2018 ◽  
pp. 32-45 ◽  
Марина МАХОТАЕВА ◽  
Marina MAHOTAEVA ◽  

The article explores interregional sectoral cooperation in provincial regions of the North-Western Federal District (interregional cooperation in “center- periphery” format is not considered in the research). The article is aimed at developing theoretical and methodological support for interregional sectoral cooperation. The research subject includes interregional sectoral cooperation of the North-Western Federal District provincial regions. The hypothesis of the research is defined as follows: the comparison of the closeness of economic integration and economic coherence level makes it possible to identify the structure of interregional cluster and the interaction model inside it. The methodology of the research includes the following steps: determination of economic integration closeness by means of content analysis of target regions’ strategic documents; evaluation of target regions’ economic coherence level with the use of correlation analysis between the rates of gross regional product growth; developing proposal for creating interregional clusters for target regions. The research result is the models of interregional sectoral cooperation, created by the authors, as well as proposals for building up interregional clus- ters in Pskov region, namely manufacturing, construction and tourism cboth within the framework of the state governance and cluster management. The line for further research can be seen in the improving the methodological support for interregional cooperation in specific sectors of regional economy, in the first place, in the sectors which are recognized in provincial regions of the North-Western Federal District as the priorities of socio-economic develop- ment: agribusiness, forestry, and tourism. The article was supported by the Russian Foundation for Humanities. Grant №16-12-60002 dated 10.05.2016. lusters. The significance of the research results is defined by the possibility of their use

2020 ◽  
Vol 208 ◽  
pp. 09041
Y.V. Dmitrieva ◽  
G.A. Galkovskiy

This article presents the results of an interdisciplinary study aimed at identifying the effectiveness of introducing productive educational technologies into the system of ecologically oriented higher education in the Humanities. The system of higher humanitarian education is viewed in the context of sustainable development of the Russian Federation border territories (on the example of the Pskov Region). The author’s solution for the development of higher humanitarian education in the context of sustainable development of the border territories of the North-Western Federal District is presented.

Yuliya Novikova ◽  
Alexander Shakhmatov ◽  
Maria Salyah

The relevance of the study of individual psychological characteristics of employees of criminal investigation departments in transport in the North-Western Federal district of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the NWFD) in relation to indicators of professional deformation is due to the specific features of their official activities. Despite a significant amount of research on the phenomenon of professional deformity of police officers, there are few thoroughly developed and completed works on the prevention of professional deformities of police officers. The purpose of our research was to study the individual psychological characteristics of employees of criminal investigation departments in connection with the risk of professional deformation. The results of the empirical study were processed by correlation and factor analysis (49 parameters). The results of the initial analysis showed that the overall assessment of job satisfaction among employees of the studied departments is average with a downward trend. The results of the study on «professional burnout» revealed that a number of employees surveyed are close to emotional exhaustion. It is established that empathic abilities, social intelligence, and constructive coping strategies play an important role in the structure of individual psychological characteristics of police officers. Low ability of employees to learn behavior determines non-constructive strategies and models for coping with stressful situations, which leads to deformation of relationships with other people, i.e. to professional deformation. The obtained data can be used as the basis for the program of psychoprophylaxis of professional deformation of criminal investigation units in transport in the northwestern Federal district.

В. М. Мерабишвили ◽  
Д. М. Дубовиченко ◽  
М. Ю. Вальков ◽  
А. М. Щербаков ◽  
Э. Н. Мерабишвили

