2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 194
Yulina Rahmi

AbstractRepresentation of Violence in Laut Bercerita Novel by Leila S. Chudori. This study aims to describe the forms of violence and resistance in the novel Laut Bercerita by Leila S. Chudori. The description is done by discourse analysis. Critical discourse analysis examines various social forms and their imbalances displayed through text, then relates them to social and political contexts. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis approach Based on the analysis, there are three types of violence, namely physical, verbal, and bureaucratic violence. The form of physical violence are beatings and torture. The form of verbal violence are to accuse and ridicule. Bureaucratic violence is shown in the form of a prohibition on joining a formal institution for people with a certain background and the prohibition of staging theater or poetry which are considered to carry certain ideologies. Meanwhile, there are two types of resistance representations, namely open resistance and closed resistance. Open resistance is shown in the form of demonstrations. Closed resistance is shown in the form of resistance to categories imposed on society. Key words: discourse practice, violence, representation  AbstrakRepresentasi Kekerasan dalam Novel Laut Bercerita Karya Leila S. Chudori. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan wujud kekerasan dan perlawanan dalam novel Laut Bercerita karya Leila S. Chudori. Deskripsi tersebut dilakukan dengan analisis wacana. Analisis wacana kritis mengkaji beragam bentuk sosial dan ketimpangannya yang ditampilkan melalui teks, kemudian menghubungkannya dengan konteks sosial dan politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis wacana kritis Norman Fairclough. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, terdapat tiga jenis kekerasan, yaitu kekerasan fisik, verbal, dan birokratik. Kekerasan fisik dengan wujud pemukulan dan penganiayaan. Kekerasan verbal dengan wujud menuduh dan mengejek. Kekerasan birokratik ditunjukkan dalam wujud larangan bergabung dengan suatu institusi formal bagi orang dengan latar belakang tertentu dan larangan pementasan seni teater atau puisi yang dianggap membawa ideologi tertentu. Sedangkan, representasi perlawanan terdapat dua jenis, yaitu perlawanan terbuka dan perlawanan tertutup. Perlawanan terbuka ditunjukkan dalam wujud demonstrasi. Perlawanan tertutup yang ditunjukkan dalam bentuk penolakan terhadap kategori-kategori yang dipaksakan terhadap masyarakat. Kata-kata kunci: wacana kritis, kekerasan, representasi

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 264-288
Agung Pangeran Bungsu

Abstract: The increasing violence against women makes the issue of gender will continue to be interesting to study. The forms of violence committed against women are also increasingly diverse, one of which is non-physical violence through the news media. Women are often treated unfairly and even harassed their dignity in news discourse. This paper will describe the styles of two media that are quite popular in Indonesia, namely and Media Indonesia in constructing news about the hot video of artist Gisella Anastasia. Then the discourse construction will be analyzed using Sara Mills' critical discourse analysis. Sara Mills' critical discourse analysis will analyze the discourse building holistically which includes the position of the subject-object and also the position of the writer-reader in the news. The results of the study reveal that the position of the subject and the author is dominated by men to convince the public that women are the cause of the hot video case. The tendentious narratives aimed at women by the two media in constructing discourse further exacerbate the framing inherent in women. Keywords: Gisella Anastasia, Sara Mills Critical Discourse Analysis, Sara Mills Critical Discourse Analysis Abstrak: Meningkatknya kekerasan pada perempuan membuat isu tentang gender akan terus menarik untuk dikaji. Bentuk kekerasan yang dilakukan pada perempuan juga semakin beragam, salah satunya kekerasan non fisik lewat media pemberitaan. Perempuan kerap diperlakukan tidak adil bahkan dilecehkan martabatnya dalam pewacanaan berita. Tulisan ini akan menguraikan gaya dua media yang cukup populer di Indonesia yaitu dan Media Indonesia dalam mengkonstruksikan berita tentang video panas artis Gisella Anastasia. Kemudian konstruksi wacana akan dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisis wacana kritis Sara Mills. Analisis wacana kritis Sara Mills akan menganalisa bangunan wacana secara holistik yang meliputi posisi subjek-objek dan juga posisi penulis-pembaca dalam pemberitaan. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan posisi subjek maupun penulis dikuasai oleh laki-laki untuk meyakinkan publik bahwa perempuan sebagai penyebab terjadinya kasus video panas. Narasi tendensius yang ditujukan bagi perempuan oleh kedua media dalam mengkonstruksikan wacana semakin memperburuk framing yang melekat pada perempuan. Kata Kunci: Gisella Anastasia, Analisis Wacana Kritis Sara Mills, Critical Discourse Analysis Sara Mills

