scholarly journals Synedra sp. sebagai Mikroalga yang Ditemukan di Sungai Besuki Porong Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 57

Microalgae in Sidoarjo Porong River is one component that can be used as bio-indicators of an imbalance in the ecosystem due to pollution load. Since the end of 2009, the River Porong Sidoarjo mud flow of water into which further aggravate the pollutant load to the Porong River. Water disposal Sidoarjo mud into the Porong River is thought to cause changes in the quality or increase water pollution. This study aims to determine phytoplankton found and to know the status of pollution in the river Besuki Porong Sidoarjo. Sampling was performed twice microalgae by using a plankton net and without plankton net or directly in September 2014. The results showed that the kind of microalgae found Synedra sp. The River Porong Sidoarjo. Synedra sp. is a type of algae from Chrysophyceae division that can live in almost every aquatic environment enough sunlight to sustain its activities. Environmental factors were measured at the time of sampling are: light intensity of 251 lux, the pH of 8, the water temperature was 29 °, and the air temperature at 32°C.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 173-184
Nuraini Nuraini ◽  
Manap Trianto ◽  
Sukmawati Alimudin

Tetragonula laeviceps is a type of stingless bee that is currently widely cultivated in Indonesia due to ability to produce various products that have many uses for human life. Foraging behavior is the main activity of honey bee to fulfill their daily needs. The availability of food source is one of the important factor that influence the foraging behavior of Tetragonula laeviceps. This study aims to determine the diversity of food source and foraging behavior of Tetragonula laeviceps. Observing the diversity of food source through identification of pollen and observing the foraging behavior of the bee. The diversity of pollen found in Parigi Selatan Regency showed that there were 20 families of food sources of Tetragonula laeviceps and the most frequently visited family is Arecaceae. Foraging behavior of Tetragonula laeviceps begins at sunrise until evening. The peak of activity occurs in the morning around 08.30-08.40 WITA and the afternoon around 15.30-15.40 WITA which is related to the availability of food source. Environmental factors (air temperature, humidity, and light intensity) affect the foraging behavior of Tetragonula laeviceps.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-63

Environmental factors greatly influence the physiological state of moss. Some of the environmental factors that influence the physiological of moss are air temperature, humidity, and light intensity. These three environmental factors will vary at each altitude. This study aims to determine the physiological characteristics of mosses on some altitudes in the area of Mount Tangkuban Perahu (Ratu Crater – Domas Crater track). The method that are used is to measure air temperature, humidity, and light intensity at some altitudes. Subsequently, samples were taken at each altitude, to measured chlorophyll and proline content. Mosses that are used as samples; Campylopus sp., Plagiochila sp., Dicranella sp. The results indicate that the chlorophyll content significantly different at some altitude, with an increasing trend as the decrease altitude. The highest chlorophyll content in Campylopus sp. at altitude of 1,621 meters above sea level, while the lowest chlorophyll content in Plagiochila sp. at altitude of 1,721 meters above sea level. The content of proline did not differ significantly at some altitude, and tend to be more affected by air conditions that correlate with distance of moss habitat with the active crater of Domas, which allegedly can cause physiological stress in the moss. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 71
Lili Sugiyarto ◽  
Siti Umniyatie ◽  
Victoria Henuhili

