Ihor Oleksiiovych Polishchuk ◽  
Tetiana Mykolaivna Maksimishyna

The article is devoted to the topical problem of political and cultural transformations in the interaction between political power and its only source in democratic discourse, the people. This eternal problem of political science and policy is considered in chronological order in the global context and in today’s Ukraine. In traditional societies, there was a remote and alienated coexistence of state institutions and the masses. The exception was the democratic republics of ancient polises. The modern era generates a contractual theory of the origin of the state, which considers the institutions of power as the result of a social agreement between the sovereign people and the governors. In the modern era in the middle of the twentieth century, the concept of the welfare state was formed. In the postmodern era, unstable life forces citizens to behave in relation to state power, depending on the actualization of a particular guise of their own existence. Citizens are losing a clear, unambiguous idea of state power, its functions, place and role in society.

Vitalina Butkaliuk

The article is devoted to the study of the state and dynamics of socio-economic inequality in the modern world in the context of economic globalization. Based on the analysis of foreign and domestic literature, as well as large statistical and sociological information, the author argues that the implementation of neoliberal reforms has become a key factor in increasing inequality both globally and within individual countries, regardless of their level of development. The author pays special attention to public opinion research in the US and Ukraine on social inequality, social justice and the distribution of public goods. By showing that in both the most developed capitalist country, the United States, and in the "transitional" post-Soviet Ukraine, the majority of the population critically evaluates existing systems of distribution of public goods and advocates the transition to more egalitarian models of social development. In the United States, the most critical to the system of distribution of public goods in the country are such groups as the youth, the poorest segment of the people, the sympathizers of the Democratic Party and the liberals. With regard to Ukrainians, was found the connection between assessing the fairness of the current system and age, education, region of residence, and the level of respondents' income. Most critically, it is estimated by the elderly, the respondents with the lowest levels of education, the residents of the South of country and the people with the lowest income. The rise of inequality and, as a consequence, the conflict and tensions in the world, the radicalization and aggravation of the political situation are the key features of the modern neoliberal order. The inability to increase wealth for the majority of the population amid growing wealth of the richest and increasing concentration of wealth may lead to increased discontent among the masses and cause many social upheavals. The inability to increase wealth for the majority of the population amid growing wealth of the richest and increasing concentration of wealth would lead to increased discontent among the masses and cause many social upheavals.

Alasdair Roberts

This chapter focuses on state leaders and their goals. Within every state is a group of people who have a large degree of control over the way state power is exercised. They directly influence decisions about how goals are prioritized and pursued and ways in which institutions are constructed or renovated so that these decisions can be realized. These are the people who need advice on macro-level questions of public administration—that is, on big questions relating to the architecture of the state. These people can be called leaders or rulers. It is possible to describe, in general terms, the set of goals that leaders pursue. There is little doubt that survival in office should be counted within this set of likely goals. A second goal is to increase the power and legitimacy of state institutions within the territory claimed by the state. A third goal is the extension of power and legitimacy within the state system. A fourth goal is the increase of national prosperity. A fifth possible goal for leaders is the advancement of human rights.

Alexey G. Chernyshov

This article will present some historical cases, some ancient, some very recent of how the processes of globalization, resulting in the endless subconscious movement of the people, put on the agenda not only the issues of ethnic and religious identification of a particular ethnic group, but also the impact of waves of migration on the existing local societies. For many countries, this was not just a test of strength, but also on survival, to retain their original start. Therefore, it is important to understand the role of religion in the modern world. The question is what the “substance” of this process is, how to understand the religious consciousness and how to manage it.

2021 ◽  
Maksim Zheltov

The monograph is devoted to the consideration of one of the urgent problems of political theory and practice — the revolution of freedom and dignity in Tunisia, which opened the way for deep democratic transformations in the Islamic country. This revolution has become a convincing example of new, one might say unprecedented before, opportunities for revolutionary renewal of the world within the framework of the current law and without violence, based on revolutionary legality. For the first time in the Islamic world, the possibility of a certain and sufficiently broad cooperation between revolutionary forces and representatives of the former dictatorial power in the country was shown in practice. The main force in the Tunisian Revolution was the masses of the people, who acted independently in the absence of any universally recognized leaders, political parties and movements. Finally, perhaps the highest achievement of the revolution was the adoption of a new constitution that defined the conditions for the subsequent political development of Tunisia. It is addressed to everyone who is interested in the political development of the modern world. It will be useful for postgraduates and undergraduates studying in the fields of "Political Science" and "Sociology", as well as for university and college teachers.

