scholarly journals Phytopatological status and preservation of spruce in provenance trials of the Lyubansky Forest District of Leningrad Region 

М.А. Николаева ◽  
Е.Ю. Варенцова

Географические культуры ели, заложенные на территории Любанского лесничества Ленинградской области в 1977 г., являются частью эксперимента, организованного на территории бывшего СССР по программе ВНИИЛМ. На основании выполненного исследования приведены первые результаты оценки устойчивости ели к грибным болезням. Средняя сохранность 40летних культур в группе потомств Picea abies составляет 39, P. оbovata 26. На протяжении всего периода развития культур северные и восточные потомства имеют более низкую сохранность. Снижение сохранности культур обусловлено факторами географического происхождения семян, а также отсутствием рубок ухода. Выявлены очаги некрознораковых заболеваний и гнилей. Высокая распространённость некрознораковых заболеваний (51 62) прослежена в потомствах псковского, костромского, медвежьегорского и сегежского климатипов. Стволовая гниль находится в начальной стадии развития загнившие сучки и плодовые тела возбудителей на растущих деревьях не выявлены. Отмечаются признаки развития опёнка Armillaria mellea s. l., вызывающего корневую и комлевую гниль. Категория состояния по объекту 2,85, с колебаниями от 2,67 2,76 (P. abies и гибридные формы P. abies) до 2,95 3,09 (P. оbovata и её гибридные формы), что свидетельствует об ослаблении или о сильном ослаблении насаждений с нарушением их устойчивости. Низкая категория состояния (3,3 3,4) отмечена в потомствах гибридных форм с признаками P. оbovata кареломедвежьгорского и архангельскоплесецкого происхождений. В группе потомств P. abies прослежена достоверная зависимость категории состояния от географического происхождения семян: с удалением мест заготовок семян на север и восток состояние культур хуже. Среди гибридных форм с признаками P. оbovata лучшим состоянием отличаются восточные потомства. Provenance trials of spruce, established on the territory of the Lyubansky Forest District of the Leningrad Region in 1977, are a part of a vast experiment started on the territory of the former USSR. On the basis of the studies performed, the first results of the assessment of the spruce resistance to fungal pathogens are presented. The average preservation of 40yearold trials in the Picea abies progenies group is 39 and in P. ovovata is 26. During the whole period of cultures development northern and eastern progenies had lower rate of preservation. The decrease in the preservation of provenance trials is due to factors of geographical origin of seeds, as well as the lack of selection thinning. Foci of necrosiscancerous diseases and rots were identified. A high distribution rate of necrosiscancerous diseases (51 62) was traced to the progenies of Pskov, Kostroma, Myedvezhegorsk and Segezha climatypes. Stem rot is in the initial stage of development: rotten knots and fruiting bodies of pathogens on growing trees have not been found. There are signs of the development of honey fungus Armillaria mellea s.l., which causes root and butt rot. The state category of the object is 2.85, with fluctuations from 2.67 2.76 (P. abies and hybrid forms of P. abies) to 2.95 3.09 (P. оbovata and its hybrid forms), which indicates decline, or strong decline of forest stands with loss of their sustainability. The low state category (3.3 3.4) is noted in the progenies of hybrid forms with P. obovata properties of KarelianMyedvezhegorsk and ArkhangelskPlesetsk origins. In the group of progenies P. abies, a significant dependency of the category of state on the geographical origin of seeds was traced: if we go further to the North and East, the state of the trails is getting worse. Among the hybrid forms with the properties of P. оbovata, the eastern progenies have the best state.

2014 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-67
Marina A. Nikolaeva ◽  
Danial Kh. Faizulin ◽  
Alexander Ph Potokin ◽  
Oleg A. Jamaleev

Abstract The article presents the results of provenance trials carried on the Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), the Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.) and hybrid forms of these two species. The trails were laid in 1977-1978 according to wide-scale All-Union program of 1972 year (Prokazin 1972) in the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Leningrad regions and the Republic of Bashkortostan. The results of the most recent inventory of provenance trials as well as analyses of preservation and growth of spruce progenies with different geographical origin are presented. One of the main factors affecting spruce progeny survival was north-south distance between seed collection locality and test locality. At the time of the study (2010-2012), in the Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions, spruce progeny preservation was higher in the case of mother stands distant to the north. On the contrary, in the Leningrad region and the Republic of Bashkortostan, preservation of northern climatypes’ progenies was lower during the whole period of plantations’ growth. With the change of seed collection locality towards west-east direction, a correlation between progeny preservation and geographical origin factors was non-existent (Vologda, Arkhangelsk regions) or weak (Leningrad region, Republic of Bashkortostan). The most successful growth and the lowest preservation were observed under the conditions of sharp-continental climate, in provenance trials carried out in the Bashkortostan Republic. In the north of Russia, in provenance trials in the Arkhangelsk region there was observed the slowest spruce growth. On the whole, at all the objects under investigation, Norway spruce progenies and hybrid forms with Norway spruce properties showed better growth parameters when compared to those of the Siberian spruce.

