Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic and Work from Home: Challenges of Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity

Tabrez Ahmad
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Imtihan Hanom ◽  
Rachel Aleyda Rozefy ◽  
Hilmiyani Taqiyyah Filasta

Work From Home (WFH) is a system chosen by the government in 2020 due to the spread of the Corona virus, with this system it is hoped that it can maintain social distance, namely reducing people's mobility, maintaining physical distance, and reducing crowds so that it is expected to reduce the risk of corona virus transmission. and employee safety. The WFH system has high flexibility, this is to support employee balance between work and life. The work system that changed to WFH in a short period of time made workers experience stressful conditions such as feelings of anxiety or worry for a long time, especially when they lived under the same roof with many people. In carrying out WFH, workers need a comfortable place to work to help focus on work. One of the things that play a role in creating a sense of comfort when working is the application of ergonomic rules. This study looks for any variables that can affect WFH activities and which variables most affect WFH activities. The application of ergonomics, especially macro ergonomics in WFH activities, is considered appropriate to be able to solve various problems in WFH activities. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method by conducting a study through distributing questionnaires to respondents who are doing WFH. From the results of the study, it was found that the comfort of workers in carrying out WFH activities is closely related to ergonomics in a residential house. The results of this study can be used as a reference for designing a suitable workspace for WFH activities, and as a reference for further research with a similar focus of study. Keyword: Interior, Ergonomic, Working From Home

2021 ◽  
Dewi meylinta

Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan olehcorona virus, yang menjadi krisis kesehatan dunia karena penyebarannya yang sangat cepat(WHO, 2020). COVID-19 mulai terjadi pada bulan Desember 2019, wabah virus ini pertama kaliterjadi di kota Wuhan di Provinsi Hubei Tengah Cina (Holshue et al, 2020). Pada tanggal 11Januari Cina mengumumkan kematian COVID-19 pertamanya. Covid-19 telah menyebar keberbagai negara di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Merebaknya wabah ini pun meningkatkan jumlahkasus positif terjangkit Covid-19. Akibatnya, di seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia mengalamidampak krisis kesehatan dan ekonomi.Kondisi pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan sebagian besar orang merasa khawatir atau takut yangberlebihan dan berpikir yang tidak masuk akal. Tidak jarang mereka memiliki kecurigaan danprasangka pada orang yang memiliki tanda-tanda penderita Covid-19. Hal tersebut semakinmembuat orang semakin berusaha mencari berita mengenai Covid-19, dan tidak dapat memilahberita yang akurat sehingga memunculkan kecemasan. Keadaan demikian membuat seseorangmengalami stress. Stres dan kecemasan adalah reaksi terhadap situasi yang mengancam dan takterduga seperti dalam wabah pandemi koronavirus. Sehingga mengalami sulit tidur, sakit kepala,dan gangguan fisik lainnya. Inilah yang disebut kondisi stress."Kebijakan belajar dari rumah, bekerja dari rumah, dan ibadah di rumah terus digencarkan untukmengurangi penyebaran Covid-19," demikian disampaikan Presiden Joko Widodo. (Kompas, 6Maret 2020). Kebijakan tersebut diambil dalam kondisi darurat pandemi Covid-19 yang jumlahkasusnya terus bertambah. Sehingga untuk mengurangi potensi penyebaran Covid-19 kebijakantersebut tepat, meski dalam perjalanannya menimbulkan masalah baru bagi kalangan masyarakat,baik pelajar, pekerja/karyawan, dan seluruh rakyat, oleh karena seluruh kegiatan harus dilakukan di rumah, yang dikenal dengan istilah Work From Home (WFH) dan menerapkan socialdistancing. Hal tersebut semakin memicu terjadinya stress pada masyarakat

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 473-485
Maximiliane Reifenscheid ◽  
Katja Möhring

Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten in der Bevölkerung hinsichtlich der Sorgen vor einer Ansteckung mit dem Coronavirus in den drei Alltagssituationen Arztbesuch, Einkauf und Arbeit. Während ältere Menschen vor allem beim Einkaufen besorgt sind, haben Personen mit Vorerkrankungen auch bei Arztbesuchen und bei der Arbeit erhöhte Sorgen vor einer Ansteckung. Besonders in frauendominierten Berufen wie im Gesundheits- und Bildungsbereich sind die Ansteckungssorgen deutlich ausgeprägt. Die Möglichkeit ganz oder auch nur teilweise von zu Hause arbeiten zu können, geht mit verringerten Ansteckungssorgen einher. Allerdings ist diese Möglichkeit ungleich verteilt. Beispielsweise haben Personen mit Vorerkrankungen keine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit von zu Hause zu arbeiten. Abstract: Concerns about Infection with the Corona Virus in Everyday Situations. What are the Differences in the Population? This article examines differences in the population with regard to concerns about an infection with the Corona virus in the three everyday situations doctor’s visit, shopping, and work. While older people are more concerned when shopping, people with pre-existing diseases also have heightened concerns about infection during doctoral appointments and at work. Concerns about infection at work are particularly pronounced in female-dominated occupations, such as health care and education. Working exclusively from home or even just partially helps to reduce worries. However, the possibility to work from home is unevenly distributed. For example, individuals with pre-existing conditions are not more likely to work from home.

2021 ◽  
Luthfi abdurrahman

Saat ini keadaan Indonesia mengalami kondisi tidak baik yang disebabkan oleh virus Covid-19 yang berasal dari Wuhan Cina. (WHO, 2020) menyatakan bahwa virus ini penularannya sangat cepat dan dapat menyebabkan kematian. Virus ini menyerang infeksi saluran pernapasan seperti batuk dan pilek namun sifatnya lebih mematikan. Berdasarkan data (Worldometer, 2020) Coronavirus Casses menyatakan 2.176.744 Pasien yang terpapar virus ini dan beberapa meninggal dunia sehingga wabah penyebaran virus ini disebut dengan pandemi Covid-19 dunia. Penyebaran virus ini bisa ditempat umum atau kerumunan, Pusat Pengendalian dan Pencegahan Penyakit (CDC) Amerika Serikat mengatakan penyebaran virus ini melalui kontak fisik seperti berjabat tangan maka dianjurkan agar mencuci tangan dengan benar dan baik sesuai langkah serta menggunakan masker jika keluar rumah untuk pencegahan penyebaran Corona Virus. Akibat dari pandemi Covid-19 membuat pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan baru demi menghentikan pemencaran Covid-19 yaitu mengimplementasikan ajakan masyarakat untuk melaksanakan Physical Distancing atau memberi jarak dengan orang lain sejauh satu meter dan menghindari kerumunan dan berbagai acara pertemuan yang menimbulkan perkumpulan (Covid-19, 2020). Selain itu pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan untuk Dirumah Saja seperti kerja dirumah atau Work From Home (WFH) dan kegiatan apapun yang berhubungan dengan perkumpulan atau pertemuan ditiadakan dan diganti dengan media online. (Kemendikbud, 2020) mengeluarkan Surat Edaran tentang Pembelajaran secara Daring dan Bekerja dari Rumah dalam Rangka Pencegahan Penyebaran Covid-19. Pembelajaran daring di Indonesia sebenarnya sudah diterapkan oleh beberapa pendidik sebelum pemberlakuan social distancing oleh pemerintah. Namun istilah pembelajaran daring semakin populer setelah social distancing. Pembelajaran daring yang diterapkan lebih cenderung pada bentuk penugasan via aplikasi. Siswa diberikan tugas- tugas untuk diselesaikan kemudian dikoreksi oleh guru sebagai bentuk penilaian dan diberikan komentar sebagai bentuk evaluasi (Syarifudin, 2020). Minat memiliki banyak efek positif pada proses dan hasil pembelajaran (Krapp, 2002), tingkat minat yang tinggi akan menyebabkan tingkat perhatian dan tingkat kesiapan siswa terlibat dalam objek pembelajaran sehingga menimbulkan kemungkinan keberhasilan dalam pembelajaran (Krapp, 1999).

