scholarly journals Legalitas Perusahaan Penanaman Modal Asing Untuk Mendatangkan Tenaga Kerja Asing ke Indonesia di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 1183
Terry Christy Prasetya

AbstractNovel Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a contagious virus which attacks the respiratory system and has swept the entire world, including Indonesia. This virus has a very high transmission rate and affects various sectors in Indonesia, such as the economic sector. The Indonesian government always strives to maintain a positive investment climate for foreign investors. With the spread of the Covid-19 virus, countries around the world have closed access to their countries. This includes Indonesia. PT. PMA Virtue Dragon Nickel Industri (VDNI), a foreign investment company in Indonesia which holds a permit from the Ministry of Manpower (KEMENAKER) to bring in foreign workers in the context of building a smelter amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. This caused a polemic in Indonesia because despite various labor problems, the Indonesian Government gave permission to bring foreign workers to Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, this paper is a juridical analysis will be carried out regarding the legality of foreign investment companies bringing in foreign workers in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. Keywords: Foreign Worker; Covid -19; Legality.AbstrakNovel Coronavirus (Covid-19) adalah sebuah virus menular yang menyerang sistem pernafasan yang melanda seluruh dunia tidak terkecuali di Indonesia. Dengan tingkat penularan yang sangat tinggi hal ini tentunya memperngaruhi berbagai sektor di Indonesia termasuk dalan sektor ekonomi. Pemerintah Indonesia tentunya selalu berupaya untuk menjaga iklim investasi yang positif bagi penanaman modal asing. Dengan menyebarnya virus Covid-19 negara – negara di dunia menutup akses masuk ke negaranya, temasuk Indonesia. PT. PMA Virtue Dragon Nickel Industri (VDNI) salah satu perusahaan penanaman modal asing yang ada di Indonesia dan memegang izin dari Kementerian Tenaga Kerja (KEMENAKER) untuk mendatangkan tenaga kerja asing dalam rangka pembagunan smelter ditengah pandemi Covid-19. Hal ini kemudian menimbulkan polemik di Indonesia karena ditengah berbagai permasalahan ketenagakerjaan Pemerintah Indonesia memberikan izin untuk mendatangkan Tenaga Kerja Asing ke Indonesia di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Oleh karena itu dalam penulisan ini akan dilakukan analisa yuridis mengenai legalitas perusahaan penanaman modal asing untuk mendatangkan tenaga kerja asing di tengah pandemi Covid-19Kata Kunci: Tenaga Kerja Asing; Covid-19; Legalitas.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-24
Tony Mirwanto

Abuse of Residence Permits by foreigners with the mode of using tourist visit visas often occurs, generally used in the context of working as a Foreign Worker in a Foreign Investment Company in Indonesia. This has led to a reduction in employment opportunities for Indonesian Migrant Workers in the country and a reduction in State income in terms of the use of Foreign Workers. Based on the facts in the field, the problem of misuse of Tourism Visit Stay Permits generally comes from the policy of Free Visa for Tourist Visits, this is a problem that over time is increasingly difficult to resolve, even more difficult to detect by law enforcement officials. The involvement of Indonesia in various international agreements that accommodate the ease of investment and the use of foreign labor, has made Indonesia increasingly fulfilled by investors and foreign workers. The problem of the use of foreign workers needs to be taken seriously by the government, especially in monitoring its activities while in Indonesia, so that the use of foreign labor can be beneficial for Indonesia. Giving ease of Visa Free in order to increase foreign exchange in tourism to foreigners who will enter Indonesia, of course, must be accompanied by supervision of their residence permit as a consequence of the ease of granting the Visa Free. In order for the practice of using foreign workers illegally by foreign investment companies, it can be minimized as early as possible  

Sains Insani ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-77
Intan Suria Hamzah ◽  
Sity Daud

Malaysia experienced a number of the entry of foreigners in the world, mainly as low-skilled workers. Malaysia has been experiencing shortage of workers in main sectors such as construction, agriculture, industrial and service. Foreign workers are workers came from other countries who come to work in Malaysia for a certain period, they are also known as economic’s workers. The study found that foreign workers give benefits for country development process in variuos sectors but with their numbers growing and reaching millions of peoples were disturbing economy and local communities.Keywords: Foreign worker, demand, economy, PATI, crime, security Abstrak: Malaysia mengalami jumlah kemasukan warga asing yang besar di dunia, terutamanya sebagai buruh berkemahiran rendah. Malaysia telah mengalami masalah kekurangan buruh dalam sektor-sektor utama negara seperti pembinaan, perladangan, perindustrian dan perkhidmatan. Pekerja asing atau buruh asing merupakan pekerja yang berasal dari negara luar yang datang bekerja di Malaysia bagi sesuatu tempoh tertentu, ianya juga dikenali sebagai buruh ekonomi. Hasil kajian, mendapati pekerja asing telah membawa manfaat dalam proses pembangunan negara Malaysia dalam pelbagai sektor namun begitu dengan jumlah mereka yang semakin meningkat dan mencecah jutaan orang telah mengganggu-gugat ekonomi dan masyarakat tempatan.Kata kunci: Pekerja asing, permintaan, ekonomi, PATI, jenayah, keselamatan.

