scholarly journals Discussion Methods to Improve Student’s Learning Achievement on Social Studies Lessons about Cooperation in Fourth Grade Girimulyo Elementary School

Suharto Suharto

<table class="NormalTable"><tbody><tr><td width="200"><span class="fontstyle0">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Meningkatkan prestasi belajar untuk mata pelajaran IPS pada<br />siswa dengan menggunakan meode diskusi. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah Penelitian<br />Tindalan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Tahapan setiap siklusnya adalah<br />perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksipenulis melakukan observasi serta<br />memberikan tes formatif dalam setiap siklusnya untuk mengetahui perkembangan peserta didik.<br />Pada siklus 1 peserta didik yang mendapatkan nilai di atas KKM mencapai 63%. Setelah<br />dilaksanakan perbaikan di siklus 2 nilai peserta didik yang mencapai KKM yaitu 92% hasil ini<br />menunjukkan bahwa metode diskusi dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar peserta didik dlam<br />pembelajaran IPS tentang koperasi di kelas 4 SDN Girimulyo.</span></td></tr></tbody></table><br /> <br /><br />

Nugroho Nugroho

ABSTRACTThe objective of this research is to analyze the development results of a valid, reliable, and practical assessment tools in Authentic Assessment as a Function of Formative Assessment In social studies lesson of fourth grade elementary school student. This research is a development research. The development model used in this study is 4D, namely: Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate which refers Thiagarajan development model (1974). The subjects of this research is students of class IV SDN 2 Wonoyoso and SDN Pandanlor Kebumen regency, Central Java. The Product of Authentic Assessment are Scenario Learning, Learning tasks, Instrument of Rating Attitudes, Knowledge, and Skills. The results of this study indicate that the product is the development of Authentic Assessment as a function of formative assessment has (1) validity, (2) reliability, and (3) good practicality when used in social studies lesson in fourth grade elementary school student Semester II, with the theme my environment. Keywords: Authentic Assessment, Formative Assessment, Social Study. ABSTRAKTujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hasil pengembangan Authentic Assessment Sebagai Fungsi Penilaian Formatif Pada Pembelajaran IPS di kelas IV SD yang valid, reliabel, dan praktis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 4D, yaitu: Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate yang merujuk pada model pengembangan Thiagarajan (1974). Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SDN 2 Wonoyoso dan SDN Pandanlor Kabupaten Kebumen Jawa Tengah. Produk Authentic Assessment yang dihasilkan meliputi Skenario Pembelajaran, Tugas-tugas Pembelajaran, Instrumen Penilaian Sikap, Pengetahuan, dan Keterampilan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Produk berupa pengembangan Authentic Assessment sebagai fungsi penilaian formatif memiliki (1) validitas, (2) reliabiliitas, dan (3) kepraktisan yang baik apabila digunakan pada pembelajaran IPS di Kelas IV SD Semester II, dengan tema Lingkunganku. Kata Kunci: Hasil belajar, IPS, komik, media pembelajaran, pengembangan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Nyai Cintang

Factual conditions require the development of teaching materials in thematic learning using a scientific approach to improve the available teaching materials. This study aims to: 1) examine the factual conditions for the use of teaching materials in thematic learning in the 2013 curriculum; 2) knowing the development of scientific based thematic teaching materials for fourth grade elementary students; 3) knowing expert judgment on the feasibility of scientific-based thematic teaching materials for fourth grade elementary students; 4) knowing the effect of the use of scientifically based thematic teaching materials on the learning achievement of fourth grade elementary school students; 5) knowing the teacher's assessment of learning using thematically based thematic teaching materials for grade IV elementary school students; 6) knowing the response of students to learning using thematically based thematic teaching materials for fourth grade elementary school students. This study uses Development Research with qualitative and quantitative research designs. The development process uses the 4-D model of Thiagarajan, Semel and Semel which has been modified to be the stage of defining, designing, and developing. Teaching materials that have been validated by experts get the category of "very valid and without revision" from expert responses and teacher evaluations with agreed criteria, student responses to the use of teaching materials in learning get very good responses from students. The results of the trials using the experimental design The Before And After Design show that there is an effect of the use of scientifically based thematic teaching materials on the learning achievement of PPKn; 2) there is the influence of the use of scientifically based thematic teaching materials on social studies learning achievements; 3) there is the influence of the use of scientifically based thematic teaching materials on the learning achievement of science. Scientific based thematic teaching materials for Grade IV Primary School students can be used in learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
Afrida Conniestia Ikhsani ◽  
Suhartono Suhartono ◽  
Ratna Hidayah

