scholarly journals The evaluation of Heathy School Program at junior high school receiving the National Adiwiyata

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
Rifai Nurmansah ◽  
Trie Hartiti Retnowati

The aimed of this research is to evaluate healthy school program at SMP N 2 Kalasan. A healthy school program are program issued by the ministry of education and culture. This program focuses on how schools are to develop a school movement that is healthy, safe, child-friendly and fun. In this study used the CIPP evaluation model, where the focus of the research is on the context, input, process, products of healthy school programs. The technique of collected data used observation, interviews and documentation studies. While for data validity used triangulation and data analysis techniques based on Miles and Bubberman models that used 4 steps, namely: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, data verification. The results showed: 1) from the aspect of context, the healthy school program at SMP N 2 Kalasan was a school appointed by the government because it was considered capable and appropriate, and have become an example of Adiwiyata Schools in Sleman districts and won the national level Adiwiyata School program; 2) from the aspect of input, the design of a healthy school program is able to answer problems related to the input of students who have different healthy life habits; 3) from the aspect of the process, the healthy school program has been implemented properly, but is constrained by funds and revitalization of facilities and infrastructure because it only uses independent funds from the school; 4) and from the aspect of the product, the healthy school program at SMP N 2 Kalasan has proceeded according to its objectives and has the right to continue the program, but with a note that there are still aspects to improvement.

2020 ◽  
pp. 37-43
Asep Priatna

The issue of environmental pollution has come to the attention of the world community and has become a strategic issue in sustainable development, so it needs to have the support of all parties, including the government, the private sector and educational institutions. Integrated Junior High School Lampang, Subang Regency West Java Indonesia has been implementing the green school program since 2008 and in 2019 it was entrusted by the West Java Education Office to be proposed as a national level green school program. Some achievements as a green school implementing school are private schools that have obtained "A" (exellent) accreditation with a beautiful environment and are able to fulfil 4 (four) components, namely (1) environmentally sound policies, (2) implementation of environment-based curriculum, (3) participatory-based environmental activities and (4) management of environmentally friendly supporting facilities Keywords : Management, green school Isu pencemaran lingkungan hidup telah menjadi perhatian masyarakat dunia dan menjadi isu strategis dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan, sehingga perlu mendapat dukungan semua pihak baik pemerintah, sector swasta maupun lembaga pendidikan. SMPS Terpadu Lampang Kabupaten Subang telah melaksanakan program adiwiyata sejak tahun 2008 dan pada tahun 2019 diberi kepercayaan oleh Dinas Pandidikan Jawa Barat diusulkan sebagai Sekolah Adiwiyata (green school program)  tingkat nasional. Beberapa capaian sebagai sekolah pelaksana green shcool  adalah sekolah swasta yang telah memperoleh akreditasi “A” (Unggul) dengan lingkungan asri dan mampu memenuhi 4 (empat) komponen yaitu (1) kebijakan berwawasan lingkungan, (2) pelaksanaan kurikulum berbasis lingkungan, (3) kegiatan lingkungan berbasis partisipatif dan (4) pengelolaan sarana pendukung ramah lingkungan Kata Kunci : Manajemen, Sekolah Adiwiyata

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-32
Amrullah Amrullah ◽  
Muslim Muslim ◽  
Sri Nurhidayati ◽  
Wiwi Noviati ◽  
M Salahuddin