Рак прямой кишки (РПК) - это злокачественная опухоль дистального отдела толстой кишки эпителиального происхождения. Ежегодно в России регистрируется более 30 тыс. (30 969 в 2018 г.) новых случаев РПК и 16 тыс. (16 151) случаев смерти. Индекс достоверности учета (отношение числа умерших к заболевшим) составляет 0,52 %. РПК относится к локализациям со средним уровнем летальности. В Северо-Западном Федеральном округе зарегистрировано более 3 тыс. первичных случаев РПК (3 285 в 2018 г.). Государственная статистика РПК представляет данные о заболеваемости и смертности населения по трем рубрикам МКБ-10 вместе (С19-21). Детальная разработка данных не только отдельно по каждой рубрике МКБ-10, но и по четвертому знаку возможна только по материалам баз данных раковых регистров. Созданный нами Популяционный раковый регистр Северо-Западного Федерального округа насчитывал на 01.01.2019 г. более 1 млн (1 067 661) случаев злокачественных новообразований (ЗНО), в том числе РПК - 50 745 случаев, или 4,8 %. Удельный вес РПК близок к среднероссийскому - 4,9 %. В работе представлена детальная структура онкологической патологии по РПК. Ведущая роль из трех указанных рубрик принадлежит ЗНО прямой кишки (С20) - 75,4 %; 19,8 % приходится на ЗНО ректосигмоидного отдела (С19) и только 4,7 % на С21 - ЗНО ануса и анального канала. По всем этим рубрикам представлена динамика структуры, которая оказалась достаточно устойчивой. Rectal cancer is a malignant tumor of the distal colon of epithelial origin. Every year, more than 30,000 (30 969 - 2018) new cases of Rectal cancer and 16,000 deaths (16 151) are registered in Russia. The index of reliability of accounting (the ratio of the number of dead to sick) is 0,52 %. Rectal cancer refers to localities with an average mortality rate. In the North-Western Federal district, more than 3 thousand primary cases of Rectal cancer were registered (3285 - 2018). The state statistics of the Rectal cancer provides data on morbidity and mortality in three categories of ICD-10 together (C19-21). Detailed development of data not only separately for each category of ICD-10, but also for the fourth sign is possible only from the data bases of cancer registers. As of 01.01.2019, the Population cancer register of the North-Western Federal district created by us totaled more than 1 million cases of malignant tumors (1 067 661), including Rectal cancer - 50 745 cases, or 4,8 %. The share of the Rectal cancer is close to the national average - 4,9 %. The article presents a detailed structure of cancer pathology in Rectal cancer. The leading role of the 3 specified categories belongs to the rectal malignant tumors (C20) - 75,4 %, 19,8 % falls on the malignant tumors of the rectosigmoid department (C19) and only 4,7 % on the C21 - malignant tumors of the anus and anal canal. For all these categories, the dynamics of the structure is presented, which proved to be quite stable.