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-91
Rahmat Prayogi

The research discussed about text, discourse practice, and sociocultural practie of coruption discourse in Indonesiana site, and its implication to discourse analysis learning in University. The method used in this research was qualitative method with critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough. Based on the result of the research and discussion, text components in every discourse reveals the critical facts in society. Meanwhile, discourse practice denotes external component which affect text production process so the discourse become more comprehensive. Then, sociocultural practice or social knowledge which becomes the framework of writer could emphasize the discourse result. The result of the research could be used as an example step to discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 56
Indah Mustika Santhi

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini berjudul “The Media Conspiracy Behind the Death of Diana, Princessof Wales: A Study of Critical Discourse Analysis”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskanbagaimana kematian Putri Diana direpresentasikan oleh The Daily Mail dalam artikelartikelpemberitaannya melalui dimensi tekstual dan juga memaparkan cara pandang TheDaily Mail sebagai pelaku media konspirasi pada praktik kerjanya terkait berita kematianPutri Diana dalam dimensi sosiokultural. Objek penelitian ini adalah The Daily Mail, salahsatu tabloid harian terbesar di Inggris. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahmetode kualitatif, analisis deskriptif. Penulis menggunakan teori analisis wacana kritisFairclough (1995), disertai dengan beberapa teori pendukung lainnya, seperti teori klausasebagai representasi Halliday (2004), teori konspirasi Feaster (2008), Birchall (2006),Barkun (2003), Hodapp dan von Kannun (2008). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkanbahwa representasi kematian Putri Diana dalam dimensi tekstual didapat melalui prosesmaterial, proses mental, proses relasional, proses verbal, dan proses eksistensial yangterdapat dalam artikel-artikel The Daily Mail. Sementara itu, cara pandang The Daily Mailsebagai pelaku media konspirasi atas berita kematian Putri Diana didapat melalui prosestataran sosial, tataran institusional, tataran sosial pada dimensi praktik sosiokultural.Kata Kunci: Transitivitas, Analisis Wacana Kritis, Media konspirasi.ABSTRACTThis thesis is entitled “The Media Conspiracy Behind the Death of Diana, Princessof Wales: A Study of Critical Discourse Analysis”. This thesis is aimed to describe therepresentation of Princess Diana’s death and The Daily Mail’s perspective as a mediaconspiracy actor through textual and sociocultural dimension. The object of this thesis isThe Daily Mail, one of the widest national daily newspapers in England. The method that isused in this thesis is a qualitative method, a descriptive analytic method. The writer uses thecritical discourse analysis theory of Fairclough (1995) and some other supported theories,such as clause as representation theory by Halliday (2004), the conspiracy theory by Feaster(2008), Birchall (2006), Barkun (2003), Hodapp and von Kannun (2008). The result of thisresearch shows that the representation in textual dimension that appear on Princess Diana’sdeath is derived from material process, mental process, relational process, verbal process, andexistential process. While The Daily Mail’s perspective on Princess Diana’s death is derivedfrom situational level, institutional level and social level of sociocultural practice dimension.Keywords: Transitivity, Critical Discourse Analysis, Media Conspiracy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 261
Saadia Fatima ◽  
Muhammad Uzair

