scholarly journals Hubungan berat badan lahir, pemberian ASI eksklusif, status gizi dan stimulasi kognitif dengan kecerdasan anak usia 5–6 Tahun

2006 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 95
Rini Andarwati ◽  
Endy Paryanto Prawirohartono ◽  
Indira Laksmi Gamayanti

Background: Intellegence is affected by 2 factors, internal (genetics) and external (nutrition intake, infection, toxin, stimu- lation, environmental) factors. Sufficient nutrition is very important during pregnancy. Birth weight and exclusive breastfeeding affect brain growth and development. Malnutrition during infancy results in stunting and impaired cognitive function in children. Lack of stimulation may affect intelligence.Objective: The objective of the study was to find out the relationship among birth weight, exclusive breastfeeding, nutrition status and cognitive stimulation and intelligence.Method: An analytic observational study was conducted with cross sectional design, at kindergarten in Prambanan Subdistrict. Subjects were recruited based on a cluster random sampling technique. There were 50 children and mothers met the inclusion criteria of mothers who knew the child’s background (birth weight, breastfeeding practices) and were willing to be included in this study. Intelligence was assessed using Stanford Binet test. Data were analyzed with chi square and logistic regression tests.Results: The study showed that 76% of children had normal intelligence and 24% of children had abnormal intelligence. Based on multivariable analysis, low cognitive stimulation was a risk factor of getting low IQ score (OR=15.6; CI 95%=1.725– 141.272), whereas birth weight (OR=1.1; CI 95%=0.126– 9.751), exclusive breastfeeding (OR=4.9; CI 95%=0.494– 49.054) and nutrition status did not relate to intelligence.Conclusion: There was significant relationship between cognitive stimulation and intelligence, whereas birth weight, exclusive breastfeeding and nutrition status did not significantly relate with intelligence.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Khusnul Khotimah ◽  
Ova Emilia ◽  
Mohammad Hakimi

