scholarly journals Karakteristik dan Pengetahuan Pasien tentang BPJS Kesehatan di Puskesmas Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk

Lusiana Apriani ◽  
Nanda Aula Rumana

Abstrak Berdasarkan amanat Undang-Undang RI Nomor 24 tahun 2011 tentang Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial, sejak 1 Januari 2014 Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Kesehatan mulai berlaku dan ditargetkan mulai 1 Januari 2019 semua warga negara sudah terdaftar menjadi peserta BPJS yang tentu berdampak meningkatnya jumlah pasien di pelayanan kesehatan tingkat 1. Meningkatnya jumlah peserta BPJS mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan masyarakat salah satunya adalah faktor pengetahuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan pasien tentang BPJS Kesehatan melalui beberapa indikator antara lain dari peserta jaminan kesehatan, anggota keluarga yang ditanggung, hak dan kewajiban peserta, pendaftaran menjadi peserta, perubahan data kepesertaan, iuran, denda keterlambatan, penghentian pelayanan kesehatan, fasilitas bagi peserta, manfaat akomodasi rawat inap, pelayanan kesehatan yang dijamin, alur pelayanan kesehatan, tata cara mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan, dan pelayanan kesehatan yang tidak dijamin. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan di Puskesmas Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat sebanyak 85 responden dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui angket. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan peserta BPJS masih rendah, peserta BPJS memilih rumah sakit yang bekerja sama dengan BPJS sesuai keinginan, keterlambatan iuran 2 bulan masih dapat digunakan untuk mendapat pelayanan kesehatan, dan peserta BPJS kelas III dapat dirawat di kelas I. Disarankan kepada pihak Puskesmas Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk untuk mensosialisasikan tentang rujukan berjenjang dari Faskes 1 ke Faskes berikutnya, dan perlu menginformasikan agar menyelesaikan denda keterlambatan iuran untuk mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan, serta manfaat akomodasi rawat inap berlaku pada kenaikan kelas. Kata kunci: pengetahuan, pasien, BPJS Kesehatan Abstract Based on the rules of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 24 of 2011 concerning the Guarantee Organizing Agency Socially, since January 1, 2014 the Health Insurance Organizing Agency will be effective and targeted to start January 1, 2019 all citizens have been registered as BPJS participants which certainly has an increasing number of patients 1. Increasing BPJS participants influence the level of community satisfaction, one of which is the knowledge factor. Research This aims to determine the level of knowledge of patients about BPJS Health through several indicators include participants from health insurance, family members who are covered, rights and obligations participant, registration as participant, change in membership data, contributions, late fees, termination health services, facilities for participants, benefits of inpatient accommodation, guaranteed health services, health service flow, procedures for obtaining health services, and health services not guaranteed. Research uses quantitative methods with descriptive approaches. The research was conducted in the Kebon Jeruk District Health Center, West Jakarta, there were 85 respondents with collection techniques data through questionnaires. The results of the study show that the level of knowledge of BPJS participants is still low, BPJS participants choose hospitals that work with BPJS as desired, late contribution 2 months can still be used to get health services, and class III BPJS participants can be treated in class I. It is recommended to the Kebon Jeruk District Health Center to socialize about tiered referrals from Health Facilities 1 to the next Health Facilities, and need to inform them to complete late fees for obtaining health services, as well as the benefits of inpatient accommodation applies to class increases. Keywords: knowledge, patients, BPJS Health

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 1288
Delli Aridasari ◽  
Erma Puspita Sari ◽  
Siti Aisyah Hamid ◽  
Eka Rahmawati

