2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-133
Yudi Rahman ◽  
Irsyadunas Irsyadunas ◽  
Regina Ade Darman ◽  

The Students of 2D and 3D Animation subjects class XI Multimedia SMK Negeri 1 Sijunjung have difficulty in understanding learning materials. Absence of learning media that support learners' learning outcomes in 2D and 3D Animation subjects makes it difficult for learners to understand the subject matter. This research aims to develop a valid and practical android-based learning medium on the subjects of 2D and 3D Animation. The research method used Research and Development (R&D) with ADDIE (Analyze-Design-Development-Implement-Evaluate) model. The results of the study are: (1) media validation results obtained with an average of 0.77 with the category "valid" (2) material validation results obtained with an average of 0.85 with the category "valid" (3) the practicality of teachers obtained with a percentage of 89% with the category "very practical" (4) the practical results of learners obtained with a percentage of 94% with the category "very pragmatic. Keywords: Media, Animation, Android, R&D, ADDIE

Sukoco Sukoco

ABSTRACTThe aims of this research is to produce a learning materials that uses a scientific approach to training thinking skills and concepts understanding. This research is a Research and Development using 4-D design. Design of implementation using one group pretest-posttest design. Development of learning materials that include lesson plans, textbook, worksheets, and evaluation sheets, all of them has been validated by two validators. The result of the learning materials validation is categorized valid and feasible to implemented in learning. The implementation result showed that: 1) adherence to learning that includes introduction, core activities, and the closure has a very good category. 2) The observation of student activities showed that the most dominant students activity is working on worksheets/experiment. 3) The results of concepts understanding test showed that the percentage of completeness students in concept understanding is 90%. 4) The results of thinking skills test showed that there are increase students thinking skills after learning with the scientific approach 5) Obstacles encountered during the learning process is time effectiveness that not good because the method used is new for the students so need to habituation. 6) The response of students to the learning materials developed indicate a positive response. The conclusions of this research is that learning materials based scientific approach developed is valid, practical, and effectively implemented to training students thinking skills and concepts understanding on the subject matter properties of light on fifth grade of elementary school. Keywords: Learning Materials, Scientific Approach, Thinking Skills, Concepts Understanding. ABSTRAK                                                                                          Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang menggunakan pendekatan saintifik untuk melatihkan keterampilan berpikir dan pemahaman konsep. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D. Desain uji coba menggunakan one group pretest-posttest design. Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran yang meliputi rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, buku ajar siswa, lembar kerja siswa, dan tes hasil belajar, semuanya telah divalidasi oleh dua orang validator. Hasil dari validasi perangkat pembelajaran berkategori valid dan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa: 1) keterlaksanaan pembelajaran yang mencakup pendahuluan, kegiatan inti, dan penutup memiliki kategori sangat baik. 2) Pengamatan aktivitas siswa menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas siswa yang paling dominan adalah mengerjakan lembar kerja siswa/melakukan eksperimen. 3) Hasil tes pemahaman konsep menunjukkan bahwa persentase ketuntasan siswa dalam pemahaman konsep sebesar 90%. 4) Hasil tes keterampilan berpikir menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan keterampilan berpikir setelah pembelajaran dengan pendekatan saintifik. 5) Hambatan yang dihadapi selama proses pembelajaran adalah efektivitas waktu yang kurang baik karena metode pembelajaran yang digunakan dianggap baru oleh siswa sehingga perlu pembiasaan. 6) Respon siswa terhadap perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan menunjukkan respon positif. Simpulan yang bisa diambil pada penelitian ini adalah bahwa perangkat pembelajaran berbasis pendekatan saintifik yang dikembangkan valid, praktis, dan efektif diimplementasikan untuk melatihkan keterampilan berpikir dan pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi sifat cahaya kelas V SD. Kata-kata Kunci: Perangkat Pembelajaran, Pendekatan Saintifik, Keterampilan Berpikir, Pemahaman Konsep.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-17
Hervina Kiruna ◽  
Massus Subekti ◽  
Purwanto Gendroyono