PEMANFAATAN POJOK LAKTASI DI PUSKESMAS I CILONGOKKABUPATEN BANYUMASKhusnul Khotimah, Ova Emilia,Mohammad HakimiABSTRACTBackground : Based on survey Indonesian demographic and health in 2007 that exclusive breastfeeding 38 %decrease from 39,5% in 2002-2003, child under 6 months who gets milk incease from 16,7% until 27,9% in2007. American Academy of Pediatrics (1)get recomendation baby must get exclusive breastfeeding in 6 monthuntil 2 years old. Banyumas regency are have a program to increase scope of exclusive breastfeeding by regulationof regent number 52 in 2012 about increase exclusive breastfeeding in Banyumas Regency. One of the material insocialization is about lactation room and standardization, right of women worker to breastfed in office, publicfacility.Objective : to determine factors can effected utilization of lactation room in Puskesmas I Cilongok.Methods : this study was an observational study with a cross sectional design and qualitative study or called mixmethod. Location of study in Puskesmas I Cilongok. Sample of this study is employed mother who breastfeedand visitors of Puskesmas I Cilongok in Banyumas Regency. Sampling method used sampling convinience get 41women until this study done. independent variable are attitude of breastfeed mother about lactation room andbehavior of breastfeed mother. Dependent variable is utilization of lactation room. Data analysis consisted ofunivariable analysis, bivariable analysis using chi-square test and multivariable analysis using logistic regressiontest and also qualitative analysis.Results and Discussion : there is no effect attitude of breastfeed mother about lactation room with utilization oflactation room, can we see from p = 0,247 (RP1,58; 95% CI 0,70-3,55), the similar result from dialogue thatmother have good attittude but not utilized, they say not get socialization from health worker. The good Behaviorbreastfeed mother have relation with utilization, can we see p = 0,028, RP2,35 (95% CI 1,05-5,23). Results fromdialogue mother who get bad behavior not utilized. Utilization in lactation room only just breastfeeding, neverused to pamp and saving breastmilk. People not respond that room lactation is a necessary, because withoutpolicy about room lactation, they are can breastfed in any where.Conclusion : Good attitude of breastfeed mother about lactation room can not get effect utilization of lactationroomand good behavior breastfeedmother can get effect with utilization lactation room in Puskesmas I Cilongok.Keyword: attitude breastfeed mother, behavior breastfeed mother and utilization lactation room ABSTRAKLatar Belakang:Berdasarkan data Survey Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2007 tercatat bahwacakupan ASI eksklusif sebesar 38% menurun dari 39,5%di tahun 2002-2003, sementara jumlah bayi dibawah 6bulan yang diberi susu formula meningkat dari 16,7% menjadi 27,9% ditahun 2007. American Academy ofPediatrics (1)merekomendasikan bahwa durasi minimal ASI eksklusif menjadi 6 bulan tetapi optimal harus terusselamaminimal 2 tahun.Kabupaten Banyumas sedangmemiliki program gunameningkatkan cakupan ASI eksklusifyang dituangkan lewat Peraturan Bupati Banyumas nomor 52 tahun 2012 tentang peningkatan pemberian ASI diKabupaten Banyumas. Salah satu materi sosialisasi tersebut berisi tentang anjuran pengadaan pojok laktasibeserta standarisasinya, hak ibu bekerja yang menyusui di kantor pemerintahan, sarana pra sarana umum juga.Tujuan:Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemanfaatan pojok laktasi di Puskesmas I Cilongok.Metode:Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis observasional dengan desaincross sectionaldan kualitatif. Tempatpenelitian Puskesmas I Cilongok. Sampel penelitian ibu bekerja menyusui dan pengunjung puskesmas memilikibayi umur 0 bulan sampai dengan 2 tahun berada di Puskesmas I Cilongok. Pengambilan sampel menggunakansampling conviniencediperoleh 41 orang selama penelitian dilakukan.Variabelindependen adalah sikap ibumenyusui terhadap pojok laktasi, perilaku ibu menyusui. Variabel dependen ialah pemanfaatan pojok laktasi.Analisa data meliputi analisis univariabel, bivariabeldengan menggunakan chi square sedangkan multivariabelmenggunakan uji regresi logistik serta analisis kualitatif.Hasil dan Pembahasan:Sikap ibu menyusui terhadap ketersediaan pojok laktasi tidakmempengaruhi pemanfaatanpojok laktasi dilihat dari nilai p = 0,247 (RP1,58; 95% CI 0,70-3,55), hasil ini didukung hasil wawancara bahwasikap baik tetapi tidak memanfaatkan pojok laktasi dengan alasan sosialisasi yang kurang dari petugas kesehatan.Perilaku ibu menyusui yang baik berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan pojok laktasi dilihat dari nilai p = 0,028,RP2,35 (95% CI 1,05-5,23). Hasil wawancara ibu yang berperilaku tidak baik cenderung tidak memanfaatkanpojok laktasi. Pemanfaatan pojok laktasi hanya untuk menyusui saja, tidak digunakan untuk memeras danpenyimpanan ASI. Rendahnya pemanfaatan pojok laktasi dikarenakan faktor kebutuhan. Masyarakat desa tidakmenganggap bahwa pojok laktasi merupakan kebutuhan, karena tanpa adanya kebijakan pengadaan pojok laktasimereka dapat menyusui dimanapun.Kesimpulan:sikap ibu menyusui terhadap ketersediaan pojok laktasi yang baik tidak mempengaruhi pemanfaatanpojok laktasi dan perilaku ibu menyusui yang baik dapat mempengaruhi pemanfaatan pojok laktasi di PuskesmasI Cilongok Kabupaten Banyumas.Kata kunci: sikap ibu, perilaku ibu, pemanfaatan pojok laktasi

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Neila Sulung

Stunting is a chronic condition that represent growth retardation due to long-term malnutrition, indicated by a z-score of TB / U less than -2SD. Padang Gelugur is a sub-district located in Pasaman Regency with the highest stunting rate of 27%. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that caused the incidence of Stunting at the Padang Gelugur health center in Pasaman Regency. Type of analytic descriptive study with cross-sectional design, conducted in April 2019. The population is 1,020 infants. with Multistage random sampling technique and a sample size of 150 infants. Data collection uses questionnaires and anthropometric observations and data analysis includes univariate analysis and bivariate analysis with chi square test. The results of the study obtained the incidence of stunting in infants due to non-exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.022 and OR = 2.708), lack of food diversity (p = 0.023 and OR = 2.326), and low economic status (p = 0.034 and OR = 3.630.    Based on the results above, it was found that a significant relationship between low economic status, non-exclusive breastfeeding, and lack of food diversity with the incidence of Stunting.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1401-1407
Tutin Marlia

