scholarly journals Empirical Research on the Downturn in Church Attendance in Australia: The youth without Religion

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. p6
Ransford Kwabena. Awuku-Gyampoh ◽  
Justina Sarpong Akoto ◽  
Catherine Ocran ◽  
Bah Formijang

The church has played a significant role in the lives of Australia’s people since the European settlement. It used to provide several welfare services such as educational, health, and orphanages, even more than the government. Australian churches played a significant role in shaping the culture of Australians. Australia was the only country with no newspaper on Sunday as they kept Sunday as a regular holiday and kept everything closed. Indeed, for Australia’s farmers, religion was so important that they decided to remain clear of their religion and, in 1901, to lead up the Federation. As the years passed, church attendance reduced, and others chose no religion. Few considered religion as least important, resulting in an overall decline in Australia’s churches. The paper reiterated the downturn in church attendance in Australia, found reasons for the downturn, and how the youth can be driven to attend the church. Innovation, discipleship, evangelism, oneness, care, hospitality, service to the community, and social media presence were discovered to be strategies for motivating the younger generation, first-time worshippers and new converts to the church.

Orthodoxia ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 111-124
F. A. Gayda

This article deals with the political situation around the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Empire in 1912 (4th convocation). The main actors of the campaign were the government, local administration, liberal opposition and the clergy of the Orthodox Russian Church. After the 1905 revolution, the “official Church” found itself in a difficult situation. In particular, anti-Church criticism intensified sharply and was expressed now quite openly, both in the press and from the rostrum of the Duma. A consequence of these circumstances was that in this Duma campaign, for the first time in the history of Russian parliamentarianism, “administrative resources” were widely used. At the same time, the authorities failed to achieve their political objectives. The Russian clergy became actively involved in the election campaign. The government sought to use the conflict between the liberal majority in the third Duma and the clerical hierarchy. Duma members launched an active criticism of the Orthodox clergy, using Grigory Rasputin as an excuse. Even staunch conservatives spoke negatively about Rasputin. According to the results of the election campaign, the opposition was even more active in using the label “Rasputinians” against the Holy Synod and the Russian episcopate. Forty-seven persons of clerical rank were elected to the House — three fewer than in the previous Duma. As a result, the assembly of the clergy elected to the Duma decided not to form its own group, but to spread out among the factions. An active campaign in Parliament and the press not only created a certain public mood, but also provoked a political split and polarization within the clergy. The clergy themselves were generally inclined to blame the state authorities for the public isolation of the Church. The Duma election of 1912 seriously affected the attitude of the opposition and the public toward the bishopric after the February revolution of 1917.

2019 ◽  
Xin Chen ◽  
Liang Gao

In July 2018, two of the China’s largest vaccine makers had been revealed providing defective children vaccines, which induce great outrage sweeping Chinese social media in last month. 650,000 doses of diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DPT) vaccines and 110,000 doses of rabies vaccines did not reach the potency standard and sold in at least 10 provincial areas. This is not the first time for this kind of vaccine scandal and the Chinese government has now been investigating the involved companies. As Chinese physicians and surgeons, we DO hope to supervise and witness the government to improve the health regulation system and restore the public’s confidence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 285-299
Wee-Ming Lau ◽  
László Józsa ◽  
Yoong-Wai Chan ◽  
Yee-Ling Fong ◽  
Hiram Ting ◽  

The recent General Election in Malaysia has seen the opposition alliance form the government for the first time in its history. The tsunami that changed the country's political landscape has largely been attributed to the participation of young voters and the effect of political advertising transmitted through social media. Drawing upon the theory of reasoned action, the study tests the scale of beliefs about political advertising in relation to attitude towards political advertising among young voters. While the first phase of the study validated the belief components, the second phase tested and confirmed the effect of the belief components on attitude. As a result, three belief components of political advertising were extracted, including core values, actual values,andexternal values. The findings indicated that young Malaysian voters hold unfavourablebeliefs aboutpolitical advertising. Moreover, the beliefs about advertising’s core and external values have a direct effect on attitude towards political advertising. Given young voters use social media for nearly every aspect of their lives, the findings underscore the importance of understanding the potential effect of negative political advertising and its external elements during election campaigns.

2004 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
C.F.C. Coetzee

South Africa is known as one of the most violent countries in the world. Since the seventeenth century, violence has been part of our history. Violence also played a significant role during the years of apartheid and the revolutionary struggle against apartheid. It was widely expected that violence would decrease in a post-apartheid democratic South Africa, but on the contrary, violence has increased in most cases. Even the TRC did not succeed in its goal to achieve reconciliation. In this paper it is argued that theology and the church have a great and significant role to play. Churches and church leaders who supported revolutionary violence against the apartheid system on Biblical “grounds”, should confess their unbiblical hermeneutical approach and reject the option of violence. The church also has a calling in the education of young people, the pastoral care of criminals and victims, in proclaiming the true Gospel to the government and in creating an ethos of human rights.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Dicky Alexander Kandou ◽  
Yunita Yunita