Based on Permenkes No.97 of 2014 Article 14, i.e. paragraph one states that childbirth must be carried out in a health facility. Based on data from the 2019 RI Ministry of Health, South Sumatra Health Office 2019, Riskesdes 2019, South Sumatra Health Office 2019, Muara Enim District Health Office and Sukarami Health Center there are still deliveries that are not carried out in health facilities. Deliveries that are not carried out at a health facility will lead to complications of childbirth, delay in getting services if complications occur and increase the risk of infection.  The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge, mother's attitude and family support with the lack of interest of mothers giving birth in health facilities. This study uses an analytical survey with quantitative methods with a cross sectional research design. This research was conducted in August 2021 at the Sukarami Health Center, Sungai Rotan District, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra. The population of this study were all mothers giving birth in the work area of the Sukarami Health Center in 2021, amounting to 301 people. The sample used amounted to 75 of the population taken by using the formula for determining the sample. Data analysis used univariate analysis (proportion) and bivariate analysis (chi square test). The results of the analysis showed that knowledge (p value = 0.022), Mother's Attitude (p value = 0.032) and Family Support (p value = 0.018) had a significant relationship with mothers giving birth in health facilities. The conclusion of this study is that there is an influence between knowledge, mother's attitude and family support with the lack of interest of mothers giving birth in health facilities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 440-447
Sirin Fairus ◽  
Siti Rohajawati ◽  
Prismita Nursetyowati ◽  
Diki Surya Irawan ◽  
Deffi Ayu Puspito Sari

Purpose of the study: Hazardous solid medical waste, contains infectious, pathologic, sharp objects, pharmaceuticals, cytotoxic, chemical, radioactive, pressurized containers, and has a high heavy metal content and endangering the community. The Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia No.56 of 2015 regulates hazardous waste, but the study of the implementation and compliance with the regulation are still limited. Methodology: Qualitative descriptive method is carried out to describe and explain the condition of variables contained in the object of research. Main Findings: In general, the health center in Depok has carried out sorting consisting of sharp medical waste and non-sharp and reduced hazardous waste. The composition of non-sharp hazardous medical waste ranges from 55% to 96%. Applications of this study: Primary data collection was carried out in 11 Health Center in 11 sub-districts of Depok City. Novelty/Originality of this study: The number of sub-district residents does not always determine the average number of patients coming from the health center which ranges from 100-300 patients. With the average number of patients coming in at 300 people/day, Cipayung health center produced 1,821 grams/day, in contrast to Pancoran Mas and Sukmajaya which produced 2,398 and 3,357.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (8) ◽  
pp. 248-251
Ronaldus Asto Dadut

This study aims to analyze the influence of service quality, health facilities, and waiting times partially and simultaneously on outpatient satisfaction partially in the Bondo Kodi Public Health Center. This research was based on the results of preliminary observations that show the level of satisfaction of patien was still relatively low on health services provided. This research was explanatory research with quantitative approaches. This study was conducted in the Bondo Kodi Public Health Center. The population used in this study were all patients who had utilized health services. The sampling technique was done by purposive sampling, namely by using criteria. Data collection used questionnaires. Then the data analysis used was multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study showed that service quality (0.000), health facilities (0.030), and waiting time (0.031) influence patient satisfaction at the Bondo Kodi Public Health Center. The results explained that improvements in the quality of services and health facilities will improve patient satisfaction, but at an increasingly shorter waiting time it will also increase patient satisfaction in Bondo Kodi Health Center. Keywords: service quality; health facilities; waiting time; satisfaction

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-88
Agus Warseno

Background: The basic health services to the community is one of the development efforts of community approach which is undertaken by the health centers, namely PHN (Public Health Nursing). PHN aims to increase community self-reliance to achieve an optimal degree. Nurses in Health Center requires competence to provides health services in PHN Objective: The study aims to know the knowledge of nurses in health centers that have PHN programme in Sleman. Methods: The research is quantitative descriptive study. The study population was nurses in the health center of Gamping I, Ngaglik I, and Ngemplak I Sleman, as many as 16 nurses. The study uses total sampling technique. Data were analyzed using univariate analysis techniques. Results: The results showed a majority of female respondents characteristics as much as 81.2%, the Education level of majority of respondents were Diploma of Nursing as much as 93.8%, The level of knowledge of nurses about the aspects of the basic concept of PHN in sufficient category with a percentage of 56.2%, The level of knowledge of nurses about aspects of PHN in sufficient category has percentage of 87.6%, the level of knowledge of nurses about the aspect of minimal competence and the role of nurses in health centers is mostly in sufficient category with a percentage of 50.0%, The level of knowledge of nurses about aspects of the reporting of PHN more with enough category with a percentage of 81.3%, the level of knowledge of nurses about PHN are equal for good category and sufficient category with a percentage of 50.0%. Conclusion: The level of nurse knowledge about PHN is the same between good and sufficient categories Keyword: Knowledge, Public Health Nursing, Nurse