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat keanekaragaman, mikoriza simbion, dan keberadaan mikoriza di akar anggrek alam di Dusun Turgo Pakem Yogyakarta. Metode yang digunakan dengan mengidentifikasi jenis anggrek, mengisolasi dan mengkarakterisasi fungi mikoriza adalah media PDA (potato dextrose agar) yang dilanjutkan dengan identifikasi setiap fungi yang diperoleh. Pengukuran faktor lingkungan abiotik meliputi faktor edafik yaitu kelembaban, pH, suhu tanah, dan mikroklimat yaitu suhu udara, kelembaban udara, dan intensitas cahaya. Infeksi mikoriza diamati dengan mengamati keberadaan fungi pada jaringan akar. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan adanya 8 spesies anggrek alam yaitu : Zeuxine petakinensis, endrobium sagittatum, Bulbophyllum chaetonium, Dendrobium mutabile, Eria retusa, Eria oblitterata, Pholidota carnea, Rhomboda velutina. Beberapa anggrek spesies di hutan tersebut dalam keadaan dorman sehingga tidak dapat diidentifikasi.  Keberadaan mikoriza dari hasil pengamatan mikroskopis menunjukkan bahwa pada umumnya akar anggrek spesies yang ditemui berasosiasi simbiose dengan mikoriza yang masing-masing menunjukkan jenis fungi yang berbeda. Fungi yang dapat didentifikasi diantaranya termasuk dalam genus Rhizoctonia, Glomus, Chaetonium, Scopulariopsis dan TrichodermaKata kunci: spesies anggrek, mikoriza, fungi anggrek Abstract This research aims to identify the diversity of orchids and to find the existence of mycorrrhizal symbiont in wild orchid roots in Turgo village, Pakem Sleman.                 The samples of orchids and orchid roots were done by taking samples in Puspa Forest of Turgo Village, Pakem Sleman Yogyakarta. This research were exploration research on existing orchids’ diversity. The methods that have been used to identify the existing orchid species in the forest, isolation, and characterization mycorrhizal fungi is PDA (potato dextrose agar). Measurement of environmental factors for including edhapic factors were humidity, pH, soil temperature, and microclimate factors were air temperature, air humidity, and light intensity. The mycorrhizal infection was done by observing of mycorrhizal fungi existence.            The results of the research are retrieved 8 species of orchids are Zeuxine petakinensis, Dendrobium sagittatum, Bulbophyllum chaetonium, Dendrobium mutabile, Eria retusa, Eria oblitterata, Pholidota carnea, Rhomboda velutina. Some orchids in the forest are dormant, therefore it couldn’t be identified. The mycorrhizal symbiosis from microscopic characterization had been known as different on each mychorriza. The mycorrhizal fungi that have been identified were genus of Rhizoctonia, Glomus, Chaetonium, Scopulariopsis and Trichoderma. Keywords: orchid species, mychorrhiza, orchid fungi

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Eka Wardhani ◽  
Lina Apriyanti Sulistiowati

ABSTRAKKajian perhitungan daya tampung Sungai Citarik diharapkan menjadi data/informasi yang diperlukan dalam menganalisis kebijakan pengelolaan kualitas air dan pengendalian pencemaran air. Sungai Citarik merupakan sungai lintas kabupaten. Maksud dilaksanakannya penelitian ini yaitu mendapatkan data gambaran hasil perhitungan tampung beban pencemaran untuk parameter BOD dan COD. Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah: mendapatkan angka DTBP (daya tampung beban pencemaran) Sungai Citarik; memperoleh angka jumlah beban pencemar yang harus dikurangi dari masing-masing sumber pencemar agar kualitas air Sungai Citarik memenuhi kelas air yang ditetapkan DTBP nya; dan mencari berbagai pilihan kebijakan untuk menurunkan beban pencemaran dan dampaknya. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan daya tampung beban pencemaran Sungai Citarik di DAS Citarik yang berada di 3 kabupaten yaitu Kabupaten Bandung, Sumedang, dan Garut menunjukkan bahwa kualitas air Sungai Citarik telah tercemar hal ini terlihat dari beberapa parameter seperti: TDS, TSS, BOD, COD, DO, Nitrat, Krom heksavalen, Tembaga, Nitrit, Klorin Bebas, Sulfida, Detergen MBAS, Total Colli dan Fecal Coli yang tidak memenuhi baku mutu. Ditinjau dari status mutu air Sungai Citarik termasuk katagori tercemar sedang sampai dengan berat. Kehadiran beberapa jenis logam berat di Sungai Citarik harus diwaspadai mengingat sifat dari logam yang, persistent, toksik, dan bersifat bioakumulasi.Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan terlihat bahwa daya tampung beban pencemaran air Sungai Citarik untuk parameter BOD dan COD sudah jauh terlampaui.Kata Kunci: Sungai Citarik, Daya Tampung, Beban PencemaranABSTRACTThe Citarik River capacity calculation study is expected to be the data / information needed in analyzing water quality management and water pollution control policies. Citarik River is a crossdistrict river. The purpose of this research is to obtain the image of the calculation result of load pollution load for BOD and COD parameters. The purpose of this research is to obtain DTBP number (pollution load capacity) of Citarik River; obtain the number of polluted loads to be reduced from each pollutant source so that the water quality of the Citarik River meets the water class set by its DTBP; and look for policy options to reduce pollution loads and their impacts. Based on the calculation of pollution load capacity of Citarik River in Citarik River Basin located in 3 regencies of Bandung, Sumedang, and Garut Regency shows that the water quality of Citarik River has been polluted this can be seen from several parameters such as: TDS, TSS, BOD, COD, DO, Nitrates, Chromium hexavalent, Copper, Nitrite, Chlorine Free, Sulfide, MBAS Detergent, Total Colli and Fecal Coli that do not meet the quality standard. Viewed from the status of Citarik River water quality including the category of moderate to severe pollution. The presence of some heavy metals in the Citarik River should be cautioned given the nature of the metal that is, persistent, toxic, and bioaccumulative. Based on the calculation results show that the water pollution load capacity of Citarik River for BOD and COD parameters is far exceeded.Key Words: Citarik River, Capacity, Pollution Load

