pedagogy, historical aspects of the formation of pedagogy as a science, current trends in education; the content of pedagogical disciplines in the institutions of higher pedagogical education; features of the education process, its regularities and principles, the methods and organizational forms, etc. Also, in the process of studying the methodology of teaching pedagogical disciplines, the masters have the ability to prepare curricula for disciplines; to plan and conduct various types of training (lectures, seminars and practical classes); to control and diagnose students' educational achievements; to organize various types of cognitive work with students, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3D) ◽  
pp. 623-628
Roma Sybirna ◽  
Tetiana Fursykova ◽  
Ganna Polishchuk ◽  
Oleksandr Balanutsa ◽  
Alla Marchuk

One of the important problems of training competitive specialists in creative professions is the theoretical substantiation and practical implementation of the idea of integrating science and technology, education and production, searching on this basis for innovative approaches to creative education. Taking this into account, the problem of integrating knowledge in higher education acquires significance and has a number of advantages. The university is faced with the task of providing students with a holistic, scientific, flexible system of knowledge, which is modified depending on the profile and purpose of each type of educational institution. One of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is to integrate the content, forms and methods of teaching into the educational process.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 87-92
Oksana Romaniuk

Abstract In the article the author considers recent trends in teacher education and pedagogical mastery, issues of carrying out improvements to the teacher training system in European countries, analyzes programmes of cooperation in education that facilitate forming of teachers’ professional competency, studies typical problems in teacher education in Europe and possible ways for its improving. Based on the study of European experience in teacher training the author has concluded that lecturers are extremely interested in identifying the patterns of teacher training and pedagogical mastery as a theoretical, methodological and practical problem and has justified the importance of the structural organization and modernization of teacher professional training in higher education, the development of new forms in relations between the teacher training system and higher education institutions, which are based on systematic, scientific, interdisciplinary approaches and the idea of continuity. The importance of special cooperation projects in teacher education launched in the European Union in terms of pedagogical mastery has been emphasized in the article. The author also focuses attention on new ways of solving the existing problems in developing the professional competency of students obtaining teacher education as well as the development of pedagogical mastery. There have been described main directions in the functioning of European countries’ teacher training systems that can be useful in identifying development trends in teacher education in Ukraine, namely, teacher education based on worldwide recognized researches, the shift in orientation of the teacher education philosophy: from quantity to quality, clearly defined educational standards as well as criteria for their assessment, the review of procedures for accrediting teacher training institutions, the use of multimedia technologies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (37) ◽  
pp. 137
N. Dotsenko

The article presents the organizational support for the professional training of bachelors in agricultural engineering in the conditions of information and educational environment: regulatory support for filling the information and education environment and preventing plagiarism, regulatory support for conducting online and offline classes, and regulatory support for independent work, self-control, and monitoring. Regulatory provision for filling the educational environment and preventing plagiarism includes provisions for the Cloud 365 information and education environment and provisions for the prevention of academic plagiarism while learning in the educational environment. Regulatory support for online and offline training includes online training and interactive computer training to provide a competent approach to the training of higher education applicants. Regulatory support for independent work, self-control and monitoring includes provisions on monitoring the quality of the educational process, provisions on the quality of the educational and provisions on the organization of independent work of higher education students in the context of information and education. educational environment.Key words: organizational support, vocational training, bachelors in agricultural engineering, information and educational environment.

Nataliya Holovko ◽  
Anna Cherepakha

This article explores the problematic form of students, higher education institutions, a responsible attitude to learning. The concept of motivation from the point of view of scientists, the problem of preventing student motivation, emotions, as well as all the motivations that are in the port, and we who provide recommendations to students, as well as the responsibility for training. The professional formation of a young person during studying at a higher educational institution is an important stage in its socialization, where the leading kind of activity becomes educational-professional. Motivation is one of the leading factors in successful learning. But its features and inefficiencies differ at different stages of the educational process through which students go. From the first to the last course education and professional activity and its change of motivation. Experimentally investigated features of the motivation of learning in institutions of higher education of applicants of various courses, found dynamic changes in the dominant motives of learning in a specially organized impact. The results suggest that the motivation of students to succeed during the academic period tends to increase. Their educational activity is influenced by the system of internal motives, which ensures the effective assimilation of the future specialty.

Тетяна Григоренко ◽  
Валентина Коваль

The article reveals the peculiarities of the American professional training of teachers of philology. The source base is analyzed and the lack of a common understanding of the concept of teacher training model, as well as the identification of concepts of models and approaches to the training of teachers of philology. The problematic issues of interdisciplinary training of teachers-philologists of integrative type for expanding opportunities for professional realization in the modern labor market are identified. The purpose of education and prestige of three types of master's and doctoral schools in American research universities are determined: the school of humanities and natural sciences; vocational schools of medicine, law and entrepreneurship; school of pedagogical education. The article considers such models of training of teachers of philology as intuitive, artistic and craft, scientific and applied, reflective, experimental, critical, collaborative, alternative, which allowed to substantiate scientific and methodological recommendations for improving the professional training of teachers of philology: development and introduction of an alternative model of training of teachers-philologists (alternative educational programs); development of mechanisms to stimulate students of philology to research activities; introduction of innovative teaching methods and technologies on the basis of interactivity, facilitation, collaboration, work in an interdisciplinary team, cooperation and constructive socialization; awareness of the need for interdisciplinary knowledge and skills, professional self-development. It was found that the models of teacher training in the United States have much in common with other countries of the European educational space, and the only model that is purely American is an alternative model of teacher training. Scientific and methodological recommendations for improving the professional training of teachers of philology in Ukraine on the basis of theoretical, organizational and didactic models of professional training in the United States are outlined.

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