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 40-56
Rissa Afni Rissa ◽  
Aditia Arief Firmanto

The implementation of traditional medical practices is supported by several regulations including the Minister of Health Decree No. 1076 / MENKES / SK / VII / 2003 concerning Organizers of Traditional Medicine and Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health. This research was conducted using the normative-empirical method. The study population was taken by purposive sampling according to the research objectives. Data analysis in this legal analysis research uses qualitative methods. The rules and conditions set for the management of traditional medical practices in Bandar Lampung City are guided by PerMenKes No. 61 of 2016 concerning Empirical Traditional Health Services, PP of the Republic of Indonesia No. 103 of 2014 concerning Traditional Health Services and Decree of the Head of Lampung Provincial Health Office Number 442 regarding Guidelines for Developing Traditional Health Services in Lampung Province in 2009. The resulting legal analysis is evident from 60 respondents that there are 39 people or 65% already know that the traditional medicine where they seek treatment already have a permit, this will increase the confidence of patients to seek treatment to a legal license. The results of the study of 60 patient respondents were only 3 people who were given health insurance by traditional medical providers. While the remaining 57 patient respondents were not given health insurance by traditional medical providers. This proves that only 5% of traditional medicine dares to give health insurance to their patients. Patients or people who seek treatment are entitled to health insurance following the legal basis for health insurance. The Bandar Lampung City Health Office has not optimally conducted supervision and education on traditional medicine in the Bandar Lampung City. It is hoped that the mayor's regulations will effectively regulate traditional medical practices, preventive measures, and make patients more selective in choosing health healing facilities.

Selma Siahaan

Abstrak Studi terhadap faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap pemanfaatan fasyankes swasta dengan analisis lanjut terhadap data Riskesdas 2013 diikuti oleh studi kualitatif yaitu wawancara mendalam terhadap pengguna layanan rawat jalan di 7 fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan swasta masing-masing 5 orang di Kota Tangerang. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap pemanfaatan fasyankes swasta. Kerangka konsep mengikuti kerangka Green L, yaitu melakukan penilaian terhadap faktor predisposing, enabling dan reinforcing. Hasilnya adalah faktor yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pemanfaatan fasyankes swasta adalah usia, pekerjaan, kepemilikan asuransi dan untuk penyakit TB paru, diabetes, hepatitis dan hipertensi. Hasil studi kualitatif memperlihatkan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap pemanfaatan fasyankes swasta tidak berbeda dengan hasil analisis lanjut, yaitu: jarak (akses) dan kepemilikan asuransi kesehatan. Studi ini merekomendasikan bahwa pemerintah perlu intens mendorong peningkatan kualitas fasyankes baik fasyankes pemerintah maupun swasta agar sama-sama memenuhi ekspektasi dan kebutuhan masyarakat dan juga pengaturan, distribusi dan pembinaan terhadap fasyankes swasta. Kata kunci: fasyankes, rawat jalan, asuransi kesehatan, Riskesdas 2013 Abstract It has been conducted study about factors influencing the utilization of private health facilities by further analyses towards Riskesdas 2013 data and followed by qualitative study i.e in-depth interviewed on outpatients in 7 private health care facilities that 5 people respectively in Tangerang city. The aim of this study was to find out factors that influence significantly to the utilization of private health services facilities. Conceptual framework followed Green L concept that is assessment to predisposing, enabling dan reinforcing factors. The results was that ages, occupation and having health insurance were factors that influencing significantly to th the utilization. In addition, TB pulmonary, diabetes, hepatitis and hypertension diseases was also significant. The qualitative study showed factors that influence the utilization of private health services facilities were not far different with the results of further study of Riskesdas 2013 i.e. access (distance) and having health insurance. This study recommended that government should push intensively the improvement of quality health services in public and private health facilities to fulfilled expectation and need of people. In addition, the Government should also continuing to regulate and to guidance private health facilities. Keywords: health services facilities, outpatients, health insurance, Riskesdas 2013