The research in hand has the objectives to analyse how ideologies are expressed through discourse practices in Western media; how a discourse practice and a linguistic strategy in terms of lexical choices are employed in portraying ideologies in media about Pakistan. Grounded on the theoretical framework of Van Dijk’s socio-cognitive approach of critical discourse analysis and model of Ideology which is the most appropriate to study media discourse, the data will be analysed qualitatively. The method of the current research is critical discourse analysis. The research revolves around the Pakistani socio-political events in Western media from the perspective of a global issue that is a war on terrorism. The research has objectives to investigate what and how Western media has used lexical choices to depict a certain ideology about Pakistan to the world. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-157
Anne Golden ◽  
Toril Opsahl ◽  
Ingebjørg Tonne

In this article, we analyze the use of the term ‘morsmål’ (‘mother tongue’) in official Norwegian documents and in media texts to identify if and how its conceptualization has changed in the era of increasing globalization. Our point of view is explorative. When examining our data, we highlight the importance of reflecting openly about the instability of powerful concepts. We highlight two partly conflicting conceptualizations that we name the ‘traditional use’ and the ‘novel use’, respectively. Building on critical discourse analysis and conceptual metaphor theory we explore how the conceptualizations reveal certain aspects of ideologies and the potential management of multilingualism in society. A broader understanding of how conceptualizations of mother tongue(s) are played out in the Norwegian context may contribute to the dialogue about multilingualism as it is understood and recognized across diverse contexts.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-166
Elvi Susanti

Abstract This research is linked with Twitter, as one of social media services on the Internet that are extremely popular in the world, including in Indonesia. This research is important because Twitter is effective in quickly and accurately delivering messages. In fact, everyone can act as a 'reporter' and form quick opinions through this social media. This research is aimed to investigate the emergence of the roots of hegemony based on text analysis that is linked with representation, relation, identity, and transformation of national issues that become trending topics on Twitter. Moreover, the research is to discuss the social media's discourse practice that influences media workers in producing news, and to see how it implicates the research on the study of discourse analysis. By using the Fairclough theory, especially on text analysis that is linked with representation, relation, and identity, the researcher attempts to explore how the roots of hegemony emerge in the national issues that become trending topics on Twitter. The researcher also offers a new function to complete the approach of Fairclough in text analysis on social media: transformation – which is an attempt to see the change in roles of news participants and amateur readers as 'reporters' and participate in forming opinions. Abstrak Penelitian ini berhubungan dengan twitter, sebagai salah satu media sosial di internet yang sangat populer di dunia, termasuk di indonesia. Penelitian ini penting karena twitter efektif dalam menyampaikan pesan dengan cepat dan akurat. Faktanya, semua orang dapat bertindak sebagai "reporter" dan membuat opini yang cepat melalui sosial media tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki kemunculan dari akar hagemoni berdasarkan analisis teks yang berhubungan dengan representasi, hubungan, identitas, dan transformasi isu-isu nasional yang menjadi topik yang sedang tren di twitter. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga untuk mendiskusikan praktik wacana media sosial  yang mempengaruhi pekerja media dalam membuat berita, dan untuk melihat bagaimana hal tersebut melibatkan penelitian dalam studi analisis wacana. Dengan menggunakan teori Fairclough, khususnya pada analisis teks yang berhubungan dengan penafsiran, hubungan, identitas, peneliti berupaya untuk menyelidiki bagaimana akar hegemoni muncul yang menjadi topik tren di twitter. Peneliti juga menawarkan sebuah fungsi baru untuk melengkapi pendekatan Fairlclough dalam analisis teks pada sosial media: transformasi - yang merupakan usaha untuk melihat perubahan peran pembuat berita dan pembaca awam sebagai 'reporter' dan berpartisipasi dalam membentuk opini. How to Cite : Susanti, E. (2015). Hegemony of The Social Media Twitter About National Issues in Indonesia and Its Implications to the Discourse Analysis Subject in Colleges. TARBIYA: Journal Of Education In Muslim Society, 2(2), 153-166. doi:10.15408/tjems.v2i2.3180. Permalink/DOI:

Bob Hodge

This chapter investigates and endorses the integration of two existing research traditions, electronic discourse analysis (EDA) and critical discourse analysis (CDA), into a more powerful and comprehensive form of analysis of electronic discourses, Critical Electronic Discourse Analysis (CEDA). It sets this analytic project against the massive, unpredictable changes in culture and society which are associated with the electronic media revolution. It argues for innovative forms of analysis, in which ‘electronic discourse analysis’ acquires two over-lapping interpretations: electronically enabled analysis of discourses in all media; and all forms of analysis of electronic discourses and the social forms they express. It uses McLuhan and multi-modality theory to argue for major continuities and significant breaks in semiotic modes over long periods. It argues that powerful innovations in analysis and technology need to recognize and incorporate the two fundamental semiotic modes, digital and analogue, and not seek to replace one with the other.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Irpan Nur

CISForm (Center for the Study of Islam and Sosial Transformation) is an institution that takes a role in the production of content on Youtube. By seeing how much content has been uploaded, this research examines the value contained in the content of CISForm. In this case, this research focusses on one content; namely "Masjid untuk Semua." This study uses qualitative research methods and is dissected with critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough. Analysis is reviewed in three dimensions, namely text analysis, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice. The results of this study indicate the existence of discourse construction games in the video. Text analysis shows the number of a clause and phrase games in each conversation. Text discourse wants to eliminate Islam that is labeled as cruel, intolerant, ill-tempered, scornful, disrespectful and does not respect different beliefs. The level of discourse practice shows that CISForm tends to produce content related to sosial phenomena. Educational background and the organization and thoughts of the figures in the CISForm institution are part of the birth of the discourse construction factor in the video. Sociocultural practice, answers the problem of the noise that carries the name of religion. The concept of rahmatan lil ‘alamin is a concept that colours the content of the video "Masjid untuk Semua," this concept emphasizes mutual respect even though different in belief. Muslim relations with tolerant non-muslims is constructed in the "Masjid untuk Semua" content.Keywords:  Discourse, Masjid untuk Semua, non-muslim, YouTube, CISForm UIN SUKA.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 227
Enita Istriwati

In one of the 13 October 2016 news, this Detiknews media online shows certain ideology to the 2017 Jakarta Governor Election. To find out the ideology or the perspective of the media to the election, the writer analyzes the news text using critical discourse analysis theory of Norman Fairclough. Yet, the writer limits the analysis only on the description of the vocabulary, grammatical, and textual structure. The study uses a descriptive qualitative method, while the data is analyzed by using the equivalent method. The equivalent method is used to analyze the meaning of vocabulary, phrase, or sentences in the article. The data is collected by using deep-listening and note-taking techniques. The analysis result shows that Detiknews media online in “Panasnya Pilgub DKI: Ada Upaya Serius Ganjal Agus-Sylvi, Ada yang panik?” of 13 October 2016 uses vocabulary of expression to attract readers. It also uses many active sentences. As in textual structure, the text has been affected situationally, socially, and institutionally. 

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Ratna Riadhini Darmawan

<p><em>This research aim to understand the text, the discourse practice, and the sociocultural practice which Suara Merdeka showed in their publications about bribery case of Semarang’s RAPBD 2012 which claims Soemarmo.</em></p><p><em>The theoritical of this study required critical paradigm. Stuart Hall in Eriyanto (2008) wrote that mass media is not produce a news, but they determine reality through words.</em></p><p><em>The research method used critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough. Three steps analysis by Faircough are text analysis, discourse practice analysis, and sociocultural analysis. The texts have been analyzed by linguistic, grammar and vocabulary. Discourse practice analysis related to production and consumtion process. Sociocultural analysis related to outside elements of the texts. The researcher collected data by text analyzed and interviewed a journalist and the editor in chief of Suara Merdeka. The study has been done in Semarang.</em></p><p><em>This research found that Suara Merdeka wrote the text about this case very carefully. There was a special agenda setting to write about it. The socioculture practice analysis showed that the capitalist has intervented the editorial.</em></p>

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