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 672-675
S. P Adhikary

Physiochemical analysis of polluted water samples collected from vicinity of National Highway was carried out. Different parameters like pH, TDS, BOD, COD, DO and different heavy metals were determined by standard analytical methods. The result observed that the waste water pollution load is decreased when the distance increased from NH. Polluted water besides NH indicates high pollutant load. Polluted water with more pollutants not treated properly is act as source for other pollution like soil, air and water through leaching, percolation, weathering and downstream flow. Hence, proper management and amendment of polluted water bodies caused by vehicular emission on the both side and around National Highway is essential for human health and environmental protection.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 14
Chiptya Adhey Noumy ◽  
Zairina Yasmi ◽  
Abdur Rahman

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mutu kualitas air dari kegiatan Keramba Jaring Apung (KJA) berdasarkan Indek Pencemar dan Baku Mutu Kualitas Air yang ditetapkan pada PP 82 Tahun 2001 pada  Daerah Aliran Sungai Batu Kambing, Riam Kiwa dan Sungai Mali-Mali.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis beban pencemar dan Indeks Pencemar berdasarkan Kep.MenLH Nomor 115 Tahun 2003, Kep.MenLH Nomor 110 tahun 2003 tentang pPedoman Penetapan beban Pencemaran Air pada Sumber Air dan analisis Laboratorium.Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil Beban Pencemar (BP) dari masing – masing stasiun yaitu : Stasiun 1 (Batu Kambing) kadar PO4 berkisar 0,40 kg/hari dan NO3 berkisar 0,36 kg/hari. Stasiun 2 (Riam Kiwa) untuk kadar PO4 berkisar 0,42 kg/hari dan NO3 berkisar 0,012 kg/hari. Dan Stasiun 3 (Mali  - Mali) kadar  PO4 berkisar 1,27 kg/hari sedangkan NO3 berkisar 0,11 kg/hari. Sungai Batu Kambing, Sungai Riam Kiwa dan Sungai Mali – Mali termasuk dalam kategori tercemar ringan. This study aims to determine the water quality of the activities Keramba Jaring Apung (KJA) based on Pollutant Index and Air Quality Standard Quality specified in PP.  82/2001 on Watershed of Batu Kambing, Riam Kiwa and Mali-Mali.This study uses pollutant load analysis and Pollutant Index based Kep.MenLH No. 115 of 2003, Kep.MenLH No. 110/2003 on Based Determination of Water Pollution load on Water Resources and laboratory analysis.From the research results Pollutant Load (BP) of each - each station are: Station 1 (Batu Kambing) PO4 levels ranging from 0.40 kg/day and NO3 ranging from 0.36 kg/day. Station 2 (Riam Kiwa) for PO4 levels ranging from 0.42 kg/day and NO3 ranging from 0,012 kg/day. Station 3 (Mali – Mali river) PO4 levels ranging from 1.27 kg/day, while NO3 ranging from 0.11 kg/day. Batu Kambing river,  Riam Kiwa and Mali – Mali rivers included in the category of lightly polluted.

