scholarly journals The Dilemmas of Conducting Online Classes at Korean Language Training Courses in Indonesia during The Covid-19 Pandemic

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-193
Suray Agung Nugroho

This paper recounts the implementation of our department’s community service to the teachers and owners of LPK Bahasa Korea (private institutions teaching Korean language to prospective migrant workers). Based on our preliminary survey prior to conducting the community service, we learned that a lot of LPK were facing dilemmas in implementing online classes. They found it difficult to adjust themselves into online classes during the Covid-19 pandemic. Although some knew that running the LPK would mean the livelihood of their household, they even had to stop operating simply due to their lack of knowledge in conducting online classes. At this point, they needed assistance in making the best use of online platforms and in preparing online contents of Korean language teaching. Based on this, we designed a two-day community service fully implemented online which attracted as many as 55 enthusiastic participants from various LPK across Indonesia. During the program, participants learned from our experiences and from others about the endless possibilities of using free online platforms so as to maintain their LPK’s livelihood and existence. Despite its limited time, participants managed to finally learn and choose the types of online platforms that suited their respective need. In particular, they also managed to learn practical ways in preparing Korean language-related online content to keep the enthusiasm and spirit of LPK students during and hopefully in the post-Covid19. ===== Paper ini mengulik ulang pelaksanaan program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) yang dilakukan oleh Prodi Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea kepada para pengajar dan pemilik LPK (Lembaga Pendidikan dan Ketrampilan) Bahasa Korea. Berdasarkan hasil survei awal sebelum PkM dilaksanakan, diketahui banyaknya LPK yang menghadapi dilema dalam menerapkan kelas daring. Mereka kesulitan menyesuaikan lembaganya dengan kelas-kelas daring selama pandemi Covid-19. Bahkan beberapa LPK berhenti beroperasi karena kurangnya pengetahuan terkait kelas daring, walaupun menjalankan LPK merupakan sumber penghasilan utama mereka. Pada titik itulah diketahui bahwa mereka memerlukan pendampingan untuk memanfaatkan platform pembelajaran daring yang tersedia serta untuk mempersiapkan konten-konten bahasa Korea secara daring. Berangkat dari keadaan inilah, Prodi Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea mendesain PkM 2 hari yang secara penuh diselenggarakan secara daring. PkM ini berhasil menarik minat 55 peserta dari berbagai LPK yang tersebar dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia Selama program berlangsung, para peserta belajar dari Prodi dan saling belajar dari peserta lain terkait berbagai macam platform online yang bisa mereka gunakan serta belajar juga cara membuat berbagai konten bahasa Korea secara praktis demi keberlangsungan keberadaan LPK mereka. Terlepas dari pendeknya waktu, para peserta berhasil belajar dan akhirnya memilih platform online yang cocok dengan LPK masing-masing. Yang lebih penting lagi, mereka tahu cara mempersiapkan konten bahasa Korea yang praktis untuk mempertahankan semangat belajar para peserta kursus di LPK baik selama masa pandemi maupun nanti di pasca-Covid19.

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 95
Suray Agung Nugroho

The community service (Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat/PkM) held in 2019 is a continuation of PkM which was carried out in 2018 on how LPK (Lembaga Pelatihan Kerja) instructors and students interpret the EPS TOPIK (Employment Permit System – Test of Proficiency in Korean Language). Based on the assessment of the ability and weaknesses of prospective PMI (Pekerja Migran Indonesia=Indonesian Migrant Workers) in understanding Korean, the Korean Language and Culture Program conducted the second PkM which was specifically intended for instructors at LPK through Training of Trainers (ToT). The ToT participants were 30 instructors, members of PELBAKORI (Association of Korean Language LPK in Indonesia). The material provided in this ToT were: (a) Important steps to mastering Korean vocabulary and grammar and (b) Points to ponder in understanding Korean culture.--------------------------------------------------------------PkM yang dilakukan pada tahun 2019 ini adalah kelanjutan dari PkM yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2018 tentang bagaimana instruktur LPK (Lembaga Pelatihan Kerja) dan peserta didik memaknai EPS TOPIK (Employment Permit System-Test of Proficiency in Korean Language). Berdasarkan asesmen kemampuan dan kelemahan para calon PMI (Pekerja Migran Indonesia) dalam memahami bahasa Korea yang telah diperoleh dalam kegiatan PkM tahap pertama, Prodi Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea merancang PkM kedua yang khusus ditujukan untuk para instruktur di LPK, yaitu Training of Trainers (ToT) bagi pengajar bahasa Korea di LPK-LPK Bahasa Korea. Peserta ToT berjumlah 30 instruktur di LPK penyelenggara kursus bahasa Korea yang tergabung dalam PELBAKORI (Perhimpunan LPK Bahasa Korea se-Indonesia). Materi yang diberikan dalam ToT ini adalah (a) langkah-langkah penting dalam menguasai tata bahasa dan kosakata bahasa Korea dan  (b) pengetahuan sekitar budaya Korea. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 8-15
Gunawan Gunawan ◽  
Usman Mutaqin