Abstraksi   Masyarakat Sumbawa dikenal sebagai masyarakat yang heterogen, karena dihuni oleh penduduk dari berbagai suku, etnis, bahasa dan agama dengan konsekuensi terhadap pembawaan adat-istiadat serta sistem hidup yang berbeda-beda. Kondisi ini adalah salah satu modal utama yang jika disalahgunakan akan bisa berdampak negatif dengan munculnya sentimen-sentimen dan konflik komunal yang bisa merusak sistem kehidupan bermasyarakat. Proses mediasi, arbitrasi dan negosiasi adalah salah satu pendekatan yang digunakan  dalam meresolusi konflik selama ini. Sedangkan masih banyak metode atau pendekatan lain yang dirasa cukup efektif dan kadang terlupakan dalam pendekatan pencegahan dan resolusi konflik yaitu melalui pendekatan Kecerdasan Budaya.Sehingga riset ini, mencoba mengangkat masalah urgensi kecerdasan budaya dalam mencegah dan meresolusi konflik. Adapun masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1).Faktor-faktor apa saja yang bisa menyebabkan terjadinya konflik dalam masyarakat?, 2). Siapa saja yang berperan sebagai struktural, akselerator dan pemakin atau trigger dalam konflik tersebut?, 3). Pendekatan apa saja yang selama ini digunakan dalam upaya mencegah dan menyelesaikan konflik dalam masyarakat oleh pemerintah?, 4). Mengapa kecerdasan budaya sangat penting dalam mencegah dan menyelesaikan konflik tersebut? Metode riset yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-kualitatif.Dengan tujuan agar pengungkapan fenomena di lokasi penelitian secara leluasa memungkin untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal karena data tersebut valid dan dapat dipertanggung- jawabkan secara ilmiah dan rasional. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan ada  yaitu teknik observasi, interview dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dimulai dari proses pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan keabsahan datayang terdiri dari Derajat kepercayaan (credibility), Keteralihan (transferability), Ketergantungan (dependability), dan Kepastian (comfirmability). Hasil penelitian, bahwa Terjadinya konflik di Kabupaten Sumbawa disebabkan karena adanya faktor Struktural, Akselerator dan Trigger (SAT) konflik, misalnya seperti: masih ada dan kuatnya Political Memory dalam Masyarakat. Serta pentingnya Kecerdasan Budaya dalam mencegah dan menyelesaikan konflik, karena semua aspek-aspek yang ada dalam Kecerdasan Budaya seperti: Pengetahuan, Strategi, Motivasi dan Perilaku ternyata memiliki relevansi dan kemampuan untuk mendorong dan menciptakan suasana yang aman, damai dan harmonis dalam masyarakat sepanjang masyarakat bisa dan mampu menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: Kecerdasan Budaya, Pencegahan, Resolusi, Konflik   The Sumbawa community is known as a heterogeneous society, inhabited by people of various ethnic, ethnic, linguistic and religious backgrounds with consequences for different customs and systems of life. This condition is one of the main capital that if misused will be able to negatively impact the emergence of sentiments and communal conflicts that can damage the system of social life. The process of mediation, arbitration and negotiation is one of the approaches used in resolving conflicts over the years. While there are many other methods or approaches that are considered quite effective and sometimes forgotten in the approach of prevention and conflict resolution is through the approach of Cultural Intelligence. So this research, trying to raise the urgency issue of the cultural intelligence in preventing and resolving the conflict. The problems raised in this study are: 1). What factors can cause conflict in society ?, 2). Who actor that acts as a structural, accelerator and trigger or trigger in the conflict ?, 3). What approaches have been used in preventing and resolving the conflict in society by the government ?, 4). Why is cultural intelligence so important in preventing and resolving the conflict? The research method in this research is descriptive-qualitative. The aim of this research that the disclosure of the phenomenon in the research location freely possible to get maximum results because the data is valid and can be accounted scientifically and rationally.Data collection techniques that is used in this research are techniques of observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis techniques start from the process of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data validity consisting of credibility, transferability, dependability and comfirmability. The result of the research, that the occurrence of conflict in Sumbawa Regency caused by Structural factor, Accelerator and Trigger (SAT) conflict, for example: there is still and strong Political Memory in Society. As well as the importance of Cultural Intelligence in preventing and resolving of conflicts, as all aspects of Cultural Intelligence such as: Knowledge, Strategy, Motivation and Behavior have the relevance and ability to encourage and create a safe, peaceful and harmonious atmosphere in society as long as society can and able to internalize these values ​​in everyday life. Keywords: Cultural Intelligence, Prevention, Resolution, Conflict

Della Narulita ◽  
M. Mardiyana ◽  
D R S Saputro

Mathematics is used in all aspects of life and emphasizes the activities of reasoning. Mathematics had related to our daily activities and can identify the cultural point of view. Ethnomathematics include mathematical ideas develop by cultures. The aim of this research is ethnomathematics practiced by the community especially in traditional wayang art in Surakarta that can be used as a source of learning mathematics in junior high school. This research used descriptive qualitative research whichdata collection techniques by observation, interviews, and documentation. Data validity used triangulation. The research procedure includes several stages, namely data collection, data selection, data analysis, drawing conclusions, and preparation of research reports. The result of the research showed that traditional wayang art performance in Surakarta contained ethnomathematics can be used as a source of learning mathematics in junior high school such as 1) modulo 9, 2) geometry of space, 3) even odd number, 4) rectangle, and 5) circle.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Aufi Imaduddin

