Vitamin- C retention in commercially available mung bean (Vigna radiate) sprouts

2018 ◽  
Vol 55 (4) ◽  
pp. 455
Shashi Prabha ◽  
Sangeeta Goomer

<p>The present study was conducted with an objective to assess the retention of vitamin– C over a time period in commercially available mung bean sprouts (CMBS).<em> </em>Mung beans sprouted samples were procured from market (CMBS) and compared with mung beans sprout samples processed at laboratory scale (LMBS) in controlled condition. Both sprouted samples were stored at 7˚C in refrigerator. Shelf life studies were conducted periodically on physical, chemical and microbiological parameters during the storage time period of 0-96 hours. During shelf life studies, several differences were observed among CMBS and LMBS samples. Keeping quality of sprout samples in terms of its appearance and odour started deteriorating after 48 hours in CMBS, and 96 hours for LMGS. Shoot length increased significantly till 48 hours in CMBS whereas till 72 hours in LMBS. Moisture loss in CMBS and LMBS was 22% and 28% respectively<em>. </em>Titrable<em> </em>acidity in CMBS and LMBS decreased with increase in storage period. Vitamin- C content shows significant increase till 24 hours in CMBS, till 48 hours in LMBS followed by subsequent decrease thereafter. Vitamin- C retention in CMBS was 2%, while 16.6% in LMBS. Microbial load was considerably higher in CMBS as compared to LMBS, with rapid increase in Coliform count during storage in CMBS, while in LMBS it was not detected<em>. </em>Thus it was concluded that, to gain optimal vitamin- C content CMBS must be consumed within 24 hrs. However LMBS should be consumed within 48hrs, yet its vitamin – C retention was comparatively more till 96 hours of storage.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong><em> </em>Mung beans, Sprouts, Vitamin – C, Commercially, Retention, Quality, Shelf life</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Shashi Prabha ◽  
Sangeeta Goomer

The present study was conducted with an objective to assess the quality of sprouted mung beans stored at different temperatures. Mung beans sprouts were processed at laboratory in controlled conditions, packed in LDPE pouches and were stored at summer room temperature (SRT) (30-32°C), winter room temperature (WRT) (15-18°C) and refrigeration temperature (RT) (7°C). Shelf life studies were conducted periodically for physical, chemical and microbiological parameters for 5 days at their respective storage temperatures. During shelf life studies, several changes were observed in sprouted samples of mung beans. There was a significant (p&lt;0.05) increase in shoot length of sprouted mung beans samples stored at SRT followed by WRT and RT. Decrease in moisture content was significantly (p&lt;0.05) more at RT followed by WRT and SRT. Vitamin - C content increased significantly (p&lt;0.05) up to 1st day of storage at SRT and WRT, with decrease thereafter. Whereas at RT significant (p&lt;0.05) increase was observed till 2nd day of storage followed by decrease afterwards. Vitamin - C content retained better at RT (16.6%) followed by WRT (6.3 %), while at SRT loss of 6.9% was observed. Acidity increased significantly at all three storage temperatures followed by subsequent decrease. Microbial count in terms of total plate count, yeast and mold count was comparatively higher at SRT followed by WRT and RT, though within acceptable range, whereas Coliform count was not detected at any stage. Thus it can be concluded that at RT (7°C) within two days of storage, optimal retention of physicochemical and microbiological qualities are achieved.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Rachel Breemer ◽  
Priscillia Picauly ◽  
Nurhayati Hasan

This research was aimed to determine the exact glycerol concentration in the making of edible coating to coat the tomatoes so that the shelf life is extended and the quality is maintained. A Completely Randomized Design with one factor (RAL): glycerol concentration (without coating, 10%, 30%, 50%) was applied. The observed variables were weight shrinkage, color, hardness, total acid and vitamin C. Results showed that for 10 days storage period, the best response of the variables observed was obtained by tomatoes treated with edible coating 10% glycerol concentration that can maintain the quality of tomato and economically feasible than glycerol concentration of 30% and 50%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. e4110615446
Edson Pablo da Silva ◽  
Flavio Augusto de Freitas ◽  
Elizângela Elena Nunes Carvalho ◽  
Luis Carlos Cunha Junior ◽  
Marcia Santos Lira de Freitas ◽  