2017 ◽  
Vol 63 (No. 9) ◽  
pp. 401-407
Nakvasina Elena N ◽  
Demina Nadezhda A ◽  
Prozherina Nadezhda A

Adaptation variability and ecological plasticity in the “genotype-environment” system of 22 provenances of Picea abies (Linnaeus) H. Karsten, Picea obovata (von Ledebour) and their introgressive hybrids growing within the Russian Plain were studied. Provenances grow in provenance trials located in the Arkhangelsk, Vologda Regions, and Komi Republic. For assessment of provenances in the “genotype-environment” system, the ranking method was used. Based on a complex ranking index (survival, diameter, height) two local areas of the most adaptive geographic races of P. abies, P. obovata and their hybrid forms were distinguished. In the south-western part of the Russian Plain the best provenances are represented by P. abies and related hybrids from Karelia, Vologda, Leningrad, and Pskov Regions. In the north-eastern part they are represented by P. obovata and its hybrids from the Komi Republic, Arkhangelsk, Sverdlovsk Regions. Provenances of local P. abies and related hybrid forms demonstrate high ecological plasticity on their growing in harsh climatic conditions of the north outside of the species distribution area.

О.А. Ходачек

Рассматривается проблема воздействия почвенного фактора на состояние древостоев ели европейской Picea abies (L.) и сосны обыкновенной Pinus sylvestris (L.). Цель работы – выявление возможной взаимосвязи между состоянием зеленых насаждений и физико-химическими свойствами почвы, на которой они произрастают. В рамках исследования было заложено 11 пробных площадей постоянного наблюдения, расположенных на территории городских лесов в различных районах Санкт-Петербурга (Выборгский, Курортный, Пушкинский), в Выборгском районе Ленинградской области, в Эстонской Республике (уезд Ида- Вирумаа). На каждой пробной площади проведено таксационное описание и дана оценка фитосанитарного состояния от 70 до 100 деревьев, определен средний балл состояния древостоя в целом. Приведены факторы ослабления, выявленные при рекогносцировочном обзоре, проведенном в конце вегетационного периода на каждой пробной площади (по состоянию на сентябрь 2017 г.). Рассматриваются результаты комплексного агрохимического анализа почвы обследуемых участков: гранулометрический состав, количество органического вещества и кислотность почвы, содержание в почве обменного калия и подвижного фосфора. На основании полученных данных определена степень окультуренности почвы. Проводится анализ катионно-анионного состава водной вытяжки почвы с расчетом суммы токсичных солей на обследуемых территориях. Результаты почвенного анализа показали достаточную обеспеченность растений подвижным фосфором и органическим веществом, пониженное содержание обменного калия и высокий уровень кислотности почвы на большинстве обследуемых участков. Показатель суммы токсичных солей в почве не превышает порогового значения. Выявлены почвенные факторы, оказывающие наибольшее воздействие на фитосанитарное состояние сосновых и еловых древостоев: значение pH и уровень содержания токсичных солей в почве. This article discusses the impact of soil factors on the state of Picea abies (L.) and Pinus sylvestris (L.) stands. The aim of research is to identify the possible relationship between the condition of green spaces and physical-chemical properties of the soil in which they grow. The study was founded on 11 sample plots in ongoing monitoring, located in urban forests in different districts of St. Petersburg (Vyborg, Resort, Pushkin), in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region and the Republic of Estonia (the County of IDA-Virumaa). It was carried out taxonomic description and evaluation of phytosanitary condition of from 70 to 100 trees in each sample area with the definition of the average score of the state of the forest as a whole. It was lists factors of weakening, detected during reconnaissance survey conducted at the end of the vegetation period in each sample area (as of September 2017). The article discusses the results of agrochemical soil analysis of the surveyed plots: granulometric composition; the amount of organic matter and the acidity of the soil; the content of soil exchangeable potassium and phosphorus. The article also presents data on the cation-anionic composition of the aqueous extract of the soil, and calculates the sum of toxic salts on the surveyed territories. The results of the soil analysis showed sufficient supply of plant phosphorus and organic matter, low content of exchange potassium and high levels of soil acidity on most of the This article discusses the impact of soil factors on the state of Picea abies (L.) and Pinus sylvestris (L.) stands. The aim of this research is to identify the possible relationship between the condition of green spaces and physical-chemical properties of the soil in which they grow. The study was founded on 11 sample plots in ongoing monitoring, located in urban forests in different districts of St. Petersburg (Vyborg, Resort and Pushkin), in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region and the Republic of Estonia (the County of IDA-Virumaa). It was carried out taxonomic description and evaluation of phytosanitary condition of from 70 to 100 trees in each sample area with the definition of the average score of the state of the forest as a whole. It was lists factors of weakening, detected during reconnaissance survey conducted at the end of the vegetation period in each sample area (as of September 2017). The article discusses the results of agrochemical soil analysis of the surveyed plots: granulometric composition; the amount of organic matter and the acidity of the soil; the content of soil exchangeable potassium and phosphorus. The article also presents data on the cation-anionic composition of the aqueous extract of the soil, and calculates the sum of toxic salts on the surveyed territories. The results of the soil analysis showed sufficient supply of plant phosphorus and organic matter, low content of exchange potassium and high levels of soil acidity on most of the surveyed plots. The sum of toxic salts in the soil does not exceed the threshold level. Research has identified the soil factors that have the greatest impact on the phytosanitary condition of pine and spruce stands: the level of acidity, content of toxic salts in the soil.plots. The sum of toxic salts in the soil does not exceed the threshold level. Research has identified the soil factors that have the greatest impact on the phytosanitary condition of pine and spruce stands: the level of acidity, content of toxic salts in the soil.