The national exam is a form of national level learning evaluation that has been set by the government to determine student learning outcomes. However, in the implementation of the national exam has a negative impact on students, teachers and schools. So lately there has been a renewed discourse about the elimination of the national examination, it began with the policy of the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture to abolish the national examination in 2021. Especially if we examine further that legal efforts to stop the implementation of the national examination have existed since 2006 and the peak in 2009 was the decision of the Supreme Court number: 2596 K / PDT / 2008 which in essence required the government to stop the implementation of the national examination before resolving various existing problems. Therefore, the writer is interested in asking logically to think about the urgency of abolishing the national exam after the decision of the Supreme Court. In this paper, the method used by the author is a qualitative method based on social facts that occur based on juridical reasons based on the laws and regulations related to research. The results of this study found that the implementation of the national exam has claimed justice for students in obtaining their human rights in obtaining education that has been mentioned in the 1945 Constitution and is not in accordance with educational thought according to Ki Hajar Dewantara, as well as causing various depressive pressures which have an impact on their minds stressed and suicidal students. The implementation of national exams has also revoked justice for teachers, where teachers in their teaching are supposed to educate students well and develop their students' thinking instincts, with the national examination the teacher only drills students to memorize and do exercises that lead to the national exam. Recalling also that the implementation of national examinations in a juridical manner in the decision of the Supreme Court has violated various laws and regulations regarding education in Indonesia. Therefore, the elimination of the national exam will give back the right to justice for students, teachers and schools according to their respective proportions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-46
Nurul Lailatul Khusniyah

The aim of this study is to get the quality of the English textbook for Junior High School that was designed by the government. Is it appropriate with the students and context needs? Method of research is the evaluation method through content analysis. Model of evaluation is Discrepancy Evaluation Model (DEM) to know suitability or unsuitability of textbook using criteria of evaluation. The instrument of assessment has 8 criteria, namely goals, approach, language content, skills, topics, methodology, teacher’s book, and practical consideration. Validation of instrument is judgment expert. The result of research found that the English textbook “Bahasa Inggris Think Globally Act Locally Class IX” has a good quality. It can be seen from the percentage of criteria, such as goals 80.8%, approach 82,8%, language content 81%, skills 81,3%,  topics 87%, methodology 78.8%, teacher’s book 56.8%, and practical consideration 82.3%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Afrizza Wahyu Azizi ◽  
Endang Larasati ◽  
Tri Yuniningsih

Abstrak Keberadaan Virus Corona memaksa Pemerintah mengubah segala kebijakan sistem pendidikan Nasional menggunakan metode Pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ). Kepala Sekolah berperan dalam memastikan proses pembelajaran sekolah berjalan dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi Kepalas Sekolah dalam merespon kebijakan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa sebuah kuisioner uang dibagikan langsung melalui google from. Responden dalam penelitian ini mengambil kepala sekolah tingkat SD sebanyaj 28 dan kepala sekolah tingkat SMP sebanyak 27 yang diambil secara acak sederhana di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Hasil penilitian Kepala sekolah berhak untuk melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan PJJ seperti memastikan materi yang diberikan guru telah diterima siswa. Masalah lain yang ditemui dalam PJJ adalah kesiapan sumber daya manusia meliputi tenaga pendidik, orang tua, dan siswa itu sendiri belum sepenuhnya siap menghadapi kegiatan PJJ ini. Maka untuk tetap melaksanakan imbauan pemerintah, Kepala sekolah bertanggung jawab pada kepastian pemberian materi oleh guru yang diterima siswa berjalan baik meskipun terdapat beberapa kendala yang terjadi Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk membuat tulisan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi kepala sekolah dalam merespon kebijakan pembelajaran jarak jauh di DIY dengan Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan masalah-masalah yang ditemui dalam kebijakan pembelajaran jarak jauh di DIY Abstract The existence of the Corona Virus forces the Government to change all policies of the National education system using the Distance Learning method (PJJ). The principal plays a role in ensuring the school learning process runs well. This study aims to determine the perception of school principals in responding to distance learning policies. This research is quantitative descriptive. The data collection technique is in the form of a money questionnaire distributed directly via google from. Respondents in this study took 28 principals of SD level and 27 junior high school principals who were randomly selected in the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region. The results of the research The principal has the right to monitor and evaluate the implementation of PJJ such as ensuring that the material provided by the teacher has been received by students. Another problem encountered in PJJ is the readiness of human resources including educators, parents, and students themselves who are not fully ready to face PJJ activities. So to continue implementing the government's appeal, the principal is responsible for ensuring that the provision of material by the teacher that the student receives goes well even though there are some obstacles that occur.Therefore, the authors are interested in writing that aims to determine the perceptions of the principal in responding to distance learning policies in DIY with the aim of this research is to describe the problems encountered in the distance learning policy in DIY

