scholarly journals CONFLICT RESOLUTION EDUCATION IN MEDINA CONSTITUTION: Contextual Exegesis of Medina Constitution

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 347
Mawi Khusni Albar

Abstract: Conflict is an integral part and has a wide variety of types in all aspects of people's lives. This is the responsibility of education because of the potential it possesses to prevent conflicts. Therefore the education of conflict resolution is a suitable idea to resolve conflict issues. The Medina constitution is a monumental work in the history of human life that becomes the spirit of how to create a harmonious life amid diversity. The interpretational method of Medina Constitution is legal hermeneutics which has three meaning areas such as text, context, and contextualization of text meaning to the context. The underlying theory in this research is the theory of conflict resolution education which has three areas to handle conflicts, such as social contradiction changes with structural approaches, improvement of relationship behavior and social interaction, and encouragement of attitude change. The Medina Constitution has fundamental values in social life, namely: togetherness, unity, freedom, religious tolerance, mutual help, justice, equality of rights and obligations, social honor, national defense and peace, piety, amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, and leadership. The contextualization of principles in the Medina charter on conflict resolution education can be discovered relevantly in the following three aspects; structural, behavioral improvement, and attitudinal changes in social relations.الملخص: الصراع هو جزء لا يتجزأ من حياة الإنسان ويتخذ أشكالا مختلفة وهو يحدث في جميع جوانب حياة الناس. هذه هي مسؤولية للتربية ، لأن للتربية القدرة على منع النزاعات ، لذا فإن التثقيف في مجال حل النزاعات هو الفكرة الصحيحة لمعالجة مشكلة الصراع هذه. أما بالنسبة للروح المأخوذة من ميثاق المدينة التي  هي عملاً ضاخما في تاريخ الحياة البشرية حول كيفية خلق حياة متناغمة في تنوع الاجتماعية . إن طريقة تفسير ميثاق المدينة هي التأويل القانوني الذي له ثلاثة جوانب من المعنى ، أي النص ، السياق ، و سياق معنى النص. النظرية الأساس لتطوير هذا البحث هي نظرية تربية حل النزاعات التي لها ثلاثة مجالات للتعامل مع الصراع ، وهي: التغيرات في التناقضات الاجتماعية مع المقاربات الهيكلية ، تحسين سلوك العلاقة والتفاعل الاجتماعي ، وتشجيع التغييرات في المواقف. يمتلك ميثاق المدينة مبادئ في الحياة الاجتماعية ، وهي: التعاون والوحدة والحرية والتسامح الديني ومساعدة الضعفاء والعدالة والمساواة في الحقوق والواجبات والاحترام الاجتماعي والدفاع عن الدولة والسلام والتقوى والامر بالمأروف ونهي عن المنكر  والقيادة. أما فيما يتعلق بوضع المبادئ في ميثاق المدينة في مجال حل النزاعات ، فيمكن إيجازها في ثلاثة جوانب ، هي: المنهج الهيكلي ، السلوكي ، والتغيرات في المواقف في العلاقات الاجتماعية.Abstrak: Konflik merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam kehidupan manusia dan mengambil bentuk yang beraneka rupa dan hampir menyeluruh di segala aspek kehidupan masyarakat. Hal ini merupakan tanggung jawab pendidikan, karena pendidikan memiliki potensi untuk mencegah terjadinya konflik, maka pendidikan resolusi konflik merupakan gagasan yang tepat untuk menyikapi persoalan konflik ini. Adapun ruhnya diambil dari Kosntitusi Madinah yang merupakan karya monumental dalam sejarah kehidupan manusia tentang bagaimana menciptakan kehidupan yang harmonis di tengah keberagaman. Metode penafsiran Konstitusi Madinah adalah legal hermeneutika yang memiliki tiga wilayah pemaknaan, yaitu teks, konteks, dan kontekstualisasi dari makna teks terhadap konteks. Teori yang menjadi dasar pengembangan penelitian ini adalah teori pendidikan resolusi konflik yang mempunyai tiga wilayah penanganan konflik, yaitu perubahan kontradiksi sosial dengan pendekatan struktur, memperbaiki perilaku hubungan dan interaksi sosial, dan mendorong perubahan sikap. Konstitusi Madinah memiliki nilai-nilai mendasar dalam kehidupan sosial, yaitu kebersamaan, persatuan, kebebasan, toleransi beragama, tolong menolong dan membantu yang lemah, keadilan, persamaan hak dan kewajiban, hormoni sosial, bela negara dan perdamaian, kesalehan, amar ma’ruf nahi munkar, dan kepemimpinan. Adapun kontekstualisasi prinsip-prinsip dalam piagam Madinah dalam pendidikan resolusi konflik dapat ditemukan relevansinya dalam tiga aspek, yaitu struktural, perbaikan perilaku, dan perubahan sikap dalam hubungan sosial.