The issues of determining the estimated cost of capital construction projects with the involvement of Federal budget funds at the stage of development of project documentation, during verification of the accuracy of determining the estimated cost and the initial (maximum) contract price are considered. On the basis of the assessment of amendments to urban planning legislation for the purpose of implementing a state contract by the contractor ( based on the results of competitive procedures or without competitive procedures by decision of state authorities), the procedure for forming the estimate as part of a state (municipal) contract, the price of which is firm, is presented. For the purpose of mutual settlements between the customer and the contractor for the work performed, the formation of primary accounting documentation, as well as for checking the work performed by regulatory authorities, an example of drawing up an estimate of the state (municipal) contract on the basis of grouping costs according to structural elements and complexes of work is given. The result of the research conducted was the development of regulations and the formation of criteria for their practical application by state bodies, institutions, organizations and other participants in the investment-construction process, as well as recipients of budget funds, who perform the functions of the state (municipal) customer, developer and technical customer.

2020 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-86
V. M. Kotkova

The paper provides new data on aphyllophoroid fungi of the State Nature Reserve “Kurgalsky” situated in the Kingisepp District of the Leningrad Region. They were collected on the Kader bog and its vicinity. The list includes 165 species annotated by data on their habitats, substrates and frequency, including 37 species new for the reserve. In total 5 species (Antrodia mellita, Chaetoporellus latitans, Junghuhnia collabens, Rigidoporus crocatus, Sidera lenis) protected in the Leningrad Region and 3 species (Phlebia subserialis, Pseudomerulius montanus, Xenasma pruinosum) new for the Leningrad Region were found in study part of reserve. The specimens of selected species are kept in the Mycological Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS (LE).

2019 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 369-384
G. Ya. Doroshina ◽  
E. G. Ginzburg ◽  
L. E. Kurbatova

The paper provides the data on mosses of the State Nature Reserve ”Kurgalskiy” situated in the Kingisepp District of the Leningrad Region. The list includes 136 species. Among them Plagiothecium nemorale is new for the Leningrad Region, 83 species are recorded for the first time for the protected area, 12 species are protected in the region, Aulacomnium androgynum is protected in Russia. Of the protected species, Plagiothecium latebricola is recorded for the first time for the protected area. Data on habitats, substrates and frequency of every species are provided.

Akil Ibrahim Al-Zuhari

The article defines the features of the process of forming the research tradition of studying the institute of parliamentarism as a mechanism for the formation of democracy. It is established that parliamentarism acts as one of the varieties of the regime of functioning of the state, to which the independence of the representative body from the people is inherent, its actual primacy in the state mechanism, the division of functions between the legislative and executive branches of government, the responsibility and accountability of the government to the parliament. It is justified that, in addition to the regime that fully meets the stated requirements of classical parliamentarism, there are regimes that can be characterized as limited parliamentary regimes. The conclusions point out that parliamentarism does not necessarily lead to a democracy regime. At the first stage of development of statehood, it functions for a long time in the absence of many attributes of democracy, but at the present stage, without parliamentarism, democracy will be substantially limited. Modern researchers of parliamentarism recognize that this institution is undergoing changes with the development of the processes of democracy and democratization. This is what produces different approaches to its definition. However, most scientists under classical parliamentarianism understand such a system, which is based on the balance of power. This approach seeks to justify limiting the rights of parliament and strengthening executive power. Keywords: Parliamentarism, research strategy, theory of parliamentarism, types of parliamentarism

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
Henrique Inhauser Riceti Magalhães ◽  
Ana Caroline Romão da Silva ◽  
Fabiano Braz Romão ◽  
Nadia Grandi Bombonato ◽  
Guilherme Nascimento Cunha