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
Oprescu Georgiana

The approaches considered by the authorities, generally enforced, during the “Covid 19” pandemic regarding the state of national and international tourism have been characterised as excessive and controversial not only from an economical point of view but as well as from a cultural and functional one, and they must be analysed from a sociological perspective. The shortage of medical, organisational and human resources, the lack of mental preparation of medical workers but as well as that of the population in terms of preventing massive losses led to the rapid destruction of what we used to call tourism. From a sociological perspective the world-wide blockage was mainly caused by the superficiality of the prevention methods adopted and by their radicality that blocked the entire economy. By this article I try to approach from a from a sociological point of view the “pandemic” effects that that have influenced and are still influencing tourism. In extenso, the plethora of factors like public transportation, hospitals, workplace and so on have provoked the rapid spread of COVID-19 virus and the impact was ravaging for the hospitality industry due to the fact that the client in his role of tourist received only negative signal, signals of fear and uncertainty. The controversies regarding different fields of national and international tourism are various in number, but the present interest lies in COVID-19 virus and a consequence of this plague is the foreclosure as opposed to the fact that by imposing the right measurements and by protecting this field in a composed way without letting panic to reach the population it would have been possible to at least mentain a constant level of activity in tourism and as a consequence a steady national and international economy. Furthermore, I want to issue the assumption that if there would have been a propper crisis-management on a national level, even on international one, a partnership between the government and the private sector, meaningfull aid coming from government towards the people, employees, antreprenours, elders, lower-class families, private inverstors, not only that from an economical point of view tourism could be saved but also a “positive aura” could have been built in the psyche of the individuals and that would have helped them to have a diffrent type of confinment. For excample, a 10 days stay in a highly reviewed an alternative method - provocative, peacefull and safe- but to acomplish this the hoteliere should revise the concept on which a touritic package is built (by offering services as therapy, medical check-up and so on). The motto of the new concept could be the old saying “A healthy mind in a healthy body“ -”Mens sana in corpore sano” in this way the panic, fear and seclusion could be replaced with cultural work and the right to mental wellness with the help ground-braking touristic offers. From a sociological perspective, in order to have a healthy mind in a healthy body or in order to strengthen our immune system, we, the ones that form the contemporary society should exploit outdoor activities, relaxation time, travelling, living, all this leading to the reinforcement of tourism