Abstrak Wabah covid-19 yang melanda seluruh dunia di awal tahun 2020 telah menyebabkan kesusahan dan penderitaan bagi siapa saja. Akibat dari wabah ini memaksa semua orang untuk melakukan semaksimal mungkin aktivitasnya secara daring yang berbasis online. Ini dilakukan untuk menghindari kerumunan orang banyak guna pencegahan penularan covid-19. Media sosial menjadi pilihan utama dalam melakukan berbagai aktivitas sepeti belajar, bekerja, terlebih aktivitas keagamaan. Metode yag digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah metode deskriftif kualitatif. Peristiwa covid yang terjadi saat ini tentu mengharuskan umat Tuhan untuk melakukan ibadah di rumah masing-masing dengan mengikuti live streming secara daring, karena peribadatan secara offline tidak direkomendasikan pemerintah di masa pandemi. Pemanfaatan media sosial untuk tetap menjaga rohani dan pertumbuhan jemaat harus diupayakan oleh gereja. Oleh karena itu, penggunaan media sosial sebagai sarana dalam beribadah agar tetap tercipta pertumbuhan iman jemaat merupakan biblika, karena dimasa para jemaat mula-mula pun memulai peribadatan dari rumah ke rumah. Karena konsep ibadah yang tercatat di dalam Perjajian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru dapat menggambarkan bahwa essensi dari ibadah yang sebenarnya adalah hubungan pribadi yang intim antara manusia dengan Allahnya. Kata Kunci: Covid19, Media Sosial, Pertumbuhan Iman, Jemaat. AbstractThe covid-19 outbreak that hit the world in early 2020 has caused distress and suffering for everyone. The aftermath of this outbreak forced everyone to do their best online-based activities. This is done to avoid crowds to prevent the transmission of covid-19. Social media is the main choice in doing various activities such as studying, working, especially religious activities. The method used in the writing of this article is the qualitative descriptive method. The current covid event certainly requires God's people to perform worship in their homes by following live streming online, because offline worship is not recommended by the government during the pandemic. The use of social media to maintain spiritual and congregational growth should be pursued by the church. Therefore, the use of social media as a means of worship in order to keep the growth of the faith of the church is a biblical, because in the early church began to worship from house to house. Because the concept of worship recorded in the Old and New Testaments can describe that the essensi of worship is actually an intimate personal relationship between man and his God. Keywords: Covid19, Social Media, Faith Growth, Church.

Prismet ◽  
1970 ◽  
pp. 5-16
Karlo Meyer

In a German study combining quantitative and qualitative approaches, the experience of confirmands at the age of 13 to 14 was examined with regard to church services. With special focus on influential variables concerning learning and motivating for church services, it was possible to specify and even correct current opinions on the basis of the collected data. For instance, parental commitment to the church plays a relatively less significant role in comparison to the effect of children’s services. Another result was that the intrinsic motivation is not only affected by the contents of a service as conceptually defined and important for the youngsters, but in particular by experiencing the atmosphere during the service as well as experiencing security in the social setting. Based on these tangible results, practically oriented conclusions can be drawn concerning youngsters and church services.Keywords: pedagogics of confirmation time • empirical research • worship servicesNøkkelord: pedagogikk i konfirmantundervisningen • empirisk forskning • tilbedelse

Daniel Yeri Kristiyanto ◽  
Sisilia Thya Safitri

The Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia has changed the conventional worship procedures. Health protocols by the Government of Indonesia have Changed the worship of Church congregations from face to face become interface to interface through online worship. However, problems arise when Church administrators have little knowlege about the application of computer applications to Church services. This paper will explain the design of online-based worship using a smart broadcasting design using a simple V8 live soundcard, 16 channel audio mixer, OBS Studio 26.0.2, Computers, Church music equipment, handycam and social media channels. The results of this study are in the form of designing a Church worship system by utilizing the limited budget for purchasing professional broadcast equipment, but being able to digitize analog equipment owned by the Church. Futhermore, this study resulted in an equation of the application of Smart Church Broadcasting (SCB) using Fuzzy Tsukamoto.

Liars ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 39-51
Cass R. Sunstein

In 2012, the US Supreme Court ruled, for the first time in its history, that lies and falsehoods are protected by the US Constitution. In the relevant case, a politician said that he had won the Congressional Medal of Honor, which was a palpable lie. Referring to the risks that would come from an Orwellian Ministry of Truth, the Court ruled that the government could not punish that lie. The Court was quite right to say that some false statements are protected by the Constitution, but its decision was wrong, even preposterous. A lie is worse than an innocent mistake, or even a negligent one, and if a politician says that he obtained a great honor, he imposes real harm on the public. The Court’s decision seems especially ill-considered in light of the nature and power of modern social media. It should not be read to say that falsehoods and lies are generally protected by the Constitution.

Al-Albab ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Nadrawina Isnin

The 14th Malaysian General Election (GE2018) had changed the political landscape in Malaysia.  For the very first time, the ruling party of Barisan Nasional failed to dominate the government in all states except that of Pahang, Perlis, and Sarawak.  This study is intended to discuss the scenario of GE2018 by focusing on the election results among female candidates in Sarawak. Ten female candidates participated in GE2018 as compared to a total of 78 candidates to grab 31 Parliamentary seats in Sarawak.  Meaning, merely 12.82 percentages of female candidates competed in GE2018.  Nevertheless, out of ten female election candidates competing, only five (4 PBB + 1 DAP) won which was 16.12 percentages of winning whilst a big portion of the percentages of 83.87 went to the winning male election candidates.  Interestingly, the usage of social media is frequently used by the candidates in GE2018.  Hence, this work focuses on the usage of social media among two female Muslim election candidates from a political party of Parti Bumiputera Bersatu Sarawak (PBB).  The findings reveal that the frequent usage of Facebook has positive and negative impacts on both female candidates. Even though both female candidates win the election but one has an increased in votes and majority votes whilst the other has a drastic decrease of votes and majority votes obtained.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 289-298 ◽  
Perri R. Tutelman ◽  
Justine Dol ◽  
Michelle E. Tougas ◽  
Christine T. Chambers

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