Diksi ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  

In Indonesia, switching from one language to another language is a commonphenomenon because Indonesian speakers are bilinguals. They use two or morelanguages, for example, Indonesian, English, or/and their own local language in a seriesof communication practices. With regard to the study of codeswitching, three perspectivescan be used. They include pragmatic, sociolinguistic, and linguistic analyses. Of the threeperspectives, analyzing codeswitching from a linguistic perspective seems to be interestingand challenging as the analysis gives an emphasis on the internal structure of thecodeswitching itself. This article deals with code switching from English to Indonesian orvice-versa analyzed from grammatical aspects as part of the linguistic analysis. It aims atreviewing the grammatical rules underlying the code-swictching.Keywords: code-switching, grammatical analysis

Diksi ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  

In Indonesia, switching from one language to another language is a commonphenomenon because Indonesian speakers are bilinguals. They use two or morelanguages, for example, Indonesian, English, or/and their own local language in a seriesof communication practices. With regard to the study of codeswitching, three perspectivescan be used. They include pragmatic, sociolinguistic, and linguistic analyses. Of the threeperspectives, analyzing codeswitching from a linguistic perspective seems to be interestingand challenging as the analysis gives an emphasis on the internal structure of thecodeswitching itself. This article deals with code switching from English to Indonesian orvice-versa analyzed from grammatical aspects as part of the linguistic analysis. It aims atreviewing the grammatical rules underlying the code-swictching.Keywords: code-switching, grammatical analysisA. PENDAHULUAN bentuk bahasa yang cocok dalam konteksDalam masyarakat multilingual, k o m u n i k a s i t e r t e n t u d e n g a nmisalnya masyarakat Indonesia peralihan dari mempertimbangkan faktor sosial, yaknisuatu bahasa ke bahasa lain atau yang dikenal partisipan, topik pembicaraan, dan setingalih kode (code-switching) merupakan suatu komunikasi.fenomena kebahasaan yang sering ditemukan Peristiwa alih kode bukan suatudalam bebagai peristiwa komunikasi. Poplack fenomena kebahasaan yang dilakukan secara(1980) mengatakan bahwa peristiwa alih kode s e r a m p a n g a n . A l i h k o d e t e r s e b u ttidak dapat dihindarkan ketika para penutur dilatarbelakangi oleh beberapa fungsimenguasai dua bahasa atau lebih. Peristiwa alih komunikasi. Myers-Scotton dan Ury (1977)kode tersebut terjadi karena pihak-pihak yang mengatakan bahwa alih kode merupakanterlibat dalam peristiwa komunikasi menguasai strategi yang dinamis dalam tindak komunikasi.lebih dari satu bahasa yang memiliki pertalian Alih kode dapat dijadikan sebagai strategikonsep kebahasaan. negosiasi dalam tindak komunikasi (GoyvaertsPertalian dua konsep bahasa tersebut dan Zembele, 1992) dan alih kode berperantergantung pada tingkat kebilingualan sebagai strategi komunikasi yang dapatseseorang. Pendapat ini sejalan dengan Goh dan digunakan untuk pengendalian keberlanjutanSilver (2004) yang mengatakan bahwa jika tindak tutur (Cook, 1991). David (2002)seorang penutur menguasai lebih dari satu menambahkan bahwa alih kode dapatbahasa, penutur tersebut memiliki beberapa digunakan sebagai strategi komunikasi untukpilihan ketika penutur menghubungkan antara mengatasi keterbatasan bahasa yang berakibatkonsep dan bentuk-bentuk leksikal. Goyvaerts pada kemandegan berkomunikasi yangdan Zembele (1992) juga mengatakan bahwa dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalampara bilingual memiliki an innate capacity yang tindak tutur dengan berbagai macam perbedaandigunakan secara otomatis untuk menyaring kemampuan berbahasa.

