scholarly journals Learning Strategies at SD Muhammadiyah Balongbendo 10 during the covid 19 pandemic

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Muhlasin Amrullah ◽  
Elsah Isnaini

The purpose of this study is to find out the strategies applied at SD Muhammadiyah 10 Balongbendo in learning during the covid 19 pandemic. This scientific work examines various aspects, including the history, strategies, challenges and facilities contained in SD Muhammadiyah 10 Balongbendo. The learning strategy that can be reached in the world of education is online learning. Online learning is carried out remotely, but equipped with various types of applications that support it. The purpose of the study was to obtain an overview of the implementation of learning during the Covid-19 pandemic along with the strategies implemented at SD Muhammadiyah 10 Balongbendo as an effort to monitor and identify learning that is currently running even though the situation has not been able to support it optimally. The subjects of this study were students of SD Muhammadiyah 10 Balongbendo who carried out an online learning program. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Data were collected by direct interviews which took place in the principal's office of SD Muhammadiyah 10 Balongbendo. The results of this study are (1) the form of strategies carried out during the pandemic, (2) online learning that continues to run (3) Cooperation between educators and parents in the distance learning process. The conclusion in this study is that the teacher's learning strategy has been implemented using several kinds of learning media that have been applied to realize the appropriate learning objectives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Aldiyah Mellawati

The purpose of this study was to determine the strategy of SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Tulangan in applying the religious character of students in distance learning. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The data collection technique in this study was through interviews, documentation and observation, while the triangulation used in this study was technical triangulation. In online learning, SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Tulangan has implemented an online learning strategy using the help of technology and communication tools. Religious character is needed by students in dealing with changing times and moral degradation. Kemuhammadiyahan lessons are considered strategic to be disseminated to every student in Muhammadiyah schools. Morning activity is an activity that is routinely carried out every morning by reading the Qur'an or usually referred to as the morning prayer and dhuha prayer as an effort to strengthen the value of the religious character of the students of SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Tulangan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 33-37
Nur Adinda Putri ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah

The purpose of this research is about various aspects in it, including methods, processes, strategies and learning breakthroughs during a pandemic. In the process of this research using descriptive qualitative research methods and data collection techniques with interviews, observations and photos when the research process is carried out. This study aims to reveal the methods used in learning and conclude how the learning strategies during the pandemic in elementary schools. Like schools in general, strategies are carried out online using the Google Meet application and sometimes offline in the learning process. In addition, there are breakthroughs in online learning by teachers, there are several challenges in implementing learning strategies. But even so, elementary school teachers continue to carry out the learning process through the google meet application with the hope that students can continue to study even in pandemic conditions. Parents here play an important role in the success of online learning strategies. Because in the learning process parents do not monitor or accompany their children, so they may not pay attention, so when the teacher gives homework, they cannot answer it. If students cannot answer the questions that have been given, then the learning objectives still cannot be achieved. Because there are students who still do not understand the material presented. This strategy is carried out to prevent and break the spread of the Covid-19 virus that is currently in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Syahfrina Rahmawati

This research is a qualitative research which aims to obtain an overview of the implementation of online learning at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo as an effort to suppress the spread of Covid-19 in the school environment. The research subjects were students of SD Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo. Data were collected by direct interviews. The results showed that: (1) students have taken turns learning online at home and offline (2) online learning has flexibility in its implementation and is able to encourage the emergence of independent learning and motivation to be more active in learning; and (3) distance learning encourages the emergence of social distancing behavior and minimizes the appearance of student crowds so that it is considered to reduce the potential for the spread of Covid-19 in the school environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Dwi Febianti ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah

This study aims to find out or describe how distance learning strategies are carried out by Muhammadiyah Elementary School during this pandemic. In this scientific paper, it explains how the strategy carried out by SD Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo was when the pandemic was still at its height, learning in schools used online and if the pandemic had decreased, the school planned to conduct offline learning at school but also must always obey health regulations. . However, in reality, SD Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo still uses the online system, even though there is an appeal from the central government and also the Ministry of Education and Culture to carry out face-to-face learning, but there are one thing or another that causes many parents and guardians of students who do not agree if learning is done face-to-face. Ideas to support the success of distance learning strategies carried out by educators in online learning or on platforms such as Google Classroom, Zoom and Meet, namely, delivery of materials, learning media and teaching materials. This scientific article uses descriptive qualitative method which is a type of qualitative research. Its purpose is to reveal events or facts, phenomena, circumstances and variables that occur when conducting research directly by writing down what actually happened. For data collection techniques using observation and interview techniques. The results of this research at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo show the strategies used in dealing with distance learning, namely, what media are used at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo to deal with distance learning that makes students feel bored. The conclusion that can be drawn is, a distance learning strategy that aims at an online learning process that is directed and can run well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah ◽  
Masfufah Hanim