The adequacy of the best storage temperature for fruits and vegetables is an essential measure that helps in maintaining quality and extending shelf life. In this sense, this work aimed to study the influence of temperature on the quality of the marolo (Annona crassiflora Mart) “in natura”, where the fruits were washed, sanitized with 1,216 µM hypochlorite solution, and stored at 4 different temperatures (0, 6, 12, and 20 ° C) controlling the relative humidity (80 to 90%). The parameters color L*a*b*, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, firmness, total and soluble pectins, enzymes (pectinamethylesterase and polygalacturonase), and vitamin C were analyzed at different storage times. The maximum storage period was 8 days for fruits kept at 0 and 6 °C. The use of higher temperatures (12 and 20 °C) resulted in a shorter storage time (6 and 4 days, respectively). We found that the color parameter L*a*b* was not influenced by time and temperature during the process, while firmness and soluble solids were affected only by temperature. On the other hand, the parameters pH, titratable acidity, total and soluble pectin, enzymes (pectinamethylesterase and polygalacturonase), and vitamin C were influenced by both temperature and storage time (p <0.05). Thus, we prove that to increase shelf life and maintain the best characteristics for consumption, the marolo must be stored between 0 and 6 °C.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-142
Salma Shafrina Aulia ◽  
Budi Setiawan ◽  
Tiurma Sinaga ◽  
Ahmad Sulaeman

Background: Instant pumpkin cream soup enriched with tempeh had fulfilled 10% Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for elderly so that it can be used as an easy-to-serve snack, but decreasing quality of instant cream soup will be happened if the instant cream soup was stored for a long time. Objectives: This study aimed to analyze quality of water content, water activity and lipid oxidation in instant pumpkin cream soup during storage and estimated the shelf life of pumpkin cream soup enriched with tempeh.Method:  Quality storage was analyzed using of water content, water activity (aw) and lipid oxidation. Estimation of shelf life was analyzed using Arrhenius Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT) model.Results: The results showed that the water content, aw levels and lipid oxidation of instant pumpkin cream soup increased during the storage period. The critical parameter used in this study was lipid oxidation. Instant cream soup without the addition of tempeh can last 447 days  while the cream soup with the addition of tempeh has a shelf life of 433 days.Conclusion: Quality of instant pumpkin cream soup decreased during the storage period and it would be expired over a year.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 359-362
Kateryna Iorgachova ◽  
Olga Makarova ◽  
Kateryna Khvostenko

Nowadays the use of waxy wheat in bread and pastry technologies, is gaining interest in view of extending the shelf-life of flour products, avoiding the use of additives. The obtained results shows the expediency of using waxy wheat flour, starch of which does not contain amylose, for the stabilization of the cake`s quality during its storage. The influence of the mass fraction of non-amylose wheat flour on the physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of finished products were studied. Quality parameters like moisture content, rheological characteristics of the crumb, microbial and sensory analysis of developed products were evaluated during 7 days of storage period. It is found that replacement of bakery wheat flour with traditional starch content for the waxy wheat flour has the positive influence on the cake`s staling process. These samples were characterized with lower decrease of moisture loss, less reduction of the amount of bound water in cake`s crumb and higher organoleptic quality at the end of the shelf-life without adding of synthetic improvers.

2017 ◽  
Vol 39 (spe) ◽  

ABSTRACT The present study aimed to process buriti fruits by dehydration and spraying and to evaluate their shelf-life in polyethylene plastic packaging at different storage temperatures. The edible part of the fruit was dehydrated, crushed and sieved for granule diameter standardization, packaged in polyethylene plastic packaging and stored at different temperatures 24°C (Ambient), 4°C (Cooling) and -12°C (Freezer). Fresh and dehydrated fruits were analyzed for moisture, pH, acidity, total and reducing sugars, proteins, lipids, ashes, carbohydrates, energy, ß-carotene and retinol equivalent. Dehydrated and sprayed buriti was analyzed every 30 days for 150 days of storage for peroxide, acid and iodine indexes and also for microbiological parameters. The constituents that stood out both in fresh and dehydrated and sprayed fruits were: lipids, carbohydrates and consequently, energy and ß-carotene. In relation to shelf-life, all treatments presented good chemical and microbiological stability during the 150 days of storage period. It was concluded that dehydrated and sprayed buriti remained with good chemical and microbiological stability for at least 150 days of storage at temperatures of 4°C and -12°C. It is suggested that this product can be used as an ingredient in formulated foods aimed at supplementation of pro-vitamin A.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-136 ◽  
MR Sharmin ◽  
MN Islam ◽  
MA Alim

In this experiment the effects of aloe vera gel coating on storage behavior of papaya at room temperature (290C-310C) was studied. Physico-chemical parameters such as color, physical changes, moisture, ash, acidity, vitamin C, protein, fat and total soluble solids (TSS) of papaya and aloe vera was determined at 3 days interval during the storage period. Among the physico-chemical parameters, color, physical changes, total weight loss and TSS contents increased significantly, whereas moisture content, vitamin C and titrable acidity decreased during storage. Control and 0.5% aloe vera treated papaya decayed from 6 days onward and completely decayed within 12 days of storage. On the other hand, 1% and 1.5% aloe vera gel coated papaya maintained their shelf-life for 9 and 12 days, respectively. Some of 1.5% aloe vera coated papaya decayed after 15 days. Papaya treated with 1.5% aloe vera solution, maintained their color & physical changes compared to other treatments up to 12 days of storage. The overall results showed the superiority of 1.5% aloe vera gel coating in extending the shelf-life of papaya upto 15 days compared to that of 0.5%, 1% aloe vera gel coating and control papaya. The present study describes the preparation and potential application of aloe vera gel coatings for enhancing the postharvest life and quality of papaya.J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 13(1): 131-136, June 2015