Abstract Among the diseases which can afflict the nasal cavities of small ruminants, oestrosis stands out. In Brazil, more specifically in its South-East region, the reports are limited only to the State of São Paulo and to the municipality of Araxá, Minas Gerais. Therefore, it has been sought to assess the parasitic prevalence of Oestrus ovis in sheep farmed in the municipality of Ituiutaba, Minas Gerais-Brazil, while correlating the larval size and stage, and its anatomical localization. Eighty-eight hemiheads of healthy Santa Inês/Dorper crossbreds Ovis aries have been used at random. The larvae in view were then collected and fixated to be quantified and analyzed in regard of size and stage of development. It is concluded that the oestrosis is an existing problem in the municipality of Ituiutaba, this being the first complete study on the prevalence of this parasite in the State of Minas Gerais. By anatomical distribution, only the differences of total larval averages between the frontal sinus and the ventral nasal meatus, the common nasal meatus and the nasopharynx have been significant. In size, the significant difference has been there only upon comparison between the size and the larval stage, information that is crucial for a better understanding of the cyclic progression, of the clinical symptomatology, and animal prophylaxis.

Алена Владимировна Искрина

В статье рассматриваются особенности формирования социальной стратификации Древней Руси на раннем этапе развития, этапы появления различных страт в зависимости от социально-политических событий с X по XII вв. Предметом исследования является процесс образования социальных страт в древнерусском государстве. Цель статьи - рассмотреть социальное устройство Древней Руси, определить и описать стратификацию и взаимодействие страт между собой, историю изучения данного вопроса, политические события, влияющие на данные процессы. Основным вопросом исследования явились исторические события, оказавшие влияние на формирование социальных страт с X по XII вв., появление социальных страт в данный исторический период и формы их взаимодействия. Отвечая на данный вопрос, автор приходит к выводу, что разложение патриархально-общинного строя, формирование феодального вассалитета, принципа майората, княжеской дружины и другие внутриполитические события повлияли на формирование социальных страт государства. В связи с данными историческими событиями удается проследить этапы происхождения социальных слоев населения, их состав, социальные функции в обществе и государстве. The paper examines the features of the social stratification of the Ancient system at an early stage of development, the stages of the emergence of various strata depending on political events from the 10th to the 12th centuries. The subject of this research is the process of the formation of social strata in the ancient European state. The purpose of the publication is to consider the social structure of Ancient Rus, to determine and describe the stratification and interaction of strata with each other, to study this issue, political events that affect these processes. The main research issue was the historical events that influenced the formation of social strata from the 10th to the 12th centuries, the emergence of social strata in a given historical period and the forms of their interaction. Answering this question, the author arrives at the conclusion that the disintegration of the patriarchal-communal system, the formation of a feudal vassalage, the principle of primacy, the princely squad and other internal political events influenced the formation of social strata of the state. In connection with these historical events, it is possible to trace the stages of the origin of social strata of the population, their composition, social functions in society and the state.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 ◽  
pp. 14-18
V.F. Obolentsev

The rule of law is a fundamental principle of the legal sphere. Its assertion in the state institutions of democratic countries is an outstanding achievement of mankind. The implementation of this principle is the basis of civil society and civil liberties. The rule of law is the supremacy of law in society. The rule of law provides for its implementation in law-making and law enforcement activities. The manifestation of the rule of law is that the law is not limited to legislation as one of its forms, but also includes other social regulators (norms of morality, traditions, customs, etc., which are legitimized by society). All these elements of law are united by a quality that corresponds to ideology of justice – the idea of law, which is largely implemented in the Constitution of Ukraine. The first problem for the implementation of the principle of law in Ukraine is that this principle has not yet received the proper normative consolidation and official interpretation. The second problem is its extension to socio-economic rights and social benefits. The third problem is the insufficient level of legality in our state. The aim of the paper is to establish the peculiarities of implementation of the principle of the rule of law at the present stage of development of scientific and technological progress. The task of the paper is to investigate the peculiarities of implementation of the rule of law in the application of information and analytical technologies of system engineering in the legal sphere. In accordance with the experience of using information-analytical technologies of system engineering in the legal sphere, the paper outlines the peculiarities of implementation of the principle of the rule of law in the system analysis and modeling of the state system of Ukraine. The principle of the rule of law must be taken into account in such modeling as "governing circumstance". That is the resource according to which the state system of Ukraine functions. Our preliminary works give grounds to assert that information and analytical technologies of systems engineering are also a promising methodological tool for studying the principles of state building. The principle of the rule of law is the cornerstone of building a democratic state governed by the rule of law in Ukraine. Three years ago, scholars moved away from identifying the rule of law with the law-creating instruments.

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