In trying to show you the character of social anthropology as an academic discipline, I might try to sketch some substantive and perhaps intriguing findings in the field, or the history of its development, or some of its major intellectual problems today. I have chosen the last of these alternatives, because by showing the general problems we are grappling with I hope to reveal to you, in part no doubt inadvertently, the ways that anthropologists think, and also how our difficulties in part arise from the character of the social reality itself, which we confront and try to understand. The fundamental questions which social anthropology asks are about the forms, the nature, and the extent of order in human social life, as it can be observed in the different parts of the world. There is no need to prejudge the extent of this order; as members of one society we know how unpredictable social life can be. But concretely, human life varies greatly around the world, and it seems possible to characterize its forms to some extent. We seek means systematically to discover, record and understand these forms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Bejo Sutrisno ◽  
Albert Situmorang

The aims or this research are to analyze the moral values ​​and principles of moral values that are delivered in the "Kick boxer" movie. To strengthen this analysis, the qualitative research methods are used by using two data sources, namely primary and secondary data. Primary data is “kick boxer" movie, where the data are carefully recorded from the movie based on the problem formulation. Secondary data is taken from other sources related to the analysis, such as journals, e-books, and websites. Based on the analysis, the findings of moral values ​​are presented in: (1) Trustworthiness; (2) Respect; (3) Responsibility; (4) Fairness; (5) Caring and the principles of moral values ​​present are: (1) Respect for rules; (2) Avoidance of illicit Operation. Furthermore, from these findings too, that moral values ​​and the principles of moral values ​​are a way of human life that reflect good behaviors that are very important and valuable things in human social life, in terms of getting peace, mutual help, happiness, and good goals

1997 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-28 ◽  
Denis Cosgrove

Archaeology, anthropology, human geography: three disciplines born out of a nineteenth-century imperative among Europeans to apply a coherent model of understanding (Wissen-schaft) to varied forms of social life within a differentiated physical world; three disciplines stretched between the epistemology and methods of the natural sciences (Naturwissenschaften) which promised certainty, and the hermeneutic reflexivity and critical doubt of the Humanities (Geisteswissenschaften) which promised self-knowledge. Each of these disciplines is today in crisis, and for the same reason. Europe as the place of authoritative knowledge, of civilization, has been decentred upon a post-colonial globe; the white, bourgeois European male has been dethroned as the sovereign subject of a universal and progressive history. Thus, the enlightened intellectual project represented by archaeology, anthropology and human geography, whose findings were unconsciously designed to secure the essentially ideological claims of liberal Europeans, are obliged to renegotiate their most fundamental assumptions and concepts (Gregory, 1993). The linguistic turn in the social sciences and humanities which has so ruthlessly exposed the context-bound nature of their scientific claims — what Ton Lemaire refers to as a critical awareness of their inescapable cultural and historical mediation — forces a recognition that their central conceptual terms, such as ‘culture’, ‘nature’, ‘society’, and ‘landscape’, are far from being neutral scientific objects, open to disinterested examination through the objective and authoritative eye of scholarship. They are intellectual constructions which need to be understood in their emergence and evolution across quite specific histories. Ton Lemaire seeks to sketch something of the history of landscape as such a socially and historically mediated idea: as a mode of representing relations between land and human life, which has played a decisive role in the development of archaeology as a formal discipline. On the foundation of this history he develops a critique of the social and environmental characteristics and consequences of modernity, and seeks to relocate archaeological study within a reformed project of sensitive contemporary ‘dwelling’ on earth.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-173
Zulfiqri Sonis Rahmana

