Therapeutic Effect, Chemical Composition, Ethnobotanical Profile of Eu-calyptus globulus: A Review
Abstract:: The composition of essential oil (EO) of E. globulus is so different all over the world. The main component of es-sential oil is 1,8-cineole(Compound 64), macrocarpal C(Compound 22), terpenes(Compound 23-92), oleanolic acid (Com-pound 21), and tannins(Compound 93-99). We searched in vitro and in vivo articles and reviewed botanical aspects, thera-peutic activity, chemical composition and mechanism of action of E. globulus. Essential oils and extracts of leaves, stump, wood, root and fruits of E. globulus represented many various medicinal effects including antibacterial, antifungal, antidia-betic, anticancer, anthelmintic, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, protection against UV-B, wound healing effect and stimulating the immune response. Also leaf extract of eucalyptus is used as food additive in industry. Eucalyptus has so many different therapeutic effects and some of these effects confirmed by pharmacological and clinical studies. More clini-cal studies are recommended to confirm the useful pharmacological activity of E. globulus.