2020 ◽  
pp. 122-134
Beruniy ALIMOV

This article analyzes the impact of the country's media image on foreign investment flows. Researches show, that the development of any country tensely depends on its reputation in information space. Media coverage of economic reforms and important political changes is the main reason why investors in other states show interest in the country. As a result, it is possible to achieve a multiple increase in the inflow of foreign investments. The investment of foreign investors in the national economy depends not only on the rating of enterprises or on the results of economic activity, but also on the geopolitical location of the country and its domestic and foreign policy. Investors choose the most stable countries to invest capital. That is why all countries around the world are trying to do as much as possible to minimize investment risks. Like all countries in the world, Uzbekistan is making a lot of efforts to improve the attractiveness of the investment climate in the national economy. In particular, in recent years, a special attention has been paid to the investment policy of the Republic. At the same time, mass media in Uzbekistan are trying to spread the information about the great achievements of the country to the world. In this process, modern technologies of national mass media, in particular the Internet and satellite capabilities are being used. However, it would be desirable to increase the effectiveness of the existing information capacity, strengthen mechanisms for enhancing the country's image in the global media space.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Muhammad Badaruddin ◽  
Suciliani Octavia

China’s aggressiveness to conduct its belt and road initiatives through the Pacific Rim meets Presiden Joko Widodo’s ambition to attract foreign investment. The Indonesian President has been very ambitious in reaching high economic growth that requires readiness of infrastructure support. In dealing with China, Indonesia is required to accept China’s turnkey project scheme for infrastructure development, particularly in welcoming Chinese workers and equipments as an integral part of the project package. As a consequence, Indonesia has to loose its foreign worker regulation despite creating new contradictions with its domestic policy. This article is trying to investigate China’s funding and investment influence in Indonesia particularly in the foreign worker management during the period of President Joko Widodo Administration. The research conducted with qualitative method particularly the case study to analyze a sequential case in the field. Result of this research shows that the China’s turnkey project scheme impacts the foreign worker management in Indonesia. Our data displays pretty massive cases related to Chinese workers, extending from the violation of immigration regulation to the increase number of smuggling and other criminal activities. This research also highlight the indication that the Joko Widodo Administration tend to loose the Indonesian foreign worker regulations, as well as being less assertive in processing varous immigration cases which related to Chinese foreign workers. Moreover, the Jokowi administration has changed lots of regulations despite it has conflicting issues with the Law on Foreign Worker. On the other hand, the Parliament’s Special Committee on the Foreign Worker Issue has recommended the Jokowi Administration to pay more serious attention on cases related to the Chinese workers.   Keywords: Turnkey Project, Foreign Investment, Foreign Aid, Regulation on Foreign Worker, Illegal Foreign Worker     Abstrak   Agresivitas Pemerintah China dalam menjalankan belt and road initiatives ke berbagai negara yang terpetakan dalam road map-nya, bertemu dengan kepentingan Indonesia di bawah Pemerintahan Joko Widodo. Yakni ambisi untuk mengejar target pertumbuhan yang tinggi yang mempersyaratkan dibangunnya berbagai proyek infrastruktur sebagai penunjangnya. Pembangunan berbagai proyek tersebut membutuhkan ketersediaan anggaran yang cukup besar dalam waktu cepat. Salah satu strategi pemenuhannya adalah dengan mencari investasi maupun pinjaman luar negeri, terutama asal China yang secara koinsiden juga sedang agresif berekspansi. Kehadiran investasi dan pinjaman asal China di Indonesia dengan skema turnkey project ternyata menimbulkan ekses yang tidak sederhana. Skema tersebut menjadi salah satu pintu masuk tenaga kerja asal China melalui proyek-proyek infrastruktur yang ternyata menimbulkan permasalahan baru dalam pengaturan sektor ketenagakerjaan asing (TKA) di Indonesia. Irisan fenomena dari keinginan untuk merealisasikan proyek infrastruktur secara cepat, kebutuhan anggaran yang cukup tinggi terhadap pendanaan proyek dari China, dan kekurangsiapan dalam pengaturan masuknya tenaga kerja asing adalah fokus dari penelitian yang hasilnya penulis tuangkan dalam artikel ini. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, terdapat peningkatan berbagai kasus yang terkait dengan kehadiran TKA asal China, antara lain adalah penyalahgunaan visa, penyalahgunaan status kerja, sampai pada meningkatnya angka penyelundupan dan tindak kriminalitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menganalisis secara triangular beberapa data yang didapatkan melalui wawancara terhadap narasumber primer, pengolahan dokumen-dokumen resmi, analisis terhadap berbagai literatur dan pemberitaan media massa.   Kata Kunci: Turnkey Project, Investasi Asing, Pinjaman Asing, Tenaga Kerja Asing, Peraturan Ketenagakerjaan