Passports have a role not only limited to the requirements to leave the territory of Indonesia, but the ownership of the passport  must be accounted for. The problem is often complained by many people in applying for a passport (the applicant) is the queue which takes a long time and feels complicated in implementation. Now the Directorate General of Implications of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is innovating by creating an APAPO (Online Passport Queue Application). This application is expected to be an answer problems in applying for a passport for the applicant. This online passport registration is related to how operate the APAPO application, and see when the applicant's schedule can come to the nearest immigration office. This socialization was carried out in the Tasikmalaya region, West Java, bearing in mind that the Tasikmalaya area had a considerable potential of Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) and the Immigration Office in charge of several Cities and Regencies, including: Tasikmalaya District, Tasikmalaya City, Regencies Ciamis, Banjar City and Garut Regency which cover 108 (one hundred and eight) districts. Community Service regarding passport registration at the immigration office is by way of socialization regarding online passport registration with the following steps: (1) Financing the importance of passports for Indonesian citizens (2) Developing procedures for registering online passport queues (3) Training for opening applications online passport queue service. 

1977 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 79-93
W.F. Coumou

Language teaching to migrant workers in The Netherlands needs an improvement in two ways. Apart from various problems with regard to the environment in which the teaching of Dutch to foreign workers takes place, this type of language training also suffers from serious inadequacies in the linguistic and methodological field. This paper discusses a few of these latter problems pertaining to both the teacher and the learner, i.e. the foreign worker. With regard to the -- usually unpaid and voluntary -- teacher, we point out such factors as - inexperience with the teaching of a second language and the consequen-ces of such a situation - disparity between the language of the teacher and the dialect/sociolect of the environment in which the foreign worker finds himself; a dispa-rity because of the socio-cultural gap between the two - discrepancy between certain features in the teacher's dialect and those of the standard language in the teaching method - use of 'foreigner talk' in the class situation With regard to the learner we diseuse euch matters as - expectation of the foreign worker when learning the language of his new country of residence; an expectation which to a great extent diffe, from what can objectively be defined as learning objectives - lack of contact with speakers of Butch resulting in a low level of oral proficiency by the foreign worker - problems relating to 'Pidgin'--Dutch The language department of Netherlands Centre Foreigners is engaged in developping language materiale for migrant workers and their families, in particular for those who are speakers of 'Pidgin'-Dutch. Certain preliminary considerations concerning this teaching method are dis-cussed.

Sarwahita ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-39
Dede Rahmat Hidayat

Indonesia is one of the largest suppliers of informal labor in developed countries in ASEAN, Hongkong, Korea, Japan and Middle East Countries. Unlike the formal workforce that has good protection and income certainty. Workers in the non-formal sector still have vulnerabilities to get problems so there are efforts to reduce and prevent more Indonesians from becoming workers in the informal sector. One strategy is to increase the potential of migrant workers not to go abroad and to prevent ex-migrant workers from returning abroad.How to prevent good is to train the former migrant workers by sharing skills so that they can develop their business independently. The training developed is to train entrepreneurial character and practice business skills. Community service is expected to help the program. Community service activities for former migrant workers are conducted in the form of entrepreneurship training. In this activity the participants are former TKI in Sukabumi which amounted to 20 people, conducted in Cibolang Village Gunung Guruh District.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Musdholifah Musdholifah ◽  
Dewie Tri Wijayati Wardoyo ◽  
Sri Setyo Iriani ◽  
Ulil Hartono ◽  
Achmad Kautsar