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 129
Agnieszka Zięba

Józefat Zielonacki - A Forgotten Polish Romanist of XIX C. An Outline of a BiographySummaryJ. Zielonacki was born on 28 November 1818 in a village called Goniczki, situated the Grand Duchy of Poznan, which belonged to his family.He spent his childhood in his family estate. After completing education in schools in Trzemeszno and Poznan he studied in Berlin, where he graduated in 1845 and conferred a doctor degree (dr) in both laws. In 1848 (or 1849) he was qualified as an assistant professor (dr hab) at Wroclaw University, where he subsequently lectured the Roman law.In 1850 Prof. Zielonacki succeeded to be a head of the Roman law department at the Jagiellonian University.At that time Galicia was in the period of absolutist reaction after the People’s Spring, distinguished by the suppression of civil liberties and a regime of terror. The declaration of a state of siege on 10.01.1849 led to handing over a full authority to Austrian generals, subsequent military commanders of the country, to whose authority - legitimately and in practice - (in these circumstances) the Galician governor - Agenor hr. Goluchowski was - submitted. The University was in practice deprived of its autonomy; all important matters were meticulously directed and supervised by the central authorities in Vienna. Appointments to professorships depended exclusively on the Austrian Ministry of Education, which also examined in detail ‘the political conformity’ of each candidate. Prof. Zielonacki was put up as a candidate by the minister Leon hr. Thun, who wrote in the application to the Emperor about a “great talent” but also “unblemished political attitude” of the candidate.J. Zielonacki lectured the Roman law in Cracow for two years and a half - until the end of December 1852. He was popular amongst the students and was respected amongst scholars as an eminent expert of the Roman law.On 1.01.1853 - without giving any justification, Prof. Zielonacki was removed from the University together with the following Professors: A. Malecki, W. Pol, A. Z. Helcel. The reasons for the dismissal have not been fully explained; at present it is considered as a revenge of the authorities for “the national attitude of the university full of dignity and visible efforts to maintain the Polish character” or even “acts of terror”. The direct reason for dismissing the “inconvenient” Professors was a denunciation against Prof. Malecki and Prof. Pol (and possibly Kremer), which drew the attention of the police to the whole academic environment. The head of the police in Cracow - Carol Neusser - who was commissioned to check the grounds of the denunciation, invigilated all university professors. It was claimed in his report (written on 21.03.1852) that some of the lecturers were particularly dangerous for the authorities. Prof. Zielonacki was described to be an impulsive person, having - “apart from Polish revolutionary tendencies, plenty of Prussian prejudices against Austria”, behaving “always unfriendly” towards the government. Thus, the removal of the professors had a clear political context - no particular accusations were however formulated. After the dismissal from the Jagiellonian University, Prof. Zielonacki was moved to Innsbruck, where he was the head of the Roman law department (until 1855), and afterwards he took over the same post at the Karol University in Prague.In 1857 Prof. Zielonacki, at his own request, was moved to the Lwow University, where he taught Roman law until he retired in 1870.In 1861 he tried to go back to Cracow to take over a vacant post in the Roman Law department but the authorities rejected his candidacy.Prof. Zielonacki made major contributions to the polonization of the Lwow University - he was the first and - for a long time - the only professor lecturing in Polish. In intense disputes with German professors he managed to win the right to use the Polish legal terminology during the lectures, subsequently a right for lectures in Polish, and afterwards to use Polish during exams. Fighting for the polonization of the university had an impact on his professorship career - after he was elected to be the dean of the Law Faculty for the first time for the academic year 1861/61 - he was ostentatiously neglected by his colleagues in elections to this post.Prof. Zielonacki, apart from his work with students, was also active in other areas: between 1867 and 1873 he was a member of the Autrian State Tribunal, and above all an active member of the Science Academy (from 1873 - since it was established). After Prof. Kramers death, from 1875 to 1878, he was a director of the Philosophy and History Faculty and played a significant role in establishing the Commission of Law in the Science Academy.Prof. Zielonacki died in his family estate in Goniczki on 28.04.1884.His scientific output is very ample - he wrote numerous articles and dissertations (in Latin, German and Polish) mainly on possession and usucaption. He is also an author of two monographs on servitudes (Wroclaw 1849) and on possession (Poznan 1854). The latter was also issued in Polish. The work of his lifetime was a two pans manual “Pandekta, i.e. a lecture on the Roman private law as it is the basis of the new laws” published in Polish in Cracow (1862/63, issue II 1870/1871), dedicated to “Polish youth devoting to the legal profession”. This work was greatly appreciated at his times.At present Prof. Zielonacki is groundlessly forgotten. He belonged to the most eminent Romanists of his times, he was an expen in Latin and German literature on the Roman law. He also substantially contributed to the polonization of law teaching. His personage - as an eminent scholar and patriot - it worth recalling. 

Prawo ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 325 ◽  
pp. 229-246
Edyta Włodarczyk