Religion must be a source of social order and inner peace as something that glamorize and glorify, and make a civilized man. Implementation of religious teachings should be a guideline for human life in order to achieve happiness together. However, in doing social life of human society faced with three problems, namely inability, powerlessness and uncertainty. So today, especially in Bandung, often socio-religious conflict played by the followers of the religion itself. Ironically, the religious teachings of the estuary is often seen as a conflict. This is the dissonance between theory and facts, causing a mismatch. Thus, the researchers want to analyze to these problems, by focusing research on socio-religious conflict resolution in Bandung, whether the function of religion as a cause of conflict or even as conflict resolution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 180-195
Piotr Dejneka

This year marks thirty years since Tim Berners Lee launched the Internet as the public domain on August 6, 1991. This date is symbolic because the Internet was already functioning for almost a year as an internal domain in the CERN  (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) near Geneva. Berners Lee wanted to standardize forms of electronic communication within the centre, and incidentally, opened at the same time, a new development in the history of social communication. The Internet over these 30 years has revolutionized social communication and all areas of human life. It has allowed people who previously could not speak to express their opinions, to actively influence discourse in the public sphere and even, in some cases, to reconfigure entire political systems in individual countries. In the following article I would like to take a look at how the information revolution has changed the forms of political communication and at least take a framework look at whether the Internet, has become a new opportunity for democratization of social life and to what extent it has happened.

Psihologija ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 357-374 ◽  
Vladimir Turjacanin

This research, which used a sample of 407 members of both Bosniak and Serb nationality in Sarajevo and Banja Luka, analyzes the structure and content of ethnic stereotypes of Bosnia and Herzegovina's youth. The results reveal significant negative stereotypes of Bosniak and Serb youth toward one another, but also show conspicuous similarities regarding their stereotypes toward other ethnic groups. The concluding remarks set forth theoretical and pragmatic consequences of the results obtained. It can be concluded that people are clearly divided into groups based on the ethnicity criterion. This, substantiated by the earlier history of conflict, creates perceptions and assessments saturated by negative attributes, and can lead to potential conflicts in future. The research suggests that possible solution lies in a conflict resolution education, greater interethnic communication.

Adam alemi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 90 (4) ◽  
pp. 77-86
S. Uralbaeva ◽  
S. Rakimzhanova ◽  
A. Malikova ◽  

The article describes the ideas and philosophical views of philosophers on the history of language. From a philosophical point of view, the concept of «language» has been defined as a fundamental value for any nation. In the history of philosophical thought, «language» is considered one of the spiritual spheres of social life, considered as a value associated with human life. Philosophical analysis of the role of language in the development of a nation, state and human society as a whole. The ideas and philosophical views of the historians of philosophy on the language are determined. The philosophical meaning of the language is discussed.

Ihsan Sanusi

This article in principle wants to examine the history of the emergence of the conflict of Islamic revival in Minangkabau starting from the Paderi Movement to the Youth in Minangkabau. Especially in the initial period, namely the Padri movement, there was a tragedy of violence (radicalism) that accompanied it. This study becomes important, because after all the reformation of Islam began to be realized by reforming human life in the world. Both in terms of thought with the effort to restore the correct understanding of religion as it should, from the side of the practice of religion, namely by reforming deviant practices and adapted to the instructions of the religious texts (al-Qur'an and sunnah), and also from the side of strengthening power religion. In this case the research will be directed to the efforts of renewal by the Padri to the Youth towards the Islamic community in Minangkabau. To discuss this problem used historical research methods. Through this method, it is tested and analyzed critically the records and relics of the past. In analyzing the data in this research basically used approach or interactive analysis model by Miles and Huberman. In this analysis model, the three components of the analysis are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing or verification, the activity is carried out in an interactive form with the process of collecting data as a process that continues, repeats, and continues to form acycle.

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