The current Covid-19 pandemic has had a very broad impact on the joints of life, including in the field of education. So that the government implements a Distance Learning policy or online. This is to break the chain of the spread of the corona virus in schools and universities. This change in the education system makes it difficult for students to accept and understand the material presented, because learning which is usually carried out in person or face-to-face has turned into Distance Learning or is carried out online, whose implementation cannot be separated by utilizing information technology. This study aims to describe the Learning Strategy of SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Porong in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic. This research was conducted on high school students in Sidoarjo Regency. In the research process this time using descriptive qualitative research methods. The learning strategy applied by SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Porong during the pandemic was to use 2 learning methods, namely online learning methods and offline learning methods. The online learning method is done by communicating via WhatsApp, the teacher provides material or assignments via WhatsApp messages in the form of text, video, and powerpoint. And still comply with the health protocol for students who take offline or offline learning. However, this kind of learning technique is important to evaluate, considering the ability of parents to provide online learning facilities. Technology has a very big role to facilitate educators in delivering learning materials so that learning can continue even though it cannot be done face-to-face. In the implementation of online learning, there are obstacles that are a challenge for educators, related to academics, as well as the readiness of facilities and infrastructure related to technology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Mas Abdul Syakar Dimas Muwaffiq ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah

Education has a urgent role in the development of a nation, including the Indonesian nation. Learning strategy is a plan, method and set of activities that are planned to achieve learning objectives. SD Muhammadiyah 1 Waru has good learning and technological facilities that support it. However, during the COVID- 19 pandemic, there has been a change in learning strategies in the teaching and learning process. Muhammadiyah 1 Waru Elementary School during the COVID- 19 pandemic uses online and offline learning strategies. So that teachers are required to be more creative and able to use technology well. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. . The technique of collecting data in this research is through interviews, documentation, and observation, while the triangulation used in this study is technical triangulation. From the results of the research that I made in this regard, it can be concluded that SD Muhammadiyah 1 Waru uses online and offline learning strategies. The online system is used for low grades, namely 1, 2, 3 and 4. The offline system is used for high grades, namely grades 5 and 6.

Rizka Widayanti ◽  
Dian Febrianingsih

This paper aims to describe the concept of mufradat learning strategies at SD Al-Kautsar Malang which are packaged using multiple intelligences-based classroom management and to understand the factors that influence the success of the learning strategy in each class. The author used descriptive qualitative research methods. The results showed that SD Al-Kautsar has organized a learning program well which is marked by the application of a mufradat learning strategy based on multiple intelligences class management by producing various mufradat learning strategies, as well as the factors that influence the success of mufradat learning at SD Al-Kautsar including strong funding, reliable human resource management, as well as facilities and infrastructure factors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-17
Umriaty Umriaty ◽  
Iroma Maulida ◽  
Iroma Maulida