The aims of this study are to : (1) find the necessity of electronic module, (2) find the process of the development module, (3) find the expediency, and (4) find the effectiveness of the electronic module based on Lectora Inspire on the subject Electric Motor Installation. The research method used is Research and Development method, while the product development model uses the ADDIE (Analysis,Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). This study uses questionnaire and questions test as the technique of collection data. The results of the study find that : (1) the analysis of the necessity of electronic module shows that as many 100% of the students have not used the electronic module yet, (2) the process of developing the learning as module is done in fivemain stages, which are Analysis,Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation, (3) feasibility testing is obtained on average 3,5 with the criteria “Very feasible” and concludes that the electronic module based on Lectora Inspire on teh subject Electric Motor Installation is feasible for learning., and (4) the effectiveness test is done by comparing the posttest grade of the experimental class with the posttest grade of the control class has the result of Tcount = 5,74 with the conlusion that the effectiveness of the use of Electronic Module based Lectora Inspire is higher or equal to the students that do not use the module in improving the learning outcomes of Electronic Motor Installation. Abstrak Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk:  (1)  mengetahui  kebutuhan  modul  elektronik  (2)  mengetahui  proses pengembangan modul, (3) mengetahui kelayakan dan (4) mengetahui keefektifan modul elektronik berbasis Lectora Inspire pada mata pelajaran Instalasi Motor Listrik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan (Research & Development) sedangkan model pengembangan produk yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE (Analysis,Design,Development,Implementation, dan Evaluation). Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan angket dan soal tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) analisis kebutuhan mengatakan sebanyak 100% siswa belum menggunakan modul elektronik (2) proses pengembangan modul pembelajaran dilakukan dalam lima tahapan utama yaitu Analysis,Design,Development,Implementation, dan Evaluation; (3) pengujian kelayakan didapatkan rata-rata 3,5  dengan kriteria “sangat layak” dan modul elektronik berbasis Lectora Inspire pada mata pelajaran Instalasi Motor Listrik   layak digunakan untuk proses pembelajaran; dan (4) pengujian keefektifan dilakukan dengan membandingkan nilai posttest kelas eksperimen dengan nilai posttest kelas kontrol didapatkan hasil nilai 

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Jafriansen Damanik

One’s ability to absorb and master the subject matter is different from one another. Some are able to learn quickly, some other are slow. This may be caused by the learning styles and also some aspects both from within and from outside. The purpose of this study was to find out what learning styles adopted by the students of STKIP Purnama, especially those who already work in both at school and in other institutions and also to identify the factors that influence the students’ learning activities. This research method applied were observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed that learning style that is applied by students STKIP Purnama, especially those who already work, is the auditory and visual learning styles. A total of 15 respondents applying auditory learning style, while 5 respondents applying visual learning style.Keywords : learning materials, learning style

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Fadil Muhammad ◽  
Muhiddin P Muhiddin P ◽  
Adnan Adnan

Abstract.  This Research and Development (R and D) concerns on learning media development that can be used as an alternative learning source of booklet on the subject of animal world sub chapter arthropoda. The R and D’s model used Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate (ADDIE). Validity test obtained from two expert validators and Practicality test obtained from the using of media by teacher and students. The Develop stage of this study conducted by validating e-magazine for further be implemented on SMAN 5 Jeneponto, Class of X MIA3. The number of subjects comprised of 35 students. Data collected from interview, observation and questionnaire. The result of validity test showed the average of media feasibility percentage is  85%. While the subject matter feasibility gained 86%. Both of these result showed very decent category which was meant that the media is feasible to be used. The average of teacher and students respond gained 91% and 89,2 % respectively toward positive respond. From the point of feasibility which had been evaluated by validity and practical test, this study can be conclude that booklet is valid and practice learning media to be implemented in learning process. Keywords: booklet, interactive, validity, practicality, arthropoda

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 389
Otang Kurniaman ◽  
Eddy Noviana

Implementation of the 2013 curriculum is very different from the previous curriculum, there are still many obstacles that we know greatly affect the learning outcomes, both in terms of media used, the assessment in the 2013 curriculum is more complicated than the previous curriculum then the methods used to convey the learning materials that want to be taught not effective or even incompatible with the material to be conveyed. This research method is a classroom action research conducted in improving the learning process, with four meetings. The assessment taken in this study is an evaluation evaluation of each meeting in the form of attitudinal value, value of knowledge and skill value based on teacher's book on theme 4 "Healthy is Important" with sub theme 1 "Importance of Health and Environment". On the attitudes that appear attitude of self-confidence, curiosity and independence Already entrusted by 20.68% confidence, and curiosity while mandated 6.2% lower because students are still not familiar with the implementation of the curriculum 2013. Results of student knowledge seen the development in excellent value at the first meeting of 36.4%, at the second meeting decreased to 30.3%, while at the third meeting experienced a 52.25% increase again. While on the results of these students' skills on four meetings emerged every meeting with a very good category at the first meeting of 18.1%, at the second meeting increased to 27.3%, the third meeting decreased to 20.68%, while at the fourth meeting increased again by 65.62%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Dewi Primasari