Atlanti ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-152
Jelka Melik ◽  
Mateja Jeraj

The basic idea of the classic doctrine of separation of powers in the modern world, both in the legislative and executive branches of the state power, exceeded. Among all branches, in the judicial there were the least changes. Its role is becoming the most significant because of the control over the executive (administrative courts) and the legislative branch (Constitutional Justice). Because of this fact, archival records of the third branch of government are very important and irreplaceable in identifying and researching the past, searching and protecting the rights of natural and legal persons and solving professional issues. Judicial power is implemented primarily by courts, which are bound only by the law. Although they are state institutions, they are in general independent from the other branches of government, of the legislative with executive branch. Court‘s decisions directly affect the rights of different individuals and resolve disputes that arise between them. The most important juridical archives are court records, which are an important source for scientific research, legislation, literature and publications.

Politeja ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1(58)) ◽  
pp. 31-45
Wojciech Bedyński

Liminality of the Cultural Landscape According to Tim Ingold, cultural landscape is not „land” nor „space”, but is a dweller’s narration on the reality that surrounds him or her. This narration is in permanent process, it grows with the society that lives in a certain place, parts of it die with the people that pass away. Although it is subject to individual reception, some narrations are shared by many. Therefore it is both personal and social phenomenon. This narrative landscape is full of borders and spheres that are built on symbolic values of places and objects. In traditional societies it has been well visible – one could easily distinct the narration of the forest from the narration of the village. In the modern world the landscape has gone through a major transformation, nonetheless it kept crucial mechanisms of its construction. Contemporary multi‑sited landscapes or virtual landscapes also contain borders and spheres, are individual and shared by many. This article presents recent changes in the approach to the liminality of the cultural landscape, differences that were experienced when passing from traditional to modern society. This change is particularly visible when comparing generations: new global generation (generation Y, generation Z) has a different experience of the landscape than generation of their parents and grandparents – who had grown in a still local and territorially defined places. But new landscapes do have borders and spheres, however their shape may be slightly different.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Maria Damiana Nestri Kiswari

Abstract A house is a building that has function to live in a certain period. The house has some spaces and rooms that accomodate all inhabitans’activities. In Javanese culture, philosophy of house is more than a place where all the people stay and live, communicate each other. The spaces and rooms of the house have specific meanings. Joglo is a name of Javanese traditional house partiularly in Central Java. As a traditional Javanese houses in the modern era, the existence of Joglo houses is interesting to be studied. The study is to identify the room arrangement and the change in function of spaces and rooms in Joglo house. It was conducted on one house in Keji Village, Muntilan District, Magelang Regency. The house is a residence of the former headman of Keji village. It has been choosen because it has Joglo tipical roof and its appeareance is still traditional house. This study uses a descriptive quality method which is by observing and defining the spaces and the rooms in the Joglo house along with their functions and activities inside. By studying this Joglo house, an overview and understanding of the changes in the spaces and room in the traditional architecture of Central Java in the present time will be obtained. Keywords: Joglo house, space and room, change in function Abstrak Rumah merupakan bangunan yang memiliki fungsi untuk bertempat tinggal dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Sehingga sebagai tempat tinggal rumah memiliki ruang-ruang untuk menampung aktivitas penghuninya. Dalam budaya Jawa, fisosofi tentang rumah merupakan tempat yang memiliki makna lebih dari sekedar tempat bernaung dan berkumpul keluarga. Joglo merupakan bentuk arsitektur dari rumah tinggal tradisional di Jawa khususnya Jawa Tengah. Sebagai rumah tradisional Jawa, keberadaan rumah Joglo yang masih ada di jaman sekarang ini, menjadi menarik untuk dipelajari tatanan ruang-ruangnya dan perubahan dari fungsi ruang-ruang tersebut. Untuk mempelajari dan memahami aristektur Joglo dan perubahan fungsi ruang yang ada di dalamnya, dilakukan penelitian terhadap salah satu rumah tinggal di Desa Keji, Kecamatan Muntilan, Kabupaten Magelang. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metoda deskriptif kualitati yaitu dengan mengamati dan mengidentifikasi ruang-ruang yang ada di rumah Joglo beserta fungsi dan aktivitasnya. Dengan meneliti rumah Joglo ini akan didapatkan gambaran dan pemahaman terhadap perubahan fungsi ruang-ruang yang ada dalam arsitektur tradisional khususnya Jawa Tengah. Kata kunci : rumah joglo, fungsi ruang, perubahan fungsi