2011 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 852-897 ◽  
Gunther Kaltenböck ◽  
Bernd Heine ◽  
Tania Kuteva

Most frameworks of linguistic analysis tend to highlight phenomena of language use and/or language knowledge such as sentence and word structure, while backgrounding or ignoring other phenomena that are interpreted as being of more marginal interest for the linguist. The main goal of this paper is to argue that some phenomena that have previously been treated as being more peripheral play an important role in the organization of linguistic discourse, and that the latter operates in at least two different domains, namely that of sentence grammar and of thetical grammar. Each of the two domains has its own internal structure, and the two tend to be separated from one another syntactically, prosodically, and semantically. Building on recent research, the paper aims at defining the main characteristics of thetical grammar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (03) ◽  
pp. 296
Siti Nita Kartika ◽  
Ratri Harida ◽  
Adip Arifin

<p class="5AbstrakIsi"><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ujaran Baby Moonella yang mengandung campur kode dan alih kode di video Instagram miliknya. Ada 5 video yang dipilih dengan mempertimbangkan kecukupan representasi penggunaan alih kode dan campur kode kekinian</em><em>. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan dari hasil transkripsi tuturan Baby Moonella. Untuk menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan teori dari Hymes (1986</em><em>) dan Siregar (1996) yang diadaptasi dari Hoffman. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan ada tiga jenis alih kode dan dua jenis campur kode yang digunakan Baby Monella, seperti: tag code switching, inter-sentential switching, intra-sentential switching, intra-sentential mixings, insertion in extra-sentential mixing, dan alternation in Extra-sentential mixing. Jenis yang paling dominan digunakan dalam tutur kata Baby Moonella yaitu intra-sentential switching dan extra-sentential mixing dalam bentuk alternation. Alasan Baby Moonella melakukan pencampuran kode dan alih kode karena dia meniru apa yang dikatakan ibunya. Dia sering merasa kebingungan dengan perubahan bahasa dalam percakapan sehari-harinya. Banyak kata dalam Bahasa Inggris yang dia sendiri tidak mengetahui arti dan padanannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Selain itu, Baby Moonella juga sudah dibiasakan oleh orang tuanya untuk menggunakan dua bahasa dalam komunikasi sehari-hari.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p class="8Abstractcontent"><strong><em>Kata Kunci:</em></strong><em> alih kode, campur kode, video instagram, Babby Moonella</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 375-394
Reni Rahayu ◽  
Djatmika Djatmika ◽  
Sumarlam Sumarlam

The study aims to describe code variations and their functions in Islamic Forum (liqo) for women in Ciamis Regency, West Java. Source of data was utterances of murrobbi (speaker) and audiences. This research used a descriptive method. The results are as follows. First, the study found six variations of codes including Arabic, English, Sundanese, Indonesian, code-switching and code-mixing. Second, the research indicates the functions of using those codes including to introduce Arabic terms, to learn Islam through Arabic, to gain prestige, to introduce popular terms, to feel pride, to give familiarity, to show identity, to smooth communication, to maintain Sundanese bond, to unify local language, to quote other sources, to explain speech content, to reiterate the meaning of speech content, and to ease communication. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the two most frequently used codes in Islamic Forum (liqo) for women in Ciamis Regency are Arabic and Indonesian.

Anthropos ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 115 (2) ◽  
pp. 503-526
Margarita Valdovinos

At the beginnings of the 20th century, the German anthropologist Konrad Theodor Preuss (1869-1938) studied different literary traditions from Amerindian cultures. During his investigations in Mexico among the Cora, Huichol, and Mexicanero, he established a methodology based on the register of verbal art in the local language, its linguistic analysis, and a religious study. Years later, he used a similar method studying the Uitoto and Kágaba in Colombia. This article presents a comparative analysis of published materials in order to understand the evolution of this pioneer work considered one of the richest analysis of its kind.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-207
Evita Dewi Ahmad ◽  
Zaenal Mukarom ◽  
Aang Ridwan