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Maman Saputra ◽  
Lenie Marlinae ◽  
Fauzie Rahman ◽  
Dian Rosadi

<p>Jaminan kesehatan nasional (JKN) mulai beroperasi sejak 1 Januari 2014. Pelaksanaan jaminan kesehatan di Kabupaten Tabalong, masih mengalami beberapa permasalahan seperti SDM pelaksana pelayanan kesehatan yang masih belum mencukupi baik dari segi kuantitas, distribusi dan kualitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan evaluasi program JKN dari aspek SDM pelaksana pelayanan kesehatan di Kabupaten Tabalong periode Januari-Juni 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan <em>mix method </em>dengan desain urutan pembuktian <em>sequential explanatory</em>. Subjek penelitian berasal dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tabalong, RSUD H. Badaruddin, Puskesmas Kelua dan BPJS Kesehatan. Hasil evaluasi konteks, informan memahami mengenai batasan JKN, <em>roadmap</em> dan hambatan program. Hasil evaluasi input SDM pelaksana pelayanan kesehatan, kuantitas masih mengalami kekurangan 136 orang. Distribusi di Puskesmas Kelua sudah sesuai dengan standar ketenagaan di puskesmas tetapi kuantitasnya masih belum sesuai standar rasio per 100.000 jumlah penduduk. Distribusi di RSUD H. Badaruddin berdasarkan standar ketenagaan kesehatan di rumah sakit sudah sesuai, kecuali untuk dokter spesialis. Penilaian kualitas SDM di Puskesmas Kelua belum menggunakan standar Kepmenkes Nomor 857 Tahun 2009. Sedangkan di RSUD H. Badaruddin masih menggunakan penilaian Daftar Penilaian Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan (DP3). Hasil evaluasi proses, kuantitas sudah meningkat tetapi masih mengalami kekurangan 82 orang. Distribusi di Puskesmas Kelua tidak ada perubahan. Distribusi di RSUD H. Badaruddin mengalami penambahan tenaga keperawatan. Penilaian kualitas SDM di Puskesmas Kelua tidak ada perubahan. Penilaian SDM di RSUD H. Badaruddin menggunakan Penilaian Prestasi Kerja Pegawai (PKP). Evaluasi output menunjukkan belum ada perubahan kuantitas, distribusi dan kualitas dari hasil evaluasi proses. Pelaksanaan JKN di Kabupaten Tabalong sudah berjalan, baik dari aspek peraturan perundangan, kepesertaan, pelayanan kesehatan, keuangan dan tata kelola organisasi. Ada beberapa hambatan seperti peraturan daerah masih kurang dan kurangnya jumlah SDM pelaksana pelayanan kesehatan. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya upaya penambahan kuantitas dan pemerataan distribusi SDM pelaksana pelayanan kesehatan oleh Pemerintah Daerah dan upaya memaksimalkan jumlah dan kualitas SDM pelaksana pelayanan kesehatan yang tersedia.<strong><em></em></strong><strong></strong></p><p align="center"> </p><p><em>National health insurance (JKN) started operating on January 1, 2014. The implementation of health insurance in Tabalong, still have some problems such as health services workforce are still not enough in terms of quantity, distribution and quality. This study aims to evaluate the JKN program of </em><em>health services </em><em>workforce aspects in Tabalong period January to June 2014. This study used a mixed method design </em><em>with</em><em> sequential explanatory. Study subjects were from the Department of Health Tabalong, H. Badaruddin Hospital, </em><em>Kelua </em><em>Health Center and BPJS Health. The results of the evaluation context, informants understand the JKN restrictions, roadmap and program obstacle</em><em>s</em><em>. The results of the evaluation of</em><em> health services</em><em> workforce inputs, the quantity is still deficient 136 people. Distribution in Kelua Health Center is appropriate with the standard for personnel in health centers but the quantity is still not appropriate </em><em>with the </em><em>ratio per 100,000 of population standard. Distribution in H. Badaruddin hospital</em><em> </em><em>based health workforce standards in hospitals is appropriate, except to specialists. Assessment of the quality of human resources in </em><em>Kelua </em><em>Health Center </em><em>not </em><em>using Kepmenkes No. 857 of 2009</em><em> </em><em>standard. While in H. Badaruddin</em><em> </em><em>hospital still use assessment Implementation Assessment Work List (DP3). The results of the evaluation process, the quantity has increased but is still deficient 82 people. Distribution in Kelua Health Center no change. Distribution in H. Badaruddin hospital</em><em> </em><em>have additional </em><em>for </em><em>nursing staff. Assessment of the quality of human resources in the </em><em>Kelua </em><em>Health Center no change. Assessment of human resources in H. Badaruddin hospital</em><em> </em><em>using Employee Job Performance Assessment (PKP). Evaluation of the output shows no change in the quantity, distribution and quality of the results of the evaluation process. Implementation JKN in Tabalong already running, both from the aspect of legislation, participation, health care, financial and organizational governance. There are several obstacles such as local regulation are still lacking and the lack of </em><em>workforce</em><em> for the services of health.</em><em> </em><em>Therefore, efforts are needed to increase the quantity and distribution of health workforce by local government and maximizing the amount and quality of available health workforce.</em></p>