One of the problems that can be encountered in children is developmental delay. Children with these limitations certainly need the form of special education services that are adequate and in accordance with the characteristics of the limitations of each child, so they are able to help children with special needs in learning. One form of educational services is the homeschooling program. Therefore researchers were interested in knowing how the steps taken by schools in determining learning strategies, types of learning strategies undertaken and steps in classroom management implemented in ABC'D homeschooling so learning objectives can be achieved. This type of research was observational using qualitative methods with case study design. Respondents in this study amounted to 5 people, namely the principal and representatives of teachers / educators in learning ABC Homes, as well as parents of children who study at ABC Homes, Homes class Mliwis. The results showed the steps carried out at ABCD Homeschooling in determining student learning strategies through stages: identification of the attributes / characteristics of obstacles in children, determining what teaching goals children should be able to achieve after completing a learning experience, choosing learning strategies, choosing material / appropriate materials to achieve goals, test strategies and materials (try it on children), conduct performance evaluations / observe the achievement of goals on children / students. The Learning Strategy applied in ABCD homeschooling was the ABA method, as well as other methods such as the method of task analysis, gradual teaching and motor perception training. Classroom management in homeschooling learning in Mliwis was carried out by placing students according to the type of child barrier and also adapted to the stages of children's abilities in one class. One suggestion that researchers can provide is if possible the need for variations in learning with visual methods (video / film) to help achieve learning objectives.   Keywords: Home shcolling, development delays ABSTRAK   Salah satu permasalahan yang dapat jumpai pada anak-anak adalah keterlambatan perkembangan. Anak-anak dengan keterbatasan tersebut tentu memerlukan bentuk layanan pendidikan khusus yang memadai dan sesuai dengan karakteristik keterbatasan masing-masing anak, sehingga mampu membantu ABK dalam belajar. Salah satu bentuk layanan pendidikan tersebut adalah homeschooling program. Oleh karena itu peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah langkah-langkah yang ditempuh sekolah dalam menentukan strategi pembelajaran, jenis strategi pembelajaran yang dilakukan dan langkah-langkah dalam pengelolaan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam homeschooling ABC’D agar tujuan pembelajaran dapat tercapai. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan rancangan disain studi kasus. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 5 orang yaitu kepala sekolah dan perwakilan guru/pendidik pada pembelajaran Homeschooling ABC’D, serta orangtua murid anak yang belajar di Homeschooling ABC’D kelas Mliwis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan langkah-langkah yang dilaksanakan di Homeschooling ABCD dalam menentukan strategi pembelajaran siswa melalui tahapan: identifikasi atribut/karakteristik kendala pada anak, menentukan tujuan pengajaran apa yang harus bisa dicapai anak setelah selesai mendapatkan suatu pengalaman belajar, memilih  strategi pembelajaran, memilihan materi/bahan yang sesuai untuk mencapai tujuan, uji strategi dan materi (mencobanya pada anak), melakukan evaluasi performansi /pengamatan pencapaian tujuan pada anak/siswa didik. Adapun Strategi Pembelajaran yang diterapkan di homeschooling ABCD adalah metode ABA, serta metode lainnya seperti metode analisis tugas, pengajaran bertahap dan latihan persepsi motorik. Pengelolaan kelas pada pembelajan homeschooling di Mliwis dilaksanakan dengan cara menempatkan siswa sesuai jenis hambatan anak serta disesuaikan pula dengan tahapan kemampuan anak dalam satu kelas. Salah satu saran yang dapat peneliti berikan adalah jika memungkinkan  perlu adanya variasi pembelajaran dengan metode visual (video/film) untuk membantu mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Kata Kunci : Homeschooling, keterlambatan perkembangan

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Dian Paskarina ◽  
Ludwig Beethoven Jones Noya ◽  
Pratiwi Eunike ◽  
Bobby Kurnia Putrawan

In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, distance or online learning has become the primary method used by the government, in this case the Ministry of Education and Culture, to prevent the increasing number of Covid-19 viruses and the emergence of clusters in schools. In online learning, PAK teachers in their multifunctional role need to apply contextual learning strategies so that teaching and learning activities can take place in a systematic, directed, unobstructed, effective and efficient manner and can achieve educational targets. Contextual learning is a learning strategy that emphasizes the process of student involvement to achieve goals associated with real-life situations. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative and data collection is done by interview and documentation as well as relevant literature. The results of the study on some high achieving students' motivation and interest in learning increased with the online learning method after the Christian Religious Education teacher carried out the role optimally by using contextual learning strategies. AbstrakDi era pandemi covid 19 pembelajaran jarak jauh atau daring merupakan metode yang digunakan pemerintah dalam hal ini Kemendikbud sebagai upaya untuk mencegah semakin meningkatnya pandemi covid 19 dan munculnya klaster di sekolah sehingga metode daring menjadi satu-satunya pilihan untuk pembelajaran yang harus dilakukan di era pandemi covid 19. Strategi pembelajaran merupakan garis-garis besar haluan untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Pada pembelajaran daring maka guru PAK dalam peran multifungsinya perlu menerapkan strategi pembelajaran kontekstual agar kegiatan belajar mengajar dapat berlangsung secara sistematis, terarah, tidak terhambat, efektif dan efisien serta dapat mencapai sasaran. Pembelajaran kontekstual merupakan strategi pembelajaran yang menekankan pada proses keterlibatan siswa untuk mencapai sasaran dihubungkan dengan kondisi situasi kehidupan yang nyata. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara serta dokumentasi juga literatur-literatur yang relevan. Hasil penelitian pada beberapa siswa berprestasi motivasi dan minat belajar meningkat dengan metode belajar daring setelah guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen menjalankan peran secara maksimal dengan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran kontekstual.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3a) ◽  

Corona virus or covid 19 is a dangerous virus that attacks the human respiratory system. Corona virus able to change the order of almost all of life’s joints in the world of education. In order to break the chain of the covid 19, goverments introduce a pattern of long range learning by means online learning. Application of this learning model certainly brings its own impact to students. The puspose of this study is to know the impact students are experiencing class 5 country primary school Pandawei during the online learning system. The method used was qualitative research methods with data collection techniques thrugh interviews and observations. The analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive. The main find of this research is increased students study habits using this online learning methods because the students are becoming accustomed  with technology so they’re easier discovering additional information about the lesson materials received search school.

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