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Artikel ini merupakan hasil dari penelitian yang memfokuskan pada pokok permasalahan bagaimana proses revitalisasi tari Pakarena Laiyolo oleh Sanggar Selayar Art. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memahami dan menjelaskan setiap tahap proses revitalisasi yang dilakukan oleh sanggar Selayar Art untuk menghidupkan kembali tari Pakarena Laiyolo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan pendekatan interaksi analisis. Hasil penelitian yaitu memaparkan hasil kajian berupa proses yang dilakukan oleh Sanggar Selayar Art dalam upaya melestarikan tari Pakarena Laiyolo.</p><p><br />Kata kunci: Sanggar Selayar Art, tari Pakarena Laiyolo.</p><p><br />ABSTRACT</p><p><br />This article is the result of a study that focuses on the subject matter of how the process of revitalization of Pakarena Laiyolo dance is by Sanggar Selayar Art. The purpose of this study was to understand and explain each stage of the revitalization process carried out by the Selayar Art studio in order to revive Pakarena Laiyolo dance. The research method used is qualitative research method with an interaction analysis approach. The results describe about results of the study in the form of a process carried out by Selayar Art Studio in an effort to preserve the Pakarena Laiyolo dance.</p><p><br />Keywords: Selayar Art Studio, Pakarena Laiyolo Dance.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 173 ◽  
Ismalik Perwira Admadja ◽  
Eko Marpanaji

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menghasilkan multimedia pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran praktik individu instrumen pokok dasar, (2) mengetahui kelayakan multimedia pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran praktik individu instrumen pokok dasar, dan (3) mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa menggunakan multimedia pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran praktik individu instrumen pokok dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan dengan desain model pengembangan Stephen M. Alessi dan Stanley R. Trollip. Langkah-langkah pengembangannya yaitu: (1) perencanaan; (2) desain; dan (3) pengembangan. Teknik analisis data untuk uji coba produk menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) ditinjau dari aspek media dinilai “Sangat Baik” dengan skor 4,27 oleh ahli media;(2) ditinjau dari aspek materi dinilai “Sangat Baik” dengan skor 4,47 oleh ahli materi; (3) ditinjau dari aspek penggunaan dinilai “Sangat Baik” dengan skor 4,23 oleh siswa; (4) peningkatan hasil belajar siswa menunjukkan kenaikan rerata skor siswa kelas yang menggunakan multimedia sebesar 31,53 sedangkan kelas yang tidak menggunakan multimedia meningkat sebesar 20,11. Kata kunci: pengembangan, pembelajaran, multimedia pembelajaran, kelayakan. DEVELOPING LEARNING MULTIMEDIA OF INDIVIDUAL PRACTICE IN FUNDAMENTAL MUSIC INSTRUMENT FOR SMK STUDENTS IN THE EXPERTISE OF KARAWITAN Abstract The purposes of this research were: (1) to produce multimedia learning on the subject of individual practice in fundamental music instrument; (2) to determine the appropriateness of the learning multimedia in the subject of individual practice in fundamental music instrument; and (3) to determine the improvement in the students’ learning outcomes from the use of multimedia in teaching the subject of individual practice in fundamental music instrument.This research was a research and development, with the development model design by Alessi and Trollip. The development stages were as follows: (1) planning; (2) design; and (3) development. The data of the try-out of the product was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that: (1) the media aspects were rated "very good" with a score of 4.27 by the media expert; (2) the material aspects were rated "very good" with a score of 4.47 by the materials expert; (3) the aspects of using product were rated "very good" with a score of 4.23 by the students; (4)the improvement of the students’ learning outcomes in the class using the multimedia showed a mean score increase of 31.53 which was greater than that of the nonmultimedia class which was only 20.11. Keywords: development, learning, learning multimedia, appropriateness