ABSTRAKMenarche merupakan menstruasi pertama yang biasa terjadi pada seorang gadis pada masa pubertas, yang biasanya muncul usia 11 sampai 14 tahun.Banyak hal yang mempengaruhi menarche pada remaja putri, antara lain adanya perubahan hormon yang mempengaruhi kematangan sel dan asupan gizi yang dikonsumsi saat menjelang datangnya menarche. Akhir-akhir ini, remaja putri sering mengalami menstruasi dini, dimana usia rata-rata saat menstruasi dimulai adalah antara 12-13 tahun, tetapi pada sebagian kecil remaja putri yang tampak normal,menarche mungkin muncul pada usia sedini 10 tahun atau selambat 16 tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Hubungan Status Gizi dengan Menstruasi Dini. Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan desain survei analitik dengan menggunakan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswi SMPN II Indramayu yang berjumlah 137 orang, teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sampel random sampling secara acak sistematis dengan kriteria inklusi siswa yang sudah menstruasi yaitu sejumlah 97 orang. Tehnik analisa data menggunakan uji Chi Square.Hasil penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara status gizi responden dengan menstruasi dini dengan nilai P value 0.003.Kata Kunci: Status Gizi, Menstruasi Dini ABSTRACTMenarche is the first menstruation that usually occurs in a girl at puberty, which usually appears at aged 11 to 14 years old. Many things affect menarche in young women, including hormonal changes that affect cell maturity and nutritional intake consumed just before the arrival of menarche. Lately, young women often experience early menstruation, where the average age when menstruation begins is between 12-13 years old, but in a small proportion of adolescent girls who appear normal, menarche may appear as early as 10 years old or as late as 16 years old. The purpose of this study was to determine the Relationship of Nutrition Status and Early Menstruation.This type of research used in this research is quantitative with analytic survey design using cross sectional design. The population in this study were 137 students of SMPN II Indramayu, the sampling technique in this study used systematic random random sampling with the inclusion criteria of 97 menstruating students. Data analysis techniques using the Chi Square testThe results of this study show that there is a significant relationship between the nutritional status of respondents with early menstruation with the P value of 0.003.Keywords: Nutrition Status, Early Menstruation

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 119-128
Monika Eksadela ◽  
Muhammad Syukri ◽  
Adelina Fitri

Background: The coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Hiang Health Center Working Area in 2019 was 49.1%. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the relationship between family and health worker support with exclusive breastfeeding at the Hiang Health Center, Kerinci Regency Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design with a sample of 165 people. Samples were taken using proportional random sampling technique. The samples taken were mothers who had children aged 6-23 months with the mother's condition physically healthy, able to read, write and speak Indonesian, did not suffer from serious diseases that harm the baby when breastfeeding, such as HIV, Active TB, and Hepatitis. Data collection was carried out from April to May 2021 with the interview method using a structured questionnaire. Data processing was carried out univariate and bivariate using chi-square test. Results: The proportion of children who did not get exclusive breastfeeding was 45.5%. Bivariate analysis showed that family support (p=0.004 OR= 1.68 95%CI 1.2-2.3), and support from health workers (p=0.000 OR=2.42 95% CI 1.73 - 3.37) were associated with exclusive breastfeeding. Conclusion: Family and the health workers support were associated with exclusive breastfeeding.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 462-468
Aulia Ridla Fauzi ◽  
Purnomo Suryantoro ◽  
Dewi Rokhanawati

Background: The target of exclusive breastfeeding decreased to 17% at the Pakualaman Health Center in Yogyakarta due to the barriers caused by the wrong perception regarding breastfeeding and returning to work. The roles of motivators in the promotion activity and exclusive breastfeeding reinforcements are expected to exchange experience among peers who have experienced of exclusive breastfeeding at maternal group activities.Objective: To identify the correlation between the role of motivators in supporting maternal groups in providing exclusive breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding behavior.Methods: This was a correlational study with cross-sectional design on 55 samples selected using purposive sampling technique. This study was conducted in women who had a > 6-23-month infant at Pakualaman Health Center in Yogyakarta in 2017. Chi-square and multiple logistic regressions were used for data analysis.Results: There was no significant correlation between the role of motivators in supporting maternal groups and exclusive breastfeeding behavior in mothers with 0-6-month infants (p= 0.631). There was a significant correlation between the variable of access to information with the behavior of exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.019).Conclusion: The role of motivators in supporting maternal groups has no significant relationship with exclusive breastfeeding behavior. It is suggested for midwives to increase the access of information among mothers, as information access has significant association with behavior of mothers in exclusive breastfeeding.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-110
Arnisam Arnisam ◽  
Nunung Sri Mulyani ◽  
Eva Fitriyaningsih ◽  
Desi Muntazirah