ABSTRAK Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dakwah Ramdan Juniarsyah dengan wayang mudah diterima, relevan dengan budaya yang ada, menggunakan bahasa lokal, dan dakwah melalui wayang golek dapat menghibur. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, yaitu dengan mengumpulkan data dan informasi melalui observasi,wawancara dan dokumentasi kemudian dianalisis dengan mendeskripsikan informasi tersebut sesuai data yang dibutuhkan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa dakwah melalui wayang golek mudah diterima masyarakat dalam beragam bentuk,seperti tanggapan positif dan antusias masyarakat yang datang. Kemudian, dakwah melalui wayang golek relevan dengan budaya yang ada yaitu dapat ditampilkan dalam acara-acara di masyarakat seperti PHBI, walimah, dll. Adapun bahasa lokal yang digunakan yaitu bahasa Sunda juga dengan bahasa Indonesia. Serta dakwah melalui wayang golek bukan hanya untuk berdakwah,tetapi dapat menghibur masyarakat dengan berbagai macam bentuk, seperti dari kelucuan tokoh Punakawan, meng-improve lagu-lagu dan dialog yang segar antara ustad dengan tokoh wayang. Kata Kunci :wayang golek;media dakwah;media tradisional. ABSTRACT This paper aims to describe the propaganda of Ramdan Juniarsyah with puppets easily accepted, relevant to the existing culture, using local languages, and preaching through puppet show can entertain. The method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, namely by collecting data and information through observation, interviews and documentation then analyzed by describing the information according to the data needed. The results of the study found that preaching through puppet shows was easily accepted by the community in various forms, such as positive responses and enthusiastic people who came. Then, da'wah through wayang golek is relevant to the existing culture, which can be displayed in public events such as PHBI, walimah, etc. The local language used is Sundanese also in Indonesian. As well as preaching through puppet show not only to preach, but can entertain the community in various forms, such as the humor of Punakawan figures, improve songs and fresh dialogue between ustadz and puppet figures. Keywords: puppet show; da'wah media; traditional media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Hizbi Naufal Azis ◽  
Laili Etika Rahmawati

This study aims to describe the form of code switching and code mixing used in Indonesian language learning at SMP N 01 Limpung, Batang Regency. This research is included in qualitative descriptive. Data processing that examines code switching and code mixing is thus the data in this study in the form of oral data, namely, speech code switching and code mixing that exist in Indonesian language learning. The data sources came from Indonesian language students and teachers at SMP N 01 Limpung. Data collection techniques in this study used the observation and note technique. The first step, the researcher listens to the use of language in Indonesian language learning. Furthermore, the researcher recorded the speech data including code switching and code mixing. The results showed that the speech used when learning Indonesian at SMP N 01 Limpung included: (1) code switching from Indonesian to Javanese and (2) code switching from Javanese to Indonesian. The form of code mixing that occurs in Indonesian language learning is in the form of: (1) the form of code mixing in the form of word insertion, (2) code mixing in the form of phrases

Novia Sophia Sophia

The aim of this study is to investigate the goals of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing and how it is used in a communicative strategy among the stand banners in Lombok Epicentrum Mall (LEM). Data were collected by documenting with pictures of stand banners at several outlets in LEM. The method used in analyzing the data is qualitative in approach by identifying, classifying, describing and explaining the code-switching and the code mixing data in the corpus and how they have been used to promote the products sold at the stores. The result shows that the purposes of using Code-Switching and Code-Mixing as a communication strategy in their promotion and it also shows that code mixing is more dominant than code switching. The advertisers mix-match the languages that they use with English and Bahasa Indonesia because they assume that these practices are the right ones and matching Indonesian words into English makes it sound cooler instead of using Bahasa Indonesia. This indicates that English signifies a high culture and class status while Indonesian is inferior in status. In fact, being commonly used in numerous stand banners for a long period of time, the mixing use of Indonesian and English as well as matching the sounds in the languages have been very common and accepted in Indonesian discourse practices. Therefore, the implication that they communicate their business strategy of promotion their products by using CS and CM is to inform and attract the customers that they are in a higher level or class, thus, it acquires them to communicate or promoted like so.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Emi Nursanti ◽  
Erna Andriyanti ◽  
Paulus Kurnianta ◽  
Titik Sudartinah