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 68-74
Fayzulla Tolipov ◽  

The article describes the investment basis, historical factors and development trends in the development of small business and entrepreneurship in the years of independence of Uzbekistan. It describes the state policy to increase the attractiveness of the investment climate, important factors, conditions and some problemsin attracting foreign investment. The article notes that the integration of the industry into the world economic system has allowed Uzbekistan to improve the domestic socio-economic environment, ways to actively attract investment and use it wisely by further encouraging entrepreneurs

Law and World ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-83

An economic development of the states highly depends upon the flow of private international investment. Whilst the creation of suitable investment climate which would guarantee the fair and equitable treatment of foreign investment within the depoliticized and impartial dispute resolution system had been objective of the World Bank, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes was established under its auspices. The primary objective of the ICSID Convention has been viewed on facilitating and safeguarding of private international investment through the creation of a favorable investment climate. Arbitration under the ICSID, serves not only in favor of investors but also of host states. Whilst the favorable means are offered to the both parties for dispute resolution according to the major provisions of the Convention, the “execution of the awards”, represent the slight alteration in the disadvantageous position of the foreign investor. The aforementioned alteration as the time consuming process, fulfilled within the state bureaucracy is more sensibly approached by the foreign investors in developing countries, under which the political risk and demand for foreign investment protection is always one of the highest extent. However, by virtue of signing the Convention, the states not only accept the proposed dispute resolution mechanism, but also declare and desire to welcome the foreign investment. As states aforementioned attempts could be related to the creation of the Global Forum for delivering better Investment Climate, the demands of the World Bank in the sphere is one of the most significant importance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 345-355
Clare Fisher Williams

For the World Bank, the importance of the legal climate for attracting foreign investment is axiomatic and the legal and political aspects of an investment climate are measured in the World Bank’s ‘good governance’ programme. However, the assumptions underlying this rely on quantitative research setting out correlation and highlighting a narrow range of voices. An ESL-inspired approach to empirical work can question what investors want from a host state legal system while also addressing criticisms of existing literature. As a case study, Sri Lanka is set out as a country actively engaged in attracting foreign investment through the creation of an ideal investment climate. The discussion first describes the empirical by setting out the role of World Bank rationalities in shaping Sri Lanka’s investment climate. It then defines the analytical, locating ESL in the social sciences and outlining the debates surrounding the central concept of embeddedness. It goes on to design an alternative approach by combining elements of three frames, both addressing existing criticisms and avoiding embeddedness. This is then deployed and the applications and implications for framing relations of foreign investors in Sri Lanka are set out.

2011 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Ibironke T. Odumosu

In some recent investment arbitration cases, tribunals have been presented with facts that suggest that foreign investors and public officials in the host state have engaged in corrupt practices. In its analysis of the extension of the anti-corruption campaign to investment arbitration, this article examines the legal measures adopted to combat corruption before investor-state arbitral tribunals in light of a study of World Duty Free Co. Ltd. v. The Republic of Kenya. An examination of the background to the World Duty Free v. Kenya dispute, the broader circumstances that surrounded the dispute, and Kenya’s political climate that was not within the tribunal’s purview, demonstrate that investment arbitration tribunals are not sufficiently equipped to exhaustively tackle corruption. Given the intricate political and public nature of corruption, responses to foreign investment-related corruption also have to be multi-faceted.

Simon Butt ◽  
Tim Lindsey

Successive governments have emphasized Indonesia’s need for greatly increased foreign investment but have not matched this with sufficient reform to attract large amounts of it. This chapter begins by describing the requirements for foreign investment, including establishment of PMAs, or foreign investment companies, before considering the restrictions that apply to them, such as the ‘negative list’ of sectors closed to investors, or open with restrictions. It looks at important court decisions that have made foreign investment more difficult, along with the share divestment and onshore ore processing rules that have had the same effect, particularly in the mining sector. The chapter then outlines the law relating to commercial arbitration, including the rules limiting the enforcement of foreign awards in Indonesia. The last topic covered is public-private partnerships (PPPs) and the Indonesian Investment Guarantee Fund, which guarantees payment of state liabilities to foreign investors but struggles to attract new projects.

Jauhari Ginting

Employment is a very vital thing in human life. All humans realize the importance of having and doing work for themselves and their families, in supporting their daily needs in their lives. Those needs can be fulfilled if the human does the job. In the current era of globalization, with the development of industry and investment that involves the international world is increasingly growing, the world of Indonesian manpower is also moving. In order to boost the development of Indonesian industry, in the world of manpower, Indonesia requires skilled workers (experts) to sustain the operation of the industries in question. Experts from Indonesian workers are still very limited (lacking) and still need guidance. Filling the vacancy, foreign workers (TKA) are used to sustain it. The placement of foreign workers in Indonesia in filling the vacancy is temporary. The Indonesian government must have a clear policy direction regarding the presence of foreign workers in Indonesia. The placement of foreign workers must receive benefits (added value) for the state and nation of Indonesia, especially for the Indonesian workers themselves.Keyword : Direction Of Government, Policy Towards Foreign Workers, Indonesia

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