Background :Stunting is called a cross-generation nutritional problem caused by multifactors including genetic factors (maternal height). Another factor causing stunting is lack of nutrition. ASI fulfills all of the baby's nutritional needs, so breastfeeding status also affects the incidence of stunting.Objective : to determine the relationship of exclusive breastfeeding and maternal height with the incidence of stunting in children aged 6-36 months in the UPTD of the Ulee Kareng Health Center in Banda Aceh.Methods : This research is descriptive analytical research with cross sectional design with a quantitative approach. It was held on May-June 2019. The population of this study was all children aged 6-36 months in the UPTD of the Health Center Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh. The sample size was 81 children aged 6-36 months. The sampling technique in this study was accidental sampling. The instrument used was a questionnaire to determine toddler identity and the identity of the respondent. Measurement of height using microtoice, and body length was measured using an infrantometer Analysis of data using the chi square test with a 0.05 degree of confidence.Result : Based on the results of the study, children who received exclusive breastfeeding were 51.9%. Short mother 58%. Normal child 51.9%. There is a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and maternal height with the incidence of stunting in children aged 6-36 months. With p-value 0.05. Namely exclusive breastfeeding with the incidence of stunting in children (p-value = 0.011). Maternal height with incidence of stunting in children (p-value = 0.028).Conclusion : Exclusive breastfeeding and maternal height have a relationship with the incidence of stunting in children aged 6-36 months in the UPTD of the Health Center Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh. So it is expected that mothers give exclusive breastfeeding for babies as an effort to prevent stunting.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Nur Hikmah Wati ◽  
Lailatul Muniroh

Breast Milk is the best and nutritious food in early life for every infants born. Undernourishment in infants can cause growth and development disorders. The attainment of exclusive breastfeeding that still low in Wonoayu sub-district in 2015 becomes the base  the formation of breastfeeding support group (KP-ASI). The aim of this study was to observe the difference of exclusive breastfeeding record and nutrition status of infants aged 6-12 months of KP-ASI participant and non KP-ASI participant. This research was an analytic observational with cross sectional design. This research was done in the working area at Wonoayu and Buduran Health Center, district Sidoarjo. The sample were taken using stratified random sampling, the sample size 36 mothers of infants 6-12 months from KP-ASI participants and 36 mothers of infants 6-12 months from the non KP-ASI participants. The data collection was interviewed by using questionnaire and anthropometry measurements by using length board and baby scale. Data analysis of the research was Chi-Square test and Logistic Regression. The result showed that there was significant difference exclusive breastfeeding record between  groups (p=0.002)  but there was no difference in nutrition status of infants aged 6-12 months (p=0.547) in between both group. Mother employment status (p=0.022 OR=0.211), other family support (p=0.015 OR=O.195) becomes a confounding variable aside from implementation of KP-ASI (p=0.032 OR=3.701) which influence exclusive breastfeeding record. The conclusion of this study was that KP-ASI participant have 3,701 times higher chance to give exclusive breastfeeding the their babies compared with non-KP ASI nember there was no difference nutrition status of infants aged 6-12 months from both group it’ is suggested for Public Health Service of Regency Sidoarjo to develop and reactivate implementation of breastfeeding support group in other district to improve the practice of exclusive breastfeeding.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Sutrio Sutrio ◽  
Mindo Lupiana

<p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Stunting is still a public health problem. The prevalence of stunting in Lampung Province ranks sixth in Indonesia (42.6%). Stunting prevalence based on Nutrition Status Monitoring in 2016 in Pesawaran Regency ranks number four (35.1%). Nutrition student data collection results in Cipadang Village, 12 stunting toddlers (34.3%). </em><strong><em>Purpose:</em></strong><em> The study aims to determine the relationship between body weight and birth length with the incidence of stunting in toddlers. <strong>Method</strong></em><strong><em>s</em></strong><strong><em>:</em></strong><em> An analytical cross sectional research design was conducted in Cipadang Village, Gedong Tataan Subdistrict, Pesawaran District in 2018. The population was all children under five in the study area with a total sample of 103 people taken by random sampling technique. Data collection was carried out by interview and observation to obtain data on the research variables analyzed, including the incidence of stunting, birth weight and birth length. Data analysis with univariate and bivariate analysis using chi square test. <strong>Results:</strong> The results showed the prevalence of stunting was 34.9%, LBW 24.3% and low birth length 31.1%. There is a relationship between birth length and birth weight with toddler stunting. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Birth weight and birth weight are risk factors for increasing stunting. Increased monitoring of toddler growth on a regular basis in the Posyandu and prevention of LBW should be done to prevent</em><em> stunting.</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-16
Irpan Priyasna ◽  
Lintang Purwara Dewanti ◽  
Yulia Wahyuni