В. М. Мерабишвили ◽  
В. К. Гуркало ◽  
Э. Н. Мерабишвили

Рак печени (РП) - тяжелейшая онкопатология. В России смертность превышает число первично-учтенных больных в среднем. Ежегодно в России регистрируют более 8 тыс. (8 810 - в 2018 г.) случаев рака печени и более 10 тыс. (10 018 - в 2018 г.) случаев смерти от этой причины. Использованы стандартные методы медицинской статистики, все зарегистрированные первичные случаи РП в России. Углубленная разработка материала проведена на основе базы данных Популяционного ракового регистра Северо-Западного Федерального округа РФ. Проанализированы данные всего комплекса доступной информации в целом по России. Установлен прирост заболеваемости РП населения России за 18 лет в «грубых» показателях и абсолютных числах на 20% и в стандартизованных - на 1,22%. У женщин отмечено снижение учтенных случаев РП на 4,55%. Смертность населения России в стандартизованных показателях снизилась за 18 лет практически на 3%. Превышение числа умерших над заболевшими от РП существенно возрастает в старших возрастных группах. Индекс достоверности учета (ИДУ) - это отношение абсолютных чисел или «грубых» показателей смертности населения к заболеваемости. Для всех злокачественных новообразований (ЗНО) величина в среднем по России составила 0,47, практически совпадающая со среднеевропейской. ИДУ у мужчин - 0,55, выше расчетных показателей для женщин - 0,40, что в первую очередь связано с более благоприятной структурой заболеваемости женщин ЗНО. Медиана выживаемости первичных больных РП составляет немногим более 3 мес. Пятилетняя выживаемость больных РП даже на ранних стадиях составляет у лиц моложе 60 лет с I стадией - 25,3%, старше 60 лет - только 17,2%, со II стадией - 17,9 и 11% соответственно. Liver cancer is a severe oncopathology. Mortality exceeds the number of primary-accounted patients in Russia on average. Every year in Russia more than eight thousand (8 810 in 2018) cases of liver cancer and more than 10 000 (10 018 in 2018) deaths from this cause are registered. Used Standard methods of medical statistics, all registered primary cases of liver cancer in Russia. In-depth development of the material was carried out on the basis of the database of the Population cancer register of the North-Western Federal district of the Russian Federation. The analysis of the data of the whole complex of available information in Russia as a whole is carried out. In-depth data development was carried out on the basis of the database of the Population cancer register of the North-Western Federal district of the Russian Federation. The increase in the incidence of liver cancer in Russia over 18 years in «rough» indicators and absolute numbers by 20 % and in standardized by 1,22 % was established. In women, there was a decrease in reported cases of liver cancer by 4,55 %. The mortality rate of the Russian population in standardized indicators has decreased by almost 3 % over 18 years. The excess of the number of deaths over those from liver cancer increases significantly in older age groups. The index of reliability of accounting is the ratio of absolute numbers or «rough» indicators of mortality to morbidity. For all malignant tumors, its value on average in Russia was 0,47, almost coinciding with the average European. The index of reliability of accounting for men is 0,55, higher than the calculated indicators for women - 0,40, which is primarily due to a more favorable structure of the incidence of malignant tumors in women. The median survival of primary liver cancer patients is a little more than three months. The fi ve-year survival rate of patients with liver cancer even in the early stages is in the first among persons younger than 60 years - 25,3 %, over 60 years - only 17,2 %, in the second, respectively, 17,9 and 11%.

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 113-123

В статье рассматриваются особенности взаимосвязи, инертность и изменчивость динамики доходов населения и показателей валового регионального продукта в субъектах Северо-Кавказского федерального округа. В условиях стагнации российской экономики в последние годы проблема роста валового регионального продукта и доходов населения в депрессивных регионах Северного Кавказа приобретает особую значимость. Проведенный авторами корреляционный анализ доходов населения и валового регионального продукта за 2000-2018 гг. методом Пирсона выявил, что, в отличие от российских регионов в целом с их достаточно сильной связью между валовым региональным продуктом и доходами населения, в регионах Северного Кавказа наблюдалось очень значительное расхождение в коэффициентах корреляции. В частности, в Северной Осетии в течение 2011-2015 гг. экономический рост и доходы населения находились в состоянии слабой зависимости, а уже в 2015-2018 гг. эта связка стала почти идеальной, когда коэффициент корреляции достиг 0,99. Резкие скачки в тесноте связей ВРП и доходов населения имели место в Дагестане, Карачаево-Черкессии, в то время как относительно стабильная динамика коэффициентов корреляции ВРП с доходами была характерна для Ингушетии. В Кабардино-Балкарии и Ставропольском крае, где были отмечены низкие и отрицательные значения коэффициентов корреляции, в динамике доходов населения и экономическим ростом проявилась либо слабая связь, либо обратная связь, когда увеличение одной переменной приводит к уменьшению другой. В целом, разнонаправленность динамики показателей валового регионального продукта и доходов населения в регионах СКФО отражает неэффективность экономической политики и необходимость более дифференцированного подхода к отдельным территориям макрорегиона. The article discusses the features of the relationship, inertia and variability of the dynamics of household income and gross regional product indicators in the subjects of the North Caucasian Federal District. In the context of the stagnation of the Russian economy in recent years, the problem of the growth of GRP and income of the population in the depressed regions of the North Caucasus is of particular importance. The authors' correlation analysis of the population's income and the gross regional product for 2000-2018 according to Pearson method revealed that, in contrast to the Russian regions as a whole with their rather strong relationship between the gross regional product and the population's income, there was a very significant discrepancy in the correlation coefficients in the regions of the North Caucasus. In particular, in North Ossetia, during 2011-2015, economic growth and income of the population were in a state of weakened mutual dependence, and already in 2015-2018, this link became almost perfect, when the correlation coefficient reached 0.99. Sharp changes in the close relationship between GRP and income of the population occurred in Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia, while the relatively stable dynamics of the correlation coefficients of GRP with income was characteristic of Ingushetia. In Kabardino-Balkaria and Stavropol Krai, where low and negative values of correlation coefficients were noted, the dynamics of household income and economic growth showed either a weak relationship or an inverse relationship, when an increase in one variable leads to a decrease in the other. In general, the divergence of the dynamics of the gross regional product and income indicators in the regions of the NCFD reflects the inefficiency of economic policy and the need for a more differentiated approach to individual territories of the macroregion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-20
Natalia Antonova ◽  