2020 ◽  
Olivier Klein

This is a pdf of the original typed manuscript of a lecture made in 2006. An annotated English translation will be published by the International Review of Social Psychology. I this text, Moscovici seeks to update his earlier work on the “conspiracy mentality” (1987) by considering the relationships between social representations and conspiracy mentality. Innovation in this field, Moscovici argues, will require a much thorough description and understanding of what conspiracy theories are, what rhetoric they use and what functions they fulfill. Specifically, Moscovici considers conspiracies as a form of counterfactual history implying a more desirable world (in which the conspiracy did not take place) and suggests that social representation theory should tackle this phenomenon. He explicitly links conspiracy theories to works of fiction and suggests that common principles might explain their popularity. Historically, he argues, conspiracism was born twice: First, in the middle ages, when their primary function was to exclude and destroy what was considered as heresy; and second, after the French revolution, to delegitimize the Enlightenment, which was attributed to a small coterie of reactionaries rather than to the will of the people. Moscovici then considers four aspects (“thematas”) of conspiracy mentality: 1/ the prohibition of knowledge; 2/ the duality between the majority (the masses, prohibited to know) and “enlightened” minorities; 3/ the search for a common origin, a “ur phenomenon” that connects historical events and provides a continuity to History (he notes that such a tendency is also present in social psychological theorizing); and 4/ the valorization of tradition as a bulwark against modernity. Some of Moscovici’s insights in this talk have since been borne out by contemporary research on the psychology of conspiracy theories, but many others still remain fascinating potential avenues for future research.

Оlena Fedorіvna Caracasidi

The article deals with the fundamental, inherent in most of the countries of the world transformation of state power, its formation, functioning and division between the main branches as a result of the decentralization of such power, its subsidiarity. Attention is drawn to the specifics of state power, its func- tional features in the conditions of sovereignty of the states, their interconnec- tion. It is emphasized that the nature of the state power is connected with the nature of the political system of the state, with the form of government and many other aspects of a fundamental nature.It is analyzed that in the middle of national states the questions of legitima- cy, sovereignty of transparency of state power, its formation are acutely raised. Concerning the practical functioning of state power, a deeper study now needs a problem of separation of powers and the distribution of power. The use of this principle, which ensures the real subsidiarity of the authorities, the formation of more effective, responsible democratic relations between state power and civil society, is the first priority of the transformation of state power in the conditions of modern transformations of countries and societies. It is substantiated that the research of these problems will open up much wider opportunities for the provi- sion of state power not as a center authority, but also as a leading political structure but as a power of the people and the community. In the context of global democratization processes, such processes are crucial for a more humanistic and civilized arrangement of human life. It is noted that local self-government, as a specific form of public power, is also characterized by an expressive feature of a special subject of power (territorial community) as a set of large numbers of people; joint communal property; tax system, etc.

2008 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 315-336 ◽  
Loren B. Landau ◽  
Tamlyn Monson

AbstractAcademic writing often portrays migrants as either passive victims of violence and aid recipients or as courageous heroes facing horrific indifference and hazards. This article recodes them and their activities as potent forces for reshaping practices of state power. In this depiction, displacement also becomes a lens for re-evaluating the nature of sovereignty in urban Africa. Through its focus on Johannesburg this article explores how migrant communities intentionally and inadvertently evade, erode and exploit state policies, practices and shortcomings. Rather than being bound by their ambiguous status, they exploit their exclusion to exercise forms of autonomy and freedom in their engagement with the state and its street-level manifestations. Through these interactions, displacement and the continued mobility of urban residents is generating new forms of non-state-centric urban sovereignties and new patterns of transnational governance shaped, but not controlled, by state institutions. To recognize these evolving configurations we must look beyond Manichaean perspectives to see the full nature and degree of territorial control.

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