ABSTRACTThe limited ability of teachers to manage instructional media using technology apparently also happened to teachers in Magetan District. Based on surveys and interviews with the Head of education, youth and sport department Magetan District, the problem of the low use of technology in learning was also experienced by teachers in Magetan District. Especially for high school teachers in Magetan Regency. One of the things that can be use by the world of education, especially teachers in implementing the learning process, is by using google classroom application as a media for online classroom learning. This application is still rarely even unknown to most teachers in Indonesia. The overall output shows the majority of teachers as participants have opened online classes (60.87%) and the remaining 39.13% only made a few meetings but did not run. The obstacle is the low motivation and consistency of the teachers in running online classes. The implementation of community service activities has been going well and smoothly. The results of the implementation of these activities all stages of the implementation of activities run as planned. Keywords: google classroom, teacher, online class ABSTRAKTerbatasnya kemampuan guru dalam mengatur media pembelajaran dengan teknologi ternyata terjadi juga pada guru-guru di kabupaten Magetan. Berdasarkan survey dan wawancara dengan Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Kabupaten Magetan masalah rendahnya penggunaan teknologi dalam pembelajaran juga dialami pada guru-guru di Kabupaten Magetan. Terutama pada guru-guru SMA di Kabupaten Magetan. Salah satu hal yang bisa dimanfaatkan oleh dunia pendidikan terutama guru dalam melaksanakan proses pembelajaran yaitu dengan cara memanfaatkan aplikasi google classroom sebagai media pembelajaran kelas online. Aplikasi ini masih jarang bahkan belum diketahui oleh sebagian besar guru di Indonesia. Luaran keseluruhan menunjukkan mayoritas guru sebagai peserta telah membuka kelas online (60,87%) dan sisanya 39,13% hanya membuat beberapa pertemuan namun tidak berjalan. Adapun hambatan adalah masih rendahnya motivasi dan konsistensi para guru dalam menjalankan kelas online. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat sudah berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Hasil dari pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut semua tahapan pelaksanaan kegiatan berjalan sesuai dengan yang direncanakan. Kata Kunci : google classroom, guru, kelas online

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-48
Nesi Anti Andini ◽  
Sholeh Hasan

The importance of learning objectives requires the use of appropriate media so that learning runs effectively and efficiently. The learning media is very important in supporting the learning process and is often overlooked by teachers for various reasons, including limited time, difficulty finding the right media, and also limited funds. With a variety of IT-based and service devices, lecturers and students can access them online and there are applications that make it free for users. Among them are blog users as learning media. This community service activity aims to introduce information and communication technology in the form of Web-Blogs that will later help students who will be prepared to become teacher candidates to modify learning media. The implementation of community service in general can be categorized as successful in terms of participant participation. Participants felt that this dedication activity was very useful for developing web-blog-based learning media that they would use in later learning. The participants' responses to the service activities carried out stated that from the quality of the speakers, the quality of the modules was very good.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Kamarudin Kamarudin ◽  
Tawali Tawali

Community service is the implementation of knowledge gained in schools, or lecturing process formally or informally. This community service aimed at giving English language training towards students of TK Melati Indah Sayang-Sayang, Cakranegara Mataram. This community service used lecturing, practice, and discussion. The respondents consisted of 30 students. The result of the training concluded that English language training towards students of TK Melati Indah Sayang-Sayang, Cakranegara Mataram was successful. It is proved from the students’ enthusiasm within the process of the training and their learning achievement after giving the training. Thus, the training of English language to the students is highly important especially in TK Melati Indah Sayang-Sayang as they will be the agent of change and future generation who will acquire English language well. Through this training, students of TK Melati Indah Sayang-Sayang are expected to have knowledge and basic experience to communicate through English language as their foundation and motivation to develop their skill.

Yashinta Farahsani ◽  
Margaretha Dharmayanto Harmanto

Community service activities, specifically the Community Partnership Program (PKM), aims to improve the ability of Early Childhood Education (PAUD) teachers, both in terms of pronunciation and the methods that support it in Nanggulan sub-district, Kulon Progo district. The target audience for this service program are the PAUD teachers in SPS Tunas Harapan, which amount to 4 (four) people. The programs that have been implemented are training 1) How to pronounce English words, and 2) English methods for PAUD level. The overall process of science and technology transfer is carried out with a pattern of education and training that is equipped with socialization to these teachers to improve the ability and skills to use English developed through English language training (pronunciation on pronunciation or pronunciation) and methods and benefits to improve teacher ability and school quality.

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