An assessment of spatial changes in the timber industry complex in Russia has been carried out. Based on the estimates obtained, it was concluded that the traditional leaders, which include the regions of the North-Western and Siberian Federal Districts, continue to determine the all-Russian trends in the timber industry. In the production of unprocessed wood and sawn wood, there has been a significant spatial shift in favor of the regions of the Siberian Federal District, which entailed an increase in the production of timber products on a national scale. The main factors that influenced the spatial shifts in the timber industry are identified, the leading role of the factors of external markets and internal institutional changes is shown, and their influence on the parameters of regional timber industry complexes is considered

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 78-86
Chulpan I. Ildarhanova ◽  

Theoretical and methodological base of the research includes socio-demographic, thesaurus and generational approaches. Scientific and methodical base of the research is a survey held in the Volga Federal District (Republic of Tatarstan) and the North-Western Federal District (Vologda Region). This study reflects the rupture of the family thesaurus, the loss of the authoritarian value system of family relations, which leads to the leveling of responsibility, distortion of the forms of family relations, and orientation to false family values. Transmission of marital and reproductive behavior of Russian men in intergenerational aspect is analyzed on the base of the empiric survey, the role of father in comparative correlation with transmission of value heritage of fatherhood image is discovered. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify, based on the original methodology, problem areas for the implementation of various models of generative behavior of Russian men in the conditions of transformation of family and parenting institutions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-20
A.A. Starshinova ◽  
D.A. Kudlay ◽  
A.Ya. Starshinova ◽  
I.F. Dovgalyuk ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 188-190
V S Skripov ◽  
N V Semenova ◽  
L V Kochorova ◽  
A A Shvedova ◽  
I I Chekhonadsky

The results of the telemedicine advisory center, organized on the basis of the Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute, for the semi-annual period (from October 2018 to March 2019). The center provides scheduled consultations on the profiles of «psychiatry» and «psychiatry - narcology». Consultations are organized through the circulation of documents in the system developed by the Ministry of Health of Russia and the All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine «Protection». For half a year of work of the telemedicine center from the subordinate regions (Southern, North-Western, North-Caucasian and Volga federal districts) 76 requests for consultations were received. More than half (57,9%) of patients requiring telemedicine consultation were women. The largest number of requests for telemedicine consultations came in February 2019. It has been established that the Southern Federal District showed the greatest interest in consultations with the use of telemedicine technologies, the number of their requests was 35,5%, and the smallest number of requests came from the North-West Federal District. 88,2% of all complaints were in the «psychiatry» profile, 11,8% - «psychiatry - narcology». 90,9% of women and84.4% of men received counseling on the «psychiatry» profile. 30,2% of requests were returned to doctors for revision, due to the lack of completeness of the documents provided. At the end of the consultation, a medical report is sent to the attending physician, which indicates recommendations for the further management of the patient. Recommendations on the need for additional examinations and the appointment of drug therapy received 52,8% of patients, respectively.

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