Inspections of seminars by state authorities in Poland in 1960–1971In 1960–1971 the government conducted inspections of seminars, both diocesan seminars and those run by religious orders, all over Poland. The success of the authorities’ efforts depended on the seminar in question and the year. As early as in February 1950 the first attempts were made to subordinate some seminars to state control, specifically, the control of the Ministry of Education, on the basis of Articles 96–107 of the Decree 28 October 1947, which dealt with the organisation of schools and higher education institutions. The remaining seminars were to be controlled by the respective Boards of Education, in accordance with the Private Schools Act of 11 March 1932. Invoking these legislative acts, the authorities wanted to exercise the right to grant approval to statutes, curricula, appointment of teaching staff as well as supervise the implementation of the curricula in the seminars. Yet their efforts produced meagre results. This did not change until 1959, when the communist authorities realised that freedom of educating and forming future priests was extremely problematic for them and that the process was completely out of their control. A conviction that in its seminars the Church was educating future priests in an atmosphere that was hostile to the people’s republic and was promoting views hostile to the interests of society prompted the communist authorities to take action seeking to take control of seminars. The seminars were to abide by the provisions of the Act of 19 April 1950 on the Change of the Organisation State Authorities with Regard to Municipal and Public Administration, Private Schools Act of 11 March 1932, and then the Act of 15 July 1961 on the Development of the Education System as well as the Ordinance of the Minister of Education of 26 February 1965 on the Rules and Conditions of Running Non-State Schools and Other Education Institutions. They were also subordinated to the control of the state authorities. After more than a decade of battles between the government and the Polish Episcopate, the question of control over seminars was finally resolved in 1971, when the authorities ceased their inspections of seminars.Visitationen der höheren Priesterseminare durch staatliche Behörden in Polen in den Jahren 1960–1971In den Jahren 1960-1971 führten staatliche Behörden auf dem ganzen Gebiet Polens Visitationen in den höheren Seminaren der Diözesen und der Orden durch. Bereits im Februar 1950 versuchte man, einen Teil der Priesterseminare der Kontrolle des Staates, also des Ministeriums für Bildung und Erziehung auf Grund der Art. 96–107 des Dekretes vom 28. Oktober 1947, die die Organisation der Wissenschaft und des höheren Schulwesens betreffen, zu unterziehen. Die restlichen höheren und kleinen Seminare sollten der Kontrolle der Schulkuratorien gemäß dem Gesetz vom 11. März 1932 über Privatschulen und wissenschaftliche sowie erzieherische Einrichtungen unterliegen. Aufgrund dieser Rechtsakte wollten die Behörden über das Recht verfügen, die Satzungen, Programme und Unterrichtspläne zu bestätigen, das Lehrpersonal zu berufen und die Ausübung der Programme in den Seminaren ständig zu kontrollieren, was ihnen jedoch nicht gelang. Eine Änderung erfolgte erst im Jahre 1959, als die kommunistischen Behörden sich dessen bewusst wurden, dass die Freiheit des Unterrichtes und der Erziehung der Priesterkandidaten eine sehr heikle und durch den Staat nicht kontrollierte Angelegenheit blieb. Aufgrund der Überzeugung, dass die Ausbildung in den Seminaren in einer staatsfeindlichen Atmosphäre verläuft und dort Meinungen gefördert werden, die sozialfeindlich sind, haben die Volksbehörden Maßnahmen zur Kontrolle der höheren Priesterseminare getroffen. Die höheren Priesterseminare wurden damals dem Gesetz vom 19. April 1950 über die Änderung der Organisation der obersten Staatsbehörden im Bereich der kommunalen Wirtschaft und der öffentlichen Verwaltung, dem Gesetz vom 11. März 1932 über Privatschulen und weiterhin dem Gesetz vom 15. Juli 1961 über die Entwicklung des Bildungssystems und Erziehungswesens und der Verordnung des Kultusministers vom 26. Februar 1965 in Sachen der Grundsätze und Bedingungen der Führung nicht staatlicher Schulen und anderer schulischer und pädagogischer Zentren unterordnet sowie der Aufsicht staatlicher Behörden unterzogen. Nach mehr als zehn Jahren eines Kampfes zwischen den Staatsbehörden und dem Episkopat Polens wurde die Aufsicht über die höheren Priesterseminare endgültig im Jahre 1971 eingestellt.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 1297
Rusmali Anggawiria

National Resilience Institute Republic of Indonesia as education providers focus on the education program cadreled national level, the appropriate duties and functions of educating, preparing cadres and strengthen the leadership of the national level through educational programs, so that the necessary preparation of the infrastructure of education, educational operations, development of educational materials and teacher. In this paper focuses on policy implementation leadership education programs with sub-national level focus include: 1). Supporter infrastructure management education. 2). Preparation of Educational Material. 3) .Governance / educational operations. 4). Performance faculty or holder teachings material. In the evaluative research using the model Discrepancy Evaluation Model (DEM), through the stages of Design Stage, Installed Programs, Process and Product. Based on the evaluation of research in the field, the researcher recommends 1). The need to increase both the quality and quantity of Infrastructures Education. 2). The need to increase the quality and ease of getting material Doctrine. 3). Operational management of the need to improve education. 4). The need to improve the appearance and teaching methods in the aspect of teaching staff personnel and Manpower Professional reviewers. National Resilience Institute of Republic of Indonesia is the appropriate institution be a leading sector in implementing the mental revolution because during this time the duties and functions of the Indonesian National Resilience Institute will educate the nation's leading cadres both from the political parties, the government and private sectors.

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