2015 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
Shaikh Adil ◽  
Sudhakar Changade ◽  
Anant Dhotre ◽  
Santosh Chopde

The objective of this study was evaluation of the shelf life of reconstituted <italic>kheer</italic> packed in previously sterilized cups and stored at 10± 1°C for 3 days. During period of studies the samples were examined for sensory evaluation after the first, second and third day using five treatments T1 (Pumpkin flesh <italic>kheer</italic>), T2 (1 per cent pumpkin powder + 43 per cent skim milk powder), T3 (2 per cent pumpkin powder + 42 per cent skim milk powder), T4 (3 per cent pumpkin powder + 41 per cent skim milk powder) and T5 (4 per cent pumpkin powder + 40 per cent skim milk powder). Samples were studied for sensory properties <italic>viz</italic>. colour, flavour, body texture, appearance and overall acceptability. Statistical analysis for shelf life studies revealed that both the treatments and storage period had significant effect on sensory qualities of the product. The scores for colour, flavour, body and texture, appearance and overall acceptability of all <italic>kheer</italic> samples decreased with the advancement of storage period. The rate of decline in the flavour score of T3 was more as compared to all other treatments. The score for T3 was (7.12) on first day which dropped to (6.05) on third day. The rate of decrease of scores for body and texture was more in treatment T5 than T1, T2, T3 and T4. There was a statistically significant difference in the appearance of reconstituted <italic>kheer</italic> samples for all the treatments on the day of preparation. The difference between all treatments was non-significant on second and third day of storage. The overall acceptability for T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 samples decreased with the progress of storage period.

2012 ◽  
Vol 200 ◽  
pp. 305-311
Dong Li Li ◽  
Wen Cai Xu ◽  
Zun Zhong Liu ◽  
Ya Bo Fu ◽  
Ya Jun Wang

An active packaging film (APF1) with releasing low concentration sulfur dioxide (SO2) was tested on quality of ‘vitis labruscana kyoho’ table grape. All samples were stored at 5°C and during the storage period the main quality parameters, weight loss, berries shatter, decay, firmness, total soluble solids content (TSS), total acid (TA, using the PH of grape juice instead of the TA ), Vitamin c (Vc) content were monitored and compared with the control sample unpacked in any film. Results demonstrated that APF1 could reduce water loss of table grapes, prevent it from pathogens infection. The results also showed that APF1 could greatly guarantee a long shelf life for grape. After storage 56 days (storage at 0~5°C), the water loss, berry firmness, TA and Vc content in grapes packaged in APF1 were slowly reduced, TSS was slight increased, percentage of shatter and decayed berries of grapes were 22% and 27%, respectively. The percentage of berries decay of grapes packaged in APF1 was reduced to 5% from 21% for control batches on 11th days. All unpackaged table grapes (control batches) were decayed after 28 days. APF1 would help to preserve quality and extend shelf life of table grapes.

1998 ◽  
Vol 61 (12) ◽  
pp. 1649-1656 ◽  

The optimal conditions of pressure, time, and processing temperature required to eliminate Listeria monocytogenes Scott A and Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 13311 in fresh pork loin and the effect of these optimal conditions on quality and shelf life were determined. Twenty-five grams of fresh pork loin were inoculated with either of the two organisms and were subjected to pressures between 414 and 827 MPa at either 2 or 25°C for 30 min. The was determined to be 2.17 min for L. monocytogenes and the was determined to be 1.48 min for S. typhimurium. Samples subjected to a 6D process were evaluated by sensory and objective tests as well as for shelf life. These samples were found to be different (P &lt; 0.05) from controls when evaluated after cooking by a triangle test of difference, but only when the pressure was applied at 2°C and not at 25°C. The descriptive analysis test showed that cooked samples treated at 25°C were not different (P &gt; 0.05) from controls in flavor, juiciness, and firmness. Color, peak load, water-holding capacity, and moisture were not found to be different (P &gt; 0.05) between samples treated at 25°C and controls when both were cooked. However, in the raw state, differences were found in the values for color parameters L and b. The level of psychrotrophs was 5.7 log CFU/g for samples treated at 25°C after 33 days of storage at 4°C, as compared with 7.0 log CFU/g for controls. The color and peak load (texture) did not change over the storage period (P &gt; 0.05) in any of the samples. All samples spoiled in 5 days when stored at 25°C.

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