The education system in Indonesia is divided into two types, namely the education full-day school system and the regular system. These two systems have differences in the length of study time, the emotional level of students, and the fatigue of students. The fatigue will greatly affect students in terms of learning which will also affect the level of student achievement during school. The study aimed to explain the differences between full-day school system and regular system on student learning achievement to fourth grade of elementary school. It used comparative quantitative research methods. Data collection techniques were observation and tests. Data analysis used test Independent Sample T-test. The result of the research indicated that there were differences between full-day school system and regular system on student learning achievement to fourth grade of elementary school in Kebumen sub-districts in academic year of 2019/2020. The Sig value on the independent sample t-test was 0.034. It meant that Sig value was 0.000 <0.05 (level 5%) thus it rejected H0. The averages of student learning achievement of fourth grade were 8.5867 in regular system and 8.3685 in full-day school system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Putik Vebimawarti

The aim of this research was to 1) find out the development of the learning media of fast smart cards of cardinal number; 2) find out the feasibility of the development of the learning media of fast smart cards of cardinal number; 3) find out the effectiveness of the learning media of fast smart cards of cardinal number toward the students’ learning achievement in fourth grade elementary school students; 4) find out the teacher’s response toward the learning media development in mathematics teaching-learning process using fast smart cards of cardinal number; and 5) find out the students’ response toward the learning media development in mathematics teaching-learning process using fast smart cards of cardinal number in fourth grade elementary school student. This research is a research and development research. The result of the development was the games media of fast smart cards of a cardinal number that had been tried-out fourth grade SD N Sokaraja Kidul. The result of the media validation showed that the learning media of fast smart cards of a cardinal number was in “valid” criteria. This research used an experimental design of The True Control Group, based on the result of the research. There was an effect on the learning media of fast smart cards of a cardinal number using games toward the students’ learning achievement, and the teacher’s response toward the media tryout was in “agree very much” criteria, while the students’ response toward the media tryout was in “very good” criteria. There were 19 students who all gave a very good response.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-29
Siti Paramida ◽  
Ade Salahuddin Permadi

This study aims to: (1) To describe the learning activities of fourth grade students during Social Studies learning by applying the Circuit Learning learning model assisted by Microsoft PowerPoint media and (2) To improve the learning outcomes of fourth grade students during IPS learning by applying the model learning Circuit Learning supported by Microsoft PowerPoint media. The type of research used in this study was Classroom Action Research (PTK) with research subjects all of the fourth-grade students of Palangka Elementary School-3 which numbered 35 students. Data collection techniques in this study used observation and tests. Data analysis using qualitative, quantitative data analysis. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Activity of Grade IV students in Palangka Elementary School-3 of 2016/2017 Academic Year in Social Studies learning after applying the Circuit Learning model assisted by Microsoft PowerPoint media to be very good because students are active and enthusiastic in following the process learning. The observations of teacher activities on teaching and learning activities carried out by observer I and Observer II during the social studies learning the process in the first cycle were 3.73 in the outstanding category, and the universal aspect of the students was 3.57 in the very well typed. (2) There is an increase in social studies learning outcomes by implementing Microsoft PowerPoint Circuit Assisted learning model on social studies subjects in grade IV of the 2016/2017 SDN-3 Academic Year. This is indicated by the learning outcomes seen through the class average in cycle I which is equal to 80 and the completeness percentage of students in classics namely 100%, from the predetermined provisions namely for KKM of 65 and completeness criteria in classical 85% with this then It can be concluded that there is an increase in social studies learning outcomes after applying the Learning Learning model assisted by Microsoft PowerPoint

Cita Suci Afira ◽  
Aliffah Aliffah ◽  
Kuni Aminati

This research is motivated by the differences in grades of grade IV grade students at Mengkowo. The purpose of this study was to study the educational background of the fourth grade students' learning achievement at Mengkowo Elementary School. This research is a quantitative descriptive research. With conclusions obtained through data analysis and chi-square test. The research sample was all grade IV students at Mengkowo Elementary School which were obtained by 31 students, using saturated sampling techniques. Data collection techniques through questionnaires and documentation. Questionnaire to collect all data on parents' educational level, while collection to collect all student achievement data. The results of the study were among the background studies of parents with the fourth grade students' learning achievements in the Mengkowo State Elementary School. The higher the level of parental education, the higher the learning achievement (in this case the students of Elementary School Mengkowo)

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
Rahayu Rahayu ◽  
Tituk Handayani

This research was conducted in the fourth grade class of Public Elementary School 1 of Mrawan Jember with the purpose of investigating the application of inquiry instructional method to improve the fourth grade student's motivation and learning achievement in Social Science subject concerning Product, Communication, and Transportation Technology. The study was backgrounded by the fact that the students’ learning motivation and learning achievement in the very subject were rather low. The study applied Classroom Action Research (SAC), which was conducted in two cycles carried on for three meetings, through four stages, including planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subjects of this research were fourth grade students with the total number of 39 students. Data collection methods applied in this research were observation, interview, documentation, and test. Data Analysis in this research was descriptive qualitative in nature. Based on the results of research, the scores of students’  motivation in the first to the second cycle were 79 (high category) and 88,43% (very high category), subsequent to 9,43% increase, respectively. Based on the analysis on students’ learning achievement, improvement was also evident in that in the first cycle reached they reached 60,1 (medium/enough category) and in the second cycle they gained 81,3 ( very good category).