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Sasmono Sasmono

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah pembelajaran menggunakan model Project Based Learning (PjBL) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pelajaran kimia dengan pokok bahasan Hakikat Ilmu Kimia, serta untuk mengetahui besar peningkatannya. Metode penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Variabel yang digunakan adalah peningkatan hasil belajar mencakup nilai kognitif dan psikomotorik. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan adalah pretes-postes, portofolio, lembar observasi, dan angket kuisioner. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh gambaran siswa yang mencapai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) nilai kognitif sebesar 97% dengan rata-rata nilai 82, siswa yang mencapai KKM nilai psikomotorik sebanyak 100% dengan rata-rata nilai 91. Terjadi peningkatan keberhasilan guru dalam menerapkan model pembelajaran PjBL pada siklus I sebesar 88% meningkat pada siklus II sebesar 97%. Peningkatan keaktifan rata-rata siswa pada siklus I sebesar 82%, meningkat pada siklus II sebesar 93%. Ketertarikan rata-rata siswa juga mengalami peningkatan pada siklus I sebesar 84% meningkat pada siklus II sebesar 92%. Hasil observasi penerapan PjBL secara keseluruhan menunjukkan nilai sangat baik yaitu 95. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran menggunakan model Project Based Learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pokok materi hakikat ilmu kimia.   Project Based Learning to Improve Student Learning Outcome in Chemistry Lessons with the Subject Matter of the Nature of Chemistry Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine whether learning using the Project Based Learning model can improve student learning outcomes in chemistry lessons with the subject matter of the nature of Chemistry, and to determine the magnitude of the increase. Classroom Action Research is carried out in 2 cycles. The variables used are improvement in learning outcomes including cognitive, and psychomotor values. The instruments used were pretest-posttest, portfolio, observation sheet, and questionnaire questionnaire. Data were analyzed qualitatively descriptive. From the results of the study obtained a picture of students who reached KKM cognitive value as much as 97% with an average value of 82, students who achieved KKM psychomotor value as much as 100% with an average value of 91. There was an increase in the success of teachers in applying the PjBL learning model in the first cycle of 88%, increasing in the second cycle by 97%. The increase in the average activity of students in the first cycle was 82%, increasing in the second cycle by 93%. The average interest of students also increases in the first cycle by 84%, increasing in the second cycle by 92%. Observation of the application of PjBL as a whole shows a very good value of 95. Based on the results of the analysis of the data shows that learning using the Project Based Learning model can improve student learning outcomes of the subject matter of the nature of chemistry.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 233
Indri Triyani Putri ◽  
Dyah Lyesmaya ◽  
Arsyi Rizqia Amalia

This study aims to analyze the indicators of tolerance character contained in the material for the fourth grade students of SD Tema The Beauty of Diversity in My Country. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The research method used was content analysis. The data taken in this study were the load of tolerance characters in the sentences contained in the student books on social studies material. The subject used in this research is the book of the fourth grade students of the 2013 curriculum at the theme The Beauty of Diversity in My Country. The data analysis technique is done by reducing data, presenting the data which is divided into two stages, namely data classification, data description and interpretation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that all indicators of tolerance character contained in textbook learning materials, the distribution of tolerance character indicators in learning materials was evenly distributed, except for the anti-phobia sub-indicators contained in the aspect of peace (not included in theme 7), techniques for integrating tolerance character indicators with material learning is carried out through reading texts contained in student books.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
Ashar Hasairin ◽  
Dewi Apriyanti

This study aims to determine the improvement of student learning result and activities by using the cooperative learning model of Talking Chips type on the subject matter of Biodiversity in class X MIA1 MAN 1 Medan T.P. 2018/2019. The research method is classroom action research and the subject of this research are students of class X MIA1 as many as 35 people. The instrument that used in the study are test of student learning result namely pretest and postest as many as 30 questions and observation sheets of student activities. The results showed that based on the learning result of the first cycle, the average score of pretest was 40.6 increased to 68.6 in the postest. At the second cycle, there was an increase from 62.8 in the pretest to 74.5 in the postest. In this study, the data of individual and classical learning completeness criteria are obtained as follows: as many as 30 out of 35 students or 85.72% who scored above 70 or equal to 70, and 5 other students or 14.28% got a score below 70. Based on observations of student activities, the percentage of students who were active in the first cycle was 48.2% with total of students 17 out of 35 students, and students who were active in the second cycle was 80% with total of students 28 from 35 students

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