Indriasari . ◽  
Nopri Esmeralda

According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health diarrhea is still one of the main public health problems. This is caused by the high rate of illness and causes many deaths, especially in infants and toddlers often and often causes extraordinary events. according to the Batam City Health Department Data Report states that the incidence of diarrhea in 2011 was 60,670 cases and those receiving treatment in health services were 30,556 cases. Diarrhea is an environmental disease. There are two dominant factors, namely clean water facilities and faeces disposal. Both of these factors affect the knowledge and attitudes of mothers with the incidence of diarrhea in children. The mother's knowledge and the mother's attitude are very influential in the occurrence of diarrhea. If your knowledge is good, then you will know how to treat sick diarrhea at home and you will also know about the signs to bring your child to seek treatment or to refer to a health facility. Some health services carried out at the community one of them conduct counseling to cope with the incidence of diarrhea and change the behavior of people who still do not understand the importance of a clean environment to be free from disease. This research is a type of quantitative research. With a quasi-experimental research design. This research was conducted at Batu Aji Public Health Center in Batam City in July 2018. The population in this study was mothers who had children and went to Batu Aji Health Center in 2018. The population of this study consisted of 80 respondents with a sample of 40 in the experimental group and 40 in the group control. data processing using computerization. Then the data were analyzed by Univariate and Bivariate with paired T-Tests. The results of this study were obtained in the experimental group who were given counseling with an average value higher than the control group while the paired T-Test results showed a P-Value of 0,000 for the level of knowledge and attitude so that we can state that there is an influence counseling on the level of knowledge and attitudes. There is an influence of counseling media on the level of knowledge and attitudes of mothers about diarrhea in children in the Batam Aji Puskesmas

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 182
Sutarno Sutarno

<em>Since the enactment of Law Number 24 of 2011 concerning the Social Security Organizing Agency, there has been a very fundamental change in terms of Health Services. Health facilities within the Ministry of Defense and TNI which also affect budget governance. This legal research is a normative law with sources of primary and secondary legal materials that aim to review and analyze the legal rules regarding the management of income income received by Health Facilities within the Ministry of Defense and the TNI based on Law Number 44 of 2009; and reviewing and analyzing conflicting norms for the use of the TNI Health Facility as of the enactment of Law Number 24 of 2011 concerning the Health Insurance Administering Body. The results showed that the TNI Hospital which is a health facility owned by the Government should be subject to the rules contained in RI Law No. 44 of 2009 concerning Hospitals.</em>

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