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Inggit Akim

ABSTRACTSupervise the government as the provider of public services to carry out their duties and authorities under applicable regulations. Large-Scale Social Restrictions are restrictions on certain activities in an area suspected of being infected with Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), which causes the quality of public services to be disrupted. The Ombudsman has the task of supervising the implementation of shared services organized by state or government officials and private or individual bodies assigned the task of providing services according to minimum service standards as a benchmark for service delivery and assessing the quality of services to the community. The research method used is normative juridical research with a conceptual approach (Statute Approach).The results of this study are large-scale social restriction policies through the Mayor of Tarakan Regulation Number 17 of 2020, restrictions on activities outside the house such as the implementation of learning at schools and/or other educational institutions, Work From Home (WFH), religious movements in houses of worship, activities in public places, social and cultural activities and Mandatory rapid tests for those using Sea and Air transportation modes, and providing social assistance to communities affected by COVID-19. Ombudsman's supervision of public services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Tarakan City, namely by conducting coordination and control and cooperation with state and private officials as well as community or individual organizations, opening an Online Complaint Post for COVID-19 Affected Persons. Also, conduct unannounced checks to improve public services in the City of Tarakan. Based on the supervision, the receipt of reports on suspicion of maladministration and the Ombudsman's investigation results are subject to examination. Suppose it is proven that it has committed maladministration in public services, the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia can take corrective action and provide recommendations/suggestions to state administrators to improve the quality of public services. Keywords: Surveillance; Ombudsman; Public Service; COVID-19 Pandemic

Dharmakarya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
Fatmi Utarie Nasution ◽  
Rafan Darodjat

Corona virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh Virus Corona atau Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) yang dapat menyerang segala usia. Akibat peristiwa pandemi Covid-19 yang belum berakhir, seluruh pemerintah di berbagai belahan dunia, termasuk Indonesia, menerapkan kebijakan untuk mencegah dan memutus rantai penularan Covid-19 dengan melakukan pembatasan sosial (social distancing). Kebijakan pembatasan sosial mengharuskan setiap masyarakat untuk tetap berdiam di rumah dan tidak melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan tertentu yang dapat mengundang keramaian, salah satunya adalah kegiatan bekerja dari rumah (work from home) yang berdampak pada aspek sosial, lingkungan, dan ekonomi. Banyak masyarakat di Indonesia salah satunya di desa Cileunyi Wetan umumnya bermata pencaharian buruh pabrik yang di rumahkan dan tidak diberi upah sama sekali, hal tersebut mengakibatkan kelaparan dan kemiskinan, maka dari itu saya melakukan kegiatan pembangunan sekolah kewirausahaan. Pembangunan sekolah kewirausahaan merupakan suatu media penggerak masyarakat di wilayah desa Cileunyi Wetan agar dapat memperoleh ilmu berwirausaha dengan tepat. Sehingga masyarakat dapat menciptakan inovasi produk sandang maupun pangan yang memiliki nilai jual tinggi, memiliki penghasilan, dan menjadikan hidup mandiri. Dalam kegiatan ini metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Pendidikan Masyarakat dengan melakukan penyuluhan mengenai kewirausahaan yang bertujuan menyadarkan masyarakat akan adanya manfaat dari berwirausaha. Serta metode Pelatihan dengan melakukan pelatihan berwirausaha di lingkungan masyarakat Desa Cileunyi Wetan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah masyarakat dapat terbuka pemikirannya untuk berwirausaha dan menjadi lebih kreatif dan inovatif dalam mengolah suatu produk baik sandang maupun pangan. Sekolah kewirausahaan tidak hanya diperuntukkan untuk kaum muda saja namun di peruntukkan untuk siapa saja yang ingin dan mau untuk belajar dalam berwirausaha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (02) ◽  
pp. 831-835
Swati Sharma ◽  
Jyoti Gaur ◽  