Background: The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding among infants aged 0-6 months in 2014 was 52.3%, then the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding among infants aged 0-6 months in DKI Jakarta in 2014 was 67.1%. The low level of exclusive breastfeeding has an effect on the inadequate nutrition intake for infants that can cause growth and development disorder. This study was conducted to determine the association between breastfeeding with weight gain, nutritional status and illness incidence among infants aged 1-5 months in Grogol, West Jakarta. Methods: It was cross sectional study design, the population in this study were 96 infants aged 1-5 months recorded in all Posyandu in the area of ​​Grogol, West Jakarta. The sample in this study were 47 infants selected by purposive sampling. Data were analyzed with chi-square and fisher exact tests. Results: The results showed that there were no association between breastfeeding with weight gain (p = 0.989), nutrition status based on weight/age (p=1.000), length/age (p=0.237), and weight/length (p=0.352). There was association between breastfeeding with illness incidence (p<0.01). Conclusion: There is significant association between breastfeeding with illness incidence among infant aged 1 – 5 months.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Niwayan Ayu Damayanti ◽  
Vanda Doda ◽  
Sefti Rompas

Abstract: Exclusive breastfeeding is giving ASI as early as possible after birth until the baby is 6 months old  however, there were still mothers who did not exclusively breastfeed and each of them had a job. one of these studies showed that babies who were not breastfed would have a 6-10 times higher risk of dying in the first few months.This research method uses a cross sectional study design with a population of mothers who have babies aged 6-12 months. Sampling was done by non-probability sampling with pruposive sampling technique. The number of samples were 52 respondents. Data is presented in the form of Frequency Tables. Data analysis used is univariate and bivariate analysis using the chi-square analysis method. Results of research Respondents on average have a high school education. With normal nutritional status, the average mother has a age of 17-25 years, the average mother works as a private / entrepreneur. From the chi-square test results obtained p value for nutritional status ρ = 0.02 smaller than α = 0.05, p value for age ρ = 0.03, smaller than α = 0.05, and p value for work ρ = 0.03, smaller than α = 0.05. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that there is a significant relationship between nutritional status, age, occupation and exclusive breastfeeding in infants aged 6-12 months when mothers return to work at Wilaya Work Center at Werdhi Agung Public Health Center, Dumoga Tengah District.Keywords: Nutrition Status, Age, Employment, and Exclusive Breastfeeding Abstrak: ASI Ekslusif adalah pemberian ASI sedini mungkin setelah lahir sampai bayi berumur 6 bulan namun masih didapatkan ibu yang tidak memberikan ASI secara ekslusif, dan masing-masing dari ibu tersebut memiliki pekerjaan salah satu penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa bayi yang tidak diberikan ASI akan memiliki resiko 6-10 kali lebih tinggi meninggal pada beberapa bulan pertama. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cros sectional dengan populasi ibu yang mempunyai bayi usia 6-12 bulan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara non probability sampling dengan teknik pruposive sampling. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 52 responden. Data disajikan dalam bentuk Frequency Table, Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan metode analisis chi-square. Hasil penelitian Responden rata-rata memiliki pendidikan SMA. Dengan status gizi normal, rata-rata ibu memiliki umur 17-25 tahun, rata-rata ibu bekerja sebagai Swasta/Wirausaha. Dari hasil uji chi-square didapatkan hasil nilai p untuk status gizi ρ = 0,02 lebih kecil dari α = 0,05, nilai p untuk umur ρ=0,03, lebih kecil dari α = 0,05, dan nilai p untuk pekerjaan ρ=0,03, lebih kecil dari α = 0,05. Kesimpulan, hasil penelitian ini menunjukan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara status gizi, umur, pekerjaan dengan pemberian ASI Ekslusif pada bayi usia 6-12 bulan saat ibu kembali bekerja di Wilaya Kerja Puskesmas Werdhi Agung Kecamatan Dumoga Tengah.Kata Kunci: Status Gizi, Umur, Pekerjaaan, Dan Pemberian Asi Ekslusif

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