2019 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 484-487 ◽  
Valentina Constanta Tudor ◽  
Dorina Nicoleta Mocuta ◽  
Ruxandra Florina Teodorescu ◽  
Dragos Ion Smedescu

Soil pollution with plastics represents a great threat to plants, animals, but especially to humans, as a very small quantity of the plastic which is discarded daily is recycled or incinerated in waste facilities, much of it reaching landfills where their decomposition lasts up to 1000 years and during this time the toxic substances penetrate the soil and the water. If, initially, the pollution with plastics has been identified and recognized in the aquatic environment, recent studies show that plastics residues exist in huge quantities in the soil. The present study focuses on the analysis of factors that pollute soil, so the various studies that have been carried out claim that soil pollution with plastic is much higher and increases in an aggressive manner, being estimated to be 4 to 23 times higher than water pollution with plastics, and the accumulation of microplastics in the soil has a negative impact on soil biota. Thus, once the plastic material accumulates in the soil, it is assimilated to organic matter and the mineral substitutes of the soil and persists for several hundred years.

1988 ◽  
Vol 20 (8-9) ◽  
pp. 167-178
O. M. Skulberg

Off-flavour substances may be regarded as a resource which can be used to study special ecological mechanisms. Relevant research on off-flavours is inextricably combined with the study of perception, ethology, genetic control etc. The chemicals concerned are commonly perceived by the senses of olfaction and gustation. Thus research on the chemical ecology of off-flavour substances in the aquatic environment involves the study of a variety of disciplines. For example the biochemistry of the relevant substances and appropriate metabolic pathways must be considered. Chemical properties are important for the behaviour of the substances. The production of off-flavours by organisms is related to phenological circumstances. The biotic effects of ecologically significant substances are dependent on several environmental factors. This paper draws attention to the possible application of fundamental research in this area to selected problems of ecological importance.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Younes Bahammou ◽  
Mounir Kouhila ◽  
Haytem Moussaoui ◽  
Hamza Lamsyehe ◽  
Zakaria Tagnamas ◽  

PurposeThis work aims to study the hydrothermal behavior of mortar cement toward certain environmental factors (ambient air temperature and air velocity) based on its drying kinetics data. The objective is to provide a better understanding and controlling the stability of mortar structures, which integrate the sorption phenomenon, drying process, air pressure and intrinsic characteristics. This leads to predict the comportment of mortar structures in relation with main environmental factors and minimize the risk of cracking mortar structures at an early age.Design/methodology/approachThermokinetic study was carried out in natural and forced convection solar drying at three temperatures 20, 30 and 40°C and three air velocities (1, 3 and 5 m.s-1). The empirical and semiempirical models tested successfully describe the drying kinetics of mortar. These models simulate the drying process of water absorbed by capillarity, which is the most common humidity transfer mechanism in building materials and contain parameters with physical significance, which integrate the effect of several environmental factors and intrinsic characteristics of mortar structures.FindingsThe models simulate the drying process of water absorbed by capillarity, which is the most common humidity transfer mechanism in building materials and contain parameters with physical significance, which integrate the effect of several environmental factors and intrinsic characteristics of mortar structures. The average activation energy obtained expressed the temperature effect on the mortar diffusivity. The drying constant and the diffusion coefficient can be used to predict the influence of these environmental factors on the drying behavior of various building materials and therefore on their durability.Originality/valueEvaluation of the effect of several environmental factors and intrinsic characteristics of mortar structures on their durability.

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