The corona virus outbreak came to light on December 31, 2019 when China informed the World Health Organization of a cluster of cases of pneumonia of an unknown cause in Wuhan City in Hubei Province. Subsequently the disease spread to more Provinces in China, and to the rest of the world and finally, World Health Organization (WHO) declared it as pandemic. The virus has been named SARS-CoV-2 and the disease is now called COVID-19.Symptoms of corona virus include, fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, sore throat and persistent pain or pressure in the chest. In extreme cases, pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome and kidney failure occurs. In few it has been found to be fatal. As a result, a panic created in the world population, when the outspread and deaths could not be controlled. COVID-19 pandemic, forced the governments to shut down not only the offices and markets but also all the educational centers like primary schools, higher secondary schools, colleges, institutes and universities to protect the students and faculty members from corona virus and community spread of the disease. This created a hurdle in face to face learning, a regular practice of education. Teachers and students were compelled to adopt Information and Communication Technology (ICT) techniques, into their teaching- learning process, as a result of lockdown and to make the effortsof continuing education, successful. Other than untrained staff, mental unpreparedness of the students, there were many technical issues in this project, theincompatible devices, slow network and remote residences caused problems in connectivity and communication issues, not only for the students but for the teachers too. Although, the institutions declared work from home for the employees, this work from home situation created psychological trifles between the employers and employees too. The employees who were quite naïve with the IT usage, online activities and record keeping of online activities, faced difficult time in compilation of data. Objectives-This study highlights the stress faced by teaching employees due to the unexpected and unprepared changesin schedule and practices of teaching methods. Tools- A self -structured Assessment scale of Stress Assessment was used on 72 teaching faculties who were working from home during lockdown period due to COVID- 19. Analysis- The average and percentage of scores was calculated to assess the results. The results show that High level of stress was observed in the teaching faculties. Conclusions-The researches concludes that such sudden changes may cause stress, anxiety and psychological disturbances. High level of stress was observed in the teaching staff due to coping mechanism. It was related to Waking and Sleep related Stress, Work duration related Stress, Rights related Stress, Insecurity related Stress, Blood pressure related Stress, Increased Risk Behavior such as smoking and drinking and Stomach related problems, high Perceived Stress and Stress Busters.

Shikha Gulia ◽  
Smriti Arora

Background: Aim of the study was to assess stressors and positive outcomes among professionals working from home during COVID-19 pandemic in India. Novel Corona virus disease (COVID-19) originated from China has rapidly spread in the world across borders, infecting millions of people throughout the whole world. As this novel corona virus is highly contagious and has enforced countries for complete shutdown, anxiety and concerns in society are globally affecting every individual to variable extents. Due to this lockdown, most of the professions have very first time in world and specially in India opted for working from home.Methods: This is quantitative approach study, cross-sectional study. Convenient and snowball sampling technique used to select subject via google form technique. 284 professionals enrolled in study from various professions and the google form was sent through mail, WhatsApp and text messages. The data is analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: The results of the study shown that majority of the professionals have experienced stress related to their job, social stress along with the physical stressors and have also developed some new life skills and utilized this time to plan about new ideas and goals.Conclusions: There is an intense need to keep a check on mental health during work from home to relieve stress and anxiety posed by COVID-19 pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 111-116

Kenya is one of those countries in the world suffering from the deadly Corona virus and its economy is greatly affected. There is therefore a need for the Kenyan government to put measures in place to break the chain of spreading the virus by enforcing nationwide curfew, boarder lockdown of the most affected counties and stay and work from home measures. The Ministry of health alongside its stakeholders had to quickly set up various mechanisms to counter the disease. The government took drastic steps to curb the spread of the pandemic by closing down learning institutions, entertainment joints, eateries and public gathering including funerals. Church services and weddings were temporarily banned too. This was to break the chain and reduce the spread of the virus and if possible completely eliminate the Covid-19 in the country. Due to the urgency of the matter, leaders needed to embrace new ways of doing things and have a vision clearly spelt and well understood approach. On the other hand, leaders in charge of communication needed to verify their facts and not be too quick to call for press conferences to ensure that channels of communications were open to all in order to avoid speculations that results in lack of trust if things are not done in a transparent way.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-105
Leni Nurul Kariyani

Dunia sedang mengalami pandemic Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19), penerapan kebijakan work from home (WFH) berdampak pada penutupan fasilitas sekolah, sehingga sekolah dianjurkan untuk belajar dari rumah atau BDR, berbagai macam aplikasi digunakan oleh guru untuk tetap bisa melakukan aktivitas belajar mengajar secara online seperti whatsaap dll. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak kebijakan pemerintah mengenai belajar dari rumah dan dampaknya terhadap pelaku pendidikan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif yaitu tipe penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan atau mendeskripsikan suatu keadaan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa banyak terjadi masalah di lapangan dimasa-masa adaptasi terhadap fenomena baru pendidikan yaitu belajar dari rumah dan guru harus mengajar secara online seperti tidak adanya smartphone, tidak adanya sinyal, tidak adanya kuota dan belum mampu beradaptasi dengan baik terhadap teknologi. Dan dampak lain adalah  bahwasannya pembelajaran tidak bisa menjangkau secara utuh tujuan pembelajaran baik secara kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik dan dampaknya juga bagi pendidik yang mengharuskan peran orang tua yang lebih besar dalam pengawasan pembelajaran.

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