Wasiul Maghfiroh ◽  
Putri Mahanani ◽  
Nihayati Nihayati

Abstract: This research was conducted with the aim of knowing whether there is a positive and significant effect of emotional intelligence on the learning achievement of fourth grade elementary school students in cluster 4 of Blimbing sub-district during online learning. This research uses a quantitative approach, with an associative type. Based on the results of simple linear regression analysis, the equation Y is 51.912 + 0.364X is obtained, it can be seen that the consistent value of variable Y is 51.912, while the regression coefficient for variable X is 1.339. The regression coefficient X is positive, so it can be said that the effect of variable X on variable Y has a positive direction of influence. Based on the probability value obtained, which is 0.000 less than 0.05, it shows that variable X has an effect on variable Y. At the t value, it is known that tcount 4.815 greater than ttable 1.657, which means that the regression coefficient is significant. That way, it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant effect of emotional intelligence on the learning achievement of fourth grade elementary school students in cluster 4 of Blimbing sub-district during online learning. Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh positif dan signifikan kecerdasan emosional terhadap prestasi belajar siswa kelas IV SD se-gugus 4 kecamatan Blimbing selama pembelajaran daring. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan jenis asosiatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linear sederhana, diperoleh persamaan Y sama dengan 51,912 + 0,364X, dapat diketahui nilai konsisten variabel Y sebesar 51,912, sedangkan koefisien regresi variabel X sebesar 1,339. Koefisien regresi X bernilai positif, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa pengaruh dari variabel X terhadap variabel Y memiliki arah pengaruh yang positif. Berdasarkan nilai probabilitas yang didapatkan yakni 0,000 kurang dari 0,05, menunjukkan bahwa variabel X berpengaruh terhadap variabel Y. Pada nilai t, diketahui thitung 4,815 lebih dari ttabel 1,657, yang berarti koefisien regresi dinyatakan signifikan. Dengan begitu, dapat diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan kecerdasan emosional terhadap prestasi belajar siswa kelas IV SD se-gugus 4 kecamatan Blimbing selama pembelajaran daring.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Intania Zahra Annisafitri ◽  
Sumilah Sumilah

The background of this study is the ranking of Indonesian education in the world in 2019 showed that the quality of learning in Indonesia is on 108th ranks. While in the ASEAN region, education in Indonesia takes fifth ranks out of nine countries. The data showed the low quality of education in Indonesia. One of the evidence is the problem occurred on the fourth grade students in elementary school Cluster Diponegoro Semarang. The result of student learning of social studies on fourth grade are still relatively low. This study aims to examine the correlation between: 1) reading interest and social studies learning outcomes; 2) readiness to study and social studies learning outcomes; 3) reading interest, simultaneous learning readiness, and the learning outcomes of social studies. This study used a correlation research design with a quantitative approach. The research samples of 103 students were taken using nonprobability sampling technique by random sampling. The data collection used questionnaire, interview, and documentation. The instrument trials were carried out by validity and reliability tests. The data analysis techniques used the prerequisite test for data analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results showed that: 1) there was a positive correlation between reading interest and social studies learning outcomes the proved by its correlation showed a strong contribution of 48%; 2) there was a positive correlation between learning readiness and social studies learning outcomes the proved by its correlation showed a strong contribution of 49.6%; 3) there was a positive correlation between reading interest and learning readiness simultaneously with social studies learning outcomes the proved by its correlation showed a strong contribution of 58.9%. It can be concluded that there was a positive correlation between reading interest, learning readiness, and social studies learning outcomes of fourth grade students in elementary school Cluster Diponegoro Semarang.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 1057
Guslinda Guslinda ◽  
Rita Kurnia ◽  
Munjiatun Munjiatun

Growing awareness of students to love their own culture is not easy, there needsto be an effort to introduce. Culture-oriented learning supported by relevant teaching materials is an articative to the answer. The purpose of this research is the development of  IPS elementary teaching material  based on  Siak Malay songket weaving. It is expected that with the development of teaching materials students will develop a love for their own culture, especially about the weaving of Malay Siak songket and can also increase learning activities. Teaching material products  can be used in social studies learning for fourth grade elementary school students, especially on the theme of "The beauty of togetherness" with the sub-theme of "cultural diversity of my people". This research used research and development or R&D method with a 4-D model, which consisted of four stages, namely: (1) Define; (2) Design and; (3) Develop, and (4) Disseminate. The results showed that the development of teaching materials that have been developed are feasible to be used and are also practical. This was evidenced by the validity of teaching materials seen from: 1) the feasibility of the contents of 93.7 2) the language convention of 93.7 3) the presentation of 87.5 and 4) the 86 graphics, which obtained an average score of 90.2. while for practicality which was seen from the response of students obtained each statement was in the range of 75 to 93.75 which was included in the category of practical and very practical thus the practicality percentage of 87.5. Then it can be concluded that the development of teaching materials  is feasible and practical to be used for elementary social studies learning in grade IV primary schools.

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