As a multilingual country, the Indonesian government has set the positions of local language, national language, and foreign language in education through Law of National Education System No.20 of 2003, Chapter VII, Article 33. Fifteen years passed and this paper seeks to find the results of the law in higher education students by investigating the patterns of language use of multilingual students in English Literature Study Program of FBS UNY. This is a descriptive study with parallel mixed method design. The data in this study were responses upon questions in the questionnaires distributed to respondents where the results were then analyzed quantitatively by using SPSS (17) and the results of interviews were analyzed qualitatively. The source of data in this study were 162 respondents who were students of English Literature study program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta year 2015-2017. The results show that at home, more than 60% of students use Javanese with intimacy and habit as motivating factors. As English Literature students, they are more exposed to media in Bahasa Indonesia. On the campus, English is only used for academic purposes, Bahasa Indonesia for communicating with lecturers while Javanese is for a casual talk with classmates. Javanese is close to traditional commerce while for the modern one, they prefer to use Bahasa Indonesia. For cognitive and mental activities, Bahasa Indonesia is the most dominant, and Javanese is used more than English. These results imply that rather than conforming to the law made by the government, contexts play a more important role in forming people’s language choices.Keywords: multilingualism, local language, national language, foreign language, English Literature UNY POLA PENGGUNAAN BAHASA MAHASISWA MULTILINGUAL JURUSAN BAHASA INGGRISSebagai negara multibahasa, pemerintah Indonesia telah menetapkan posisi bahasa daerah, bahasa nasional, dan bahasa asing dalam pendidikan melalui Undang-Undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional No.20 tahun 2003, Bab VII, Pasal 33. Lima belas tahun telah berlalu dan tulisan ini berupaya untuk menemukan penerapan hasil hukum tersebut pada mahasiswa dengan menyelidiki pola penggunaan bahasa mahasiswa multibahasa di Program Studi Sastra Inggris FBS UNY. Ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan metode campuran paralel. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap pertanyaan dalam kuesioner yang hasilnya kemudian dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan SPSS (17) serta hasil wawancara yang dianalisis secara kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah 162 responden yang merupakan mahasiswa program studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta angkatan tahun 2015-2017. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di rumah, lebih dari 60% mahasiswa menggunakan bahasa Jawa dengan keakraban dan kebiasaan sebagai faktor pendorongnya. Sebagai mahasiswa Sastra Inggris, mereka lebih terpapar media dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Di kampus, bahasa Inggris hanya digunakan untuk tujuan akademik, Bahasa Indonesia untuk berkomunikasi dengan dosen, dan bahasa Jawa untuk percakapan santai dengan teman. Bahasa Jawa sangat dekat dengan perdagangan tradisional, sedangkan untuk perdagangan modern, mereka lebih memilih untuk menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia. Untuk kegiatan kognitif dan mental, Bahasa Indonesia adalah yang paling dominan, dan bahasa Jawa digunakan lebih dari bahasa Inggris. Hasil ini menyiratkan bahwa alih-alih menyesuaikan ketentuan yang telah dibuat oleh pemerintah, konteks memainkan peranan yang lebih penting dalam membentuk pilihan bahasa penggunanya.Kata kunci: multilingualisme, bahasa daerah, bahasa nasional, bahasa asing, Sastra Inggris UNY

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-76
Herawati Br Bukit ◽  
Dila Fitria

Most of the students come from different areas, cultures and tribes. According to them, English is one of the difficult subject especially speaking comprehension. This situation makes them to use code switching. It also occur in English language learning. The main topic of this research focuses on psycholinguistic in the classroom teaching-learning process of foreign language, in this case English. Psycholinguistic roles in this research are limited to the code-switching processes which performed by the English lecturer that was happened intentionally or unintentionally in process of teaching and learning English for Health Information Management students at Deli Husada Deli Tua Health Institute. The lecturer made a code switching when she introduced new information or instruction. The switching also might occur when she translated what she has just said and when she introduced the interaction particles at the beginning of their utterances. Research results showed that Bahasa Indonesia or national language was one address of having code-switching and it had important role in English language learning. Although the English class should be formally full of the use of the learned language, switching process to Bahasa Indonesia took place naturally and the use of Bahasa Indonesia had psychological roles in order to improve learning motivation and full understanding for students.

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